256 research outputs found

    Towards increasing feedbacks and widening the diffusion of information in Social Network

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    The aim of this document is to make sure that our two strategies which allowed the increase the feedbacks and the widening of diffusion of information on social networks. starting by determine the problem thanks to a survey which we have put on line and which also look out to assist searchers at the domain of understanding precipitation the behavior of users for adopting the possible improvement. The passing of information received has been done with an experimentation which allowed to start the types of postings had a reach rate the most increasing. among the outcome of this study, there have resolution the problem of the non-satisfaction of social network' users and the increase of diffusion of middle information our two strategies, this book based on the nature of posting and the other is automatic which takes into consideration the notion of collaborative working

    Umělá inteligence pro hru Unstable Unicorns

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    This work explores artificial intelligence for the game Unstable Unicorns. This game started on Kickstarter and over the years, the game creators re- leased several expansions. This work aims to implement a game simulator for this game, analyze the game, and design the artificial intelligence for this game. First, we will analyze the game rules, game mechanics, and artificial intelligence in similar games. We implemented the game simulator as close as possible to the original rules. Afterward, we developed three different artificial intelligence algorithms. These are rule-based agents, Monte Carlo agents and evolutionary agents. Finally, we ran the experiments and com- parison tests with the implemented agents. The best-performing agent is the evolutionary agent. It is quick with the best win rate.Tato práce zkoumá umělou inteligenci pro hru Unstable Unicorns. Tato hra začala na Kickstarteru a v průběhu let tvůrci hry vydali několik rozší- ření. Tato práce si klade za cíl naimplementovat herní simulátor pro tuto hru, analyzovat hru a navrhnout umělé inteligence. Nejprve budeme analyzovat pravidla hry, herní mechaniky a zkoumání umělých inteligencí v podobných hrách. Naimplementovali jsme herní simulátor co nejblíže původním pra- vidlům. Poté jsme vyvinuli tři různé umělé inteligence. Jedná se o agenty založené na pravidlech, agenty Monte Carlo a evoluční agenty. Nakonec jsme provedli experimenty a srovnávací testy s implementovanými agenty. Nejlépe fungující agent je evoluční agent. Je rychlý s největší výherností.Katedra teoretické informatiky a matematické logikyDepartment of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical LogicFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    A new generation of electronic cigarettes

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce Elektronické cigarety nové generace je studium a porovnání dvou elektronických cigaret využívajících systém heated tobacco z hlediska emitovaných částic a jejich koncentrací. Předmětem experimentů byla elektronická cigareta I quit ordinary smoking (IQOS) a elektronické cigareta GLO. Pro účely této práce byla sestavena měřicí trať v aerosolové laboratoři FSI VUT, na které byly přístroji Aerosol Particle Sizer 3321 a TSI SMPS 3936 měřeny emitované částice výše uvedených elektronických cigaret.The subject of the bachelor thesis Electronic cigarettes of the new generation is the research and comparison of two electronic cigarettes which use heated tobacco systems with regards to emitted particles. The subject of the experiments was the electronic cigarette I quit ordinary smoking (IQOS) and electronic cigarette GLO. For the purposes of this work an experimental track was designed in the Aerosol Research Laboratory at BUT FME where the emitted particles from electronic cigarettes mentioned above were measured using instruments Aerosol Particle Sizer 3321 and TSI SMPS 3936.

    Peculiaritats al·lèliques del locus <em>S</em> de les cultivars mallorquines d’ametller

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    The examination of the allelic diversity of the locus <em>S</em> in ten almond cultivars from Majorca has shown the presence of the <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> allele in four of them, as well as the presence of five new alleles non identified so far. Although the <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> allele has been described as responsible for the expression of self-compatibility in almond, it has been recently shown that this allele has two different phenotypic expressions. As a consequence, this allele cannot be always considered an index for self-compatibility of the genotypes harbouring it. The study of the four Majorcan cultivars possessing this allele has confirmed their selfincompatibility, showing that this allele is in its phenotypically active form, as it has been also observed in a group of cultivars from southern Italy, a fact possibly suggesting a connexion between these two Mediterranean almond populations.<br><br>El examen de la diversidad alélica del locus <em>S</em> en diez cultivares mallorquines de almendro ha mostrado la presencia del alelo <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> en cuatro de ellos, así como la presencia de cinco nuevos alelos no identificados hasta ahora. Aunque el alelo <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> se ha descrito como responsable de la expresión de la autocompatibilidad del almendro, recientemente se ha descubierto que tiene dos expresiones fenotípicas diferentes, por lo que no siempre se puede considerar un índice de la autocompatibilidad de los genotipos que lo presentan. El estudio de los cuatro cultivares mallorquines que presentan este alelo ha confirmado su autoincompatibilidad, de manera que este alelo se expresa en estos cultivares en su forma fenotípicamente activa, como también se ha comprobado en un grupo de cultivares del sur de Italia, lo que podría indicar una conexión entre estas dos poblaciones mediterráneas de almendro. [ca] L’examen de la diversitat al·lèlica del locus <em>S</em> en deu cultivars mallorquines d’ametller ha mostrat la presència de l’al·lel <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> en quatre, així com la presència de cinc al·lels nous fins ara no identificats. Encara que l’al·lel <em>S<sub>f</sub></em> s’ha descrit com a responsable de l’expressió de l’autocompatibilitat de l’ametller, fa poc que s’ha descobert que té dues expressions fenotípiques diferents, pel que no sempre es pot considerar un índex de l’autocompatibilitat dels genotips que el tenen. L’estudi de les quatre cultivars mallorquines que presenten aquest al·lel ha confirmat la seva autoincompatibilitat, de manera que aquest al·lel s’hi expressa en la seva forma fenotípicament activa, com també s’ha comprovat en un grup de cultivars del sud d’Itàlia, fet que podria indicar una connexió entre aquestes dues poblacions mediterrànies d’ametller

    Commercial and industrial implication of the variability of oil and protein content and of the nut and kernel physical traits of almond in Mediterranean climates

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    Se determinaron los caracteres físicos y la composición química de los frutos de 11 cultivares de almendro cultivados en dos zonas distintas, Zaragoza (España) y Meknès (Marruecos). Independientemente de la variabilidad entre cultivares para todos los parámetros medidos, el efecto del año fue significativo para todos los parámetros físicos, excepto para el espesor de la pepita. Igualmente fue significativo el efecto de la localidad para todos los parámetros físicos, excepto para la longitud y el índice de esfericidad del fruto, la longitud y la anchura de la pepita, y el rendimiento en pepita. La calidad física de las pepitas producidas en Zaragoza fue mayor que las producidas en Meknès, probablemente por el diferente sistema de cultivo y las condiciones ambientales que fueron más extremas en Meknès. Estos resultados muestran que las condiciones de cultivo adecuadas favorecen el aumento de los caracteres conducentes a una mayor calidad física del fruto y de la pepita. En cuanto al contenido en aceite y en proteína, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los genotipos y las localidades. Las condiciones ambientales y de cultivo de Zaragoza favorecieron la acumulación de aceite en la pepita, mientras que las de Meknès favorecieron la acumulación de proteína. Ello apunta a que la utilización industrial de los distintos cultivares estudiados no sólo depende del propio cultivar, sino también de las condiciones ambientales y de cultivo, lo que debe tenerse muy en cuenta para la valorización de la producción en las distintas zonas de cultivo del almendroThe fruit physical traits and the chemical composition were determined for 11 almond cultivars grown in two different regions: Zaragoza (Spain) and Meknès (Morocco). Independently of the variability among cultivars for all traits measured, the year effect was significant for all physical traits except for kernel thickness. The location effect was significant for all physical traits except for fruit length and sphericity, kernel length and width, and kernel percentage. The physical quality of the kernels produced in Zaragoza was higher than that of the kernels produced in Meknès, probably because of the different growing system and the environmental conditions, more extreme in Meknès. These results show that adequate growing conditions favour the increase of traits leading to increased physical quality of nuts and kernels. The cultivar and the location effects were significant for the contents of oil and protein. The environmental and growing conditions of Zaragoza led to a higher oil accumulation, whereas those of Meknès to a higher protein accumulation. These results indicate that the industrial utilization of the different almond cultivars does not only depend on the cultivar, but also on the environmental and growing conditions, a fact to be considered when marketing the production of the different growing region

    Evaluation de la tolérance des fleurs d’amandier à la gelée par fluorescence de la chlorophylle

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    Most almond cultivars are susceptible to negative temperatures, a limiting factor for almond expansion to regions with risks of spring frosts. Flower and fruitlet tolerance to frosts has only been studied so far by observing the morphological damages produced by low temperatures. Thus, our objective was the evaluation of chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) to estimate the tolerance of 12 commercial almond cultivars of different origin to low temperatures. Flowers were maintained for 24 hours at different temperatures (0º, -1º, -2º and -3ºC), after which CF was measured. In general, the variable fluorescence (Fv) and the ratio Fv/Fm decreased with time in all genotypes, although the rate of decrease depended on the genotype. The decrease of these parameters was slower in the cultivars tolerant to low temperatures, whereas the decrease was linear or/and sigmoid in the susceptible cultivars. In general, the classification of genotypes with this technique according to their frost tolerance level agreed with the published references. These results point out that chlorophyll fluorescence is a promising technique (fast, quantitative, easy and non-destructive) to ascertain the tolerance of almond genotypes to frosts independently of their blooming timeLa plupart des variétés d'amandier sont sensibles aux gelées, ce qui constitue un facteur déterminant dans la propagation et l'expansion de sa culture aux régions à haut risque de gelées printanières. De nos jours, la tolérance des fleurs et des petits fruits aux gelées a été évaluée en observant visuellement les dégâts morphologiques causés par les gelées. Notre objectif est l'évaluation de l'usage de la fluorescence de la chlorophylle (CF) pour estimer la tolérance de 12 cultivars commerciaux d'amandier de différentes provenances aux faibles températures. Avant de procéder aux mesures de CF, les fleurs ont été soumises pendant 24 h à différentes températures (0º, -1º, -2º y -3ºC). En général la fluorescence variable (Fv) et le ratio Fv/Fm ont diminué avec la température chez tous les génotypes, malgré que la vitesse de réduction était variable en fonction du génotype. Le taux de réduction de ces paramètres est plus lent chez les cultivars qui tolèrent les basses températures, alors que la réduction est quadratique ou linéaire chez les génotypes sensibles. En général, la classification des génotypes avec cette technique en fonction de leur tolérance aux gelées est en concordance avec les résultats publiés. Ces résultats indiquent que la fluorescence de la chlorophylle est une technique prometteuse (rapide, quantitative, facile et non destructive) pour évaluer la tolérance des génotypes d'amandier aux gelées printanières indépendamment de leur époque de floraiso