203 research outputs found

    Don\u27t leave your heart at work

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    The present study adopts an exploratory, person-oriented approach to investigate possible patterns of work-life interference. We examine work–life interference from a cognitive (i.e., thinking about work), behavioral (i.e., engaging in work-related behavior), and performance perspective (i.e., reduced functionality in private life, or work–life conflict) in order to identify profiles of employees that could potentially remain uncovered with variable-oriented research. Furthermore, as work–life interference relates to well-being and health, we were interested in exploring possible differences between profiles in emotional exhaustion, cardiometabolic risk, and health-related behavior. Self-report data on work–life interference and well-being, as well as objective health data, were collected from a heterogeneous sample of 289 employees. Four profiles with different patterns of work–life interference were identified. Out of the four profiles, two profiles reported moderate and high work–life interference (the Moderate Interference and High Interference profiles). The other two profiles revealed distinct combinations of moderate and low performance and behavioral interference (the Low Performance Interference and Low Behavioral Interference profiles). The High Interference and Low Behavioral Interference profiles were identified as risk groups in terms of cardiometabolic health, while the Low Performance Interference and Moderate Interference profiles showed low to no risk. Regarding work-related well-being, the High Interference profile showed the highest risk of emotional exhaustion

    Regulatory job stressors and their within-person relationships with ego depletion: The roles of state anxiety, self-control effort, and job autonomy

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    AbstractOur research aimed at disentangling the underlying processes of the adverse relationship between regulatory job stressors and ego depletion. Specifically, we analyzed whether state anxiety and self-control effort would mediate the within-person relationships of time pressure, planning and decision-making, and emotional dissonance with ego depletion. In addition, we also tested potential attenuating effects of situational job autonomy on the adverse effects of regulatory job stressors on state anxiety, self-control effort, and ego depletion. Based on an experience sampling design, we gathered a sample of 97 eldercare workers who provided data on 721 experience-sampling occasions. Multilevel moderated serial mediation analyses revealed that time pressure and emotional dissonance, but not planning and decision-making, exerted significant serial indirect effects on ego depletion via state anxiety and self-control effort. Finally, we found conditional serial indirect effects of all three regulatory job stressors on ego depletion as a function of job autonomy. Theoretical implications for scholarly understanding of coping with regulatory job stressors are discussed

    What Moderates the Relation Between Intragroup Conflict, Emotional Exhaustion, and Work Engagement?

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    The present study investigated whether emotion regulation moderates the association between relationship conflict and group emotional exhaustion and whether conflict management moderates the association between task conflict and group work engagement in organizational workgroups. We conducted hierarchical regression and moderation analyses on questionnaire responses from the members of 91 workgroups (N = 595). The analyses revealed that emotion regulation via distraction moderated the influences of relationship conflict on group emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, a cooperative style of conflict management moderated the influences of task conflict on group work engagement. The findings suggest that distraction and a cooperative style are effective for moderating group emotional exhaustion and group work engagement respectively. Future research should use a more interpretive perspective to gain deeper insight on the ways of managing conflict at the workgroup level. This study suggests which strategies would be most useful for reducing group emotional exhaustion and for increasing group work engagemen

    How Work Intensification Relates to Organization-Level Safety Performance: The Mediating Roles of Safety Climate, Safety Motivation, and Safety Knowledge

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    Recent changes in the world of work have led to increased job demands with subsequent effects on occupational safety. Although work intensification has been linked to detrimental safety behavior and more accidents, there is so far no sufficient explanation for this relationship. This paper investigates the mediating roles of safety climate, safety motivation, and safety knowledge in the relationships of work intensification with components of safety performance at an organizational level. Safety engineers and managers from 122 Austrian high-accident companies participated in a cross-sectional survey. In line with our hypotheses, work intensification negatively related to both components of safety performance: safety compliance and safety participation. The results of a serial multiple mediation analysis further revealed safety climate and safety motivation to be serial mediators of the relationship between work intensification and safety performance. Unexpectedly, safety knowledge and safety climate only serially mediated the relationship between work intensification and safety compliance, but not the relationship between work intensification and safety participation. This study provides evidence for the detrimental effect of work intensification on safety performance across organizations. Additionally, this study offers an explanation as to how work intensification affects safety performance, enabling practitioners to protect their occupational safety procedures and policies from work intensification

    A Cross-cultural Assessment of the Competency Needs of Women Operating in the Context of SMMEs in South Africa

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    Previous reports identified two types of entrepreneurs: opportunity entrepreneurs and necessity entrepreneurs. Opportunity entrepreneurs are those who discover or identify an opportunity or gap in the marketplace and embark on the entrepreneurial journey to fill that gap. By contrast, the necessity entrepreneurs embark on the journey out of a need to survive due to a lack of employment, have reached the peak of their careers (glass ceiling), or lack the necessary qualifications to work for other firms. Given that “necessity”, rather than “opportunity”, has been identified as the main reason why women venture into business ownership in South Africa, it can, therefore, be deduced that many women embark on the entrepreneurial journey ill-prepared, with little understanding of the intricacies of business operation and management and possessing few or no skills and competencies. Researchers in the past have suggested that focusing on the internal factors, especially the “people issues” facing the entrepreneurs (in this case females), may give the business a better chance of success. A “mixed-method” approach, conducted in two parts, was adopted for this study. The qualitative aspect utilised semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The qualitative study was exploratory and the method of data collection was mostly based on communication by means of face-to-face interaction with participants. Personal interviews were conducted with female entrepreneurs over a period of five months, following which focus group discussions were conducted (with female entrepreneurs). It focused on exploring the link between entrepreneurial competencies and the business success of female owner and managed SMMEs in South Africa. Cross-cultural differences were explored and the arguments were examined inductively and deductively using thematic content analysis. Samples comprise 128 female entrepreneurs drawn from the four government identified races (Black Africans, White, Indian and Coloured). The qualitative findings from the current research revealed that female SMMEs entrepreneurs from the previously most disadvantaged groups in society under apartheid, (Black Africans and Coloured), made no comments indicative of possessing technical competencies. Nevertheless, in the quantitative findings, the technical competency had relatively high correlations with measures of business success, such as the black women entrepreneurs’ satisfaction with financial performance, where α = .34. Further, the regression analysis confirmed that the competencies studied in this current research do influence business success. This suggests that technical competencies are not only important for all SME’s but that in particular, the previously disadvantaged groups in South Africa may especially benefit from increased training (and if necessary from concomitant levels of physical technical resource allocation) in this area.” This study offers an insight into the factors that influence the business success of South African female SMMEs operators and their decision for new venture creation and its possible link to the strategies they adopt to grow and sustain their businesses. A practical contribution of this research was to specifically highlight some of the individual competency needs of the different groups in the South African society, and in particular to delineate some of the specific competency training needs (e.g. in technical competency training) of women that were most disadvantaged under apartheid. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2017.v8n1p2

    Polarisierung in Österreich während der COVID-19-Pandemie: Wie kann Solidarität gestärkt werden?

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    Die privaten, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Realitäten vieler Menschen haben sich im Verlauf der Covid-19 Pandemie weiter auseinanderentwickelt. Unterschiedliche Gruppen in der Gesellschaft haben die Pandemie und ihre Bewältigung jeweils anders wahrgenommen und die Meinungen der anderen Gruppen abgewertet. Spannungen zwischen Personen mit unterschiedlichen Meinungen und Haltungen nehmen zu, sei es innerhalb von Familien, dem Freundeskreis, in der Arbeitswelt, oder auf gesellschaftlicher und politischer Ebene. Zahlreiche internationale empirische Studien bestätigen diese Beobachtungen

    Predictive performance models in the South African Business Process Services industry

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    Abstract: Orientation: An earlier systematic literature review study (Jacobs & Roodt, 2011) conducted on research in Business Process Services (BPS) industry sector companies identified a number of variables that could be empirically linked to turnover intention and individual performance. The literature pointed to a potential health promotion process, as well as an individual performance process in the BPS environment. Research purpose: The purpose of this study is to test two different predictive models that may explain two distal outcomes, namely turnover intention and individual employee performance, in the South African (SA) BPS industry

    Совершенствование организационной структуры управления карьера Калмыкар

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    Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка предложений по совершенствованию организационной структуры управления карьера Кальмакыр АО Алмалыкский ГМК.The objective is to develop proposals for improving the organizational structure of management career Kalmakyr joint stock company "Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant

    Menschen schützen und unterstützen: warum Solidarität weiterhin gefragt ist in der Pandemie

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    Seit Beginn der Pandemie hat sich unser Fachwissen sowohl über die Ausbreitung des Virus als auch über Präventionsmaßnahmen vervielfacht. Tests, Impfungen und Therapien sind verfügbar und viele Fragestellungen durch die Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre gelöst worden. Trotzdem bleibt die Entscheidungsfindung für Interventionen im Sinne der öffentlichen Gesundheit weiterhin eine Herausforderung. Dafür kann die unabhängige und interdisziplinäre Wissenschaft weiterhin wichtige Impulse setzen und Perspektiven liefern. Dieses Papier stellt einige zentrale Punkte zusammen, die aus einem intensiven Diskursprozess entstanden sind, der in den letzten Monaten unter den angeführten Expert*innen und Wissenschafter*innen verschiedener Disziplinen stattgefunden hat. Es besteht der Grundkonsens, dass eine gesundheitspolitische und ethische Notwendigkeit besteht, den Schutz jener Menschen im Blick zu behalten, welche anfälliger für schwere COVID-19 Krankheitsverläufe, als auch Long Covid sind, sowie deren Umfeld und generell im Hinblick auf Gesundheitsfragen vorsichtig agierende Personen. Dieses Papier soll Bewusstsein für die Thematik stärken, und Entscheidungsträger:innen sensibilisieren und darin unterstützen, diese Personenkreise in ihren Überlegungen im Blick zu behalten

    Covid-19: Szenarien für Herbst/Winter 2022 – und darüber hinaus

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    Die vergangenen Monate haben dynamische Entwicklungen der Pandemie verdeutlicht. Als Folge dessen kam es quasi zeitgleich in Österreich im ersten Quartal des Jahres 2022 neben dem Beschluss äußerst restriktiver Vorgaben wie der Impfpflicht auch wieder zur Aufhebung fast aller Schutzmaßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die letzten beiden Jahre haben gezeigt, wie dynamisch und rasch sich die Situation phasenweise in der Pandemie ändern kann. Jede Phase erfordert – und je länger die Pandemie andauert, umso mehr – verstärkt interdisziplinäre Zugänge und klare Zielsetzungen für Public Health Interventionen. Dies ist einerseits im Sinne einer verständlichen Kommunikation gegenüber der allgemeinen Bevölkerung wichtig, und andererseits im Sinne einer effektiven Bekämpfung der Ausbreitung der Pandemie unbedingt erforderlich