1,570 research outputs found

    Inteligência empresarial intermedia e a relação entre a orientação para o mercado e o empresariado

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of market orientation on business performance through the role of business intelligence intermediary in the EN bank. this research is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of this study is 250 people from the EN bank. Structural equation modeling and LISREL software were used to analyze the data. The results indicate that the dimensions of market orientation (customer orientation, and inter-task coordination) have a significant effect on business performance. However, the effect of customer orientation on the performance of the EN bank business is more than other factors. The results also show that market orientation has a positive impact on business performance through the intermediary variable of business intelligence. However, senior management of banks, based on business intelligence, must operate in a manner towards market orientation, which is part of corporate culture and bank values, and all executives and employees are committed in practice, and Release information about customer needs that lead to higher performance.El propósito de este estudio fue investigar el efecto de la orientación del mercado en el desempeño del negocio a través del rol de intermediario de inteligencia de negocios en el banco EN. Esta investigación es una encuesta descriptiva. La población estadística de este estudio es de 250 personas del banco EN. Se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y software LISREL para analizar los datos. Los resultados indican que las dimensiones de la orientación del mercado (orientación al cliente y coordinación entre tareas) tienen un efecto significativo en el rendimiento del negocio. Sin embargo, el efecto de la orientación al cliente sobre el desempeño del negocio bancario EN es más que otros factores. Los resultados también muestran que la orientación al mercado tiene un impacto positivo en el rendimiento del negocio a través de la variable intermedia de inteligencia de negocios. Sin embargo, la alta gerencia de los bancos, basada en inteligencia empresarial, debe operar de una manera orientada hacia el mercado, que forma parte de la cultura corporativa y los valores bancarios, y todos los ejecutivos y empleados están comprometidos en la práctica, y divulgar información sobre las necesidades del cliente que llevan a mayor rendimiento.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito da orientação do mercado sobre o desempenho dos negócios através do papel do intermediário de inteligência de negócios no banco EN. Esta pesquisa é uma pesquisa descritiva. A população estatística deste estudo é de 250 pessoas do banco EN. A modelagem de equações estruturais e o software LISREL foram utilizados para analisar os dados. Os resultados indicam que as dimensões de orientação para o mercado (orientação ao cliente e coordenação entre tarefas) têm um efeito significativo no desempenho dos negócios. No entanto, o efeito da orientação do cliente no desempenho do negócio do banco EN é mais do que outros fatores. Os resultados também mostram que a orientação para o mercado tem um impacto positivo no desempenho dos negócios por meio da variável intermediária de business intelligence. No entanto, a gerência sênior dos bancos, baseada em business intelligence, deve operar de forma orientada para o mercado, que faz parte da cultura corporativa e dos valores bancários, e todos os executivos e funcionários estão comprometidos na prática. maior desempenho

    The impact of public partnership to identify patients with tuberculosis in Darashar, Iran

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    Background and objective: Participation of community-based services in the National Tuberculosis Control Programme is (NTCP) necessary to identify and treat all patients with tuberculosis (TB). We developed a novel model to encourage family members and relative to participate in the RNTCP in Darahshar city. Methods: This community-based intervention was included of two groups of community (relatives of patients and schools). They were trained to identify and refer of patients to allocated health centers. Case finding indices were compared initially and one year intervention. The exponential distribution and logarithmic of incidence were used to compare the incidence of tuberculosis after the intervention with other cities of the province. Results: The incidence of smear positive cases increased from 5.1/100,000 to 35.2/100,000 (p <001). There was a statistically significant difference between incidence of smear positive cases in Darehshar city and other cities in Ilam province (p <001). During the intervention, 408 suspected patients was identified, it showed about 297 percent increased in case finding (cases in the previous year of the intervention were 137 cases) (p <001). Conclusion: It seems that community-based intervention could be an effective method to enhance of identify and control of patients with tuberculosis

    Finite Sample FPE and AIC Criteria for Autoregressive Model Order Selection Using Same-Realization Predictions

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    A new theoretical approximation for expectation of the prediction error is derived using the same-realization predictions. This approximation is derived for the case that the Least-Squares-Forward (LSF) method (the covariance method) is used for estimating the parameters of the autoregressive (AR) model. This result is used for obtaining modified versions of the AR order selection criteria FPE and AIC in the finite sample case. The performance of these modified criteria is compared with other same-realization AR order selection criteria using simulated data. The results of this comparison show that the proposed criteria have better performance

    Study of Methanol to Formaldehyde Reaction in Fluidized Bed Reactor

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    Formaldehyde, as a valuable compound, has been widely used in chemical processes and is usually produced through the catalytic oxidization of methanol in a fixed bed reactor. In the present work, this reaction has been studied in a fluidized bed reactor. For this purpose, a stainless steel fluidized bed reactor , which has the capability of controlling the temperature and flow rate of the streams, has been employed. The effects of different operating variables on the performance of the above-mentioned reactor are studied. The results are compared with the two and three phase models

    Solutions out of the Crisis of Democracy in the Middle East

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    Abstract: Much more complicated than the concept of democracy is that supposed to be, because in order to narration and writers have been using it and are commensurate with the present needs and a circumstance of each era has been different. Also, democracy as a way of political office, which among other species is more appropriate, be assessed. Countries with a democratic structure in the world, sometimes a system of economic, social, political and cultural advanced and this often has added appeal of democracy in the world. However, the Middle East, as a very strategic area in the world, often non-democratic structure and are underdeveloped. So that, enter democracy in the long run path of progress and development will open on these countries. However, the structure of political, economic, social and cultural countries in the region so that such crises often toward establishing democracy in their communities face. Because of the importance of this subject, this paper believes that in different fields, political, economic, cultural and social way out of crisis work for democracy in the Middle East offers. Key words: Democracy; Participation; Middle East; Rentier State; Fundamentalism.Résumé: Beaucoup plus compliqué que le concept de la démocratie devrait être, parce que, pour la narration et des écrivains qui l'ont été utiliser et sont en rapport avec les besoins actuels et des circonstances de chaque époque sont différents. En outre, la démocratie comme un moyen de fonctions politiques, qui, parmis autres espèces est la plus approprié d'être évaluée. Les pays ayant une structure démocratique dans le monde, parfois un système économique, social, politique et culturel avancé et cela a été souvent ajouté l’ appel de la démocratie dans le monde. Cependant, le Moyen-Orient, en tant que zone stratégique mondial très souvent la structure démocratique sont encore sous-développés. C’est la raison pour laquelle l’entrée dans la voie de démocratie et de développement sera ouverte petit a petit pour ces pays. De telles manières que les structure politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels dans cet région ainsi des crises de la démocratie qui apparaissent souvent dans leur communauté. En raison de l'importance de ce sujet, ce document estime que dans les différents domaines comme politique, économique, culturelle et sociale, nous pourrons trouver une solution a la crise démocratique au Moyen-Orient. Mots clés: Démocratie; Participation; Moyen-Orient; Rentier Etat; L'intégrism

    The Experimental Study on Effects of Height and Hold up on performance of Vertical Gas-Liquid Separator using Amin Contactor Tower

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    In present research, first the treatment of flow in designed vertical gas-liquid separator and Amin contactor tower at refinery in order to reduce of liquid percent was simulated. In order to simulation was used three dimension model with finite volume method numerically. Then separator and contactor tower has been modeled three dimensional and for droplet tracking in continuous phase has been used discrete phase model (DPM) with turbulence RNG k-Ɛ model. Also the gambit software is used for three dimension designs and fluent is used for solution governing equations of flow field. After simulation, the governing model of separator and contactor tower, fluid flow, the effect of growing of liquid droplet, droplet settling length (disengagement time) was studied. After analysis and compare behavior of flow in separator and tower, the results of simulation compared with experimental results at sweetening unit in Sarkhoun and Qeshm gas treating company that has 95% compatibility. The simulation results has shown that TOTAL method has more compatibility with relation to other methods so that one of effective parameters in improvement of separation process is growing of liquid droplets and separation factor depend on that, also more disengagement time causes increase hold up time and finally growing of liquid droplets. Additionally according to younger's comment gas-liquid separators can applied in horizontal or vertical status so that he founded if L/D be 1.7 to 3.6, the separators should be used vertically also Branan has proved that if L/D &gt; 5, a horizontal separator should be used. The results of research are shown that in special conditions with L/D&gt;6.5 can apply vertical separator. Finally experimental data has shown that the settling length can be 36 ft (11m) that separation works well and according to Schiman this length should be 0.75D or a minimum 12in (0.305 m) whereas Gerunda recommends a length equal to the diameter or a minimum of 3 ft (0.914 m) that present result is new recommendation

    Cloning of c-Myc gene in embryonic stem cells

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    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent, self-renewing cells. These cells can be used in applications such as cell therapy, drug discovery, disease modelling, and the study of cellular differentiation. In this experimental study embryonic stem cells cultured in the laboratory and were amplified. Total RNA was extracted from cells and converted to cDNA by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Then c-Myc gene was amplified by (PCR) and inserted into the pTZ57R/T vector. Ligated product was transformed into susceptible bacteria and transformed bacteria were screened on a selective medium. Plasmids extracted from bacteria and enzyme digestion to confirm the sequencing was performed. The cloned c-Myc gene can be used to prepare a gene cassette to produce stem cells from somatic cell.


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    In this study, composite of polyaniline containing Fe2O3 and CoO with nanometer size was synthesized by a chemical method using hydroxyl-propylcellulose as a surfactant. The characteristics of products such as morphology and conductivity were studied. The results indicate that, the morphology and conductivity of product are dependent on the surfactant, the type and concentration of metallic oxide