32 research outputs found

    Algebraic Goodwillie spectral sequence

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    Let sL\mathit{s}\mathcal{L} be the \infty-category of simplicial restricted Lie algebras over F=Fp\mathbf{F} = \overline{\mathbf{F}}_p, the algebraic closure of a finite field Fp\mathbf{F}_p. By the work of A. K. Bousfield et al. on the unstable Adams spectral sequence, the category sL\mathit{s}\mathcal{L} can be viewed as an algebraic approximation of the \infty-category of pointed pp-complete spaces. We study the functor calculus in the category sL\mathit{s}\mathcal{L}. More specifically, we consider the Taylor tower for the functor Lr ⁣:ModF0sLL^r\colon \mathcal{M}\mathrm{od}^{\geq 0}_{\mathbf{F}} \to \mathit{s}\mathcal{L} of a free simplicial restricted Lie algebra together with the associated Goodwillie spectral sequence. We show that this spectral sequence evaluated at ΣlF\Sigma^l \mathbf{F}, l0l\geq 0 degenerates on the third page after a suitable re-indexing, which proves an algebraic version of the Whitehead conjecture. In our proof we compute explicitly the differentials of the Goodwillie spectral sequence in terms of the Λ\Lambda-algebra of A. K. Bousfield et al. and the Dyer-Lashof-Lie power operations, which naturally act on the homology groups of a spectral Lie algebra. As an essential ingredient of our calculations, we establish a general Leibniz rule in functor calculus associated to the composition of mapping spaces, which conceptualizes certain formulas of W. H. Lin. Also, as a byproduct, we identify previously unknown Adem relations for the Dyer-Lashof-Lie operations in the odd-primary case.Comment: 102 pages. Comments welcom

    Koszul duality for simplicial restricted Lie algebras

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    Let s0Lier\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r be the category of 00-reduced simplicial restricted Lie algebras over a fixed perfect field of positive characteristic pp. We prove that there is a full subcategory Ho(s0Lieξr)\mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r_{\xi}) of the homotopy category Ho(s0Lier)\mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r) and an equivalence Ho(s0Lieξr)Ho(s1CoAlgtr)\mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r_{\xi})\simeq\mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_1\mathsf{CoAlg}^{tr}). Here s1CoAlgtr\mathsf{s}_1\mathsf{CoAlg}^{tr} is the category of 11-reduced simplicial truncated coalgebras; informally, a coaugmented cocommutative coalgebra CC is truncated if xp=0x^p=0 for any xx from the augmentation ideal of the dual algebra CC^*. Moreover, we provide a sufficient and necessary condition in terms of the homotopy groups π(L)\pi_*(L_\bullet) for LHo(s0Lier)L_\bullet \in \mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r) to lie in the full subcategory Ho(s0Lieξr)\mathrm{Ho}(\mathsf{s}_0\mathsf{Lie}^r_{\xi}). As an application of the equivalence above, we construct and examine an analog of the unstable Adams spectral sequence of A. K. Bousfield and D. Kan in the category sLier\mathsf{sLie}^r. We use this spectral sequence to recompute the homotopy groups of a free simplicial restricted Lie algebra.Comment: 80 pages. Comments are welcom

    Начало пароходного сообщения по реке Белой: проблема датировки

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    This article considers the issue of dating the first voyage made by steamship along the Belaya River and the start of regular steam navigation in the region. Referring to the analysis of documents kept in the Department of Manufactures and Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Finance and the Economic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the author explains the need to verify the time framework of the modernisation of water transport on the Belaya River and the main events that accompanied it.According to historiography, the first steamship voyage on the Belaya River took place in 1858, when SS Groznyi and Bystryi arrived in Ufa. However, the author concludes that the first steamship voyage took place in 1856. It is suggested that in 1856, steamships worked in the lower reaches of the Belaya River transporting cargoes from small village berths. Steamships could not reach such big cities as Ufa or Birsk due to the absence of reliable information about depth measurement, so there is no information about those voyages in provincial documents. The first attempt to create a regional shipping company in the Southern Urals was not made in 1870, but in 1858. Due to the imperfection of tax legislation, the attempt to establish regional steam navigation was unsuccessful in 1858. The Belaya Shipping Company was hardly the first regional shipping carrier. As early as the second half of the 1850s and 1860s, the first regional owners of steamships appeared, consisting mostly of merchants and manufacturers, for whom river transportations were not a major activity — they considered them a need for the development of their main businesses.Статья посвящена проблеме датировки первого пароходного рейса на реке Белой и создания в регионе регулярного пароходного сообщения. На основании анализа документов Департамента мануфактур и внутренней торговли Министерства финансов и Хозяйственного департамента Министерства внутренних дел обосновывается тезис о необходимости уточнения как хронологических рамок процесса модернизации водного транспорта на Белой, так и основных его событий.В историографии утвердилось мнение, что впервые пароходная навигация на реке Белой была осуществлена в 1858 г., когда в Уфу прибыли пароходы «Грозный» и «Быстрый». Однако в статье делается вывод о том, что первый пароходный рейс на реке Белой был осуществлен еще в 1856 г. Высказывается предположение, что в 1856–1857 гг. пароходы работали в низовьях Белой, вывозя грузы с небольших сельских пристаней. Из-за отсутствия достоверных сведений о промерах глубин пароходы не поднимались до крупных городов, таких как Уфа или Бирск, по этой причине в губернских источниках сведения о данных рейсах не нашли отражения. Первая же попытка создания на Южном Урале региональной пароходной компании относится не к 1870 г., как принято считать в историографии, а к 1858 г. Однако из-за несовершенства налогового законодательства региональное пароходство в 1858 г. так и не было создано. Открытая в 1870 г. компания «Бельское пароходство» была далеко не первым региональным перевозчиком. Еще во второй половине 1850-х — 1860-е гг. появляются первые региональные пароходовладельцы, представленные преимущественно купцами и промышленниками, для которых речные перевозки не являлись основным видом деятельности, но были необходимы для развития своего бизнеса

    History of spinal neurosurgery and spine societies

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    Historically, spine and spinal cord surgery have been an integral part of neurosurgery. It was always a part of the neurosurgery education and practically a significant part of neurosurgeons’ daily work. However, spine societies have mostly been pioneered by orthopedic spine surgeons. It’s only in the last 4 decades that neurosurgeons are also forming spine societies. The term “Neurospine” becomes more popular and used by many authors, institutions during the last decades, although it is not widely used in North America. There are specific reasons for its popularity: (1) It is like a combination of neurosurgery and spine surgery. Neurosurgeons widely prefer to use it. (2) It has a sense inside to remind patients that the spine is with neurological structures. “Neurospine Surgery” is also used in the sense of a combination of “neuroscience” and “spine”. There are at least 2 journals with this theme, i.e., “Neurospine” and “Journal of Neurosurgery Spine.” [1] In this paper, a brief history of spine surgery and spine-related societies is discussed. We aimed to create a global summary of neuro spine with spinal neurosurgeons’ perspectives from other parts of the world and comment on the world's current condition

    Overview: Recent advances in the understanding of the northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China – a Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programme perspective

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    The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Plan, released in 2015, addressed a need for a holistic system understanding and outlined the most urgent research needs for the rapidly changing Arctic-boreal region. Air quality in China, together with the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants, was also indicated as one of the most crucial topics of the research agenda. These two geographical regions, the northern Eurasian Arctic-boreal region and China, especially the megacities in China, were identified as a "PEEX region". It is also important to recognize that the PEEX geographical region is an area where science-based policy actions would have significant impacts on the global climate. This paper summarizes results obtained during the last 5 years in the northern Eurasian region, together with recent observations of the air quality in the urban environments in China, in the context of the PEEX programme. The main regions of interest are the Russian Arctic, northern Eurasian boreal forests (Siberia) and peatlands, and the megacities in China. We frame our analysis against research themes introduced in the PEEX Science Plan in 2015. We summarize recent progress towards an enhanced holistic understanding of the land-atmosphere-ocean systems feedbacks. We conclude that although the scientific knowledge in these regions has increased, the new results are in many cases insufficient, and there are still gaps in our understanding of large-scale climate-Earth surface interactions and feedbacks. This arises from limitations in research infrastructures, especially the lack of coordinated, continuous and comprehensive in situ observations of the study region as well as integrative data analyses, hindering a comprehensive system analysis. The fast-changing environment and ecosystem changes driven by climate change, socio-economic activities like the China Silk Road Initiative, and the global trends like urbanization further complicate such analyses. We recognize new topics with an increasing importance in the near future, especially "the enhancing biological sequestration capacity of greenhouse gases into forests and soils to mitigate climate change" and the "socio-economic development to tackle air quality issues".Peer reviewe

    Adaptability of Millets and Landscapes: Ancient Cultivation in North-Central Asia

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    Millet is a highly adaptable plant whose cultivation dramatically altered ancient economies in northern Asia. The adoption of millet is associated with increased subsistence reliability in semi-arid settings and perceived as a cultigen compatible with pastoralism. Here, we examine the pace of millet’s transmission and locales of adoption by compiling stable carbon isotope data from humans and fauna, then comparing them to environmental variables. The Bayesian modelling of isotope data allows for the assessment of changes in dietary intake over time and space. Our results suggest variability in the pace of adoption and intensification of millet production across northern Asia.</jats:p

    The Importance of Social Networks in Neurosurgery Training in Low/Middle income countries

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    Neurosurgery is evolving with new techniques and technologies, relies heavily on high-quality education and training. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn have become integral to this training. These platforms enable sharing of surgical experiences, fostering global knowledge-sharing and collaboration among neurosurgeons. According to the PICO format, the target population (P) for the purpose of this paper are medical students, neurosurgical residents and consultants on the role of social media (I) in neurosurgery among Low-Middle income countries (C) with the main outcome to understand the collaborative domain of learning.This cross-sectional survey, conducted in June-July 2023, involved 210 medical students, neurosurgery residents, fellows, and practicing neurosurgeons from low and middle-income countries. A structured questionnaire assessed social network usage for neurosurgery training, covering demographic details, usage frequency, and purposes like education, collaboration, and communication. Participants rated these platforms' effectiveness in training on a 1-5 scale. Data collection employed emails, social media groups, and direct messaging, assuring respondent anonymity. The survey aimed to understand and improve social networks' use in neurosurgery, focusing on professional development, challenges, and future potential in training.In a survey of 210 participants from low and middle-income countries, 85.5% were male, 14.5% female, with diverse roles: 42.9% neurosurgery residents, 40% practicing neurosurgeons, 14.6% medical students, and 2.4% other healthcare professionals. Experience ranged from 0 to 35 years, with Mexico, Nigeria, and Kenya being the top participating countries. Most respondents rated neurosurgery training resources in their countries as poor or very poor. 88.7% used social media professionally, predominantly WhatsApp and YouTube. Content focused on surgical videos, research papers, and webinars. Concerns included information quality and data privacy. Interactive case discussions, webinars, and lectures were preferred resources, and most see a future role for social media in neurosurgery training.Our study underscores the crucial role of social media in neurosurgery training and practice in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Key resources include surgical videos, research papers, and webinars. While social media offers a cost-effective, global knowledge-sharing platform, challenges like limited internet access, digital literacy, and misinformation risks remain significant in these regions

    How Internet of Things Influences Human Behavior Building Social Web of Services via Agent-Based Approach

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    The paper discovers potential human interactions with growing amount of internet of things (IoT) via proposed concept of Social Web of Services (classical social web with smart things - daily life objects connected to the internet). To investigate the impact of IoT on user behaviour patterns we modelled human-thing interactions using agent-based simulation (ABM). We have proved that under certain conditions SmartThings, connected to the IoT, are able to change patterns of Human behaviour. Results of this work predict our way of living in the era of caused by viral effects of IoT application (HCI and M2M connections), and could be used to foster business process management in the IoT era