1,344 research outputs found

    FUSE spectroscopy of sdOB primary of the post common-envelope binary LB 3459 (AA Dor)

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    LB 3459 (AA Dor) is an eclipsing, close, post common-envelope binary consisting of an sdOB primary star and an unseen secondary with an extraordinarly low mass - formally a brown dwarf. A recent NLTE spectral analysis shows a discrepancy with the surface gravity, which is derived from analyses of radial-velocity and lightcurves. We aim at precisely determing of the photospheric parameters of the primary, especially of the surface gravity, and searching for weak metal lines in the far UV. We performed a detailed spectral analysis of the far-UV spectrum of LB 3459 obtained with FUSE by means of state-of-the-art NLTE model-atmosphere techniques. A strong contamination of the far-UV spectrum of LB 3459 by interstellar line absorption hampers a precise determination of the photospheric properties of its primary star. Its effective temperature (42 kK) was confirmed by the evaluation of new ionization equilibria. For the first time, phosphorus and sulfur have been identified in the spectrum of LB 3459. Their photospheric abundances are solar and 0.01 times solar, respectively. From the C III 1174-1177A multiplet, we can measure the rotational velocity of 35 +/- 5 km/sec of the primary of LB 3459 and confirm that the rotation is bound. From a re-analysis of optical and UV spectra, we determine a higher log g = 5.3 (cgs) that reduces the discrepancy in mass determination in comparison to analyses of radial-velocity and lightcurves. However, the problem is not completely solved.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Subaru and Swift observations of V652 Herculis: resolving the photospheric pulsation

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    High-resolution spectroscopy with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph, and Swift ultraviolet photometry are presented for the pulsating extreme helium star V652 Her. Swift provides the best relative ultraviolet photometry obtained to date, but shows no direct evidence for a shock at ultraviolet or X-ray wavelengths. Subaru has provided high spectral and high temporal resolution spectroscopy over six pulsation cycles (and eight radius minima). These data have enabled a line-by-line analysis of the entire pulsation cycle and provided a description of the pulsating photosphere as a function of optical depth. They show that the photosphere is compressed radially by a factor of at least 2 at minimum radius, that the phase of radius minimum is a function of optical depth and the pulse speed through the photosphere is between 141 and 239 km s−1 (depending how measured) and at least 10 times the local sound speed. The strong acceleration at minimum radius is demonstrated in individual line profiles; those formed deepest in the photosphere show a jump discontinuity of over 70 kms−1 on a time-scale of 150 s. The pulse speed and line profile jumps imply a shock is present at minimum radius. These empirical results provide input for hydrodynamical modelling of the pulsation and hydrodynamical plus radiative transfer modelling of the dynamical spectra

    The quest for companions to post-common envelope binaries: III. A reexamination of HW Virginis

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    We report new mid-eclipse times of the short-period sdB/dM binary HW Vir, which differ substantially from the times predicted by a previous model. The proposed orbits of the two planets in that model are found to be unstable. We present a new secularly stable solution, which involves two companions orbiting HW VIr with periods of 12.7 yr and 55 +/-15 yr. For orbits coplanar with the binary, the inner companion is a giant planet with mass M_3 sin i_3 = 14 M_Jup and the outer one a brown dwarf or low-mass star with a mass of M_4 sin i_4 = 30-120 M_Jup. Using the mercury6 code, we find that such a system would be stable over more than 10^7 yr, in spite of the sizeable interaction. Our model fits the observed eclipse-time variations by the light-travel time effect alone, without invoking any additional process, thereby providing support for the planetary hypothesis of the eclipse-time variations in close binaries. The signature of non-Keplerian orbits may be visible in the data.Comment: accepted by A&

    A survey for pulsating subdwarf B stars with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    A search programme for pulsating subdwarf B stars was conducted with the Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma over 59 nights between 1999 and 2009. The purpose of the programme was to significantly extend the number of rapidly pulsating sdB stars to better understand the properties of this new group of variable compact stars. Candidates were selected initially from the HS and HE surveys, but were supplemented with additional objects from other surveys. Short sequences of time-series photometry were made on the candidates to determine the presence of rapid pulsations. In total twenty new pulsators were found in this survey, most of which have already been published and some extensively studied. We present four new short period pulsators, bringing the total of such pulsators up to 49. We also give limits on pulsation amplitudes for 285 objects with no obvious periodic variations, summarise the results of the survey, and provide improved physical parameters on the composite pulsators for which only preliminary estimates were published earlier.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Accelerated Stress Testing of Hydrocarbon-Based Encapsulants for Medium-Concentration CPV Applications

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    Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems have great potential to reduce photovoltaic (PV) electricity costs because of the relatively low cost of optical components as compared to PV cells. A transparent polymeric material is used to optically couple the PV cell to optical components and is thus exposed to the concentrated light source at elevated temperatures. In this work polymeric encapsulant materials are positioned close to a Xenon arc lamp to expose them to ultraviolet radiation (UV) that is about 42 times as intense as sunlight. Furthermore, different glass types are used as filters to modify the spectral distribution of light in the UV range. A strong sensitivity of non-silicone-based encapsulants to light below ~350 nm is demonstrated. Of all the materials examined in this study, the polydimethyl silicone samples performed the best. The next best material was an ionomer which maintained optical transmission but became photo-oxidized where exposed to the atmosphere

    Galactic Structure Toward the Carina Tangent

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    This investigation presents a photometric study of the Galactic structure toward the Carina arm tangent. The field is located between 280 deg and 286 deg galactic longitude and -4 deg to 4 deg galactic latitude. All currently available uvbybeta data is used to obtain homogeneous color excesses and distances for more than 260 stars of spectral types O to G. We present revised distances and average extinction for the open clusters and cluster candidates NGC 3293, NGC 3114, Loden 46 and Loden 112. The cluster candidate Loden 112 appears to be a very compact group at a true distance modulus of 11.06 +\- 0.11 (s.e.) (1629 +84,-80 pc), significantly closer than previous estimates. We found other OB stars at that same distance and, based on their proper motions, suggest a new OB association at coordinates 282 deg < l < 285 deg, -2 deg < b < 2 deg. Utilizing BV photometry and spectral classification of the known O-type stars in the very young open cluster Wd 2 we provide a new distance estimate of 14.13 +\-0.16 (s.e.) (6698 +512,-475 pc), in excellent agreement with recent distance determinations to the giant molecular structures in this direction. We also discuss a possible connection between the HII region RCW 45 and the highly-reddened B+ star CPD -55 3036 and provide a revised distance for the luminous blue variable HR Car.Comment: accepted to PAS

    Abundance studies of sdB stars using UV echelle HST/STIS spectroscopy

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    Aims: We test the hypothesis that the pulsations in sdB stars are correlated with the surface abundances of iron-group elements. Any correlation might explain why, when given two spectroscopically similar stars, one will pulsate while the other will not. Methods: We have obtained high-resolution ultraviolet spectra two pulsating and three non-pulsating sdB stars using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. We determined abundances for 25 elements including the iron group and even heavier elements such as tin and lead using LTE curve-of-growth and spectrum synthesis techniques. Results: We find no clear correlation between pulsations and metal abundances, and we comment on the resulting implications, including whether it is possible to determine the difference between a pulsating and a non-pulsating sdB spectroscopically. In addition to the main goal of our observations, we have also investigated the effect of supersolar metallicity on fundamental parameter determination, possible trends with iron abundance, and the hypothesis that weak winds may be selectively removing elements from the stellar envelopes. These effects provide challenges to stellar atmosphere modelling and diffusion models for sdB stars.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Solar Neighborhood. XIX. Discovery and Characterization of 33 New Nearby White Dwarf Systems

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    We present spectra for 33 previously unclassified white dwarf systems brighter than V = 17 primarily in the southern hemisphere. Of these new systems, 26 are DA, 4 are DC, 2 are DZ, and 1 is DQ. We suspect three of these systems are unresolved double degenerates. We obtained VRI photometry for these 33 objects as well as for 23 known white dwarf systems without trigonometric parallaxes, also primarily in the southern hemisphere. For the 56 objects, we converted the photometry values to fluxes and fit them to a spectral energy distribution using the spectroscopy to determine which model to use (i.e. pure hydrogen, pure helium, or metal-rich helium), resulting in estimates of effective temperature and distance. Eight of the new and 12 known systems are estimated to be within the NStars and Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS) horizons of 25 pc, constituting a potential 18% increase in the nearby white dwarf sample. Trigonometric parallax determinations are underway via CTIOPI for these 20 systems. One of the DCs is cool so that it displays absorption in the near infrared. Using the distance determined via trigonometric parallax, we are able to constrain the model-dependent physical parameters and find that this object is most likely a mixed H/He atmosphere white dwarf similar to other cool white dwarfs identified in recent years with significant absorption in the infrared due to collision-induced absorptions by molecular hydrogen.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Fortnightly Fluctuations in the O-C Diagram of CS 1246

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    Dominated by a single, large-amplitude pulsation mode, the rapidly-pulsating hot subdwarf B star CS 1246 is a prime candidate for a long-term O-C diagram study. We collected nearly 400 hours of photometry with the PROMPT telescopes over a time span of 14 months to begin looking for secular variations in the pulse timings. Interestingly, the O-C diagram is dominated by a strong sinusoidal pattern with a period of 14.1 days and an amplitude of 10.7 light-seconds. Underneath this sine wave is a secular trend implying a decrease in the 371.7-s pulsational period of Pdot = -1.9 x 10^-11, which we attribute to the evolution of the star through the H-R diagram. The sinusoidal variation could be produced by the presence of a low-mass companion, with m sin i ~ 0.12 Msun, orbiting the subdwarf B star at a distance of 20 Rsun. An analysis of the combined light curve reveals the presence of a low-amplitude first harmonic to the main pulsation mode.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 11 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    An evolutionary study of the pulsating subdwarf B eclipsing binary PG1336-018 (NY Vir)

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    The formation of subdwarf B (sdB) stars is not well understood within the current framework of stellar single and binary evolution. In this study, we focus on the formation and evolution of the pulsating sdB star in the very short-period eclipsing binary PG1336-018. We aim at refining the formation scenario of this unique system, so that it can be confronted with observations. We probe the stellar structure of the progenitors of sdB stars in short-period binaries using detailed stellar evolution calculations. Applying this to PG1336-018 we reconstruct the common-envelope phase during which the sdB star was formed. The results are interpreted in terms of the standard common-envelope formalism (the alpha-formalism) based on the energy equation, and an alternative description (the gamma-formalism) using the angular momentum equation. We find that if the common-envelope evolution is described by the alpha-formalism, the sdB progenitor most likely experienced a helium flash. We then expect the sdB mass to be between 0.39 and 0.48 Msun, and the sdB progenitor initial mass to be below ~2 Msun. However, the results for the gamma-formalism are less restrictive, and a broader sdB mass range (0.3 - 0.8 Msun) is possible in this case. Future seismic mass determination will give strong constraints on the formation of PG1336-018 and, in particular, on the CE phase.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&