169 research outputs found

    Observational limits on type 1 active galactic nucleus rate in COSMOS

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    We present black hole masses and accretion rates for 182 Type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in COSMOS. We estimate masses using the scaling relations for the broad H β, Mg ii, and C iv emission lines in the redshift ranges 0.16 < z < 0.88, 1 < z < 2.4, and 2.7 < z < 4.9. We estimate the accretion rate using an Eddington ratio LI/L_(Edd) estimated from optical and X-ray data.We find that very few Type 1 AGNs accrete below LI/L_(Edd) ∼ 0.01, despite simulations of synthetic spectra which show that the survey is sensitive to such Type 1 AGNs. At lower accretion rates the broad-line region may become obscured, diluted, or nonexistent. We find evidence that Type 1 AGNs at higher accretion rates have higher optical luminosities, as more of their emission comes from the cool (optical) accretion disk with respect to shorter wavelengths. We measure a larger range in accretion rate than previous works, suggesting that COSMOS is more efficient at finding low accretion rate Type 1 AGNs. However, the measured range in accretion rate is still comparable to the intrinsic scatter from the scaling relations, suggesting that Type 1 AGNs accrete at a narrow range of Eddington ratio, with LI/L_(Edd) ∼ 0.1

    Massive Galaxies in COSMOS: Evolution of Black hole versus bulge mass but not versus total stellar mass over the last 9 Gyrs?

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    We constrain the ratio of black hole (BH) mass to total stellar mass of type-1 AGN in the COSMOS survey at 1<z<2. For 10 AGN at mean redshift z~1.4 with both HST/ACS and HST/NICMOS imaging data we are able to compute total stellar mass M_(*,total), based on restframe UV-to-optical host galaxy colors which constrain mass-to-light ratios. All objects have virial BH mass-estimates available from the COSMOS Magellan/IMACS and zCOSMOS surveys. We find zero difference between the M_BH--M_(*,total)-relation at z~1.4 and the M_BH--M_(*,bulge)-relation in the local Universe. Our interpretation is: (a) If our objects were purely bulge-dominated, the M_BH--M_(*,bulge)-relation has not evolved since z~1.4. However, (b) since we have evidence for substantial disk components, the bulges of massive galaxies (logM_(*,total)=11.1+-0.25 or logM_BH~8.3+-0.2) must have grown over the last 9 Gyrs predominantly by redistribution of disk- into bulge-mass. Since all necessary stellar mass exists in the galaxy at z=1.4, no star-formation or addition of external stellar material is required, only a redistribution e.g. induced by minor and major merging or through disk instabilities. Merging, in addition to redistributing mass in the galaxy, will add both BH and stellar/bulge mass, but does not change the overall final M_BH/M_(*,bulge) ratio. Since the overall cosmic stellar and BH mass buildup trace each other tightly over time, our scenario of bulge-formation in massive galaxies is independent of any strong BH-feedback and means that the mechanism coupling BH and bulge mass until the present is very indirect.Comment: Published in ApJL; 7 pages, 2 figures; updated to accepted version (methods changed, results unchanged

    A mass threshold in the number density of passive galaxies at z\sim2

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    The process that quenched star formation in galaxies at intermediate and high redshift is still the subject of considerable debate. One way to investigate this puzzling issue is to study the number density of quiescent galaxies at z~2, and its dependence on mass. Here we present the results of a new study based on very deep Ks-band imaging (with the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT) of two HST CANDELS fields (the UKIDSS Ultra-deep survey (UDS) field and GOODS-South). The new HAWK-I data (taken as part of the HUGS VLT Large Program) reach detection limits of Ks>26 (AB mag). We select a sample of passively-evolving galaxies in the redshift range 1.4<z<2.5. Thanks to the depth and large area coverage of our imaging, we have been able to extend the selection of quiescent galaxies a magnitude fainter than previous analyses. Through extensive simulations we demonstrate, for the first time, that the observed turn-over in the number of quiescent galaxies at K>22 is real. This has enabled us to establish unambiguously that the number counts of quiescent galaxies at z~2 flatten and slightly decline at magnitudes fainter than Ks~22(AB mag.). We show that this trend corresponds to a stellar mass threshold M1010.8MM_*10^{10.8}\,{\rm M_{\odot}} below which the mechanism that halts the star formation in high-redshift galaxies seems to be inefficient. Finally we compare the observed pBzK number counts with those of quiescent galaxies extracted from four different semi-analytic models. We find that none of the models provides a statistically acceptable description of the number density of quiescent galaxies at these redshifts. We conclude that the mass function of quiescent galaxies as a function of redshift continues to present a key and demanding challenge for proposed models of galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Spectrophotometric Redshifts In The Faint Infrared Grism Survey: Finding Overdensities Of Faint Galaxies

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    We improve the accuracy of photometric redshifts by including low-resolution spectral data from the G102 grism on the Hubble Space Telescope, which assists in redshift determination by further constraining the shape of the broadband Spectral Energy Disribution (SED) and identifying spectral features. The photometry used in the redshift fits includes near-IR photometry from FIGS+CANDELS, as well as optical data from ground-based surveys and HST ACS, and mid-IR data from Spitzer. We calculated the redshifts through the comparison of measured photometry with template galaxy models, using the EAZY photometric redshift code. For objects with F105W <26.5< 26.5 AB mag with a redshift range of 0<z<60 < z < 6, we find a typical error of Δz=0.03(1+z)\Delta z = 0.03 * (1+z) for the purely photometric redshifts; with the addition of FIGS spectra, these become Δz=0.02(1+z)\Delta z = 0.02 * (1+z), an improvement of 50\%. Addition of grism data also reduces the outlier rate from 8\% to 7\% across all fields. With the more-accurate spectrophotometric redshifts (SPZs), we searched the FIGS fields for galaxy overdensities. We identified 24 overdensities across the 4 fields. The strongest overdensity, matching a spectroscopically identified cluster at z=0.85z=0.85, has 28 potential member galaxies, of which 8 have previous spectroscopic confirmation, and features a corresponding X-ray signal. Another corresponding to a cluster at z=1.84z=1.84 has 22 members, 18 of which are spectroscopically confirmed. Additionally, we find 4 overdensities that are detected at an equal or higher significance in at least one metric to the two confirmed clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. To appear in Ap

    Emission Line Metallicities From The Faint Infrared Grism Survey and VLT/MUSE

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    We derive direct measurement gas-phase metallicities of 7.4<12+log(O/H)<8.47.4 < 12 + \log(O/H) < 8.4 for 14 low-mass Emission Line Galaxies (ELGs) at 0.3<z<0.80.3 < z < 0.8 identified in the Faint Infrared Grism Survey (FIGS). We use deep slitless G102 grism spectroscopy of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF), dispersing light from all objects in the field at wavelengths between 0.85 and 1.15 microns. We run an automatic search routine on these spectra to robustly identify 71 emission line sources, using archival data from VLT/MUSE to measure additional lines and confirm redshifts. We identify 14 objects with 0.3<z<0.80.3 < z < 0.8 with measurable O[III]λ\lambda4363 \AA\ emission lines in matching VLT/MUSE spectra. For these galaxies, we derive direct electron-temperature gas-phase metallicities with a range of 7.4<12+log(O/H)<8.47.4 < 12 + \log(O/H) < 8.4. With matching stellar masses in the range of 107.9M<M<1010.4M10^{7.9} M_{\odot} < M_{\star} < 10^{10.4} M_{\odot}, we construct a mass-metallicity (MZ) relation and find that the relation is offset to lower metallicities compared to metallicities derived from alternative methods (e.g.,R23R_{23}, O3N2, N2O2) and continuum selected samples. Using star formation rates (SFR) derived from the HαH\alpha emission line, we calculate our galaxies' position on the Fundamental Metallicity Relation (FMR), where we also find an offset toward lower metallicities. This demonstrates that this emission-line-selected sample probes objects of low stellar masses but even lower metallicities than many comparable surveys. We detect a trend suggesting galaxies with higher Specific Star Formation (SSFR) are more likely to have lower metallicity. This could be due to cold accretion of metal-poor gas that drives star formation, or could be because outflows of metal-rich stellar winds and SNe ejecta are more common in galaxies with higher SSFR.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Ap

    Rest-Frame UV-Optical Selected Galaxies at 2.3 ≾ z ≾ 3.5: Searching for Dusty Star-forming and Passively Evolving Galaxies

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    A new set of color selection criteria (VJL) analogous with the BzK method is designed to select both star-forming galaxies (SFGs) and passively evolving galaxies (PEGs) at 2.3 ≾ z ≾ 3.5 by using rest-frame UV-optical (V – J versus J – L) colors. The criteria are thoroughly tested with theoretical stellar population synthesis models and real galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to evaluate their efficiency and contamination. We apply the well-tested VJL criteria to the HST/WFC3 Early Release Science field and study the physical properties of selected galaxies. The redshift distribution of selected SFGs peaks at z ~ 2.7, slightly lower than that of Lyman break galaxies at z ~ 3. Comparing the observed mid-infrared fluxes of selected galaxies with the prediction of pure stellar emission, we find that our VJL method is effective at selecting massive dusty SFGs that are missed by the Lyman break technique. About half of the star formation in massive (M_(star) > 10^(10) M_☉) galaxies at 2.3 ≾ z ≾ 3.5 is contributed by dusty (extinction E(B – V) > 0.4) SFGs, which, however, only account for ~20% of the number density of massive SFGs. We also use the mid-infrared fluxes to clean our PEG sample and find that galaxy size can be used as a secondary criterion to effectively eliminate the contamination of dusty SFGs. The redshift distribution of the cleaned PEG sample peaks at z ~ 2.5. We find six PEG candidates at z > 3 and discuss possible methods to distinguish them from dusty contamination. We conclude that at least part of our candidates are real PEGs at z ~ 3, implying that these types of galaxies began to form their stars at z ≳ 5. We measure the integrated stellar mass density (ISMD) of PEGs at z ~ 2.5 and set constraints on it at z > 3. We find that the ISMD grows by at least about a factor of 10 in 1 Gyr at 3 < z <5 and by another factor of 10 in the next 3.5 Gyr (1 < z < 3)

    Observational Limits on Type 1 AGN Accretion Rate in COSMOS

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    We present black hole masses and accretion rates for 182 Type 1 AGN in COSMOS. We estimate masses using the scaling relations for the broad Hb, MgII, and CIV emission lines in the redshift ranges 0.16<z<0.88, 1<z<2.4, and 2.7<z<4.9. We estimate the accretion rate using an Eddington ratio L_I/L_Edd estimated from optical and X-ray data. We find that very few Type 1 AGN accrete below L_I/L_Edd ~ 0.01, despite simulations of synthetic spectra which show that the survey is sensitive to such Type 1 AGN. At lower accretion rates the BLR may become obscured, diluted or nonexistent. We find evidence that Type 1 AGN at higher accretion rates have higher optical luminosities, as more of their emission comes from the cool (optical) accretion disk with respect to shorter wavelengths. We measure a larger range in accretion rate than previous works, suggesting that COSMOS is more efficient at finding low accretion rate Type 1 AGN. However the measured range in accretion rate is still comparable to the intrinsic scatter from the scaling relations, suggesting that Type 1 AGN accrete at a narrow range of Eddington ratio, with L_I/L_Edd ~ 0.1.Comment: Accepted for pulication in ApJ. 7 pages, 5 figures, table 1 available on reques

    CLASH: Weak-Lensing Shear-and-Magnification Analysis of 20 Galaxy Clusters

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    We present a joint shear-and-magnification weak-lensing analysis of a sample of 16 X-ray-regular and 4 high-magnification galaxy clusters at 0.19<z<0.69 selected from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Our analysis uses wide-field multi-color imaging, taken primarily with Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. From a stacked shear-only analysis of the X-ray-selected subsample, we detect the ensemble-averaged lensing signal with a total signal-to-noise ratio of ~25 in the radial range of 200 to 3500kpc/h. The stacked tangential-shear signal is well described by a family of standard density profiles predicted for dark-matter-dominated halos in gravitational equilibrium, namely the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), truncated variants of NFW, and Einasto models. For the NFW model, we measure a mean concentration of c200c=4.010.32+0.35c_{200c}=4.01^{+0.35}_{-0.32} at M200c=1.340.09+0.101015MM_{200c}=1.34^{+0.10}_{-0.09} 10^{15}M_{\odot}. We show this is in excellent agreement with Lambda cold-dark-matter (LCDM) predictions when the CLASH X-ray selection function and projection effects are taken into account. The best-fit Einasto shape parameter is αE=0.1910.068+0.071\alpha_E=0.191^{+0.071}_{-0.068}, which is consistent with the NFW-equivalent Einasto parameter of 0.18\sim 0.18. We reconstruct projected mass density profiles of all CLASH clusters from a joint likelihood analysis of shear-and-magnification data, and measure cluster masses at several characteristic radii. We also derive an ensemble-averaged total projected mass profile of the X-ray-selected subsample by stacking their individual mass profiles. The stacked total mass profile, constrained by the shear+magnification data, is shown to be consistent with our shear-based halo-model predictions including the effects of surrounding large-scale structure as a two-halo term, establishing further consistency in the context of the LCDM model.Comment: Accepted by ApJ on 11 August 2014. Textual changes to improve clarity (e.g., Sec.3.2.2 "Number-count Depletion", Sec.4.3 "Shape Measurement", Sec.4.4 "Background Galaxy Selection"). Results and conclusions remain unchanged. For the public release of Subaru data, see http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/clash

    Hubble Space Telescope Combined Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the CLASH Sample: Mass and Magnification Models and Systematic Uncertainties

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    We present results from a comprehensive lensing analysis in HST data, of the complete CLASH cluster sample. We identify new multiple-images previously undiscovered allowing improved or first constraints on the cluster inner mass distributions and profiles. We combine these strong-lensing constraints with weak-lensing shape measurements within the HST FOV to jointly constrain the mass distributions. The analysis is performed in two different common parameterizations (one adopts light-traces-mass for both galaxies and dark matter while the other adopts an analytical, elliptical NFW form for the dark matter), to provide a better assessment of the underlying systematics - which is most important for deep, cluster-lensing surveys, especially when studying magnified high-redshift objects. We find that the typical (median), relative systematic differences throughout the central FOV are 40%\sim40\% in the (dimensionless) mass density, κ\kappa, and 20%\sim20\% in the magnification, μ\mu. We show maps of these differences for each cluster, as well as the mass distributions, critical curves, and 2D integrated mass profiles. For the Einstein radii (zs=2z_{s}=2) we find that all typically agree within 10%10\% between the two models, and Einstein masses agree, typically, within 15%\sim15\%. At larger radii, the total projected, 2D integrated mass profiles of the two models, within r\sim2\arcmin, differ by 30%\sim30\%. Stacking the surface-density profiles of the sample from the two methods together, we obtain an average slope of dlog(Σ)/dlog(r)0.64±0.1d\log (\Sigma)/d\log(r)\sim-0.64\pm0.1, in the radial range [5,350] kpc. Lastly, we also characterize the behavior of the average magnification, surface density, and shear differences between the two models, as a function of both the radius from the center, and the best-fit values of these quantities.Comment: 35 pages (20 main text pages, plus 15 pages for additional figures and tables); 2 Tables, 17 Figures. V3: accepted version; some minor corrections and additions made. V4: corrected several entries in Table 2. All mass models and magnification maps are made publicly available for the communit

    Inter-comparison of Radio-Loudness Criteria for Type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS Survey

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    Limited studies have been performed on the radio-loud fraction in X-ray selected type 1 AGN samples. The consistency between various radio-loudness definitions also needs to be checked. We measure the radio-loudness of the 407 type 1 AGNs in the XMM-COSMOS quasar sample using nine criteria from the literature (six defined in the rest-frame and three defined in the observed frame): RL=log(L5GHz/LB)R_L=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_B), q24=log(L24μm/L1.4GHz)q_{24}=\log(L_{24\mu m}/L_{1.4GHz}), Ruv=log(L5GHz/L2500A˚)R_{uv}=\log(L_{5GHz}/L_{2500\AA}), Ri=log(L1.4GHz/Li)R_{i}=\log(L_{1.4GHz}/L_i), RX=log(νLν(5GHz)/LX)R_X=\log(\nu L_{\nu}(5GHz)/L_X), P5GHz=log(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)), RL,obs=log(f1.4GHz/fB)R_{L,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_B) (observed frame), Ri,obs=log(f1.4GHz/fi)R_{i,obs}=\log(f_{1.4GHz}/f_i) (observed frame), and q24,obs=log(f24μm/f1.4GHz)q_{24, obs}=\log(f_{24\mu m}/f_{1.4GHz}) (observed frame). Using any single criterion defined in the rest-frame, we find a low radio-loud fraction of 5%\lesssim 5\% in the XMM-COSMOS type 1 AGN sample, except for RuvR_{uv}. Requiring that any two criteria agree reduces the radio-loud fraction to 2%\lesssim 2\% for about 3/4 of the cases. The low radio-loud fraction cannot be simply explained by the contribution of the host galaxy luminosity and reddening. The P5GHz=log(P5GHz(W/Hz/Sr))P_{5GHz}=\log(P_{5GHz}(W/Hz/Sr)) gives the smallest radio-loud fraction. Two of the three radio-loud fractions from the criteria defined in the observed frame without k-correction (RL,obsR_{L,obs} and Ri,obsR_{i,obs}) are much larger than the radio-loud fractions from other criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS submitte