326 research outputs found

    The relationship between sea surface temperature anomalies and atmospheric circulation in GCM experiments

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    Several 19-year integrations of the Hamburg version of the ECMWF/T21 general circulation model driven by the monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) observed in 1970-1988 were examined to study extratropical response of the atmospheric circulation to SST anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere in winter. In the first 19-years run SST anomalies were prescribed globally (GAGO run), and in two others SST monthly variability was limited to extratropical regions (MOGA run) and to tropics (TOGA run), respectively. A canonical correlation analysis (CCA), which select from two time-dependent fields optimally correlated pairs of patterns, was applied to monthly anomalies of SST in the North Alantic and Pacific Oceans and monthly anomalies of sea level pressure and 500 hPa geopotential height in the Northern Hemisphere. In the GAGO run the best correlated atmospheric pattern is global and is characterized by north-south dipole structures of the same polarity in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific sectors. In the MOGA and TOGA experiments the atmospheric response is more local than in the GAGO run with main centers in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, respectively. The extratropical response in the GAGO run is not equal to the sum of the responses in the MOGA and TOGA runs. The artificial meridional SST gradients at 25 degrees 30 degrees N probably influence the results of the MOGA and TOGA runs. The atmopsheric modes found by the CCA were compared with the normal modes of the barotropic vorticity equation linearized about the 500 hPa. winter climate. The normal modes with smallest eigenvalues are similar to the model leading variability modes and canonical patterns of 500 hPa geopotential height. The corresponding eigenvectors of the adjoint operator, which represent an external forcing optimal for exciting normal modes, have a longitudinal structure with maxima in regions characterized by enhanced high frequency baroclinic activity over both oceans

    Determining the Number of Sinusoids Measured with Errors

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    This paper describes how a priori information about the signal parameters can influence the accuracy of estimating the number of these signals. This study considers sinusoidal signals and it is supposed that the parameters (amplitudes, frequencies and phases) of the received signals are known up to a certain error. The error probability of the maximum likelihood estimation of the number of sinusoids is calculated under this condition

    Statistical analysis of high-order Markov dependencies

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    The paper deals with parsimonious models of integer valued time series. Such models are special cases of high-order Markov chain with a small number of parameters. Two new parsimonious models are presented. The first is Markov chain of order s with r partial connections, and the second model is called Markov chain of conditional order. Theoretical results on probabilistic properties and statistical inferences for these models are given

    Uncertainty quantification for computer models with spatial output using calibration-optimal bases

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordThe calibration of complex computer codes using uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods is a rich area of statistical methodological development. When applying these techniques to simulators with spatial output, it is now standard to use principal component decomposition to reduce the dimensions of the outputs in order to allow Gaussian process emulators to predict the output for calibration. We introduce the ‘terminal case’, in which the model cannot reproduce observations to within model discrepancy, and for which standard calibration methods in UQ fail to give sensible results. We show that even when there is no such issue with the model, the standard decomposition on the outputs can and usually does lead to a terminal case analysis. We present a simple test to allow a practitioner to establish whether their experiment will result in a terminal case analysis, and a methodology for defining calibrationoptimal bases that avoid this whenever it is not inevitable. We present the optimal rotation algorithm for doing this, and demonstrate its efficacy for an idealised example for which the usual principal component methods fail. We apply these ideas to the CanAM4 model to demonstrate the terminal case issue arising for climate models. We discuss climate model tuning and the estimation of model discrepancy within this context, and show how the optimal rotation algorithm can be used in developing practical climate model tuning tools

    Changes in the Extremes of the Climate Simulated by CCC GCM2 under CO2Doubling

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    Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes in the IPCC ensemble of global coupled model simulations

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    Temperature and precipitation extremes and their potential future changes are evaluated in an ensemble of global coupled climate models participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) diagnostic exercise for the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Climate extremes are expressed in terms of 20-yr return values of annual extremes of near-surface temperature and 24-h precipitation amounts. The simulated changes in extremes are documented for years 2046–65 and 2081–2100 relative to 1981–2000 in experiments with the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) B1, A1B, and A2 emission scenarios. Overall, the climate models simulate present-day warm extremes reasonably well on the global scale, as compared to estimates from reanalyses. The model discrepancies in simulating cold extremes are generally larger than those for warm extremes, especially in sea ice–covered areas. Simulated present-day precipita-tion extremes are plausible in the extratropics, but uncertainties in extreme precipitation in the Tropics are very large, both in the models and the available observationally based datasets. Changes in warm extremes generally follow changes in the mean summertime temperature. Cold ex-tremes warm faster than warm extremes by about 30%–40%, globally averaged. The excessive warming of cold extremes is generally confined to regions where snow and sea ice retreat with global warming. With th

    Optimization of the simulation of stress-assisted hydrogen diffusion for studies of hydrogen embrittlement of notched bars

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    The stress-strain assisted hydrogen diffusion in metals under variable loading is concerned as a key element of elucidation of hydrogen embrittlement (HE). The suitability of simplified treatments of hydrogen diffusion in notched solids under monotonic loading is addressed comparing various 1D and 2D modeling approaches with the purpose to assess if generated approximate solutions can provide acceptable results along the diffusion depth towards prospective rupture sites, so that quite more expensive simulations may be eluded. For different geometry-and-loading cases, respective time-depth domains are revealed where certain simplified procedures can be fairly suitable to carry out calculations of metal hydrogenation for the purposes of HE analysis and control, while the choice of the optimum strategy for the stress-strain assisted diffusion simulations in notched members is case- and purpose-dependent.Проаналізовано дифузію водню в металах за наявності напружень і деформацій, зумовлених змінними навантаженнями. Шляхом порівняння серії одно- і двовимірних модельних підходів зроблено висновок про можливість застосування спрощених процедур до розв’язування задач про дифузію водню в тілах з вирізами, щоб уникнути громіздких обчислень. Для різних геометрії і навантаження виявлено відповідні області змінних часу і глибини дифузії, за яких деякі спрощені підходи можуть дати прийнятні результати для визначення наводнювання металів. Вибір оптимального шляху вивчення дифузії за впливу напружень і деформацій залежить від конкретної мети моделювання.Проанализирована диффузия водорода в металлах при наличии напряжений и деформаций, вызванных изменяющимися нагружениями. Путем сравнения одно- и двумерных модельных подходов сделан вывод о возможности применения упрощенных процедур к решению задач о диффузии водорода в телах с вырезами, чтобы избежать громоздких вычислений. Для разных геометрии и нагружения выявлены соответствующие области переменных времени и глубины диффузии, когда некоторые упрощенные подходы могут дать приемлемые результаты для определения наводороживания металлов. Выбор оптимального способа изучения диффузии при воздействии напряжений и деформаций зависит от конкретных целей моделирования

    Hydrogen embrittlement of cold drawn prestressing steels: the role of the die inlet angle

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    Cold-drawn prestressing steel wires are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) in aggressive environments, and residual stress-strain states generated in wires by the drawing process play the key role there. Correspondingly, alterations of the stress-strain fields due to peculiarities of the drawing procedure affect the serviceability of wires under HE. On the basis of performed numerical simulations of the process of cold drawing with the use of different drawing dies, the paper addresses the effect of the inlet angle of the die on residual stress-strain fields in wires, and derives their consequences for wires hydrogenation and their susceptibility to HE. The reduction of the die inlet angle is shown to be beneficial for the wires performance.Встановлено, що холоднодеформовані сталеві дроти для арматури попередньо напружених залізобетонів чутливі до водневого окрихчення (ВО) в агресивних середовищах. Залишкові напружено-деформовані стани, які утворюються в цих дротах внаслідок холодного волочіння, відіграють при цьому ключову роль. Зміна цих напружено-деформованих станів через особливості процесу волочіння впливає на роботоздатність дротів під час ВО. На основі числового моделювання холодного волочіння з використанням відмінних фільєрів розглянуто дію вхідного кута фільєра на напружено-деформовані стани в дротах і зроблено висновки про наслідки їх впливів на наводнення дротів в агресивному середовищі і схильність до ВО. Показано, що зменшення вхідного кута фільєра волочіння має позитивний вплив на роботоздатність дротів.Установлено, что холоднодеформированные стальные проволоки для арматуры предварительно напряжeнных железобетонов являются чувствительными к водородному охрупчиванию (ВО) в агрессивных средах. Остаточные напряженно-деформированные состояния, которые создаются в этих проволоках вследствие холодного волочения, играют при этом ключевую роль. Изменение этих напряженно-деформированных состояний вследствие особенностей процесса волочения влияет на работоспособность проволок при ВО. На основе численного моделирования холодного волочения с использованием различных фильеров рассмотрено воздействие входного угла фильера на напряженно-деформированые состояния в проволоках и сделаны выводы относительно последствий их влияния на наводороживание проволок в агрессивной среде и склонность к ВО. Показано, что уменьшение входного угла фильера волочения имеет положительное влияние на работоспособность проволок

    Numerical analysis of hydrogen-assisted rolling-contact fatigue of wind turbine bearings

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    Offshore wind parks at locations further from the shore often involve serious difficulties, e.g. the maintenance. The bearings of offshore wind turbines are prone to suffer hydrogen-assisted rolling-contact fatigue (HA-RCF). Three important aspects linked with bearing failures are being extensively researched: (i) rolling contact fatigue (RCF), (ii) influence of carbide particles on fatigue life, and (iii) local microplastic strain accumulation via ratcheting. However, there is no reference related to bearing failure in harsh environment. This way, this paper helps to gain a better understanding of the influence of hydrogen on the service life of offshore wind turbine bearings through a numerical study. So, the widely used RCF ball-on-rod test was simulated by finite element method in order to obtain the stress-strain state inside the bearings during life in service and, from this, to elucidate the potential places where the hydrogen could be more harmful and, therefore, where the bearing material should be improved