116 research outputs found

    Backward pion-nucleon scattering

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    A global analysis of the world data on differential cross sections and polarization asymmetries of backward pion-nucleon scattering for invariant collision energies above 3 GeV is performed in a Regge model. Including the NαN_\alpha, NγN_\gamma, Δδ\Delta_\delta and Δβ\Delta_\beta trajectories, we reproduce both angular distributions and polarization data for small values of the Mandelstam variable uu, in contrast to previous analyses. The model amplitude is used to obtain evidence for baryon resonances with mass below 3 GeV. Our analysis suggests a G39G_{39} resonance with a mass of 2.83 GeV as member of the Δβ\Delta_{\beta} trajectory from the corresponding Chew-Frautschi plot.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Discovery of Cesium, Lanthanum, Praseodymium and Promethium Isotopes

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    Currently, forty-one cesium, thirty-five lanthanum, thirty-two praseodymium, and thirty-one promethium, isotopes have been observed and the discovery of these isotopes is discussed here. For each isotope a brief synopsis of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.Comment: To be published in At. Data. Nucl. Data Table

    Control of urea hydrolysis and nitrification in soil by chemicals - Prospects and problems

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    A review is made of the recent work to assess the prospects of regulating urea hydrolysis and nitrification processes in soils by employing chemicals that can retard urea hydrolysis and nitrification. The possible benefits from control of nitrogen transformations in terms of conserving and enhancing fertilizer nitrogen efficiency for crop production and the problems associated with their use with regard to N metabolism of plants have also been discussed with examples. Prospects of using cheap and effective indigenous materials and chemicals for control of urea hydrolysis and nitrification under specific soil situations appear eminent in improving the fertilizer nitrogen efficiency. Urease inhibitors may be helpful in reducing problems associated with ammonia volatilization if this is not offset by leaching of urea. On the other hand retardation of nitrification appears useful in reducing losses that accompany nitrification due to leaching and denitrification, and with the plants that metabolize equally well with relatively higher amounts of NH4–N may be more effective in improving the utilization of fertilizer N under these situation

    Deep GMRT radio observations and a multi-wavelength study of the region around HESS J1858+020

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    Context. There are a number of very high energy sources in the Galaxy that remain unidentified. Multi-wavelength and variability studies, and catalogue searches, are powerful tools to identify the physical counterpart, given the uncertainty in the source location and extension. Aims. This work carries out a thorough multi-wavelength study of the unidentified, very high energy source HESS J1858+020 and its environs. Methods. We have performed Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 610 MHz and 1.4 GHz to obtain a deep, low-frequency radio image of the region surrounding HESS J1858+020. We analysed archival radio, infrared, and X-ray data as well. This observational information, combined with molecular data, catalogue sources, and a nearby Fermi gamma-ray detection of unidentified origin, are combined to explore possible counterparts to the very high energy source. Results. We provide with a deep radio image of a supernova remnant that might be related to the GeV and TeV emission in the region. We confirm the presence of an H ii region next to the supernova remnant and coincident with molecular emission. A potential region of star formation is also identified. We identify several radio and X-ray sources in the surroundings. Some of these sources are known planetary nebulae, whereas others may be non-thermal extended emitters and embedded young stellar objects. Three old, background Galactic pulsars also neighbour HESS J1858+020 along the line of sight. Conclusions. The region surrounding HESS J1858+020 is rich in molecular structures and non-thermal objects that may potentially be linked to this unidentified very high energy source. In particular, a supernova remnant interacting with nearby molecular clouds may be a good candidate, but a star forming region, or a non-thermal radio source of yet unclear nature, may also be behind the gamma-ray source. The neighbouring pulsars, despite being old and distant, cannot be discarded as candidates. Further observational studies are needed, however, to narrow the search for a counterpart to the HESS source