23 research outputs found

    Einfluss des Flavonoids Quercetin auf den mTOR-Signalweg von Zervix- und Mammakarzinomzellen

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    Einfluss des Flavonoids Quercetin auf den mTOR-Signalweg von Zervix- und Mammakarzinomzellen

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    Digital Onboarding

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    Forskning viser at en vanlig Ă„rsak til tidlig turnover i mange organisasjoner er mangelfulle onboardingsprosesser (Leveraas 2019). Å integrere en nyansatt er en kompleks prosess som krever innsats av bĂ„de leder og HR-avdelingen. Da Covid-19 brĂžt ut og satte store deler av den norske befolkningen pĂ„ hjemmekontor Ăžkte kompleksiteten rundt temaet ytterligere. Vi vil derfor med denne oppgaven besvare fĂžlgende problemstilling: “Hvordan gjennomfĂžre en vellykket digital onboarding?”. For Ă„ besvare problemstillingen er det innhentet relevant teori som viser til tre omrĂ„der det bĂžr fokuseres pĂ„ i en onboardingsprosess: suksesskriterier, strategiske nivĂ„er samt faser og aktiviteter. NĂ„r prosessen utfĂžres digitalt viser teorien at det er ytterligere tre forutsetninger som bĂžr ligge til grunn: viljen til Ă„ anvende teknologi, kunnskapen til Ă„ anvende teknologi og at man har det rette utstyret. PĂ„ bakgrunn av den teoretiske forankringen er det formulert tre analysespĂžrsmĂ„l som skal bidra til Ă„ besvare oppgavens problemstilling. Vi har valgt Ă„ utfĂžre en kvalitativ undersĂžkelse for Ă„ fĂ„ en dypere forstĂ„else av hva som skal til for Ă„ skape en vellykket digital onboarding. Vi har gjennomfĂžrt Ă„tte individuelle dybdeintervjuer med fem nyansatte og tre HR-ledere. Det har gitt oss verdifull innsikt i respondentens tanker, erfaringer og holdninger til den digitale prosessen og en indikasjon pĂ„ hva som har fungert bra og hva som potensielt kunne ha gjort prosessen bedre. Funnene viser blant annet at flertallet av de nyansatte Ăžnsket en mer nĂŠrvĂŠrende leder, bedre tilrettelegging for samarbeid med kollegaer og en dypere forstĂ„else for organisasjonen som helhet. Respondentene er enige om at dette har pĂ„virket trivselen i stor grad og at en “normal” onboarding med fysisk tilstedevĂŠrelse er Ă„ foretrekke. Med denne innsikten vil vi avslutningsvis presentere fokusomrĂ„der vi mener bĂžr vektlegges ved en digital onboarding og dermed besvare oppgavens problemstilling: “Hvordan gjennomfĂžre en vellykket digital onboarding?”

    Pretreatment serum xanthophyll concentrations as predictors of head and neck cancer recurrence and survival

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    BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to examine associations of pretreatment serum carotenoids, tocopherols, and quercetin with prognosis in 154 patients newly diagnosed with head and neck cancer.MethodsPretreatment blood and health surveys were collected. Serum micronutrients were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. Data on recurrence and death were collected annually. Cox proportional hazards models measured associations of serum nutrient concentrations with recurrence and overall survival.ResultsDuring a median follow‐up time of 37 months, there were 32 recurrences and 27 deaths. After controlling for covariates, subjects with high versus low serum xanthophyll and total carotenoid concentrations had significantly longer recurrence‐free time (p = .002 and p = .02, respectively). Overall survival time was significantly longer in patients with high versus low serum xanthophyll concentrations (p = .02).ConclusionFuture research should evaluate the possible benefits of interventions to increase intakes of rich food sources of xanthophylls in this patient population. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 38: E1591–E1597, 2016Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137428/1/hed24283.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137428/2/hed24283_am.pd

    Quantification of Autophagy During Senescence

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    Autophagy constitutes an evolutionarily conserved catabolic process that contributes to the clearance of damaged cellular components in response to a variety of stress conditions. Additionally, it plays a variety of physiological and pathophysiological roles in maintaining cell homeostasis. Recently, the critical role of autophagy during cellular senescence has been supported by evidences demonstrating the reversal of senescence by the reestablishment of autophagy. As considerable attention has been directed toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying senescence and autophagy, a method to accurately quantify autophagy during senescence is critical to understand its role in senescence and senescence-related diseases. In this chapter, we describe the use of CYTO-ID¼ green dye and DQℱ Red BSA to monitor the autophagic flux as an accurate method to quantify autophagic activity. This technique relies on the specificity of CYTO-ID¼ green dye in staining autophagosome and the cleavage of the self-quenched DQℱ Red BSA protease substrates in an acidic compartment. In particular, herein we describe protocols to quantify autophagy during senescence.1