593 research outputs found
Прогнозирование и вероятностная оценка долговечности технических объектов
На основе методологии марковского анализа надежности предложен вероятностный подход к прогнозированию и оценке долговечности технических объектов. Разработана математическая модель прогнозирования долговечности с использованием статистических данных, характеризующих начальное и конечное распределение продолжительности срока службы технических объектов.На основі методології марківського аналізу надійності запропоновано ймовірнісний підхід до прогнозування та оцінки довговічності технічних об’єктів. Розроблено математичну модель прогнозування довговічності з використанням статистичних даних, що характеризують початковий та кінцевий розподіл тривалості терміну служби технічних об’єктів.Based on the methodology of the Markov analysis, a probabilistic approach to forecast and estimation of the longevity of technical objects is offered. A mathematical model of the longevity forecast is developed with the use of statistical data characterizing the initial and final distribution of the service term of technical objects
A quantitative comparison of dispersed spore/pollen and plant megafossil assemblages from a Middle Jurassic plant bed from Yorkshire, UK
Detailed quantitative data has previously been collected from plant megafossil assemblages from a Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) plant bed from Hasty Bank, North Yorkshire, UK. We conducted a similar analysis of palynological dispersed sporomorph (spore and pollen) assemblages collected from the same section using the same sampling regime: 67 sporomorph taxa were recorded from 50 samples taken at 10 cm intervals through the plant bed. Basic palynofacies analysis was also undertaken on each sample. Both dispersed sporomorph and plant megafossil assemblages display consistent changes in composition, diversity (richness), and abundance through time. However, the dispersed sporomorph and plant megafossil records provide conflicting evidence for the nature of parent vegetation. Specifically, conifers and ferns are underrepresented in plant megafossil assemblages, bryophytes and lycopsids are represented only in sporomorph assemblages, and sphenophytes, pteridosperms, Caytoniales, Cycadales, Ginkgoales and Bennettitales are comparatively underrepresented in sporomorph assemblages. Combined multivariate analysis (correspondence analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling) of sporomorph occurrence/abundance data demonstrates that temporal variation in sporomorph assemblages is the result of depositional change through the plant bed. The reproductive strategies of parent plants are considered to be a principal factor in shaping many of the major abundance and diversity irregularities between dispersed sporomorph and plant megafossil data sets that seemingly reflects different parent vegetation. Preferential occurrence/preservation of sporomorphs and equivalent parent plants is a consequence of a complex array of biological, ecological, geographical, taphonomic, and depositional factors that act inconsistently between and within fossil assemblages, which results in notable discrepancies between data sets
Buenas practicas agricolas. Impacto ambiental. Conservación de agroecosistemas
EEA Valle InferiorFil: Konijnenburg, Adriana van. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Valle Inferior; Argentin
Buenas practicas agricolas. Cosecha y conservación de cebolla
EEA Valle InferiorFil: Konijnenburg, Adriana van. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Valle Inferior; Argentin
Cebolla. Sistema de almácigo-transplante
EEA Valle InferiorFil: Konijnenburg, Adriana van. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Valle Inferior; Argentin
Prospectie met ingreep in de bodem - Limburg - Bree (Tongerlo - Bosstraat - Keyartstraat)
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