363 research outputs found

    Optimal Reduction of Electrical Energy Consumption by Supply Air AC Motors

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    The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCER) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) strives to be energy efficient through Green Energy. Of course, in meeting some of the requirements for different types of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, certain minimum levels of energy efficiency practices must be met. One such level of energy efficiency, in particular, is reduction in the consumption of electrical energy in buildings. This thesis is a study of methods of reducing the consumption of electrical energy (measured in kW of electrical power) in the UNL Jorgensen Hall (JH) air handling unit 2 (AHU2) ‘fan wall’ of supply air AC motors/fans. An analysis of the experimental results showed that the numerical values obtained for the total head loss (and the consequential power loss) from the equations employed in each energy method were sufficiently close to each other. This led to the conclusion that the equations employed in the energy methods were properly constructed. A comparison was made between the magnitudes of the head losses (and consequential power losses) associated with the work done by different motor combinations. Furthermore, this comparison was made while, in every combination, the AC motors were operating at a specific speed to move a mass of air through the AHU2 intake air duct system. The optimal performance of the AHU2 supply air AC motors was achieved through this comparison. The specific power consumption, for every different AHU2 supply air AC motor combination tested, was also taken into consideration in order to determine the combined optimum level of performance for these motors in every setting. The effects of friction factor on major and minor head losses and consequently on total head loss were considered. A scheme was constructed for the linear optimization of the curve for the total head loss against major head loss. It was also concluded that a particular function developed to describe the relationship between friction factor and Reynolds number is not the only relationship through which friction factor can be determined. Friction factor can be determined independent of Reynolds number. Finally, recommendations were made so as to bring about the transitioning from one motor combination to another as smoothly as practical in order to meet the specific air supply requirements in different seasonal weather conditions. This can be achieved by way of modifying the appropriate segments of an energy management system software program in constant communication with (field) controllers at all times in order to command these AC motors (operating in different combinations) to run as closely as possible to their peak efficiencies only within a rather narrow range of speed and switching them on and off as needed at all times. Advisor: C. W. Solomon T

    Linear-Petahertz-PhotoConductive switching

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    The effect of grain size on shearing strength of sand

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    The object of this study is to determine experimentally the effect of definite grain size on the shearing characteristics of sandy soils. As it will be discussed in detail under the article - The Mechanics of Shear, the shearing characteristics of sandy soils depends on many factors such as grain size and shape, soil structure and relative density, the water content of soil. An attempt is made throughout the entire investigation to determine the effect of definite grain size on the shearing value and the angle of internal friction under the dry and saturated conditions. Furthermore, the results of shear tests on saturated soils as well as dry soils depend to a large extent on the rate at which the shearing force is increased, the dimensions of the specimen, and other details of the testing procedure. Therefore, all the features of the testing procedure described fully in detail to avoid misleading interpretation of the data -- Object And Scope Of Investigations, page 4

    The Search for the Mystic Element in Weaving

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    Application of Composite Right/Left-Handed Metamaterials in Leaky-Wave Antennas

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    This chapter reviews the most significant advancements in the context of metamaterial (MTM) leaky wave antennas (LWAs). A brief review of the mechanism of leaky wave radiation along with an important class of MTMs known as composite right/left-handed (CRLH) structures is presented. Then, recent outstanding works in the area of CRLH LWAs are reported in detail. These works include the application of electronic control, substrate integrated waveguides, dual band and wideband performance, ferrite loaded waveguides, and split-ring-resonator (SRR)-based MTMs in LWAs. Also, the benefits of LWAs to design high gain active structures, reflecto-directive systems, wideband dual-layer substrate integrated waveguide antennas and conformal antennas are discussed

    Leveraging Social Media to Promote EvidenceBased Continuing Medical Education

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    Importance New dissemination methods are needed to engage physicians in evidence-based continuing medical education (CME). Objective To examine the effectiveness of social media in engaging physicians in non-industry-sponsored CME. Design We tested the effect of different media platforms (e-mail, Facebook, paid Facebook and Twitter), CME topics, and different “hooks” (e.g., Q&A, clinical pearl and best evidence) on driving clicks to a landing site featuring non-industry sponsored CME. We modelled the effects of social media platform, CME topic, and hook using negative binomial regression on clicks to a single landing site. We used clicks to landing site adjusted for exposure and message number to calculate rate ratios. To understand how physicians interact with CME content on social media, we also conducted interviews with 10 physicians. Setting The National Physicians Alliance (NPA) membership. Participants NPA e-mail recipients, Facebook followers and friends, and Twitter followers. Main Outcomes and Measures Clicks to the NPA’s CME landing site. Results On average, 4,544 recipients received each message. Messages generated a total of 592 clicks to the landing site, for a rate of 5.4 clicks per 1000 recipients exposed. There were 5.4 clicks from e-mail, 11.9 clicks from Facebook, 5.5 clicks from paid Facebook, and 6.9 clicks from Twitter to the landing site for 1000 physicians exposed to each of 4 selected CME modules. A Facebook post generated 2.3x as many clicks to the landing site as did an e-mail after controlling for participant exposure, hook type and CME topic (p Conclusions Social media has a modest impact on driving traffic to evidence-based CME options. Facebook had a superior effect on driving physician web traffic to evidence-based CME compared to other social media platforms and email

    Seismic performance of a semi-active MR damper improved by fuzzy control system

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    Abstract Control systems play a crucial role in the operation of airplanes, robots and the new generation of smart automobiles to improve their performance, safety and robustness. Considering the ability of control systems to optimize the functionality of damping devices, such controllable devices can effectively dissipate the seismic vibrations of structures in which they are installed. Although dampers are utilized in many structures, the main issue is that most of such devices function in passive mode without control systems. In some cases, such passive damping systems may perform inefficiently and cause detrimental effects which may endanger the safety of the structures. Magnetorheological (MR) damper is a type of semi-active damper that produces variable resistant force according to the intensity of the magnetic field which is induced by a direct electricity current (DC). Since direct current can be supplied by batteries, this type of damper is functional and serviceable in harsh conditions in which the power supply may be interrupted. Therefore, the capability of variable force production demanding less energy is the major advantage of MR dampers. In this research, seismic response of a 2D single-story structure which is equipped with an adaptive MR damper is investigated and a fuzzy control system is added to the damper to smartly control and adjust its performance in real time. The fuzzy controlled system adjusts the applied electric current to the damper according to the displacement response of the structure caused by an earthquake. Therefore, it makes the resisting damper force proportional and adaptive to the magnitude of the earthquake forces. The analytical results illustrate that such controllable damping system can effectively dissipate the seismic vibration of the structure subjected to two sets of far-field and near-field (pulse- like) earthquake records. In this way the average of the maximum seismic demands in the dynamic model including wave energy, acceleration, velocity and displacement decrease by 38%,40%,36% and 83% for far-field records and by 40%,43%,40% and 82% for near-field (pulse-like) records respectively. Keywords: MR damper, fuzzy logic, mamdani system, seismic loads, energy dissipatio

    Repair of Wide Cleft Palate by Bilateral Buccal Fat Pad: A Preliminary Study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to prospectively assess the effectiveness of the use of the bilateral buccal fat pad (BFP) for wide cleft palate reconstruction and its effect on transverse palatal growth and fistula formation. Methods and Materials: Buccal fat pad was utilized for treatment of wide palatal cleft patients managed by at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences. Also, an electronic search of articles was performed in Medline and PubMed database from January 1990 to May 2015 to review the literature and summarize the utilization of BFP graft in reconstruction of palatal defects. Results: Ten wide palatal cleft patients were enrolled in this study from 2009 to 2015. Age ranged from 1.5 to 18 years with a mean of 6 in all cases and 2.4 in growing patients. The exposed BFP fully epithelialized within 4 weeks. No palatal fistula type III or IV was observed in follow-up. Palatal transverse growth was not adversely affected in seven growing patients in the follow-up time. Conclusion: The results of this study may suggest application of pedicled BFPs to support and fill nasal layer, raw bone, dead space between oral and nasal layer and hypoplastic muscles to prevent fistula formation and severe scar contracture

    Identification and Analysis of Entrepreneurial Strategies preserving Schumpeterian Rent

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    Purpose- As any increase in the price of resources and any imitation by competitors decrease entre-preneurial rent, the entrepreneurs should use some kind of strategies to preserve this rent. We used resource based view as a lens for finding these strategies. Design/methodology/approach- For conducting this research, qualitative method was used and qual-itative research questionnaire was formed based on Peteraf model, 15 entrepreneurial companies have participated for completing this study. Findings A total of 13 strategies have been identified and analyzed which are: Pioneering strategy, Economy of Scale, Establishing reputation and brand, Creating continuous innovation, Secrecy and ambiguity strategy, Franchise development, Control of resources, Legal barriers, Compromise with competitors, Selecting strategic location for business, Sharing profit with resource owners, Supplier diversification and Vertical integration. Research Implications- Entrepreneurs can use these strategies to preserve their rent. In addition, the researchers can use these results for further research and developing the literature of entrepreneurial strategies which was not rich before presenting this research. Originality/value- This is the first qualitative research which tries to identify entrepreneurial strate-gies through the resource-based view lens. Furthermore the research tries to differentiate entrepre-neurial strategies from non-entrepreneurial strategies for the first time. Conceptual Paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Asadi Sisakht, K., Jalili Orumieh, S., Talebi, K. (2014). “Identification and Analysis of Entrepreneurial Strategies preserving Schumpeterian Rent”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 41–62
