1,242 research outputs found

    Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Upland Cropping System in the Humid Tropics

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    Nitrous oxide (N20) emission to the atmosphere has a great implication on global climate change. Agricultural soils seem to be its major source, though little attention is given to the soils and upland cropping systems of the humid tropics. Thus, laboratory experiments were carried out to study the impact of N sources, moisture regimes and soil types on N20 production A field experiment was conducted to measure N20 emissions from a maize-groundnut cropping system managed with different N sources. The laboratory incubation study using an Ultisol showed a maximum N20 flux of 2379 ug N20-N kg-1 soil d-1 with chicken manure application at 60010 water-filled pore space (WFPS). Application of potassium nitrate, groundnut residue and urea resulted in smaller production rates (61 5 - 699 ug N20-N kg-l soil d-1). Addition of ammonium sulfate and maize residue produced the lowest rates, 229 and 246 ug N20-N kg-1 soil d-1, respectively. In general, the total N20 production in 25 days increased with decrease in C/N ratio of the organic N sources

    Identification of Cladosporium sp. Fungi by in- silico RFLP-PCR

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    يلعب الفطر Cladosporium  دورا مهما في صحة الانسان فهو احد الفطريات المسببة لامراض الحساسية والربو ومن اكثر الابواغ المحموله في الهواء ، ولاهمية هذه الفطر شملت هذه الدراسة تصميم بادئ عام لتشخيص 25 نوعا تعود للفطر  Cladosporium  طبقا للمناطق المحفوظة في تسلسل القواعد النتروجينية في مواقع وحدات الرايبوسوم 5.8S و 18S و 28S في هذه الانواع. استخدمت طريقة تغاير قطع التقييد لتفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل RFLP) ) لتشخيص 24 نوعا من انواع الفطر التي تم تشخيصها باستخدام البادئ العام  . اجريت جميع التجارب باستخدام برامج البايولوجي الجزيئي على جهاز الحاسوب والتي اظهرت نتائجها فعالية البادئ المصمم في تشخيص 24 نوعا من اصل 25 نوع وايضا امكانية تشخيص والتمييز لثلاثة انواع من الفطريات باستخدام الانزيمات القاطعة المتخصصة على مستوى النوع وهي Cl. halotorenas باستخدام ثلاثة انزيمات متخصصة و Cl. colrandse  باستخدام انزيمين  و Cl. aciculare بانزيم واحد. توفر هذه التقنية طريقة فعالة في فحص مدى كفاءة البادئات المصصمة والمختارة لاجراء تجارب الـ PCR  افتراضيا قبل استخدامها في المختبر وكذلك استخدام طريقة RFLP عن طريق ايجاد الانزيمات القاطعة الخاصة على مستوى النوع لللاجناس المهمة صحيا لاستخدامها في المختبر لاختصار الوقت والجهد ونجاح عمليات تضخيم وتفاعل انزيم البلمرة PCR . Cladosporium sp. plays an important role in human health, it is one of the pathogenic fungi which cause allergy and asthma and most frequently isolated from airborne spores.  In this study, a couple of universal PCR primers were designed to identify the pathogenic fungi Cladosporium sp. according to conserved region 5.8S, 18S and 28S subunit ribosomal RNA gene in Cladosporium species. In silico RFLP-PCR were used to identify twenty-four Cladosporium strains. The results showed that the universal primer has the specificity to amplify the conserved region in 24 species as a band in virtual agarose gel. They also showed that the RFLP method is able to identify three Cladosporium species by specific and unique restriction enzymes for each one. These species are Cl. halotorenas by the two unique enzymes BsaXI and MobII, the other species is Cl. colrandse by two enzymes BccI and BtsCI, while the third species is Cl. aciculare by one enzyme BceAI. Each enzyme forms two bands in virtual agarose gel as a results of cutting the DNA by the enzyme, where the rest twenty – two species share more than one restriction enzymes. This method is active and rapid for identifying Cladosporium genus and three species by computational bases methods before applying it in the lab for more accuracy, efficiency, and specificity of designed primer to get good results in a short time

    Multi-Stage Protection Using Pixel Selection Technique for Enhancing Steganography

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    Steganography and data security are extremely important for all organizations. This research introduces a novel stenographic method called multi-stage protection using the pixel selection technique (MPPST). MPPST is developed based on the features of the pixel and analysis technique to extract the pixel's characteristics and distribution of cover-image. A pixel selection technique is proposed for hiding secret messages using the feature selection method. The secret file is distributed and embedded randomly into the stego-image to make the process of the steganalysis complicated.  The attackers not only need to deter which pixel values have been selected to carry the secret file, they also must rearrange the correct sequence of pixels. MPPST generates a complex key that indicates where the encrypted elements of the binary sequence of a secret file are. The analysis stage undergoes four stages, which are the calculation of the peak signal-to-noise ratio, mean squared error, histogram analysis, and relative entropy. These four stages are used to demonstrate the characteristics of the cover image. To evaluate the proposed method, MPPST is compared to the standard technique of Least Significant Bit (LSB) and other algorithms from the literature. The experimental results show that MPPST outperforms other algorithms for all instances and achieves a significant security enhancement


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    ABSTRACT: Common and medical plants were investigated for active biochemical to bind and inhibit the CYP51 protein in candida sp., 22 important plants were chosen and 263 molecular docking reactions were done between active materials and protein, 1441 different active ligands were detected for binding in protein active site, the best 225 ligands were chosen depending the power of affinity bond. Four ligands were candidates for having the best ligand affinity bond and more safety for use according to the toxicity test program; within these ligands, the Epicatechin was found to be the best biochemical for inhibition and bonding to CYP51 protein as it subjects to Lipinski's rule of five. Keywords: molecular docking; medical plants; Candida sp.   Investigação e identificação de alguns bioquímicos ativos em plantas medicinais contra a proteína CYP51 em candida usando Molecular Docking   RESUMO: Plantas comuns e medicinais foram investigadas para bioquímicos ativos para ligar e inibir a proteína CYP51 em Candida sp., 22 plantas importantes foram escolhidas e 263 reações de docking molecular foram feitas entre materiais ativos e proteínas, 1441 ligantes ativos diferentes foram detectados para ligação em proteínas sítio ativo, o melhor ligante 225 foi escolhido dependendo do poder de ligação de afinidade. Quatro ligantes foram candidatos por ter melhor ligação por afinidade e maior segurança para uso de acordo com o programa de testes de toxicidade, dentro destes ligantes a Epicatequina mostrou ser o melhor bioquímico para inibição e ligação à proteína CYP51 por estar sujeita à regra dos cinco de Lipinski. Palavras-chave: docking molecular; plantas medicinais; Candida sp.ABSTRACT: Common and medical plants were investigated for active biochemical to bind and inhibit the CYP51 protein in candida sp., 22 important plants were chosen and 263 molecular docking reactions were done between active materials and protein, 1441 different active ligands were detected for binding in protein active site, the best 225 ligands were chosen depending the power of affinity bond. Four ligands were candidates for having the best ligand affinity bond and more safety for use according to the toxicity test program; within these ligands, the Epicatechin was found to be the best biochemical for inhibition and bonding to CYP51 protein as it subjects to Lipinski's rule of five. Keywords: molecular docking; medical plants; Candida sp.   Investigação e identificação de alguns bioquímicos ativos em plantas medicinais contra a proteína CYP51 em candida usando Molecular Docking   RESUMO: Plantas comuns e medicinais foram investigadas para bioquímicos ativos para ligar e inibir a proteína CYP51 em Candida sp., 22 plantas importantes foram escolhidas e 263 reações de docking molecular foram feitas entre materiais ativos e proteínas, 1441 ligantes ativos diferentes foram detectados para ligação em proteínas sítio ativo, o melhor ligante 225 foi escolhido dependendo do poder de ligação de afinidade. Quatro ligantes foram candidatos por ter melhor ligação por afinidade e maior segurança para uso de acordo com o programa de testes de toxicidade, dentro destes ligantes a Epicatequina mostrou ser o melhor bioquímico para inibição e ligação à proteína CYP51 por estar sujeita à regra dos cinco de Lipinski. Palavras-chave: docking molecular; plantas medicinais; Candida sp

    A Novel Privacy Preserving Search Technique for Stego Data in Untrusted Cloud

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    We propose the first privacy preserving search technique for stego health data in untrusted cloud in this paper. The Cloud computing is a popular technology to the healthcare providers for outsourcing health data due to flexibility and cost effectiveness. However, outsourcing health data to the cloud introduces serious privacy issues to the patient. For example, dishonest personnel of the cloud provider may disclose patient sensitive information to business organizations for some financial benefits. Using steganography, patient sensitive information is hidden within health data for privacy preservation. As a result, stego health data is generated. To the best of our knowledge, no method exists for searching a particular stego data without disclosing any information to the cloud. We propose a framework for privacy preserving search over stego health data. We systematically describe each component of the proposed framework. We conduct several experiments to evaluate the performance of the framework

    Molecular Detecting of fungi and Bacteria in the ‎Blood of Patients With Genital System ‎Inflammatory Infection

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    أستخدمت تقنية الـ PCR للتحري عن الفطريات والبكتريا في دم المصابين المصاحب لالتهابات الجهاز التناسلي ، ثلاث انواع من البادئات استخدمت لتشخيص بكتريا E.coli  والفطر Candida spp. وتواجد مجاميع اخرى من الفطريات واظهرت النتائج الاصابة بكلا النوعين حيث ان جميع المرضى كانو مصابين ببكتريا  E.coli و30 %منهم مصابين بالفطر Candida spp. و بنفس النسبة لفطريات اخرى .A PCR technique was used to detect fungi and bacteria in the blood of patients with inflammatory infection of genital system, three primer sets were used to detect E. Coli , Candida spp. and existence of other fungi  The results showed infection by both microorganisms. All patients had bacteria in the blood stream while 30 % of them had a Candida spp. and the same percentage of other fungi species in bloo

    Blockchain-based Access Control for Secure Smart Industry Management Systems

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    Smart manufacturing systems involve a large number of interconnected devices resulting in massive data generation. Cloud computing technology has recently gained increasing attention in smart manufacturing systems for facilitating cost-effective service provisioning and massive data management. In a cloud-based manufacturing system, ensuring authorized access to the data is crucial. A cloud platform is operated under a single authority. Hence, a cloud platform is prone to a single point of failure and vulnerable to adversaries. An internal or external adversary can easily modify users' access to allow unauthorized users to access the data. This paper proposes a role-based access control to prevent modification attacks by leveraging blockchain and smart contracts in a cloud-based smart manufacturing system. The role-based access control is developed to determine users' roles and rights in smart contracts. The smart contracts are then deployed to the private blockchain network. We evaluate our solution by utilizing Ethereum private blockchain network to deploy the smart contract. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and evaluation of the proposed framework's performance

    Utilization of oxygen therapy in Mosul

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    Objectives:. To document the appropriate way of oxygen utilization therapy for patients admitted in the medical and pediatric wards and to determine whether oxygen therapy as a medicine or not. Patients and methods: The study involved 100 patients, 11 children and 89 adults, who were receiving oxygen therapy, in different medical and pediatric wards , in Ibn-Sina Teaching Hospital. The youngest patient was 2 months and the oldest was 85 years. Mean of adult patients 56.7 ± 16.1 years while mean of infant 3.5 ±1.59 months . All patients who screened had oxygen apparatus at the bedside, physician orders for oxygen therapy, order of other medical treatment, diagnosis and clinical indication for oxygen therapy and pulse oximetry. Results: Oxygen therapy was not indicated in 75% of the cases, and oxygen was given without supervision during administration, while most other orders of medical therapeutic drugs were written properly and given by pharmacists. Most of the adult patients suffered from respiratory (40%) or cardiac (31%) problems; the remainder (29%) have other illnesses, 8 of the children suffered from chest infection. Conclusion: Oxygen therapy was poorly prescribed and poorly understood and paid less attention compared with other drug therapy

    Assessing of Farmers' Opinion towards Floating Agriculture as a Means of Cleaner Production: A Case of Barisal District, Bangladesh

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    Aims: Bangladesh, as a low-lying country, is vulnerable to global climate change and affected by floods and water logging. Hence, the country needs to adopt sufficient adaptation strategies which are based on local people traditional knowledge and locally available materials; hence, floating agriculture is that type of agriculture. Through this article we examine the floating agriculture related farmers opinion towards floating agriculture as a means of cleaner production Study Design: A descriptive survey research design is followed for the study and interview schedule is the main data collection instrument of the research. Place and Duration of Study: The study area was Banaripara and Wazirpur Upazila of Barisal District of Bangladesh. Data was collected from the farmers who were involved with floating agriculture. Methodology: A total number of 385 farmers of the two Upazilas were the population and out of them 140 farmers were selected as the sample of the study. The interview schedule was developed according to the objective of the research. We used five points Likert scale to judge the opinion towards floating agriculture. We administered multiple regression analysis using SPSS for finding out the influence of farmers’ socio-demographic characteristics on their opinion towards floating agriculture as a means of cleaner production. Results: The farmers of the study area had moderately to less a favorable opinion (83%) towards floating agriculture as a means of cleaner production. Three of the characteristics of the farmers (eg. their age, family size and training participation on floating agriculture) had an influence on their opinion according to the regression results. Therefore, the higher the listed three characteristics according to the regression result the higher will be the opinion of the farmers towards floating agriculture. Conclusion: These findings suggest that it is important to explore knowledge and arrange training for the farmers on floating bed preparation, selecting suitable crops, the intercultural operation of crops and so on. Moreover, future research should be carried out on floating agriculture’s role as a means of women and unemployed employment opportunity, community development, and identify challenges of this technique

    Synergistic Efficiency Between Types of Fungi and Algae for Wastewater Treatment

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    The study aims to demonstrate the efficiency of the synergy between types of fungi and algae for wastewater treatment. Samples are collected from the waters of Wadi al-Kharazi inside the University of Mosul. Four genera of organisms, two sexes of fungi, and two sexes of algae are used for the purpose of reacting. Examinations are conducted for water treated with fungi and algae, as 8 treatments are used compared to the control treatment that contains water alone. The pH function, bicarbonate ions, and sulfates with the two elements iron and copper are measured. The results of the bicarbonate examination show that the best biological treatment is in the mixed culturing of the alga Spirogyra maxima and the fungus Trichoderma asperallum. The average concentration during the incubation periods is 162.8 mg.l-1 compared to the average control treatment ranging 204.9 mg.l-1. The results of the sulfate examination show a decrease in concentration for all treatments compared to the control treatment. The best biological treatment in the mixed culturing is between the alga Spirogyra maxima and the fungus Mucor racemosus, as the removal rate reached 48% compared to the average of the control treatment. Examinations have demonstrated the synergy between fungi and algae in increasing the efficiency of pollutant removal rather than using both separately