107 research outputs found

    Carbohydrate coated fluorescent Mesoporous Silica nanoparticles for Biomedical applications

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    The human body and many living organisms are comprised of very complex biological system with distinct metabolism. In order to understand life activities, we need to monitor the individual chemical interactions happening in vivo. Bioimaging with naked organic dye molecules always suffers from drawbacks such as photobleaching and biocompatibility issues. Silica matrix protects the fluorophores from external environment and provides hydrophilic shell, which improves the photostability and biocompatibility of dye molecules. A nanocarrier, which is highly compatible with the target metabolic system, may be beneficial for therapeutic and diagnostic applications in living organisms. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are highly biocompatible and safe for biological applications and may provide the solution. Therefore, this project focused on the synthesis of dye-doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles, coupling them with various bioactive carbohydrate molecules, and investigation of these nanoparticles for their potential biological applications in microorganisms. Rhodamine B, fluorescein, and methylene blue dyes were employed for doping into amine modified mesoporous silica matrix through covalent and non-covalent approaches. The results revealed that all dyes were successfully doped into the silica matrix and showed bright fluorescence. In the next stage, methylene blue encapsulated amine grafted mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MB AMSNs) were utilized for coupling with carbohydrates- glucose, maltose, ribose, and raffinose by employing N, N'-carbonyldiimidazole as a coupling agent. The chemical and physical characterization showed the successful conjugation of carbohydrates onto amine-modified silica surface. Finally, glucose conjugated methylene blue doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Glu-MB MSN) were used in bioimaging and toxicity assessments. The as-synthesized nanoparticles were investigated in E.Coli and B.Subtilis bacterial samples. The characteristic results revealed bright fluorescence in bacteria like formations via confocal microscopy. Therefore, Glu-MB MSN may be useful for bioimaging purposes. SEM images showed bacterial aggregation after treatment with nanoparticles. This interaction is relatively higher in the case of B.Subtilis. Moreover, the bacterial cell structure appeared unaltered after incubation with the nanoparticles. This suggested that the nanoparticles were not toxic to these specific bacteria. However, more studies need to be performed to confirm these results

    Carbohydrate coated fluorescent Mesoporous Silica nanoparticles for Biomedical applications

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    The human body and many living organisms are comprised of very complex biological system with distinct metabolism. In order to understand life activities, we need to monitor the individual chemical interactions happening in vivo. Bioimaging with naked organic dye molecules always suffers from drawbacks such as photobleaching and biocompatibility issues. Silica matrix protects the fluorophores from external environment and provides hydrophilic shell, which improves the photostability and biocompatibility of dye molecules. A nanocarrier, which is highly compatible with the target metabolic system, may be beneficial for therapeutic and diagnostic applications in living organisms. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) are highly biocompatible and safe for biological applications and may provide the solution. Therefore, this project focused on the synthesis of dye-doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles, coupling them with various bioactive carbohydrate molecules, and investigation of these nanoparticles for their potential biological applications in microorganisms. Rhodamine B, fluorescein, and methylene blue dyes were employed for doping into amine modified mesoporous silica matrix through covalent and non-covalent approaches. The results revealed that all dyes were successfully doped into the silica matrix and showed bright fluorescence. In the next stage, methylene blue encapsulated amine grafted mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MB AMSNs) were utilized for coupling with carbohydrates- glucose, maltose, ribose, and raffinose by employing N, N'-carbonyldiimidazole as a coupling agent. The chemical and physical characterization showed the successful conjugation of carbohydrates onto amine-modified silica surface. Finally, glucose conjugated methylene blue doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Glu-MB MSN) were used in bioimaging and toxicity assessments. The as-synthesized nanoparticles were investigated in E.Coli and B.Subtilis bacterial samples. The characteristic results revealed bright fluorescence in bacteria like formations via confocal microscopy. Therefore, Glu-MB MSN may be useful for bioimaging purposes. SEM images showed bacterial aggregation after treatment with nanoparticles. This interaction is relatively higher in the case of B.Subtilis. Moreover, the bacterial cell structure appeared unaltered after incubation with the nanoparticles. This suggested that the nanoparticles were not toxic to these specific bacteria. However, more studies need to be performed to confirm these results

    Asociación entre la etiología de las infecciones de vías urinarias durante la gestación y complicaciones perinatales, en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, Managua, durante 2018-2021

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    La infección de vías urinarias es un problema de salud pública que incrementa las complicaciones durante la gestación. La presente investigación describe las complicaciones perinatales asociadas a las infecciones de vías urinarias durante la gestación en mujeres atendidas en la sala de alto riesgo obstétrico Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, desde el año 2018 hasta 2021, Para ello se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, correlacional con 50 pacientes que presentaron infección de vías urinarias y complicaciones perinatales durante el periodo de estudio. Dentro de los resultados encontramos que la media de la edad de las pacientes en el estudio fue 24 años, de procedencia urbana 86%, escolaridad secundaria 58%, Bigestas 32%, sin antecedentes de cesárea anterior, en cuanto al microorganismo aislado se evidencio E. coli en 35 pacientes (70%), Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. 10 pacientes (20%), Enterobacter cloacae 3 pacientes (6%) y Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo 2 pacientes (4%) con respecto a las complicaciones que presentaron las pacientes se obtuvo amenaza parto pretérmino(APP) en 11 pacientes (22%) y parto pretérmino en 4 pacientes (8%). Dentro de las asociaciones se identificó que el germen aislado para APP fue E coli. (V de Cramer de 0.34 p= 0.10) y de igual manera E. Coli para ruptura prematura de membranas (V de Cramer de 0.39 p= 0.05). Se concluye que hay una asociación entre el microorganismo aislado principalmente, E. coli, y las complicaciones perinatales como: amenaza de parto pretérmino y ruptura prematura de membranas. Palabras Claves: Complicaciones perinatales, Infección de vías urinarias, embarazos, Hospital Bertha Calderó

    Famílias em situação de rua do Distrito Federal : acesso à educação sob o olhar da Bioética de Intervenção

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2018.A ética aplicada tem a responsabilidade de discutir sobre diversos assuntos, inclusive quando se trata do ser humano e seu lugar na sociedade. Com isso, é viável dizer que a abordagem sobre a situação das pessoas que vivem nas ruas é uma questão em pauta para a bioética, assim como a relação delas com a educação e a saúde ofertadas em Brasília. Assim, objetivo deste escrito foi levantar dados sobre essas pessoas no Distrito Federal e seu acesso à educação sob o olhar da bioética de intervenção. A metodologia utilizada foi pesquisas bibliográficas em livros, sítios, legislações, etc. O resultado obtido foi a observação da deficiência de dados sobre tal conjuntura, afetando, assim, a implementação de políticas públicas que poderiam melhorar ou até mesmo solucionar os problemas com o passar do tempo. Ademais, a validade da discussão sobre justiça e cidadania pode e deve estar presente na abrangência dissertada sobre o assunto em pauta. Deste modo, conclui-se que é possível atribuir certa responsabilidade à bioética de intervenção para fazer uso de ferramentas e discursos a fim de desenvolver pensamentos e advertir superiores e a própria população sobre os atuais problemas enfrentados sobre pessoas em situação de rua.The applied ethics has the responsibility to discuss about many subjects, including when it comes to the human being and his place in society. Therefore, we can say that the approach about homeless people is an important subject to bioethics, also an important subject is their relation with education and with health in Brasília. That being the case, the objective of this writing was to collect information about these people in Distrito Federal and their access to education when it comes to the intervention bioethics point of view. The methodology used was bibliographic research in books, sites, laws, etc. The acquired result was the discovery of some deficit in information data about the homelessness issue, which affects the implementation of public politics, which could amend or even solve the matter in question over time. In addition, the validity of the discussion about justice and citizenship can and must be present in the approach discourse about the point at issue. In conclusion, it is possible to attribute responsibility to the intervention bioethics to make use of mechanisms and speeches in order to develop thoughts and warn superiors and the population about the actual homelessness situation

    Bioética de Intervenção e estilos de vida: contribuições para uma compreensão crítica dos estilos de vida

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    Purpose/Context. This article, without pretending to be exhaustive, sought to systematize the concepts of lifestyles and intervention bioethics as a construct to increase the construction of healthy lifestyles. Reflecting on lifestyles and ways of living in modernity is a complex task since the capitalist way of life, as well as social inequalities, strongly reflect the different types of lifestyles. Methodology/Approach. Initially, bibliographic research was carried out in databases and virtual libraries and documentary research, using the categories "lifestyles" and bioethics; then, an analysis of the results was made; Finally, an approximation between the Bioethics of Intervention and lifestyles was proposed. Results/Findings. The results are in this framework of observations, the context of bioethics was presented, and in particular the bioethics of intervention that aims to resolve moral and ethical issues for a fair, supportive and healthy society. A healthy life is truly the greatest aspiration of all. Thus, without health, life does not have the same meaning. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. In this framework of observations, the context of bioethics was presented, and in particular the bioethics of intervention that aims to resolve moral and ethical issues for a fair, caring and healthy society.Finalidade/Contexto. Este artigo, sem pretender ser exaustivo, procurou sistematizar os conceitos de estilos de vida e bioética de intervenção como construto para incrementar a construção de estilos de vida saudáveis. Refletir sobre estilos de vida e modos de viver na modernidade é uma tarefa complexa, pois o modo de vida capitalista, assim como as desigualdades sociais, refletem fortemente os diferentes tipos de estilos de vida. Metodologia/Abordagem. Inicialmente, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica em bases de dados e bibliotecas virtuais e pesquisa documental, utilizando as categorias "estilos de vida" e bioética; em seguida, foi feita a análise dos resultados; Por fim, foi proposta uma aproximação entre a Bioética de Intervenção e os estilos de vida. Resultados/Descobertas. Os resultados são neste quadro de observações, foi apresentado o contexto da bioética, e em particular a bioética de intervenção que visa resolver questões morais e éticas para uma sociedade justa, solidária e saudável. Uma vida saudável é verdadeiramente a maior aspiração de todas. Assim, sem saúde, a vida não tem o mesmo sentido. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições. Neste quadro de observações, apresentou-se o contexto da bioética e, em particular, a bioética de intervenção que visa resolver questões morais e éticas para uma sociedade justa, solidária e saudável

    Calidad del Llenado, interpretación y utilización del Partograma como instrumento en la vigilancia del trabajo de parto en Sala de Labor y Parto del Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque durante Agosto-Octubre, 2016

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    La vigilancia del trabajo de parto ha disminuido la mortalidad materno-fetal, para la constante supervisión se ocupa como instrumento el Partograma. Por ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo con 145 pacientes, cuyo objetivo es describir la calidad del llenado, interpretación y utilización del partograma como instrumento en la vigilancia del trabajo de parto en sala de labor y parto del Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque durante agosto-octubre, 2016, concluyendo dentro de las características sociodemográficas que la mayoría de las pacientes eran menores de 15 años, escolaridad secundaria, unión estable, católica, de procedencia urbana y ama de casa. En los datos ginecobstétricos dicha mujeres eran multigestas, multípara, no han tenido ningún aborto, ni cesárea, ni legrado. Se encontraban entre as 37 y 41 semanas gestacionales, tenían más de 3 controles prenatales, período intergenésico mayor de 18 meses. En cuanto al llenado del partograma la mayoría de los casos como los datos generales del paceinte, el tiempo de inicio del partograma, el patrón de construcción de curvas, variedad de posición de la presentación se llenaron correctamente, el mayor porcentaje de los partogramas se interpretó adecuadamente y cumplieron entre 15 a 17 criterios de calidad para el llenado de los partogramas. Palabras claves: Calidad, llenado, interpretación, Partograma, Hospital Bertha Calderón Roqu

    Radiação ionizante e câncer de mama: um estudo com mulheres quilombolas de barrocas / Ionizing radiation and breast cancer: a study with quilombola women from Barrocas

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    Este estudo trata sobre a saúde da mulher negra, em especial às mulheres da Comunidade Quilombola de Barrocas, município de Vitória da Conquista-BA.  O objetivo foi realizar um estudo com as mulheres Quilombolas de Barrocas, analisando as informações prévias que as mesmas têm sobre o câncer de mama e mamografia. O exame mamográfico é uma técnica radiológica que faz uso de um tubo de raios-X, nele a mama é comprimida de forma a fornecer melhores imagens, inclusive lesões em fase inicial. De acordo com a literatura, doses baixas de radiação ionizante, como a presente no exame mamográfico, também são promitentes no oferecimento de riscos ao indivíduo exposto. Em virtude dos estudos realizados sobre o assunto, notou-se que os resultados apresentados pelas pesquisas até então, ainda desconhecem as causas concretas sobre os fatores de riscos apresentados para o câncer de mama em mulheres negras, que possuem um prognóstico pior. O estudo justifica-se pelos possíveis efeitos da radiação ionizante submetidas às mesmas em exames de mamografia. A metodologia adotada consiste em uma revisão da literatura sobre física das radiações, estudo, visita de campo, uso de questionários. Apresentam-se neste trabalho, ações abrangentes no controle do câncer, na promoção da saúde, na detecção precoce, na comunicação e mobilização social, na pesquisa e na gestão do SUS

    High prevalence of obesity in rheumatoid arthritis patients : association with disease activity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes, a multi-center study

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a well-documented independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Obesity may provide an additional link between inflammation and accelerated atherosclerosis in RA. Objective: To evaluate the association between obesity and disease parameters and cardiovascular risk factors in RA patients. Method: Cross-sectional study of a cohort of RA patients from three Brazilian teaching hospitals. Information on demographics, clinical parameters and the presence of cardiovascular risk factors was collected. Blood pressure, weight, height and waist circumference (WC) were measured during the first consultation. Laboratory data were retrieved from medical records. Obesity was defined according to the NCEP/ATPIII and IDF guidelines. The prevalence of obesity was determined cross-sectionally. Disease activity was evaluated using the DAS28 system (remission 5.1). Results: The sample consisted of 791 RA patients aged 54.7 ± 12.0 years, of whom 86.9% were women and 59.9% were Caucasian. The mean disease duration was 12.8 ± 8.9 years. Three quarters were rheumatoid factor-positive, the mean body mass index (BMI) was 27.1 ± 4.9, and the mean WC was 93.5 ± 12.5 cm. The observed risk factors included dyslipidemia (34.3%), type-2 diabetes (15%), hypertension (49.2%) and family history of premature cardiovascular disease (16.5%). BMIdefined obesity was highly prevalent (26.9%) and associated with age, hypertension and dyslipidemia. Increased WC was associated with diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and disease activity. Conclusion: Obesity was highly prevalent in RA patients and associated with disease activity


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    This study aimed to identify and describe the scientific literature on the implementation of clinical pharmaceutical services that support the provision of the Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) services in healthcare systems. A narrative literature review was carried out with a search for articles in specialized scientific journals. After selecting the articles, the authors conducted a manual extraction of information regarding the service implementation. The data were grouped according to the phases of clinical services implementation: pre-implementation, implementation and post-implementation. For each phase, factors influencing the process of implementing clinical services were identified. It is expected that, based on this work, further research can be carried out on the implementation of CMM services, an area that is still little explored.O estudo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever a literatura científica sobre a implementação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos que embasem a oferta de serviços de gerenciamento da terapia medicamentosa (GTM) nos sistemas de saúde. Realizou-se uma revisão narrativa de literatura com busca de artigos em revistas científicas especializadas na área. Após a seleção dos artigos, realizou-se a extração manual de informações relativas à implementação de serviços de GTM. Os dados foram agrupados segundo as fases de implementação de serviços clínicos: pré-implementação, implementação e pós-implementação. Para cada fase, foram identificados fatores que influenciam o processo de implementação de serviços clínicos. Espera-se que a partir deste trabalho novas pesquisas possam ser realizadas sobre a implementação do serviço de GTM, área ainda pouco explorada