212 research outputs found

    Cultural cooperation between Russia and Japan

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    It is necessary to conduct an analysis of relations between Japan and Russia to determine the main trends and prospects for joint development. The purpose of the article is to study and disclose the stages of development of cultural relations between Russia and Japan and determine its features, highlight the most pressing problems of relations and identify possible ways to build strong interstate relations. The methodological basis of the study is the analytical method, for a comprehensive analysis of the changes that occurred during the development of cultural relations between Japan and Russia. Also a prerequisite is compliance with the principles of historicism and objectivity. In the course of studying used the method of study and systematization of literature. As a result of studying the problem, we can evaluate the historical development of cultural relations between Russia and Japan. Assess the state of relations between Russia and Japan and uncover limitations and growth points to strengthen relations between Japan and Russia. The results of this study can be useful as Japanologists and to specialists dealing with the problems of Asia-Pacific as a whole

    Features of the structural organization of phytoplankton of coastal shallow water of Volga and Volga-Kama reaches of the Kuibyshev reservoir

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    Kuibyshev reservoir (Russia) is the sixth step of Volga cascade and ranks first in area in Europe and sec-ond in the world among all the reservoirs created in the river valleys. A characteristic feature of Kuibyshev res-ervoir is the presence of extended shallow water areas, which total area with the depth of up to 2 m is up to 15% of the total area of the reservoir, while a considerable part of shallow water overgrows with macrophytes. The most extended areas of overgrown shallow waters are located in Volga and Volga-Kama reaches of the reservoir. Biological communities of shallow waters function in the increased fluctuation of the environment modes and are characterized by specific structural and functional organization, which main feature is the ad-aptation mechanisms of biocoenosis components and maintenance of its stability in dynamic environment. To determine the formation features of structure of phytoplankton in different biotopes of shallow waters of Kui-byshev reservoir, we studied the latter in Typha angustifolia L., Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud. thickets and in open water areas (thickets-free). We were conducting studies in 2002-2005 in two shallow bays of Volga and Volga-Kama reaches differing in the severity of human impact, protection from wind and wave action and other conditions. As a result of studies we have revealed that the most aligned phytoplankton communities with a high species diversity are common to areas with macrophyte beds where anthropogenic impact is minimized. Environmental conditions in shallow open water are less stable than in macrophyte thick-ets, which is due to the dynamics of water masses in the water. We also revealed a tendency to the quantita-tive increase in heterotrophic algae in polluted thicket communities compared to areas with superior water quality. Maximum qualitative and quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton are common to protected shallow waters of the contaminated and poorly flowing bays also characterized by significant differences in species composition between the shallow open water and macrophyte thickets, while there is a slight differ-ence in the overall quantitative indicators between the thickets and the shallow open waters. Impact of mac-rophytes on plankton algae vegetation in water hypertrophicity is slightly expressed, and the nutrients abounding in this area do not serve as a limiting factor for algae

    Nutrient-Deprived Retinal Progenitors Proliferate in Response to Hypoxia: Interaction of the HIF-1 and mTOR Pathway.

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    At a cellular level, nutrients are sensed by the mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR). The response of cells to hypoxia is regulated via action of the oxygen sensor Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 (HIF-1). During development, injury and disease, tissues might face conditions of both low nutrient supply and low oxygen, yet it is not clear how cells adapt to both nutrient restriction and hypoxia, or how mTOR and HIF-1 interact in such conditions. Here we explore this question in vivo with respect to cell proliferation using the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of Xenopus. We found that both nutrient-deprivation and hypoxia cause retinal progenitors to decrease their proliferation, yet when nutrient-deprived progenitors are exposed to hypoxia there is an unexpected rise in cell proliferation. This increase, mediated by HIF-1 signalling, is dependent on glutaminolysis and reactivation of the mTOR pathway. We discuss how these findings in non-transformed tissue may also shed light on the ability of cancer cells in poorly vascularised solid tumours to proliferate.Wellcome Trust (Grant ID: 100329/Z/12/Z)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from MDPI via http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jdb402001

    Uma análise comparativa das expressões de dar e receber nas línguas tártara e japonesa

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    Comparing two languages may lead to the results, which would help to understand both of the languages being under the analysis deeper, and it may be helpful to see the language from a new side. The results which are achieved by the comparative method, showing common features of the languages being compared, make the process of studying a foreign language easier. As the Tatar speaking audience does not commonly study Japanese language, studying it through the mother language may make the process of studying and acquisition less difficult. Being the representatives of agglutinative languages, the Tatar and the Japanese have common features that have to be studied by the comparative linguistics. This article deals with the constructions, which consist of verbal adverb and modal verb in Tatar and Japanese languages whose meaning is to give/to receive. Such constructions are analyzed and compared in terms of their grammatical form, semantics and considered through the lens of cultural linguistics.La comparación de dos idiomas puede llevar a los resultados, lo que ayudaría a comprender mejor ambos idiomas bajo el análisis, y puede ser útil ver el idioma desde un nuevo lado. Los resultados que se obtienen mediante el método comparativo, que muestran características comunes de las lenguas comparadas, facilitan el proceso de estudio de una lengua extranjera. Como la audiencia de habla tártara no suele estudiar el idioma japonés, estudiarlo a través de la lengua materna puede hacer que el proceso de estudio y adquisición sea menos difícil. Al ser representantes de lenguas aglutinantes, el tártaro y el japonés tienen rasgos comunes que deben ser estudiados por la lingüística comparada. Este artículo trata de las construcciones, que consisten en adverbio verbal y verbo modal en lenguas tártaras y japonesas cuyo significado es dar / recibir. Estas construcciones se analizan y comparan en términos de su forma gramatical, semántica y se consideran a través de la lente de la lingüística cultural.A comparação de dois idiomas pode levar aos resultados, o que ajudaria a entender mais profundamente os dois idiomas sob análise, e pode ser útil ver o idioma de um novo lado. Os resultados alcançados pelo método comparativo, mostrando características comuns das línguas comparadas, facilitam o processo de estudo de uma língua estrangeira. Como o público que fala tártaro geralmente não estuda a língua japonesa, estudá-la na língua materna pode tornar o processo de estudo e aquisição menos difícil. Por serem representantes das línguas aglutinativas, os tártaros e os japoneses têm características comuns que devem ser estudadas pela lingüística comparada. Este artigo trata das construções, que consistem em advérbio verbal e verbo modal nas línguas tártara e japonesa cujo significado é dar / receber. Tais construções são analisadas e comparadas em termos de sua forma gramatical, semântica e consideradas pelas lentes da linguística cultural

    Solution for information and analytical support of staffing management in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

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    One of the main problems of Arctic zone development in the Russian Federation (AZRF) is a limited labor resources. Poly-model complex for analysis and simulation of the AZRF labor market is presented in the article. The complex allows you to forecast the formation of the labor demand of socio-economic systems in AZRF and to explore the possibilities of regional professional education systems in terms of meeting the forecasted needs. Technologies of system-dynamic and agent-based modeling are shared within the framework of the complex. The advantage of the presented software tool is the ability to operatively vary not only the quantitative characteristics of the modeled system, but also the structure of interaction between the components of the system. This is a useful opportunity to analyze the possible impact on the regional labor market of investment projects that are planned for implementation in the region. Developed tool was used to support the personnel policy management in the Murmansk region

    Economic and legal analysis of unfair competition structures

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. In this report, a comprehemive analysis of the stmcture and the concept of such a complex and controversial phenomenon as unfair competition, its legal and economic entity was performed. This was condtioned by the fact that there is no general concept of unfair competition today. It cannot be produced due to a striking difference between the legal regulation of this institution in dfferent countries, dependng on the socio-economic and hstorical situation. Thus, a comprehensive definition of unfair competition on the legislative level is not enough, the definition specified in the Federal Law "On competition protection" is not enough because it defines th~sc oncept only fragmentaq. And for a more complete analysis of the acts qualified as the acts of unfair competition, the provisions of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property should be considered in addition to federal legislation. Legally stated acts of unfair competition are very broad and abstract and therefore, it was suggested in addition to general formulae (general delicts) to apply a detailed list of unfair competition specific acts to prevent this during operations. The study also pays attention to the fact that unfair competition includes the actions in the form of abuse of rights and the breach of the objective right standards

    Patched-mediated regulation of Smoothened trafficking and activity by Lipophorin-derived lipids

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    Hedgehog is a lipid-linked morphogen that is carried on lipoprotein particles and that regulates both patterning and proliferation in a wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate tissues. Hyperactivity of Hedgehog signaling causes numerous forms of cancer. Hedgehog acts by binding to its receptor Patched, relieving the suppression of Smoothened and initiating Smoothened signaling. The mechanism by which Patched represses Smoothened has been unclear, but correlates with reduced Smoothened levels on the basolateral membrane. The structural homology of Patched with the Niemann-Pick-Type C1 protein and bacterial transmembrane transporters suggests that Patched might regulate lipid trafficking to repress Smoothened. However, no endogenous lipid regulators of Smoothened have yet been identified, nor has it ever been shown that Patched actually controls lipid trafficking. This work shows that, in Drosophila melanogaster, the Sterol-Sensing Domain of Patched regulates Smoothened trafficking from Patched-positive endosomes. Furthermore, it demonstrates that Patched recruits internalized lipoproteins to Patched-positive endosomes. Thereby, Patched regulates the efflux of specific lipoprotein-derived lipids from this compartment via its Sterol-Sensing Domain and utilizes these lipids to destabilize Smoothened on the basolateral membrane. We propose that Patched normally promotes Smoothened degradation and subsequently downregulates its activity by changing the lipid composition of endosomes through which Smoothened passes. For this purpose, Patched utilizes a specific lipid – possibly a modified sterol or sphingolipid – derived from lipoproteins. Further, we suggest that the presence of Hedgehog on lipoprotein particles inhibits utilization of their lipids by Patched

    Characteristics of algocenoses of small water reservoirs at the territory of the National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama" being influenced by oil production

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    There was investigated chemical composition of water and bottom sediments as well as characteristics of algocenoses (number of species, population, biomass, saprobity index, Shannon index for population and biomass) in 8 water reservoirs at the territory of the National Park "Nizhnyaya Kama" (the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia). The water reservoirs under investigation are polluted with oil as a result of accidental spills at time of its transportation and production which has been carried out at the water shed area since the sixties of the 20th century. Oil products accumulation in bottom sediments was revealed, their content in sediments exceeded the content in water by 47-889 times. There were determined dominant complexes of algae species depending on the range of oil products content in water and bottom sediments. A response reaction of algae to high oil products concentration in water (0.48-1.44 mg/l) and bottom sediments (9137-17780 mg/kg) is expressed by reduction of species diversity and decrease of quantitative characteristics of algae up to complete disappearance. Through a correlation analysis there was identified a dependency between algal community indices (number of species, biomass, Shannon index for population) and a content of nutrient substances (ammonium salts, nitrites) as well as of ferrum. No significant correlation dependencies between oil products content in water, bottom sediments and the algal community indices were revealed

    Islam motives in Sagit Suncheley's works

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    © Serials Publications. This article is devoted to the studies of Islam motives in the works of known Tatar poet S. Suncheley. There are also reasons which became really prerequisites for the address to God. In poems the poet shows himself as the singer of simple people, he believes in God with all his soul; he appeals to him, expresses the wishes which not connected with his own needs, but the interests of other simple people. The real big hope takes place in his soul, that God will hear his wishes