2,992 research outputs found

    Effects of constant electric fields on the buoyant stability of reaction fronts

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    The effects that applying constant electric fields have on the buoyant instability of reaction fronts propagating vertically in a Hele-Shaw cell are investigated for a range of electric field strengths and fluid parameters. The reaction produces a decrease in density across the front such that upwards propagating fronts are buoyantly unstable in the field-free situation. The reaction kinetics are modeled by cubic autocatalysis. A linear stability analysis reveals that a positive electric field increases the stability of a reaction front and can stabilize an otherwise unstable front. A negative field has the opposite effect, making the reaction front more unstable. Numerical simulations of the full nonlinear problem confirm these predictions and show the development of cellular fingers on unstable fronts. These simulations show that the electric field effects on the reaction within the front can alter the fluid density so as to give the possibility of destabilizing an otherwise stable downward propagating front

    Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17O(p,gamma)18F reaction in a wide energy range

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    The 17O(p,g)18F reaction plays an important role in hydrogen burning processes in different stages of stellar evolution. The rate of this reaction must therefore be known with high accuracy in order to provide the necessary input for astrophysical models. The cross section of 17O(p,g)18F is characterized by a complicated resonance structure at low energies. Experimental data, however, is scarce in a wide energy range which increases the uncertainty of the low energy extrapolations. The purpose of the present work is therefore to provide consistent and precise cross section values in a wide energy range. The cross section is measured using the activation method which provides directly the total cross section. With this technique some typical systematic uncertainties encountered in in-beam gamma-spectroscopy experiments can be avoided. The cross section was measured between 500 keV and 1.8 MeV proton energies with a total uncertainty of typically 10%. The results are compared with earlier measurements and it is found that the gross features of the 17O(p,g)18F excitation function is relatively well reproduced by the present data. Deviation of roughly a factor of 1.5 is found in the case of the total cross section when compared with the only one high energy dataset. At the lowest measured energy our result is in agreement with two recent datasets within one standard deviation and deviates by roughly two standard deviations from a third one. An R-matrix analysis of the present and previous data strengthen the reliability of the extrapolated zero energy astrophysical S-factor. Using an independent experimental technique, the literature cross section data of 17O(p,g)18F is confirmed in the energy region of the resonances while lower direct capture cross section is recommended at higher energies. The present dataset provides a constraint for the theoretical cross sections.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. Abstract shortened in order to comply with arxiv rule

    New skeletal tuberculosis cases in past populations from Western Hungary (Transdanubia)

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    The distribution, antiquity and epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) have previously been studied in osteoarchaeological material in the eastern part of Hungary, mainly on the Great Plain. The purpose of this study is to map the occurrence of skeletal TB in different centuries in the western part of Hungary, Transdanubia, and to present new cases we have found. Palaeopathological analysis was carried out using macroscopic observation supported by radiographic and molecular methods. A large human osteoarchaeological sample (n = 5684) from Transdanubian archaeological sites ranging from the 2nd to the 18th centuries served as a source of material. Spinal TB was observed in seven individuals (in three specimens with Pott's disease two of which also had cold abscess) and hip TB was assumed in one case. The results of DNA for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were positive in seven of the eight cases identified by paleopathology, and negative in the assumed case of hip TB. However, the molecular results are consistent with highly fragmented DNA, which limited further analysis. Based on the present study and previously published cases, osteotuberculosis was found in Transdanubia mainly during the 9th–13th centuries. However, there are no signs of TB in many other 9th–13th century sites, even in those that lie geographically close to those where osteotuberculous cases were found. This may be due to a true absence of TB caused by the different living conditions, way of life, or origin of these populations. An alternative explanation is that TB was present in some individuals with no typical paleopathology, but that death occurred before skeletal morphological features could develop

    Stationary patterns in star networks of bistable units: theory and application to chemical reactions

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    We present theoretical and experimental studies on pattern formation with bistable dynamical units coupled in a star network configuration. By applying a localized perturbation to the central or the peripheral elements, we demonstrate the subsequent spreading, pinning, or retraction of the activations; such analysis enables the characterization of the formation of stationary patterns of localized activity. The results are interpreted with a theoretical analysis of a simplified bistable reaction-diffusion model. Weak coupling results in trivial pinned states where the activation cannot propagate. At strong coupling, a uniform state is expected with active or inactive elements at small or large degree networks, respectively. A nontrivial stationary spatial pattern, corresponding to an activation pinning, is predicted to occur at an intermediate number of peripheral elements and at intermediate coupling strengths, where the central activation of the network is pinned, but the peripheral activation propagates toward the center. The results are confirmed in experiments with star networks of bistable electrochemical reactions. The experiments confirm the existence of the stationary spatial patterns and the dependence of coupling strength on the number of peripheral elements for transitions between pinned and retreating or spreading fronts in forced network configurations (where the central or periphery elements are forced to maintain their states)

    Discovery of molecular gas around HD 131835 in an APEX molecular line survey of bright debris disks

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    Debris disks are considered to be gas-poor, but recent observations revealed molecular or atomic gas in several 10-40 Myr old systems. We used the APEX and IRAM 30m radiotelescopes to search for CO gas in 20 bright debris disks. In one case, around the 16 Myr old A-type star HD 131835, we discovered a new gas-bearing debris disk, where the CO 3-2 transition was successfully detected. No other individual system exhibited a measurable CO signal. Our Herschel Space Observatory far-infrared images of HD 131835 marginally resolved the disk both at 70 and 100μ\mum, with a characteristic radius of ~170 au. While in stellar properties HD 131835 resembles β\beta Pic, its dust disk properties are similar to those of the most massive young debris disks. With the detection of gas in HD 131835 the number of known debris disks with CO content has increased to four, all of them encircling young (\leq40 Myr) A-type stars. Based on statistics within 125 pc, we suggest that the presence of detectable amount of gas in the most massive debris disks around young A-type stars is a common phenomenon. Our current data cannot conclude on the origin of gas in HD 131835. If the gas is secondary, arising from the disruption of planetesimals, then HD 131835 is a comparably young and in terms of its disk more massive analogue of the β\beta Pic system. However, it is also possible that this system similarly to HD 21997 possesses a hybrid disk, where the gas material is predominantly primordial, while the dust grains are mostly derived from planetesimals.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 18 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Noise-induced macroscopic bifurcations in globally-coupled chaotic units

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    Large populations of globally-coupled identical maps subjected to independent additive noise are shown to undergo qualitative changes as the features of the stochastic process are varied. We show that for strong coupling, the collective dynamics can be described in terms of a few effective macroscopic degrees of freedom, whose deterministic equations of motion are systematically derived through an order parameter expansion.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., accepte

    Network analysis of England's single parent household COVID-19 control policy impact: a proof-of-concept study

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    Lockdowns have been a core infection control measure in many countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. In England s first lockdown, children of single parent households (SPHs) were permitted to move between parental homes. By the second lockdown, SPH support bubbles between households were also permitted, enabling larger within-household networks. We investigated the combined impact of these approaches on household transmission dynamics, to inform policymaking for control and support mechanisms in a respiratory pandemic context. This network modelling study applied percolation theory to a base model of SPHs constructed using population survey estimates of SPH family size. To explore putative impact, varying estimates were applied regarding extent of bubbling and proportion of Different-parentage SPHs (DSPHs) (in which children do not share both the same parents). Results indicate that the formation of giant components (in which Covid-19 household transmission accelerates) are more contingent on DSPHs than on formation of bubbles between SPHs, and that bubbling with another SPH will accelerate giant component formation where one or both are DSPHs. Public health guidance should include supportive measures that mitigate the increased transmission risk afforded by support bubbling among DSPHs. Future network, mathematical and epidemiological studies should examine both independent and combined impact of policies

    Correlational Analysis of Agronomic and Seed Quality Traits in Camelina sativa Doubled Haploid Lines under Rain-Fed Condition

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    Camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) is an emerging industrial crop from the Brassicaceae family, with its seed oil and cake being used for food, feed, and fuel applications. In this study, the relationships between economically important agronomic traits including seed yield (SY), days to maturity (DM), 1000-seed weight (TSW), seed protein content (PC), seed oil content (OC), and fatty acid composition in 136 doubled haploid (DH) camelina lines were investigated under rain-fed conditions in two consecutive years. There was prominent diversity among the studied DH lines for the agronomic traits such as seed yield, erucic acid, omega3, protein content, etc. Based on the Pearson correlation analysis of the data, SY was positively correlated with DM and OC, and negatively correlated with TSW, PC, and linolenic acid (C18:3) content. The positive relationships of the main characteristics, relevant to industrial applications, suggest the feasibility of developing new higher-yielding camelina cultivars with high seed oil content. The high seed yield of some camelina lines (DH044 and DH075) during the two growing seasons showed the potential of the lines. On the other hand, the contrasting genotypes for key traits in this study promised a favorable source to develop the superior breeding lines with higher seed yield and food/nonfood traits. Therefore, it can be concluded that the diversity of camelina DH lines traits is crucial for developing new cultivars. Furthermore, the present study reports some significant correlations among the DH lines, which may be useful for the current and future camelina breeding program