101 research outputs found
Trends in physical health complaints among adolescents from 2014 – 2019: Considering screen time, social media use, and physical activity
The rising rates of physical and mental health complaints among adolescents observed in many countries have coincided with an increased time spent on screen-based devices, including social media use. We sought to document recent trends in physical health complaints (PHC) and whether co-occurring trends in screen time, social media use, and physical activity may account for these trends. To achieve these aims, we used data from the nationwide Ungdata surveys conducted annually at the municipality level in Norway, comprising 419,934 adolescents aged 13–18 from six survey years (2014–2019). Six items assessed PHC, including neck and shoulder pain, headache, and abdominal pain, during the past month. To account for the nesting structure of Ungdata, and to exploit the variation within and between municipalities, we used multilevel analyses with adolescents nested in municipality-years (n = 669), nested in municipalities (n = 345). We found a small to moderate linear increase in number of PHC among boys and girls from 2014 to 2019. Screen time and social media use moderately attenuated the trend for girls, and to a lesser extent for boys. Screen time and social media use were further positively associated with PHC across the between and within-municipality levels, and social media use was more strongly associated with PHC for girls than boys across all levels of analysis. A similar pattern emerged when considering each symptom individually. The results suggest that the prevalence of PHC rose in tandem with a group-level shift towards higher screen time and social media use. Moreover, the results indicate that higher screen time and social media use may have led to changes in the youth culture with potential consequences for adolescents’ well-being.publishedVersio
SOSIALE FERDIGHETER HOS SMÅ SPEDBARN - Undersøkelser av mødre og spedbarn i Double Video paradigme
Double Video paradigmet representerer en «lukket videosirkel» hvor mor og spedbarn sitter fysisk adskilt i hver sitt rom og kommuniserer med hverandre via video- og audio-kanaler hvor de er i en direkte interaksjon (Direkte), eller hvor mor eller spedbarnet får overført et opptak av partneren fra litt tidligere i interaksjonen (Opptak). Manipulasjonen skaper et brudd på sosial kontingens. Double Video paradigmet gjør det mulig å undersøke om spedbarn er sensitive til brudd på sosial kontingens, og om mødres interaksjonsatferd endres når spedbarna ikke lenger responderer aktivt på mors atferd. Double Video laboratoriet i Bergen bestod av 5 betingelser; Direkte 1-Opptak 1-Direkte 2-Opptak 2-Direkte 3. Våre undersøkelser av barnets blikkfokus og affektive uttrykk gir støtte for en sensitvitet til sosial kontingens hos to måneder gamle spedbarn. Resultater viser også at mødres vokaliseringer endres, avhengig av kvaliteten på interaksjonen med spedbarnet. Resultatene fra Double Video laboratoriet i Bergen gir empirisk støtte for at to måneder gamle spedbarn er sensitive til kvalitative endringer i mors atferd under interaksjon, og at mødre er avhengig av aktive bidrag fra spedbarnet for å opprettholde egen interaksjonsatferd. Dette tilbakeviser påstanden om at proto-dialog mellom spedbarn og omsorgsgiver er en enveis prosess som er drevet av omsorgsgiver
Time in bed, sleep sufficiency and emotional and behavioral problems in a general population of 10-12 year old children
Objective: To examine the relationship between time in bed, sleep sufficiency and emotional and behavioral problems in a general population of children aged 10-12 years (N=5095). Methods: Emotional and behavioral problems were assessed using The Strength and Difficulties questionnaire, which was completed by children, parents and teachers. Data on time in bed, sleep sufficiency and potential confounders (gender, pubertal development, mother’s education and family economy) were parent reported. Results: Controlling for gender, pubertal development and socioeconomic status, childrens emotional and behavioral problems as rated by parents were related to insufficient sleep. Self-reported emotional symptoms and parent-reported conduct problems were associated with both shorter time in bed and insufficient sleep. Teacher-reported hyperactivity was associated with long time in bed. Conclusions: Children with self-reported emotional symptoms or parent-reported conduct problems seem to spend too little time in bed and to obtain insufficient sleep.publishedVersio
Precursors of delayed sleep phase in adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess sleep behavior, sleep problems and mental health in childhood as possible candidate precursors for the development of delayed sleep phase (DSP) during adolescence. METHODS: A longitudinal cohort study of 2200 children at age 7-9 (T1), 11-13 (T2), and 16-19 (T3) years. DSP was assessed at T3, and mental health problems by the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire and time in bed and sleep problems at T1 and T2. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine associations between sleep and mental health at T1 and T2, and subsequent DSP at T3. Estimated marginal means were computed to compare mental health at T1 and T2 in adolescents with and without DSP. RESULTS: Sleeping less than 9 hours per night at age 11-13 was significantly associated with DSP at 16-19 years (adjusted odds ratio = 3.37). Sleep problems at 11-13 years of age were more frequent among those who developed DSP compared to children who did not develop DSP (20% vs. 12%) but the results did not remain significant when controlling for early mental health problems. Sleep problems and mental health at 7-9 years of age was not related to later DSP. In the crude analyses, all Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) subscales at 11-13 years was significantly associated with later DSP, but in the fully adjusted analysis, only the SDQ total score and hyperactivity subscale remained statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Children with DSP in adolescence possess identifiable risk indicators in childhood
MÃ¥leegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Crowell-prosedyren
Crowell-prosedyren er utviklet for å observere og vurdere samspillet mellom omsorgsgivere og sped- og småbarn gjennom en sekvens av ni ulike oppgaver, med en varighet på 45 minutter. Prosedyren ble utviklet av Crowell og kollegaer ved Stanford universitetet i USA i 1988, og har senere blitt revidert flere ganger. Det foreligger en norsk upublisert oversettelse av prosedyren. Samspillet mellom omsorgsgiver og barn skåres på to hovedskalaer som måler henholdsvis barnets atferd og hvordan foreldre forholder seg til barnet. Barnedelen har syv delskalaer og foreldredelen har fem. Det er ingen kjente formelle krav til kompetanse for bruk av prosedyren. Opplæring gis i form av et tre-dagers kurs. Det ble ikke identifisert noen relevante norske eller skandinaviske publikasjoner. Litteratursøket ga ikke grunnlag for å vurdere måleegenskapene ved den norske versjonen av Crowell-prosedyren. Måleegenskapene til den norske versjonen er ukjent.publishedVersio
Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Respekt (2. utg.)
Source at https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/respekt-2-utg/.Respektprogrammet er et skoleomfattende utviklingsprogram for å forebygge og redusere problematferd hos elever. Programmet beskriver hvordan en skole gjennom en innovasjonsprosess blant skolens ansatte kan utvikle og implementere tiltak basert på programmets fire prinsipp; myndig klasseledelse, at tiltakene gjennomsyrer alle deler av skolens virksomhet (bredde), at de ulike tiltakene samsvarer (konsistens) og at arbeidet følges opp (kontinuitet). Programmet retter seg mot alle skoler, og ble utviklet ved Senter for atferdsforskning (SAF, fra 2013 del av Nasjonalt senter for læringsmiljø og atferdsforskning; Læringsmiljøsenteret) ved Universitetet i Stavanger, som et bidrag til EU programmet Connect 2001. Respekt implementeres for tiden ikke aktivt. Videre utvikling og tilrettelegging av programmet avhenger av myndighetenes prioriteringer.
Litteratursøk i Mbase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS, SweMed ble supplert med fullstendig litteraturliste fra tiltakseier. Totalt syv artikler ble funnet å være relevante, hvorav tre evaluerer effekten av tiltaket basert på resultatene fra to longitudinelle kohort-studier.
Respekt er et godt beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk begrunnelse og en systematisk implementeringsstrategi. Den forskningsmetodiske kvaliteten på de to effektstudiene er bra, og det ble funnet små til middels store effekter på sentrale utfallsmål basert på svar fra elever og lærere.
Tiltaket klassifiseres på evidensnivå 4 – Tiltak med tilfredsstillende dokumentasjon på effekt
Past Year Cannabis Use Among Norwegian Adolescents: Time Trends Based on the Ungdata Surveys 2010–2019
Aims: To describe trends in cannabis use from 2010 to 2019 among Norwegian adolescents and relate these to individual- and municipal-level variables.
Design: Data from nationwide repeated cross-sectional surveys collected in 2010–2013 (T1), 2014–2016 (T2), and 2017–2019 (T3) were used to describe secular trends in proportions of adolescent cannabis use.
Setting: Cross-sectional surveys in 410 of the total 428 municipalities of Norway.
Participants: A total of 628,678 survey responses from adolescents aged ~13–19 years of age, in which 566,912 survey responses were eligible for analyses, representing data from 340 municipalities.
Measurements: Respondent's past year cannabis use, time, gender, school grade, municipality, geographical location, and municipality population.
Findings: Boys reported overall higher cannabis use, with ~2:1 gender ratio for any past year cannabis use and a 3:1 gender ratio for frequent cannabis use. Adolescents in Eastern Norway reported higher cannabis use compared with other areas in the country, and adolescents from municipalities with a higher population size reported higher rates of cannabis use than smaller municipalities. A gradual increase in cannabis use from T1 to T3 was found in Eastern Norway and in the largest municipalities. More generally, proportions of past year cannabis use showed a marked increase from T2 to T3 across genders, grade/age groups, geographical location, and municipality population, with few exceptions.
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that proportions of past year cannabis use have increased among Norwegian adolescents in recent years. Preventive interventions to hinder initiation of cannabis use, as well as measures to address frequent cannabis use among Norwegian adolescents, are needed.publishedVersio
Forty Years of Clathrin-coated vesicles
The purification of coated vesicles and the discovery of clathrin by Barbara Pearse in 1975 was a landmark in cell biology. Over the past 40 years, work from many labs has uncoveredthe molecular details of clathrin and its associated proteins, including how they assemble into a coated vesicle and how they select cargo. Unexpected connections have been found with signalling, development, neuronal transmission, infection, immunity, and genetic disorders. But there are still a number of unanswered questions, including how clathrin-mediated trafficking is regulated and how the machinery evolved.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tra.1233
Little in Norway: a prospective longitudinal community-based cohort from pregnancy to child age 18 months
The Little in Norway (LiN) project is a cross-disciplinary prospective longitudinal study starting in pregnancy. It was set up to investigate maternal and paternal mental health functioning in the transition to parenthood, detect pathways to healthy and aberrant child development and generate new knowledge about mechanisms underlying differential child mental health susceptibility.publishedVersio
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