41 research outputs found

    Thyroid hormones and their placental deiodination in normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancy

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    Pre-eclampsia is associated with lower serum selenium concentrations and glutathione peroxidase expression/activity; total thyroid hormones are also lower. Objectives, study design and main outcome measures: We hypothesised that the placental selenoprotein deiodinase (D3) will be protected in pre-eclampsia due to the hierarchy of selenoprotein biosynthesis in selenium deficiency. Venous blood and tissue from three standardised placental sites were obtained at delivery from 27 normotensive and 23 pre-eclamptic women. mRNA expression and enzyme activity were assessed for both deiodinases (D2 and D3); protein expression/localisation was also measured for D3. FT4, FT3 and TSH concentrations were measured in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Results: No significant differences in D3 mRNA or protein expression between normotensive and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. There was a significant effect of sampling site on placental D3 activity only in pre-eclamptic women (P = 0.034; highest activity nearest the cord). A strong correlation between D3 mRNA expression and enzyme activity existed only in the pre-eclamptic group; further strengthened when controlling for maternal selenium (P < 0.002). No significant differences were observed between groups for any of the maternal thyroid hormones; umbilical TSH concentrations were significantly higher in the pre-eclamptic samples (P < 0.001). Conclusions: D3 mRNA and protein expression appear to be independent of selenium status. Nevertheless, the positive correlation between D3 mRNA expression and activity evident only in pre-eclampsia, suggests that in normotensive controls, where selenium is higher, translation is not affected, but in pre-eclampsia, where selenium is low, enzyme regulation may be altered. The raised umbilical TSH concentrations in pre-eclampsia may be an adaptive fetal response to maximise iodide uptake

    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 modulates the viability and invasive capacity of human placental cells and fetoplacental growth in mice

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    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a well-established thyroid hormone (TH) transporter. In humans, MCT8 mutations result in changes in circulating TH concentrations and X-linked severe global neurodevelopmental delay. MCT8 is expressed in the human placenta throughout gestation, with increased expression in trophoblast cells from growth-restricted pregnancies. We postulate that MCT8 plays an important role in placental development and transplacental TH transport. We investigated the effect of altering MCT8 expression in human trophoblast in vitro and in a Mct8 knockout mouse model. Silencing of endogenous MCT8 reduced T3 uptake into human extravillous trophoblast-like cells (SGHPL-4; 40%, P<0.05) and primary cytotrophoblast (15%, P<0.05). MCT8 over-expression transiently increased T3 uptake (SGHPL-4∶30%, P<0.05; cytotrophoblast: 15%, P<0.05). Silencing MCT8 did not significantly affect SGHPL-4 invasion, but with MCT8 over-expression T3 treatment promoted invasion compared with no T3 (3.3-fold; P<0.05). Furthermore, MCT8 silencing increased cytotrophoblast viability (∼20%, P<0.05) and MCT8 over-expression reduced cytotrophoblast viability independently of T3 (∼20%, P<0.05). In vivo, Mct8 knockout reduced fetal:placental weight ratios compared with wild-type controls at gestational day 18 (25%, P<0.05) but absolute fetal and placental weights were not significantly different. The volume fraction of the labyrinthine zone of the placenta, which facilitates maternal-fetal exchange, was reduced in Mct8 knockout placentae (10%, P<0.05). However, there was no effect on mouse placental cell proliferation in vivo. We conclude that MCT8 makes a significant contribution to T3 uptake into human trophoblast cells and has a role in modulating human trophoblast cell invasion and viability. In mice, Mct8 knockout has subtle effects upon fetoplacental growth and does not significantly affect placental cell viability probably due to compensatory mechanisms in vivo

    Type II and type III deiodinase activity in human placenta as a function of gestational age

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    Thyroid hormones are essential for fetal development. T4 can be activated by type I (ID-I) and type II (ID-II) iodothyronine deiodinase or inactivated by type III deiodinase (ID-III). The influence of placental ID-II and ID-III on the regulation of fetal thyroid hormone levels was investigated. Using [125I]T4 and [125I]T3, respectively, ID-II and ID-III activities were measured in homogenates of normal human placentas from 6-43 weeks gestational age and in placentas from five term neonates with a total thyroid hormone synthesis defect. ID-II and ID-III activities related to protein or DNA concentration decreased and total placental ID-III activity increased significantly during pregnancy, whereas the increase in total placental ID-II activity was not significant. Absolute placental ID-II activity was approximately 200 times lower than ID-III activity at all gestational ages. Therefore, fluctuations in ID-II activity were not likely to have a significant influence on fetal thyroid hormone concentrations, but may play a role in the regulation of intraplacental T3 generation. The high ID-III activity most likely influences the thyroid hormone economy of the fetus. Severely hypothyroid newborns showed strongly decreased serum T4 levels, but serum T3 and placental ID-III activities were similar to those in euthyroid newborns. These results suggest that placental ID-III activity is regulated by serum T3, but not by serum T

    Timing of metamorphosis and the onset of the negative feedback loop between the thyroid gland and the pituitary is controlled by type II iodothyronine deiodinase in Xenopus laevis

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    Two important features of amphibian metamorphosis are the sequential response of tissues to different concentrations of thyroid hormone (TH) and the development of the negative feedback loop between the pituitary and the thyroid gland that regulates TH synthesis by the thyroid gland. At the climax of metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis (when the TH level is highest), the ratio of the circulating precursor thyroxine (T(4)) to the active form 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T(3)) in the blood is many times higher than it is in tissues. This difference is because of the conversion of T(4) to T(3) in target cells of the tadpole catalyzed by the enzyme type II iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) and the local effect (cell autonomy) of this activity. Limb buds and tails express D2 early and late in metamorphosis, respectively, correlating with the time that these organs undergo TH-induced change. T(3) is required to complete metamorphosis because the peak concentration of T(4) that is reached at metamorphic climax cannot induce the final morphological changes. At the climax of metamorphosis, D2 expression is activated specifically in the anterior pituitary cells that express the genes for thyroid-stimulating hormone but not in the cells that express proopiomelanocortin. Physiological concentrations of T(3) but not T(4) can suppress thyrotropin subunit β gene expression. The timing and the remarkable specificity of D2 expression in the thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary coupled with the requirement for locally synthesized T(3) strongly support a role for D2 in the onset of the negative feedback loop at the climax of metamorphosis