493 research outputs found

    A política cultural desenvolvida para o Núcleo de Casas Enxaimel e os seus resultados para o município de Ivoti/RS

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    This article studies the cultural policy developed for the “Núcleo de Casas Enxaimel de Ivoti/RS”, identifying the actions of revitalization and historical valuation carried out on site and analyzing the results has been submitted to the municipality, in relation to the tourism promotion. Worked with documentary and bibliographical research, as well as with the methodology of Oral History, from thematic interviews, collecting-if evidence of tourists who have visited the space. It was possible to perceive, by analyzing the data, that the visitor have affinity with the space; understanding it as a vestige of the presence of colinização held by German immigrants in the municipality and building recognition of ethnic and cultural identity.Este artigo estuda a política cultural desenvolvida para o Núcleo de Casas Enxaimel de Ivoti/RS, identificndo as ações de revitalização e de valorização histórica realizadas no local e analisando os resultados que vem se apresentado para o município, em relação à promoção turística. Trabalhou-se com pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, bem como com a metodologia da História Oral, a partir de entrevistas temáticas, coletando-se testemunhos de turistas que visitaram o espaço. Foi possível perceber, pela análise dos dados que os visitante têm afinidade com o espaço; compreendendo-o como vestígio da presença da colinização realizada por imigrantes de origem alemã no município e reconhecimento de construção de identidade étnico-cultural. 

    Development of homogeneous expression of resistance in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clinical strains is functionally associated with a β-lactam-mediated SOS response

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    Objectives: One of the main characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from both hospitals and community is their heterogeneous expression of resistance. Recently, we reported new heterogeneous MRSA isolates phenotypically susceptible to oxacillin despite being mecA positive. These low-level mecA-mediated resistance MRSA strains are very heterogeneous in expression (HeR) and are likely to be clinically relevant since exposure of such isolates to b-lactams can result in high-level homotypic resistance (HoR). We hypothesized that HeR to HoR selection in these clinically relevant strains may be determined by the pre-existence of a hypermutable population that favours its selection in the presence of oxacillin. Methods: Using established procedures, SA13011 HeR to HoR selection was performed by using subinhibitory concentrations of oxacillin and examined for mutability. Real-time RT-PCR and transcriptional profiling by DNA microarray were used to compare gene expression between both populations and related genetically modified SA13011 strain. Results: We found that HeR/HoR selection by oxacillin was associated with increased mutation rate and oxacillin-mediated SOS response. We determined increased expression of both mecA and SOS response lexA/recA regulators. Mutational inactivation of lexA repressor resulted in a significant decrease in both mutation rate and oxacillin resistance in the HoR cells. Complementation of the lexA mutant strain restored oxacillin resistance to the high levels observed in the corresponding HoR wild-type strain. Conclusions: The present results support the notion that SOS response is mechanistically involved in generating mutations that, in addition to mecA induction, allow the selection of a highly oxacillin-resistant population.Fil: Cuirolo, Arabela Ximena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Plata, Konrad. University of Virginia; Estados UnidosFil: Rosato, Adriana E.. University of Virginia; Estados Unido

    Uszkodzenie błon komórkowych jako cel interwencji terapeutycznej w procesach neurozwyrodnieniowych — miejsce citikoliny

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    Rozpad błon komórkowych jest charakterystyczną cechą i końcowym etapem neurozwyrodnienia, zarówno przebiegającego ostro (np. uraz i udar mózgu), jak i przewlekle (np. choroba Parkinsona czy choroba Alzheimera [AD, Alzheimer disease]). W ostatnich latach przeprowadzono wiele badań doświadczalnych i klinicznych, w których analizowano zmiany stężeń fosfolipidów zawierających cholinę, będących wskaźnikiem uszkodzenia błon komórkowych neuronów. Wykazano, że takie procesy patologiczne, jak uwalnianie glutaminianu, napływ wapnia do komórki oraz aktywacja fosfolipa- zy A2, stanowią istotne etapy kaskady zmian prowadzących do rozpadu błon komórkowych w warunkach niedotlenienia i niedokrwienia. W badaniach spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego wskazano wzrost związków zawierających cholinę w mózgach pacjentów z AD i z innymi chorobami neurozwyrodnieniowymi. Stwierdzenie, że cholina była czynnikiem regulującym szybkość biosyntezy fosfolipidów, stało się podstawą do dalszych badań klinicznych mających na celu przeciwdziałanie rozpadowi fosfolipidów, między innymi przez podawanie choliny i cytydyny. Prezentowany artykuł przedstawia aktualne dane dotyczące terapeutycznego działania citikoliny, ukierunkowanego na odbudowę integralności błon komórkowych, oparte na badaniach klinicznych u pacjentów z różnymi schorzeniami neurozwyrodnieniowymi

    O Museu do Trem de São Leopoldo RS: uma “estação” de memória no caminho do tempo

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    Este artigo objetiva apresentar o histórico e a composição do acervo e do espaço onde funcionou a primeira estação de trem implantada no Rio Grande do Sul, localizada na região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, precisamente na cidade de São Leopoldo. Sendo que tal lugar, desde a década de 1980, tornou-se o Centro de Preservação da História da Ferrovia ”“ Museu do Trem, local de memória e preservação histórica. A metodologia utilizada para essa pesquisa, além do levantamento bibliográfico, configura-se em análise de conteúdo do acervo e entrevista com a mediadora do museu. &nbsp


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    RESUMOEste artigo procura apresentar o histórico do Salão Holler, localizado no município de Ivoti/RS, analisando o seu processo de preservação patrimonial. Sobretudo, busca-se identificar a ação do processo de tombamento, bem como as ações que vêm sendo praticadas e estudadas para a preservação e ressemantização enquanto patrimônio cultural. Destaca-se o projeto de levantamento cadastral e de danos contratado pela Prefeitura junto a uma empresa especializada, e posterior proposta apresentada para trabalho de conclusão de curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Assim, busca-se refletir sobre o complexo percurso para a revitalização, bem como apresentar as possibilidades de novos usos para o referido prédio para a comunidade local e para os turistas, tendo como base os benefícios históricos, culturais e econômicos que essa revitalização deve proporcionar ao ser reincorporada a vida da cidade. As fontes de pesquisa utilizadas são bibliográficas e documentais, destacando-se o uso de matérias publicadas nos jornais locais.ABSTRACTThis paper seeks to present the history of the Salão Holler, located in the Ivoti/RS, analyzing its process of site preservation. Mainly, it seeks to identify the process of its listing as heritage site, as well as the actions that have been made and the studies for its preservation and resemantization as a cultural patrimony. We highlight the project of cadastral survey and register of damages requested by the city hall with a specialized company and later the propose presented as undergraduate thesis in Architecture and Urbanism course. Thus, it is sought to reflect on the complex course for its revitalization, as well as to present the possibilities of new uses for the building by the local community and by tourists, based on the historical, cultural and economic benefits that this revitalization should provide when reincorporated to the life of the city. The sources of research used are bibliographical and documentary, with emphasizis to the use of materials published in local newspapers

    BigBrain 3D atlas of cortical layers: Cortical and laminar thickness gradients diverge in sensory and motor cortices.

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    Histological atlases of the cerebral cortex, such as those made famous by Brodmann and von Economo, are invaluable for understanding human brain microstructure and its relationship with functional organization in the brain. However, these existing atlases are limited to small numbers of manually annotated samples from a single cerebral hemisphere, measured from 2D histological sections. We present the first whole-brain quantitative 3D laminar atlas of the human cerebral cortex. It was derived from a 3D histological atlas of the human brain at 20-micrometer isotropic resolution (BigBrain), using a convolutional neural network to segment, automatically, the cortical layers in both hemispheres. Our approach overcomes many of the historical challenges with measurement of histological thickness in 2D, and the resultant laminar atlas provides an unprecedented level of precision and detail. We utilized this BigBrain cortical atlas to test whether previously reported thickness gradients, as measured by MRI in sensory and motor processing cortices, were present in a histological atlas of cortical thickness and which cortical layers were contributing to these gradients. Cortical thickness increased across sensory processing hierarchies, primarily driven by layers III, V, and VI. In contrast, motor-frontal cortices showed the opposite pattern, with decreases in total and pyramidal layer thickness from motor to frontal association cortices. These findings illustrate how this laminar atlas will provide a link between single-neuron morphology, mesoscale cortical layering, macroscopic cortical thickness, and, ultimately, functional neuroanatomy

    Plan der Gränzen des Burgfriedens von Regensburg

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    Digital media availability has surged over the past decade. Because of a lack of comprehensive measurement tools, this rapid growth in access to digital media is accompanied by a scarcity of research examining the family media context and sociocognitive outcomes. There is also little cross-cultural research in families with young children. Modern media are mobile, interactive, and often short in duration, making them difficult to remember when caregivers respond to surveys about media use. The Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure (CAFE) Consortium has developed a novel tool to measure household media use through a web-based questionnaire, time-use diary, and passive-sensing app installed on family mobile devices. The goal of developing a comprehensive assessment of family media exposure was to take into account the contextual factors of media use and improve upon the limitations of existing self-report measures, while creating a consistent, scalable, and cost-effective tool. The CAFE tool captures the content and context of early media exposure and addresses the limitations of prior media measurement approaches. Preliminary data collected using this measure have been integrated into a shared visualization platform. In this perspective article, we take a tools-of-the-trade approach (Oakes, 2010) to describe four challenges associated with measuring household media exposure in families with young children: measuring attitudes and practices; capturing content and context; measuring short bursts of mobile device usage; and integrating data to capture the complexity of household media usage. We illustrate how each of these challenges can be addressed with preliminary data collected with the CAFE tool and visualized on our dashboard. We conclude with future directions including plans to test reliability, validity, and generalizability of these measures