793 research outputs found

    A comparative study of student engagement, satisfaction, and academic success among international and American students

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    Higher education is becoming increasingly globalized and internationalized, and the number of international students studying in U.S. institutions of higher education is continuously growing. International students contribute to their own success, campus diversity, campus internationalization, and the U.S. economy. However, it is not merely enough to bring international students--it is critical to serve them, retain them, and graduate them. Programs and services that stimulate international student engagement in educationally purposeful activities are crucial. Student engagement in effective educational practices is associated with high levels of learning and personal development. While student engagement has been studied extensively for American students, this is not the case for international students. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between student engagement and student satisfaction and the academic success of international and American students using 2008 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data. Specifically, it investigated how institutional type (classification and control) and critical mass (percentage of international students and academic major) affect student engagement (represented by five NSSE benchmarks) and how student engagement affects student satisfaction and academic success. In addition, this study compared student engagement of international and American students. This study is significant for research by informing the audience about the extent to which international students are satisfied with their experiences, how they interact with peers and faculty, and how they participate in educational activities. It contributes to policy by informing institutions how funds should be allocated toward particular effective educational practices and to practice by informing administrators, faculty, and staff about what international students do while they are in college thus informing them how to intervene in order to improve their experience while studying in the U.S. In addition, this study informs professional organizations and graduate leadership programs in higher education regarding specialized opportunities that could be offered for international educators\u27 professional development. Findings could be also used by international students and parents to inform them of effective education practices that could improve their student engagement, satisfaction, and consequently, their academic success

    Чутливість розв’язків при моделюванні динаміки інвестицій

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    The efforts of researchers for analysis of the financial investment market are largely aimed at considering multi-criteria problems with a large number of criteria, studying and solving investment management problems in static and dynamic settings, building procedures for an adequate description of random processes of market price changes, developing applied numerical methods and algorithms for solving large-scale problems. These problems as tasks of management under conditions of uncertainty refer equally to the fundamental problems of the applied theory of decision-making. The researches of R. Bellman, J. Danzig, R. Merton, and G. Markowitz are aimed at establishing the fundamental foundations and studying various meaningful interpretations of financial analysis processes. Thus, in the static case, they obtained fundamental results that had a wide practical application. The property of the distribution of the optimal portfolio into risk-free and risky components for the case of the presence of a risk-free asset on the market was established, and the fundamental properties of the equilibrium market of optimal portfolios were investigated. Dynamic models of asset and liability management have found the most successful application in the field of long-term financial planning, where the need for repeated decision-making is determined by the essence of the process. Pages of the article in the issue: 51 - 54 Language of the article: UkrainianРозглядається математична задача чутливості розв’язків диференціальних рівнянь, що описують динаміку портфеля акцій на ринку цінних паперів

    Історіографія дослідження організаційно-педагогічних засад діяльності дитячого будинку у системі освіти України (20-ті – середина 30-х рр. ХХ ст.)

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    The historiography research peculiarities of organizational and pedagogical foundations of the childrenʼs home activity in Ukrainian educational system in 1920-s – mid 1930-s are studied. In particular the author proposes the periodization of historiographical analysis taking into consideration the formation and development of native history of pedagogics periodization. It includes the following perods: 1) the first period of historiography of socializing functions of children’s home in the Ukrainian educational system (1920-1930-s) 2) the second period (1940-1990-s), the third period of the research of historiography begins since 1990 and continues since that time. The author, in particular, profoundly analyzed all mentioned periods and made proper conclusions.У статті розглядаються особливості історіографії дослідження організаційно-педагогічних засад діяльності дитячого будинку у системі освіти України у 20-тих – середині 30-тих рр. ХХ ст. Зокрема, автором була запропонована періодизація історіографічного аналізу досліджуваної проблеми враховуючи періодизацію становлення й розвитку вітчизняної історії педагогіки, що включає наступні періоди: 1) перший період історіографії соціалізаційних функцій дитячого будинку в системі освіти України (20-ті – 30-ті рр. ХХ ст.); 2) другий період (40-90-ті рр. ХХ ст.); третій період дослідження історіографії починається з 1990 року і триває до сьогодні. Автором, зокрема, було зроблено ґрунтовний аналіз кожного з зазначених періодів з відповідними висновками

    Hemispheric Asymmetry and Stress Exposure Model in a Professional Evaluation Situation

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    The urgency of the study on the system of psychophysiological and psychological (temperamental and personal) factors of stress exposure in a situation of professional evaluation of the subjects is considered. The results of the empirical study of stress factors including psychophysiological, temperological and personal characteristics of the subjects are given. The analysis is made with the use of hardware–software system ‘Aktivatsiometr 9К’ by Y.А. Tsagarelli to detect psychophysiological parameters (functional hemispheric asymmetry, activation of the brain hemispheres, strength and lability of the nervous system), «Structure of temperament questionary» by V.М. Rusalov, and diagnosis of the strategic options for choosing a life journey ofthe ‘Typology of Personal Choice’ by V.G. Gryazeva-Dobshinskaya and A.S. Maltseva. Individually typological, as well as dynamic and activity-situational (in a situation of professional evaluation) characteristics of activation and hemispheric asymmetry of the subjects are calculated. Stress reaction is detected, provided individual-typological and activity situational characteristics of activation of the subjects differ by more than 1.5 times. Fifty-six senior students aging between 20 and 25 are the sample of the analysis. The sample is divided into two groups in accordance with the response to the situation of assessment of professional competence: group 1 (n1 = 19 people) with a detected stress reaction, group 2 (n1 = 37 people), in which the stress reactionis not detected. The correctness of the obtained differentiation in the groups of students, differing in the system of indicators of psychophysiological, temperological and personal characteristics is proved with the help of discriminate analysis. The model of stress exposure in a situation of professional evaluation is developed. Keywords: functional hemispheric asymmetry, everyday stress, professional evaluation, temperamental characteristics, personal choic

    Деметрио Д. Семейные записи: между памятью и дневниками настоящего

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    Duccio Demetrio is a professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, scientific director of the National Center for Research and Study of Autobiography at the Free University of Autobiography of Anghiari (which he founded in 1998), founder of the Society for Pedagogy and Didactics of Letters; editor of the publication “Adultità”, which is aimed at an in-depth study of various aspects of autobiographical writing, generational memory, as well as issues related to family practices of archiving memory. Duccio Demetrio is author of many articles and monographs, such as: “Education in adult life. For a phenomenological theory of experiences and origins” [1], “Self story. Autobiography as self-care” [2], “Clinical writing. Autobiographical counselling and existential fragility” [3], “Philosophy of education in adulthood. Symbolism, myth and self-images” [4], “Ingratitude. The short memory of gratitude” [5], “Write, Brother Francis. The autonarrative manual” [6]. The main his scientific research topics are include the study of autobiographical writing as a philosophical practice, as a means for internal self-knowledge and introspection; research in education, pedagogy and didactics. This article presents an analysis of autobiographical writing, its forms and types, among which special attention paid to the study of family writings, diaries, letters, notes. In the first part the author emphasizes the dual nature of this genre — its educational and therapeutic value. The second part examines the potential applications of autobiographical notes in clinical and pedagogical practice. It also presents a wide range of types and forms of autobiographical family writings. The following is a detailed analysis of each type, with a focus on examining notes and testimonies that are a reflection of psycho-emotional states, emotional experiences and experiences. All footnotes and references are given according to the original source.Дуччо Деметрио — профессор Миланского университета Бикокка, научный директор Национального центра исследований и изучения автобиографии в Свободном университете автобиографии Ангиари (который он основал в 1998 году), основатель Общества педагогики и дидактики письма; редактор издания «Adultità», которое направлено на углубленное изучение разных аспектов автобиографического письма, памяти поколений, а также вопросов, связанных с семейными практиками архивирования памяти. Автор множества статей и монографий, таких как: «Образование во взрослом возрасте. К феноменологической теории проживания и происхождения» [1], «Само-рассказ. Автобиография как забота о себе» [2], «Клиническое письмо. Автобиографическая консультация и экзистенциальная хрупкость» [3], «Философия образования во взрослом возрасте. Символика, миф и образы себя» [4], «Неблагодарность. Короткая память признательности» [5], «Пиши, брат Франциск. Руководство по самонарративу» [6]. К основным темам его научных исследований относятся изучение автобиографического письма в качестве философской практики, как средства для внутреннего самопознания и самоанализа; исследования в образовании, педагогики и дидактики. В данной статье представлен анализ автобиографического письма, его форм и видов, среди которых особое внимание уделено изучению семейных записей, дневников, писем, заметок. В первой части автор подчеркивает двойственную природу этого жанра — его образовательное и терапевтическое значение. Во второй части рассматривается возможность применения автобиографических записей в клинической и педагогической практике. Здесь также представлен широкий спектр типов и форм автобиографических семейных записей. При подробном анализе каждого типа, основной акцент делается на изучении записей и свидетельств, которые являются отражением психоэмоциональных состояний, душевных переживаний и полученного опыта. Все сноски и ссылки даны согласно оригинальному источнику.Перевод выполнен по изданию | The translation is made according to the edition: Demetrio, D. “Le scritture famigliari tra memoria e diari del presente”, in Rivista Italiana Di Educazione Familiare, 2009, 3(1), pp. 19–38. URL: https://doi.org/10.13128/RIEF-307

    Виды использования и социально-экономические функции ландшафтов Московской области

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    В статье рассматривается роль ландшафта Московской области как важного экономического ресурса – материальной основы размещения производительных сил и местообитания человека, как жизнеобеспечивающего ресурса и носителя духовной культуры общества. Анализируются произошедшие за последние тридцать лет изменения социально-экономических функций и видов использования ландшафтов Московской области, прослеживается динамика изменений различных отраслей хозяйства и структуры землепользования Московской области за постсоветский период, взаимосвязь преобразующей деятельности человека с природным окружением. Выявляются причины ускоренной трансформации природных и селитебных территорий, образования многообразных антропогенных ландшафтов, возникновения конфликтных ситуаций при изменении функций территории

    Estonian and Danish Milk Producers Competitiveness in Comparison With the FADN Database Data During the Period 2007-2012

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    Magistritöö eesmärk on võrrelda Eesti ja Taani piimatootjate konkurentsivõimet FADN andmebaasi alusel perioodil 2007-2012. Konkurentsivõime hindamiseks kasutatakse tootlikkuse, ettevõtjatulu, vahetarbimise, netolisandväärtuse näitajaid ning piima kokkuostuhinda. Analüüs teostatakse avaliku Euroopa Liidu FADN (põllumajanduslik raamatupidamise andmebaas) andmebaasi andmete põhjal. Analüüsitaval perioodil on vaadeldud piimatootjaid, kelle standardkogutoodang (SKT) oli vahemikus 100 000 kuni >500 000 eurot. Magistritöö eesmärgi täitmiseks teostati kulude analüüs, tootlikkuse analüüs, ettevõtjatulu, netolisandväärtuse ja vahetarbimise näitajate analüüs ning selgitati välja piima kokkuostuhinna mõju piimatoodangule ja söödakulule ning söödakulu mõju piimatoodangu kogusele, kasutades korrelatsioonanalüüsi. Eesti ja Taani kulude analüüsist selgus, et Eesti ettevõtete kapitalikulu oli suurusklassis 6 suurem kui samas suurusklassis Taani piimatootjatel. Eesti piimatootjad suurusklassis 5 kulutasid söödale vähem kui Taani ettevõtted. Piimatootjate suurusklassis 6 aga söödakulu oli oluliselt suurem kui Taani samasse suurusklassi kuluvatel ettevõtetel. Omatoodetud sööda kulu osakaal kogu sööda kulust oli Eesti piimatootjatel suurem kui Taani ettevõtetel. Eesti piimatootjate energiakulu oli mõlemas suurusklassis suurem kui Taani ettevõtetel. Tööjõukulude ja töötundide analüüs näitas, et Eesti piimatootjad kasutavad rohkem tööjõudu, kuid tunnitasu oli märkimisväärselt odavam kui Taanis. Eesti ja Taani kulude tootlikkuse analüüsimisel oli väljunditeks kogu piimatoodangu väärtus (SE 216) (€) ja piimatoodang (kg). Kui väljundiks oli piimatoodangu väärtus, siis Eesti piimatootjatel oli ainult kapitalikulude tootlikus suurusklassis 6 suurem kui Taani samasse klassi kuuluvatel ettevõtetel. Teiste sisendite tootlikus oli Eestis mõlemas suurusklassis väiksem kui Taanis. Kasutades väljundiks piimatoodangut (kg) tootlikkuse analüüsist selgus, et kapitali-, kariloomade sööda-, omatoodetud sööda-, tööjuõukulude tootlikkus oli Eestis piima tootmisele spetsialiseerunud ettevõtetel suurem kui Taani ettevõtetel. Energiakulude ning põllumajandusmaa tootlikus oli Eestis ikkagi madal. Eesti piimatootjate probleemiks oli madal energiakulude ja maa tootlikkus. Maa madal tootlikkus tulenes keskmise piimatootja maa kasutusest. Eesti piimatootjad kasutasid oluliselt rohkem maad kui Taani piimatootjad. Analüüsides 1 tonni piima keskmise kokkuostuhinna mõju piimatoodangu kogusele (SE 125), kariloomade sööda kulule (SE 310), omatoodetud sööda kulule (SE 315) ning söödakulude mõju piimatoodangu kogusele jõuti järgmistele järeldustele, et keskmine piima kokkuostuhind Eestis mõjutab oluliselt piimatoodangut lehma kohta mõlemas suurusklassis, Taanis oli sama seos negatiivne. Nii Eestis kui Taanis oli piima keskmise kokkuostuhinna seos söödakuluga (SE 310) tugev. Eestis ja Taanis keskmine piima kokkuostuhind avaldab suuremat mõju omatoodetud sööda kulule (SE 315) suurusklassis 5. Söödakulu (SE 310) Eestis mõlemas suurusklassis mõjutab oluliselt piimatoodangut lehma kohta. Taanis aga ilmnes suurusklassis 5 negatiivne seos (-0,146), suurusklassis 6 nõrk seos (0,488).The objective of the Master Thesis is to compare competitiveness of Estonian and Danish milk producers according to FADN database between 2007 and 2012. In order to assess competitiveness, indicators of productivity, entrepreneurial income, intermediate consumption, net added value as well as milk procurement price are used. Only data of these milk producers whose standard total production was between 100 000 and >500 000 euros were included in the analysis. In order to achieve the objective of the thesis, the author carried through analysis of costs, analysis of productivity, indicators of productivity, entrepreneurial income, intermediate consumption, net added value analysis. Furthermore, impact of milk procurement price on milk production and feed costs as well as impact of feed costs on milk production capacity was figured out with the help of correlation analysis. The analysis of costs in Estonia and Denmark showed that average capital costs in size class 6 of Estonian milk producers were higher than in Denmark. Estonian milk producers of size class 5 spent less on feed than Danish companies. Feed costs of milk producers in size class 6 were considerably larger than those that Danish companies of the same size class had. Share of self-produced feed in total feed costs of Estonian milk producers was higher than in Denmark. Energy costs by both the classes of the Estonian milk producers were higher than those of the Danish. Analysis of labour costs and working hours showed that Estonian milk producers use more labour, but hourly wages in Estonia are considerably lower than these of Denmark. While analysing costs productivity in Estonia and Denmark, the outcomes were total milk production value (SE 216) (€) and milk production (kg). In case milk production value was the outcome, it was only capital costs productivity in size class 6 that was higher than that of the Danish same size companies. Productivity of other inputs in both the size classes of Estonia was less than in Denmark. Using milk production (kg) brought out that capital, feed, self-produced feed and labour costs productivity was higher in Estonia than in Denmark. Energy costs and agricultural land productivity in Estonia are low. The problem in case of Estonia is low energy costs and land productivity. Productivity of land depended on average land using by milk producer. The Estonian milk producers used land considerably more than the Danish ones. Analysis of impact by average procurement price of 1 ton milk to the quantity of milk production (SE 125), cattle feed costs (SE 310), self-produced feed costs (SE 315) and feed costs impact on milk production quantity brought out the following conclusions: average milk procurement price in Estonia influences very much average milk production per cow in both the size classes and the same correlation was negative in Denmark. Correlation between average milk procurement and feed costs (SE 310) both in Estonia and Denmark is strong. Average milk procurement price in Estonia and Denmark has more impact on self-produced feed costs (SE 315) in size class 5. Feed costs (SE 310) in both the Estonian size classes influence very much milk production per cow. In case of Denmark negative relationship occurred in size class 5 (-0.146), and the correlation was weak in size class 6 (0.488)


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    The method of forecasting of the filling concreting process according to the observational data of the stowing material’s state indices is carried out at earlier time series. The method of predicting the hardening process is based on pattern recognition methods. An algorithm for the case when the training set contains sets of time series of several classes is proposed.W pracy omówiono metodę prognozowania wypełnień w procesie betonowania, na podstawie danych obserwacyjnych stanu materiału sztauerskiego, w oparciu o zarejestrowane uprzednio szeregi czasowe. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie dotyczące procesu utwardzania bazuje na metodach rozpoznawania wzorców. Zaproponowano algorytm dla przypadku, gdy zestaw uczący zawiera zestawy szeregów czasowych dla kilku klas