140 research outputs found
Student’s Speaking Anxiety and Motivation in EFL Learning Process at Vocational High Schools in North Bintan
The research aims at exploring the relationship between speaking anxiety and motivation among vocational high school students in EFL learning in Bintan Islands. In conducting this research, the method used is descriptive analysis. There are 60 samples taken from four vocational high schools with 15 samples from each school. Those are SMKN 1 Bintan Utara, SMKN 1 Seri Kuala Lobam, SMK Perkapalan, and SMK Muhammadiyah. The data collected were in the form of questionnaire and interview. The results of this research found that there are some factors that influence students’ EFL learning process such as anxiety about mispronouncing, making mistakes, and regarding teacher interruption for mistake correction, the lack of vocabulary, and the less attractive and interactive teaching style in the classroom. Those factors cause the low motivational issue in speaking English matters
Learning Styles Of Introvert And Extrovert Students In The English Learning Process
Recently, English is the first foreign language taught as a compulsorysubject in Indonesia. We mostly deal with the challenge of learning and using aforeign language, whether at school, at work or in our day-to-day life. This mightbe difficult for Indonesian EFL students to learn. The learners will get thedifficulties when they do not have appropriate learning style in their learningprocess. Therefore, in order to handle the difficulty in their learning, thosestudents must have the learning style applied in learning process. Learning stylesand personality types are closely linked to each other because both of them are thefactors affecting language learning. This study was conducted to investigatelearning style preferred by Introvert and Extrovert students and to examine themost frequently preferred learning style of Introvert and Extrovert students of2012 academic year at English department of Languages and Literature, Facultyof Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya in learning process. This study useddescriptive quantitative approach. The participants investigated were 47 studentsof 2012 academic year at English department of Languages and Literatures,Faculty of Cultural Studies Brawijaya University. The data were obtained by thePerceptual Learning Style Preference by Reid and personality type questionnairebased on Myers Briggs theory. The result reveals that kinesthetic and auditory arethe most frequently used learning style of the Introvert students followed bygroup, individual, tactile, and visual while auditory is the most frequently usedlearning style of the Extrovert students followed by group, kinesthetic, tactile,visual, and individual. In conclusion, kinesthetic and auditory are the mostfrequently preferred learning style of Introvert students and auditory is the mostfrequently preferred learning style of Extrovert students. Both groups aresuccessful learners because they have multiple learning styles. The writersuggested that the students should be aware of their learning styles because it isimportant in learning process and career development, for the teacher, they shouldtreat their students well based on their preferred learning styles, and for the otherresearchers the writer also suggested that they can investigate further aboutlearning styles with the other types of the personality
Variasi Bahasa Dalam Film "Tilik" Karya Wahyu Agung Prasetyo (Kajian Sosiolinguistik)
Language variation is a form of language use that is different from speakers caused by certain factors. The existence of language variations is not only caused by speakers who are not homogeneous, but also in social interaction activities carried out with various kinds in the community. The types of language, namely language can be in the form of spoken and written. This research is a study that discusses language variations in the film "Tilik" by Wahyu Agung Prasetyo which is available on YouTube social media. This research is a sociolinguistic research because it discusses the language in YouTube social media. The theory used in this research is Chaer's sociolinguistic theory. This study used qualitative research methods. The aim is to examine and analyze the language variations in the film "Tilik" by Wahyu Agung Prasetyo. As for the topic of discussion in this study, namely the types of language variations and elements of interference in the film "Tilik" by Wahyu Agung Prasetyo.
Keyword : language variation, sociolinguistics, social media youtube, Tilik movie
Variasi bahasa merupakan wujud penggunaan bahasa yang berbeda-beda dari para penutur yang disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor tertentu. Adanya variasi bahasa tidak hanya disebabkan oleh para penutur yang tidak homogen, tetapi juga pada kegiatan interaksi sosial yang dilakukan dengan berbagai macam di lingkungan masyarakat. Adapun macam bahasa yaitu bahasa dapat berupa lisan dan tulisan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang membahas mengenai variasi bahasa dalam film “Tilik” karya Wahyu Agung Prasetyo yang terdapat dalam media sosial youtube. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sosiolinguistik dikarenakan membahas bahasa yang ada dalam media sosial youtube. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori sosiolinguistik dari Chaer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Tujuannya ialah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis variasi bahasa yang ada dalam film “Tilik” karya Wahyu Agung Prasetyo. Adapun yang menjadi topik pembahasan dalam penelitian ini yaitu jenis variasi bahasa dan unsur interferensi dalam film “Tilik” karya Wahyu Agung Prasetyo.
Kata Kunci : variasi bahasa, sosiolinguistik, media sosial youtube, film tili
This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in theme 8 of our friendly environment using Quizizz media at SDN Sukolilo 01. The subjects in this study were 23 grade V students consisting of 13 boys and 10 girls. This study used a collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTK) method with two learning cycles. Through four stages, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Data collection techniques used are observation, tests, and documentation. Indicators of success are determined when the class average increases from the pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. The results showed that student learning outcomes in theme 8 of our friendly environment increased by using Quizizz media. This can be seen from the increase in learning outcomes from the pre-cycle of 61.73, increased in cycle I to 71.04, and increased again in cycle II to 78.08. Based on the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of Quizizz media can improve student learning outcomes in theme 8 of our best friend's environment for fifth grade students at SDN Sukolilo 01
This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in theme 8 of our friendly environment using Quizizz media at SDN Sukolilo 01. The subjects in this study were 23 grade V students consisting of 13 boys and 10 girls. This study used a collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTK) method with two learning cycles. Through four stages, namely (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Data collection techniques used are observation, tests, and documentation. Indicators of success are determined when the class average increases from the pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. The results showed that student learning outcomes in theme 8 of our friendly environment increased by using Quizizz media. This can be seen from the increase in learning outcomes from the pre-cycle of 61.73, increased in cycle I to 71.04, and increased again in cycle II to 78.08. Based on the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of Quizizz media can improve student learning outcomes in theme 8 of our best friend's environment for fifth grade students at SDN Sukolilo 01
Carbon Saving Potential in Several Types of Robusta Coffee-Based Agroforestry in Rowosari Village, Jember
The phenomenon of forest destruction can be found in various regions of the world through deforestation activities and has an impact on environmental sustainability. One of the impacts caused by climate change due to deforestation is at the same time threatening the activities of the agricultural sector, namely the sustainability of food production. Agroforestry is a sustainable agricultural system by cultivating tree components with agricultural plant species. The role of trees in agroforestry is thought to have similarities with the potential for carbon sequestration in forests through carbon storage sources on the ground surface. Agroforestry models based on robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) are found in Indonesia, both with simple agroforestry and complex agroforestry types. This research was conducted in Rowosari Village, Sumberjambe District, Jember Regency on several types of robusta coffee-based agroforestry. Based on the results of the study, simple agroforestry has a potential for carbon storage of 73.89% greater than complex agroforestry. The total potential for carbon storage in simple agroforestry is 166.55 tonnes/ha, while in complex agroforestry it is 58.86 tonnes/ha. The potential for carbon storage in agroforestry is affected by the composition of the tree stands.
Keywords: agroforestry, biomass, carbon storageFenomena kerusakan hutan banyak ditemukan di berbagai wilayah dunia melalui aktivitas deforestasi dan berdampak pada keberlangsungan lingkungan. Dampak yang ditimbulkan salah satunya perubahan iklim akibat deforestrasi sekaligus mengancam aktivitas sektor pertanian yakni keberlangsungan produksi pangan. Agroforestri merupakan sebuah sistem pertanian berkelanjutan dengan mengupayakan komponen pohon dengan spesies tanaman pertanian. Peran pohon pada agroforestri diduga memiliki kemiripan dengan potensi penyerapan karbon di hutan melalui sumber penyimpanan karbon di permukaan tanah. Model Agroforestri berbasis kopi robusta (Coffea canephora) banyak ditemukan di Indonesia baik dengan tipe agroforestri sederhana maupun agroforestri kompleks. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Rowosari, Kecamatan Sumberjambe, Kabupaten Jember pada beberapa tipe agroforestri berbasis kopi robusta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan agroforestri sederhana memiliki potensi simpanan karbon 73,89% lebih besar dibandingkan pada agroforestri kompleks. Total potensi simpanan karbon pada agroforestri sederhana yakni sebesar 166,55 ton/ha, sedangkan pada agroforestri kompleks sebesar 58,86 ton/ha. Potensi simpanan karbon suatu agroforestri dipengaruhi oleh komposisi tegakan pohon.
Kata kunci: agroforestri, biomassa, simpanan karbo
The research was motivated by the phenomenon of emergence many new brands,
especially for smartphone product categories. Currently the smartphone market
dominated by Android product , It can be one indication that the displacement of
the BlackBerry brand to another brand .
The purpose of this study was determine the effect of product attributes , Variety
Seeking Behavior , and Promotion of Behaviour on Ex brand switching brand
BlackBerry Smartphone users in Semarang . The population in this study is the
consumer who has ever used a BlackBerry products and have switched to another
brand or make the shift to a brand other smartphones who live in the city of
Semarang . The sample in this study was 100 respondents using purposive
sampling method . The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression analysis
were first tested with validity and reliability .
From the results of regression analysis can be known that the variable product
attributes ( X1 ) , variety seeking ( X2 ) and promotion ( X3 ) jointly influence on
brand switching behavior ( Y ) . With the promotion is the most positive variable
influence on brand switching behavior followed by the variety seeking behavior
and then product attributes. The third variables influence for 51.9 % on brand
switching behavior.While the remaining 48.1 % is influenced by other variable
Hubungan Caring Leadership Dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto
Pendahuluan: Caring menjadi kunci utama praktik keperawatan. Perilaku caring dipengaruhi oleh 3 faktor yaitu faktor individu, faktor psikologis dan faktor organisasi dalam faktor organisasi terdapat kepemimpinan yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku caring.Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan caring leadership dengan perilaku caring perawat di Rumah Sakit Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto. Metode:.penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan. cross.sectional. Responden penelitian ini sebanyak 148 yang di bagi menjadi dua, 74 responden perawat dan 74 responden pasien. Instrument penelitian. Menggunakan kuesioner Caring Behavior Inventory (CBI) dan kuesioner caring leadership yaitu Caring Factor.Survey-Caring of Manager (CFS-CM). Hasil: Caring leadership mayoritas pada kategori tinggi (90,5%). Sedangkan perilaku caring dalam kategori tinggi (85,1%). Hasil analisis menggunakan spearman rank didapatkan hasil p value sebesar 0,029 (<0,05). Diskusi: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara caring leadership dengan perilaku caring perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Dadi Keluarga Purwokerto
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