382 research outputs found

    Temporal patterns of biological dimethylsulfide (DMS) consumption during laboratory-induced phytoplankton bloom cycles

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    Phytoplankton bloom cycles were followed for 9 d in two 20 l carboy mesocosms filled with water from the offshore plume of Mobile Bay Alabama, USA, and incubated under fluorescent light. One of the blooms was enriched by addition of nitrate+phosphate (+nutrients), and both blooms were used to study how dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations and biological consumption varied over the bloom cycles. Peaks of algal biomass (15-22 µg chlorophyll a l-1) in the blooms were followed within 1 d by peaks of the DMS precursor, particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPp; 100-140 nM). DMS concentrations increased rapidly during the early bloom, rising from 1 nM on Day 1 up to 12 nM in the unamended carboy and up to 17 nM in the +nutrient carboy on Day 6. Maximum values for DMS concentrations, DMS consumption rates (as measured with 35S-DMS), and bacterial production were observed during the early decline of phytoplankton biomass. DMS consumption rates were initially 0.8 nM d-1 and increased to 3.1 nM d-1 in the unamended carboy and to 9.1 nM d-1 in the +nutrient carboy. Rate constants for DMS consumption (0.25-0.95 d-1) initially decreased as DMS concentrations increased, resulting in longer turnover times for DMS during the peak and early decline of the blooms. Assimilation of DMS-sulfur by bacterioplankton accounted for 4-22% of the total DMS consumption and higher rates of DMS assimilation occurred in the +nutrients bloom. Despite a bloom and decline of total heterotrophic bacterial abundances, bacterial community composition at the major phylogenetic group level remained relatively constant in both blooms, although the alpha proteobacteria showed a temporal increase in abundance in the +nutrient carboy. The concentration ratios of DMS:chlorophyll a and DMS:DMSP displayed non-linear, sigmoidal patterns over the bloom cycles and these ratios were not substantially affected by the nutrient amendment. Our results demonstrate that uncoupling of DMS production and biological consumption can occur early in a bloom cycle, causing DMS concentrations to rise significantly before biological consumption responds to draw down the DMS

    High dimethylsulfide photolysis rates in nitrate-rich Antarctic waters

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 31 (2004): L11307, doi:10.1029/2004GL019863.The photochemistry of dimethylsulfide (DMS) was examined in the Southern Ocean to assess its impact on the biogeochemical dynamics of DMS in Antarctic waters. Very high DMS photolysis rate constants (0.16–0.23 h−1) were observed in surface waters exposed to full sunlight. DMS photolysis rates increased linearly with added nitrate concentrations, and 35% of the DMS loss in unamended samples was attributed to the photochemistry of ambient nitrate (29 μM). Experiments with optical filters showed that the UV-A band of sunlight (320–400 nm) accounted for ~65% of DMS photolysis suggesting that dissolved organic matter was the main photosensitizer for DMS photolysis. During the austral spring, DMS photolysis was the dominant loss mechanism under non-bloom and non-ice cover conditions owing to the high doses and deep penetration of UV radiation in the water column, low observed microbial consumption rates, and high in situ nitrate concentrations.This work was supported by NSF (OPP- 0230499, DJK; OPP-0230497, RPK)

    Posttraumatic severe infection of the ankle joint - long term results of the treatment with resection arthrodesis in 133 cases

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    Although there is a clear trend toward internal fixation for ankle arthrodesis, there is general consensus that external fixation is required for cases of posttraumatic infection. We retrospectively evaluated the technique and clinical long term results of external fixation in a triangular frame for cases of posttraumatic infection of the ankle. From 1993 to 2006 a consecutive series of 155 patients with an infection of the ankle was included in our study. 133 cases of the advanced "Gächter" stage III and IV were treated with arthrodesis. We treated the patients with a two step treatment plan. After radical debridement and sequestrectomy the malleoli and the joint surfaces were resected. An AO fixator was applied with two Steinmann-nails inserted in the tibia and in the calcaneus and the gap was temporary filled with gentamicin beads as the first step. In the second step we performed an autologous bone graft after a period of four weeks. The case notes were evaluated regarding trauma history, medical complaints, further injuries and illnesses, walking and pain status and occupational issues. Mean age at the index procedure was 49.7 years (18-82), 104 patients were male (67,1%). Follow up examination after mean 4.5 years included a standardised questionnaire and a clinical examination including the criteria of the AO-FAS-Score and radiographs. 92,7% of the cases lead to a stable arthrodesis. In 5 patients the arthrodesis was found partly-stable. In six patients (4,5%) the infection was not controllable during the treatment process. These patients had to be treated with a below knee amputation. The mean AOFAS score at follow up was 63,7 (53-92). Overall there is a high degree of remaining disability. The complication rate and the reduced patient comfort reserve this method mainly for infection. Joint salvage is possible in the majority of cases with an earlier stage I and II infection

    Provider-initiated HIV testing in health care settings: Should it include client-centered counselling?

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    To increase access to HIV testing, the WHO and CDC have recommended implementing provider-initiated HIV testing (PITC). To address the resource limitations of the PITC setting, WHO and CDC suggest that patient-provider interactions during PITC may need to focus on providing information and referrals, instead of engaging patients in client-centered counselling, as is recommended during client-initiated HIV testing. Providing HIV prevention information has been shown to be less effective than client-centered counselling in reducing HIV-risk behaviour and STI incidence. Therefore, concerns exist about the efficacy of PITC as an HIV prevention approach. However, reductions in HIV incidence may be greater if more people know their HIV status through expanded availability of PITC, even if PITC is a less effective prevention intervention than is client-initiated HIV testing for individual patients. In the absence of an answer to this public health question, adaptation of effective brief client-centered counselling approaches to PITC should be explored along with research assessing the efficacy of PITC

    A novel pathway producing dimethylsulphide in bacteria is widespread in soil environments

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    The volatile compound dimethylsulphide (DMS) is important in climate regulation, the sulphur cycle and signalling to higher organisms. Microbial catabolism of the marine osmolyte dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) is thought to be the major biological process generating DMS. Here we report the discovery and characterisation of the first gene for DMSP-independent DMS production in any bacterium. This gene, mddA, encodes a methyltransferase that methylates methanethiol (MeSH) and generates DMS. MddA functions in many taxonomically diverse bacteria including sediment-dwelling pseudomonads, nitrogen-fixing bradyrhizobia and cyanobacteria, and mycobacteria, including the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The mddA gene is present in metagenomes from varied environments, being particularly abundant in soil environments, where it is predicted to occur in up to 76% of bacteria. This novel pathway may significantly contribute to global DMS emissions, especially in terrestrial environments, and could represent a shift from the notion that DMSP is the only significant precursor of DMS

    Patterns and drivers of dimethylsulfide concentration in the northeast subarctic Pacific across multiple spatial and temporal scales

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    The northeast subarctic Pacific (NESAP) is a globally important source of the climate-active gas dimethylsulfide (DMS), yet the processes driving DMS variability across this region are poorly understood. Here we examine the spatial distribution of DMS at various spatial scales in contrasting oceanographic regimes of the NESAP. We present new high-spatial-resolution measurements of DMS across hydrographic frontal zones along the British Columbia continental shelf, together with key environmental variables and biological rate measurements. We combine these new data with existing observations to produce a revised summertime DMS climatology for the NESAP, yielding a broader context for our sub-mesoscale process studies. Our results demonstrate sharp DMS concentration gradients across hydrographic frontal zones and suggest the presence of two distinct DMS cycling regimes in the NESAP, corresponding to microphytoplankton-dominated waters along the continental shelf and nanoplankton-dominated waters in the cross-shelf transitional zone. DMS concentrations across the continental shelf transition (range&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;1–10&thinsp;nM, mean 3.9&thinsp;nM) exhibited positive correlations to salinity (r=0.80), sea surface height anomaly (SSHA; r=0.51), and the relative abundance of prymnesiophyte and dinoflagellates (r=0.89). In contrast, DMS concentrations in nearshore coastal transects (range&thinsp;&lt;&thinsp;1–24&thinsp;nM, mean 6.1&thinsp;nM) showed a negative correlation with salinity (r=-0.69; r=-0.78) and SSHA (r=-0.81; r=-0.75) and a positive correlation to relative diatom abundance (r=0.88; r=0.86). These results highlight the importance of bloom-driven DMS production in continental shelf waters of this region and the role of prymnesiophytes and dinoflagellates in DMS cycling further offshore. In all areas, the rate of DMS consumption appeared to be an important control on observed concentration gradients, with higher DMS consumption rate constants associated with lower DMS concentrations. We compiled a data set of all available summertime DMS observations for the NESAP (including previously unpublished results) to examine the performance of several existing algorithms for predicting regional DMS concentrations. None of these existing algorithms was able to accurately reproduce observed DMS distributions across the NESAP, although performance was improved by the use of regionally tuned coefficients. Based on our compiled observations, we derived an average summertime distribution map for DMS concentrations and sea–air fluxes across the NESAP, estimating a mean regional flux of 0.30&thinsp;Tg of DMS-derived sulfur to the atmosphere during the summer season.</p

    Variability of atmospheric dimethylsulphide over the southern Indian Ocean due to changes in ultraviolet radiation

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    Dimethylsulphide (DMS) is a climatically important component of global biogeochemical cycles, through its role in the sulphur cycle. Changes in ultraviolet radiation (UV) exhibit both positive and negative forcings on the dynamics of production and turnover of DMS and its precursor dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP). In this study we investigate the net forcing of UV on atmospheric DMS. The work is based on a 10-year record of observed DMS at Amsterdam Island in the southern Indian Ocean, and satellite-based retrievals of surface UV and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The results show an inverse relationship between UV radiation and atmospheric DMS associated with extreme changes (defined as the greatest 5%) in daily UV, independent of changes in wind speed, sea surface temperature, and PAR

    Methanethiol-dependent dimethylsulfide production in soil environments

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    Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is an environmentally important trace gas with roles in sulfur cycling, signalling to higher organisms and in atmospheric chemistry. DMS is believed to be predominantly produced in marine environments via microbial degradation of the osmolyte dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). However, significant amounts of DMS are also generated from terrestrial environments, for example, peat bogs can emit ~6 μmol DMS m−2 per day, likely via the methylation of methanethiol (MeSH). A methyltransferase enzyme termed ‘MddA’, which catalyses the methylation of MeSH, generating DMS, in a wide range of bacteria and some cyanobacteria, may mediate this process, as the mddA gene is abundant in terrestrial metagenomes. This is the first study investigating the functionality of MeSH-dependent DMS production (Mdd) in a wide range of aerobic environments. All soils and marine sediment samples tested produced DMS when incubated with MeSH. Cultivation-dependent and cultivation-independent methods were used to assess microbial community changes in response to MeSH addition in a grassland soil where 35.9% of the bacteria were predicted to contain mddA. Bacteria of the genus Methylotenera were enriched in the presence of MeSH. Furthermore, many novel Mdd+ bacterial strains were isolated. Despite the abundance of mddA in the grassland soil, the Mdd pathway may not be a significant source of DMS in this environment as MeSH addition was required to detect DMS at only very low conversion rates

    The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol

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    Marine phytoplankton produce ~109 tons of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) per year1,2, an estimated 10% of which is catabolized by bacteria through the DMSP cleavage pathway to the climatically active gas dimethyl sulfide (DMS)3,4. SAR11 Alphaproteobacteria (order Pelagibacterales), the most abundant chemoorganotrophic bacteria in the oceans, have been shown to assimilate DMSP into biomass, thereby supplying this cell’s unusual requirement for reduced sulfur5,6. Here we report that Pelagibacter HTCC1062 produces the gas methanethiol (MeSH) and that simultaneously a second DMSP catabolic pathway, mediated by a cupin-like DMSP lyase, DddK, shunts as much as 59% of DMSP uptake to DMS production. We propose a model in which the allocation of DMSP between these pathways is kinetically controlled to release increasing amounts of DMS as the supply of DMSP exceeds cellular sulfur demands for biosynthesis

    Dimethyl sulfide production: what is the contribution of the coccolithophores?

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