337 research outputs found

    Machine learning for identifying demand patterns of home energy management systems with dynamic electricity pricing

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    Energy management plays a crucial role in providing necessary system flexibility to deal with the ongoing integration of volatile and intermittent energy sources. Demand Response (DR) programs enhance demand flexibility by communicating energy market price volatility to the end-consumer. In such environments, home energy management systems assist the use of flexible end-appliances, based upon the individual consumer's personal preferences and beliefs. However, with the latter heterogeneously distributed, not all dynamic pricing schemes are equally adequate for the individual needs of households. We conduct one of the first large scale natural experiments, with multiple dynamic pricing schemes for end consumers, allowing us to analyze different demand behavior in relation with household attri

    Central Review of Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities in Two Phase III Clinical Trials of Bapineuzumab in Mild-To-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) consist of ARIA-E (with effusion or edema) and ARIA-H (hemosiderin deposits [HDs]). OBJECTIVES: To address accurate ascertainment of ARIA identification, a final magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reading was performed on patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease randomized to bapineuzumab IV or placebo during two Phase III trials (APOE ɛ4 allele carriers or noncarriers). METHODS: Final MRI central review consisted of a systematic sequential locked, adjudicated read in 1,331 APOE ɛ4 noncarriers and 1,121 carriers by independent neuroradiologists. Assessment of ARIA-E, ARIA-H, intracerebral hemorrhages, and age-related white matter changes is described. RESULTS: In the Final Read, treatment-emergent ARIA-E were identified in 242 patients including 76 additional cases not noted previously in real time. Overall, incidence proportion of ARIA-E was higher in carriers (active 21.2%; placebo 1.1%) than in noncarriers (pooled active 11.3%; placebo 0.6%), and was more often identified in homozygote APOE ɛ4 carriers than heterozygotes (34.5% versus 16.9%). Incidence rate of ARIA-E increased with increased dose in noncarriers. Frequency of ARIA-E first episodes was highest after the first and second bapineuzumab infusion and declined after repeated infusions. Incidence of total HDs <10 mm (cerebral microhemorrhages) was higher in active groups versus placebo. CONCLUSION: ARIA was detected more often on MRI scans when every scan was reviewed by trained neuroradiologists and results adjudicated. There was increased incidence of ARIA-E in bapineuzumab-treated carriers who had a microhemorrhage at baseline. ARIA-E was a risk factor for incident ARIA-H and late onset ARIA-E was milder radiologically. Age-related white matter changes did not progress during the study

    Competitive Benchmarking: An IS Research Approach to Address Wicked Problems with Big Data and Analytics

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    Wicked problems like sustainable energy and financial market stability are societal challenges that arise from complex socio-technical systems in which numerous social, economic, political, and technical factors interact. Understanding and mitigating them requires research methods that scale beyond the traditional areas of inquiry of Information Systems (IS) “individuals, organizations, and markets” and that deliver solutions in addition to insights. We describe an approach to address these challenges through Competitive Benchmarking (CB), a novel research method that helps interdisciplinary research communities to tackle complex challenges of societal scale by using different types of data from a variety of sources such as usage data from customers, production patterns from producers, public policy and regulatory constraints, etc. for a given instantiation. Further, the CB platform generates data that can be used to improve operational strategies and judge the effectiveness of regulatory regimes and policies. We describe our experience applying CB to the sustainable energy challenge in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) in which more than a dozen research groups from around the world jointly devise, benchmark, and improve IS-based solutions

    Mass measurements of very neutron-deficient Mo and Tc isotopes and their impact on rp process nucleosynthesis

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    The masses of ten proton-rich nuclides, including the N=Z+1 nuclides 85-Mo and 87-Tc, were measured with the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP. Compared to the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2003 a systematic shift of the mass surface by up to 1.6 MeV is observed causing significant abundance changes of the ashes of astrophysical X-ray bursts. Surprisingly low alpha-separation energies for neutron-deficient Mo and Tc are found, making the formation of a ZrNb cycle in the rp process possible. Such a cycle would impose an upper temperature limit for the synthesis of elements beyond Nb in the rp process.Comment: Link to online abstract: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.12250

    Revising Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, criteria for the bipolar disorders: Phase I of the AREDOC project

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    Objective: To derive new criteria sets for defining manic and hypomanic episodes (and thus for defining the bipolar I and II disorders), an international Task Force was assembled and termed AREDOC reflecting its role of Assessment, Revision and Evaluation of DSM and other Operational Criteria. This paper reports on the first phase of its deliberations and interim criteria recommendations. Method: The first stage of the process consisted of reviewing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, and recent International Classification of Diseases criteria, identifying their limitations and generating modified criteria sets for further in-depth consideration. Task Force members responded to recommendations for modifying criteria and from these the most problematic issues were identified. Results: Principal issues focussed on by Task Force members were how best to differentiate mania and hypomania, how to judge ‘impairment’ (both in and of itself and allowing that functioning may sometimes improve during hypomanic episodes) and concern that rejecting some criteria (e.g. an imposed duration period) might risk false-positive diagnoses of the bipolar disorders. Conclusion: This first-stage report summarises the clinical opinions of international experts in the diagnosis and management of the bipolar disorders, allowing readers to contemplate diagnostic parameters that may influence their clinical decisions. The findings meaningfully inform subsequent Task Force stages (involving a further commentary stage followed by an empirical study) that are expected to generate improved symptom criteria for diagnosing the bipolar I and II disorders with greater precision and to clarify whether they differ dimensionally or categorically

    TRIGA-SPEC: A setup for mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy at the research reactor TRIGA Mainz

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    The research reactor TRIGA Mainz is an ideal facility to provide neutron-rich nuclides with production rates sufficiently large for mass spectrometric and laser spectroscopic studies. Within the TRIGA-SPEC project, a Penning trap as well as a beam line for collinear laser spectroscopy are being installed. Several new developments will ensure high sensitivity of the trap setup enabling mass measurements even on a single ion. Besides neutron-rich fission products produced in the reactor, also heavy nuclides such as 235-U or 252-Cf can be investigated for the first time with an off-line ion source. The data provided by the mass measurements will be of interest for astrophysical calculations on the rapid neutron-capture process as well as for tests of mass models in the heavy-mass region. The laser spectroscopic measurements will yield model-independent information on nuclear ground-state properties such as nuclear moments and charge radii of neutron-rich nuclei of refractory elements far from stability. This publication describes the experimental setup as well as its present status.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Thalidomide for the treatment of oral aphthous ulcers in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection

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    Background: In patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, aphthous ulceration of the mouth and oropharynx can become extensive and debilitating. Preliminary reports suggest that thalidomide may promote the healing of oral aphthous ulcers. Methods: We performed a double- blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of thalidomide as therapy for oral aphthous ulcers in HIV-infected patients. The patients received a four- week course of either 200 mg of thalidomide or placebo orally once per day. They were evaluated weekly for the condition of the ulcers, their quality of life, and evidence of toxicity. Assays were performed for plasma tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), soluble TNF-α receptors, and HIV RNA. Results: Sixteen of 29 patients in the thalidomide group (55 percent) had complete healing of their aphthous ulcers after four weeks, as compared with only 2 of 28 patients in the placebo group (7 percent; odds ratio, 15; 95 percent confidence interval after adjustment for group sequential testing, 1.8 to 499; unadjusted P&lt;0.001). Pain diminished and the ability to eat improved with thalidomide treatment. The adverse effects noted with thalidomide included somnolence and rash (7 patients each), and 6 of the 29 patients discontinued treatment because of toxicity. Thalidomide treatment increased HIV RNA levels (median increase, 0.42 log 10 copies per milliliter; increase with placebo, 0.05; P=0.04). With thalidomide treatment there were unexpected increases in the plasma concentrations of TNF-α and soluble TNF-α receptors. Conclusions: Thalidomide is an effective treatment for aphthous ulceration of the mouth and oropharynx in petients with HIV infection

    Staging Bipolar Disorder.

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the evidence supporting a staging model for bipolar disorder. The authors conducted an extensive Medline and Pubmed search of the published literature using a variety of search terms (staging, bipolar disorder, early intervention) to find relevant articles, which were reviewed in detail. Only recently specific proposals have been made to apply clinical staging to bipolar disorder. The staging model in bipolar disorder suggests a progression from prodromal (at-risk) to more severe and refractory presentations (Stage IV). A staging model implies a longitudinal appraisal of different aspects: clinical variables, such as number of episodes and subsyndromal symptoms, functional and cognitive impairment, comorbidity, biomarkers, and neuroanatomical changes. Staging models are based on the fact that response to treatment is generally better when it is introduced early in the course of the illness. It assumes that earlier stages have better prognosis and require simpler therapeutic regimens. Staging may assist in bipolar disorder treatment planning and prognosis, and emphasize the importance of early intervention. Further research is required in this exciting and novel area

    Visually Guided Avoidance in the Chameleon (Chamaeleo chameleon): Response Patterns and Lateralization

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    The common chameleon, Chamaeleo chameleon, is an arboreal lizard with highly independent, large-amplitude eye movements. In response to a moving threat, a chameleon on a perch responds with distinct avoidance movements that are expressed in its continuous positioning on the side of the perch distal to the threat. We analyzed body-exposure patterns during threat avoidance for evidence of lateralization, that is, asymmetry at the functional/behavioral levels. Chameleons were exposed to a threat approaching horizontally from the left or right, as they held onto a vertical pole that was either wider or narrower than the width of their head, providing, respectively, monocular or binocular viewing of the threat. We found two equal-sized sub-groups, each displaying lateralization of motor responses to a given direction of stimulus approach. Such an anti-symmetrical distribution of lateralization in a population may be indicative of situations in which organisms are regularly exposed to crucial stimuli from all spatial directions. This is because a bimodal distribution of responses to threat in a natural population will reduce the spatial advantage of predators