159 research outputs found

    Are Credit-Card Late Fees Interest ? Delineating the Preemptive Reach of Section 85 of the National Bank Act of 1864 and Section 521 of the Depositary Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980

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    This Note argues that neither section 85 of the NBA nor section 521 of the DIDA preempts state consumer-credit-protection laws regulating late fees on credit-card transactions. Part I discusses the three approaches that the Supreme Court has devised and used over the years to determine when a federal law preempts state law: express preemption, implied preemption, and conflict preemption. Part II applies express preemption analysis and asserts that the ordinary meaning of DIDA section 521\u27s express preemption language does not evince Congress\u27s intent to preempt state prohibitions of late fees. Part III applies implied preemption analysis and argues that neither NBA section 85 nor DIDA section 521 impliedly preempts state laws regulating late fees because Congress did not indicate a clear and manifest purpose to preempt the entire field of consumer-credit protection. Finally, Part IV applies conflict preemption analysis and argues that sustaining state law provisions governing late fees, which are imposed only on contingent occasions of borrower default, does not conflict with the congressional objective in enacting NBA section 85 and DIDA section 521-- achieving lender parity

    Knowing and Designing: Understanding Information Use in Open Source Design Through the Lens of Information Archetypes

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    The early phases of the product design process are crucial to the success of design outcomes. While information utilized during idea development has tremendous potential to impact the final design, there is a lack of understanding about the types of information utilized in industry, making it challenging to develop and teach methodologies that support the design of competitive products. As a first step in understanding this process, this study focuses on developing a framework of Information Archetypes utilized by designers in industry. This was accomplished through in-depth analysis of qualitative interviews with large software engineering companies. The results reveal two archetypes of information utilized by decision-makers within these companies during the development of new products and services. The findings of this study allow for future research that investigates the role of information during the product design process

    A simple, accurate and cost-effective capillary electrophoresis test with computational methods to aid in universal microsatellite instability testing

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    Background: Microsatellite instability (MSI) testing is important for the classification of Lynch syndrome, as a prognostic marker and as a guide for adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer (CRC). The gold standard for determining MSI status has traditionally been fluorescent multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE). However, its use in the clinical setting has diminished and has been replaced by immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of loss of mismatch repair protein expression due to practicability and cost. The aim of this study was to develop a simple, cost-effective and accurate MSI assay based on CGE. Method: After amplification of microsatellites by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the National Cancer Institute (NCI) panel (BAT 25, BAT26, D5S346, D2S123, D17S250) of MSI markers, parallel CGE was utilized to classify colorectal cancers as MSI-H, MSI-L and MSS using the 5200 Fragment Analyzer System. Cell lines and patient cancer specimens were tested. DNA from 56 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cancer specimens and matched normal tissue were extracted and CGE was performed. An automated computational algorithm for MSI status determination was also developed. Results: Using the fragment analyser, MSI status was found to be 100% concordant with the known MSI status of cell lines and was 86% and 87% concordant with immunohistochemistry (IHC) from patient cancer specimens using traditional assessment and our MSI scoring system, respectively, for MSI determination. The misclassification rate was mainly attributed to IHC, with only one (1.8%) sampling error attributed to CGE testing. CGE was also able to distinguish MSI-L from MSI-H and MSS, which is not possible with IHC. An MSI score based on total allelic variability that can accurately determine MSI status was also successfully developed. A significant reduction in cost compared with traditional fluorescent multiplex PCR and CGE was achieved with this technique. Conclusions: A simple, cost-effective and reliable method of determining MSI status and an MSI scoring system based on an automatic computational algorithm to determine MSI status, as well as degree of allelic instability in colorectal cancer, has been developed using the 5200 Fragment Analyzer System

    The Limits of Metalinguistic Negotiation: The Role of Shared Meanings in Normative Debate

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    According to philosophical orthodoxy, the parties to moral or legal disputes genuinely disagree only if their use of key normative terms in the dispute express the same meaning. Recently, however, this orthodoxy has been challenged. According to an influential alternative view, genuine moral and legal disagreements should be understood as metalinguistic negotiations over which meaning a given term should have. In this paper, we argue that the shared meaning view is motivated by much deeper considerations than its recent critics recognize, and that much would be lost in opting for the explanation of normative disputes as metalinguistic negotiations

    A new interpretivist metasemantics for fundamental legal disagreements

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    What does it take for lawyers and others to think or talk about the same legal topic—e.g., defamation, culpability? We argue that people are able to think or talk about the same topic not when they possess a matching substantive understanding of the topic, as traditional metasemantics says, but instead when their thoughts or utterances are related to each other in certain ways. And what determines the content of thoughts and utterances is what would best serve the core purposes of the representational practice within which the thought or utterance is located. In thus favoring a “relational model” in metasemantics, we share Ronald Dworkin's goal of explaining fundamental legal disagreements, and also his reliance on constructive interpretation. But what we delineate is a far more general and explanatorily resourceful metasemantics than what Dworkin articulated, which also bypasses some controversial implications for the nature of law that Dworkin alleged

    Association between microsatellite instability status and peri-operative release of circulating tumour cells in colorectal cancer

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    Microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer (CRC) is a marker of immunogenicity and is associated with an increased abundance of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). In this subgroup of colorectal cancer, it is unknown if these characteristics translate into a measurable difference in circulating tumour cell (CTC) release into peripheral circulation. This is the first study to compare MSI status with the prevalence of circulating CTCs in the peri-operative colorectal surgery setting. For this purpose, 20 patients who underwent CRC surgery with curative intent were enrolled in the study, and peripheral venous blood was collected at pre- (t1), intra- (t2), immediately post-operative (t3), and 14–16 h post-operative (t4) time points. Of these, one patient was excluded due to insufficient blood sample. CTCs were isolated from 19 patients using the IsofluxTM system, and the data were analysed using the STATA statistical package. CTC number was presented as the mean values, and comparisons were made using the Student t-test. There was a trend toward increased CTC presence in the MSI-high (H) CRC group, but this was not statistically significant. In addition, a Poisson regression was performed adjusting for stage (I-IV). This demonstrated no significant difference between the two MSI groups for pre-operative time point t1. However, time points t2, t3, and t4 were associated with increased CTC presence for MSI-H CRCs. In conclusion, there was a trend toward increased CTC release pre-, intra-, and post-operatively in MSI-H CRCs, but this was only statistically significant intra-operatively. When adjusting for stage, MSI-H was associated with an increase in CTC numbers intra-operatively and post-operatively, but not pre-operatively

    Predicting potential Alzheimer medical condition in elderly using IOT sensors - Case study

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    National Development and National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under the Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2NIC

    Why sequence all eukaryotes?

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    Life on Earth has evolved from initial simplicity to the astounding complexity we experience today. Bacteria and archaea have largely excelled in metabolic diversification, but eukaryotes additionally display abundant morphological innovation. How have these innovations come about and what constraints are there on the origins of novelty and the continuing maintenance of biodiversity on Earth? The history of life and the code for the working parts of cells and systems are written in the genome. The Earth BioGenome Project has proposed that the genomes of all extant, named eukaryotes-about 2 million species-should be sequenced to high quality to produce a digital library of life on Earth, beginning with strategic phylogenetic, ecological, and high-impact priorities. Here we discuss why we should sequence all eukaryotic species, not just a representative few scattered across the many branches of the tree of life. We suggest that many questions of evolutionary and ecological significance will only be addressable when whole-genome data representing divergences at all of the branchings in the tree of life or all species in natural ecosystems are available. We envisage that a genomic tree of life will foster understanding of the ongoing processes of speciation, adaptation, and organismal dependencies within entire ecosystems. These explorations will resolve long-standing problems in phylogenetics, evolution, ecology, conservation, agriculture, bioindustry, and medicine

    Arterial ischemic stroke in HIV:Defining and classifying etiology for research studies

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    HIV infection, and potentially its treatment, increases the risk of an arterial ischemic stroke. Multiple etiologies and lack of clear case definitions inhibit progress in this field. Several etiologies, many treatable, are relevant to HIV-related stroke. To fully understand the mechanisms and the terminology used, a robust classification algorithm to help ascribe the various etiologies is needed. This consensus paper considers the strengths and limitations of current case definitions in the context of HIV infection. The case definitions for the major etiologies in HIV-related strokes were refined (e.g., varicella zoster vasculopathy and antiphospholipid syndrome) and in some instances new case definitions were described (e.g., HIV-associated vasculopathy). These case definitions provided a framework for an algorithm to help assign a final diagnosis, and help classify the subtypes of HIV etiology in ischemic stroke

    Gene Coexpression Network Analysis as a Source of Functional Annotation for Rice Genes

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    With the existence of large publicly available plant gene expression data sets, many groups have undertaken data analyses to construct gene coexpression networks and functionally annotate genes. Often, a large compendium of unrelated or condition-independent expression data is used to construct gene networks. Condition-dependent expression experiments consisting of well-defined conditions/treatments have also been used to create coexpression networks to help examine particular biological processes. Gene networks derived from either condition-dependent or condition-independent data can be difficult to interpret if a large number of genes and connections are present. However, algorithms exist to identify modules of highly connected and biologically relevant genes within coexpression networks. In this study, we have used publicly available rice (Oryza sativa) gene expression data to create gene coexpression networks using both condition-dependent and condition-independent data and have identified gene modules within these networks using the Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis method. We compared the number of genes assigned to modules and the biological interpretability of gene coexpression modules to assess the utility of condition-dependent and condition-independent gene coexpression networks. For the purpose of providing functional annotation to rice genes, we found that gene modules identified by coexpression analysis of condition-dependent gene expression experiments to be more useful than gene modules identified by analysis of a condition-independent data set. We have incorporated our results into the MSU Rice Genome Annotation Project database as additional expression-based annotation for 13,537 genes, 2,980 of which lack a functional annotation description. These results provide two new types of functional annotation for our database. Genes in modules are now associated with groups of genes that constitute a collective functional annotation of those modules. Additionally, the expression patterns of genes across the treatments/conditions of an expression experiment comprise a second form of useful annotation