61 research outputs found

    Projekti Tikapuu : tietokanta puurakenteisista alapohjista

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä erilaiset tekijät fysikaaliset ja rakenteelliset tekijät vaikuttavat puurakenteisen alapohjan kosteustekniseen toimintaan ja mitkä näistä tekijöistä ovat tietokantaan tallentamisen kannalta relevantteja. Rakennusmateriaalina puu on varsinkin omakotitalorakentajien suosiossa, ja oikein käytettynä sekä huollettuna se on pitkäikäinen. Orgaanisena materiaalina puu kuitenkin on altis sekä kosteuden että bio-organismien aiheuttamille vaurioille. Opinnäytetyössä tehtiin esiselvitystä puisen alapohjarakenteen perinteisistä rakenneratkaisuista, alapohjassa vaikuttavista fysikaalisista ominaisuuksista sekä biologisista vauriotekijöistä. Pääasiassa työssä on keskitytty homeen ja lahon esiintymiseen alapohjarakenteissa. Työssä ei puututa rakennusten sisäilmavaatimuksiin vaan keskitytään nimenomaan kuntotutkimuksen suorittamisen kannalta katsottuna merkityksellisiin rakennevaatimuksiin sekä rakenteen fysikaaliseen toimintaan. Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa on käynnistetty projekti, jonka tarkoituksena on kerätä kattava tietokanta puurakenteisiin alapohjiin vaikuttavista rakenteellisista olosuhteista ja ympäristön fysikaalisten olojen muutoksista. Tietokannan avulla on mahdollista kehittää alapohjarakenteen toimintaa. Opinnäytetyössä kartoitettiin niitä puurakenteiden alapohjan rakennusteknisiä vaatimuksia, jotka rakenteen toiminnan kannalta ovat relevantteja. Tiedonhankinta suoritettiin tutustumalla aiheeseen liittyvään kirjallisuuteen, Turun rakennusvalvonnasta sekä projektityönä toteutetuilla kohdekäynneillä. Työn aikana selvisi, että neljä esimerkkikohdetta käsittävässä otannassa on valmiin rakenteen ja suunnitelmien välillä eroavaisuuksia. Esiin tulleiden poikkeamien kohdalla voidaan olettaa, että näissä kohteissa rakenteen kosteustekninen toimivuus ei ole suunnitelmissa esitetyllä tasolla. Koska kosteuden pääsy tuulettuvaan alapohjaan ei ole estettävissä, on rakenteiden suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa pyrittävä siihen, ettei kosteus aiheuta ryömintätilassa vaurioita. Projektin jatkon kannalta opinnäytetyö osoitti hyvin tietokannan hyödyllisyyden.The thesis aims to find out which different kinds of physical and structural circumstances affect the moisture technical function of a wooden crawl space and which of these circumstances are relevant from the point of view of the database. Wood as a building material is popular especially with detached house builders. When used and maintained properly, it is a long-lasting material. However, as a organic material timber is susceptible to damage induced by moisture and bio-organisms. This thesis is a preliminary study on traditional wooden crawl space structure solutions and the physical properties and biological damage factors affecting the crawl space. The main focus is on the occurrence of mold and rot. The study does not discuss the indoor climate requirements of buildings, but focuses on the relevant structural requirements from the viewpoint of condition investigation and the physical functionality of the structure. Turku University of Applied Sciences has launched a project which aims to collect a comprehensive database on wooden crawl space foundations that are affected by both structural and climatic circumstances. The database makes it possible to develop a base floor structure. The thesis considers the building technical requirements that are relevant from the point of view of wooden crawl spaces. Information was gathered from literature, Turku Building Inspection Office and from a project at Turku University of Applied Sciences that including the visits to target buildings. During the thesis project it was found out that with four target buildings there were differences between the completed structure and the plans made before. In this respect it can be assumed that in these structures the moisture technical function is not at the level that is presented in the plans. Because moisture cannot be eliminated from the crawl space, planning and construction must aim at a situation where moisture does not damage the structure. For the continuation of the project this thesis showed that planning the work is profitable and the database under construction is useful

    Dynaamiset testamentit ja perintösopimukset – rajanveto sallitun ja kielletyn välillä

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    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan mitä ovat dynaamiset testamentit ja miten ne eroavat tavallisista testamenteista. Sen lisäksi tutkielmassa selvitetään, mitä dynaamisuus on. Toisena tutkielman aiheena on rajanveto testamenttien ja kiellettyjen perintösopimusten välillä. Tutkielman aluksi esitellään lähtökohdat, joista tutkimusta tehdään. Toisessa luvussa tarkastellaan testamentin historiaa, määritelmää ja perehdytään sen muotoa ja käyttöä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Kolmannessa luvussa käsitellään dynaamisen testamentin määritelmää ja testamenttausvallan delegointia. Neljännessä luvussa käydään läpi mitä ovat perintösopimukset ja millä perusteella ne ovat kiellettyjä sekä esitellään mahdollisuuksia niiden sallimiseen. Viidennessä luvussa tarkastellaan testamenttiehtoja. Kuudennessa luvussa käydään läpi rajanvetoa testamentin ja perintösopimuksen välillä. Johtopäätöksissä todetaan, että dynaamiset testamentit eroavat tavallisista testamenteista siten, että niillä varaudutaan tuleviin olosuhteiden muutoksiin. Dynaamisuutta toteutetaan niin testamenttausvaltaa delegoimalla ja testamenttiehdoilla. Testamenttausvallan delegointiin suhtaudutaan kuitenkin varauksella, koska se on vain osittain sallittua. Selvää rajaa testamentin ja perintösopimuksen ei ole mahdollista yksiselitteisesti ja yleisesti määritellä vaan raja joudutaan toteamaan tapauskohtaisen kokonaisharkinnan kautta

    Old Technologies Will Not Die...

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    Presentation in the PerlKohaCon 2023 Conference in Helsinki Finland, August 14–18, 2023. - https://perlkohacon.fi</a

    Roteva juuri ja runsas kukinta takaavat kuminasadon

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    Kuminaa voidaan viljellä koko Suomessa. Parhaan sadon tuottivat Record- ja Bleija-lajike sekä pohjoisessa myös perinteiset lajikkeet. Aromikkuudeltaan paras oli Niederdeutcher. Hyväsatoisella kuminalajikkeella on paksu juuri, paljon kukkasarjoja ja painavat siemenet.vokKA

    Validating 10-joint juvenile arthritis disease activity score cut-offs for disease activity levels in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Objectives To validate cut-offs of the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 10 (JADAS10) and clinical JADAS10 (cJADAS10) and to compare them with other patient cohorts. Methods In a national multicentre study, cross-sectional data on recent visits of 337 non-systemic patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) were collected from nine paediatric outpatient units. The cut-offs were tested with receiver operating characteristic curve-based methods, and too high, too low and correct classification rates (CCRs) were calculated. Results Our earlier presented JADAS10 cut-offs seemed feasible based on the CCRs, but the cut-off values between low disease activity (LDA) and moderate disease activity (MDA) were adjusted. When JADAS10 cut-offs for clinically inactive disease (CID) were increased to 1.5 for patients with oligoarticular disease and 2.7 for patients with polyarticular disease, as recently suggested in a large multinational register study, altogether 11 patients classified as CID by the cut-off had one active joint. We suggest JADAS10 cut-off values for oligoarticular/polyarticular disease to be in CID: 0.0-0.5/0.0-0.7, LDA: 0.6-3.8/0.8-5.1 and MDA: >3.8/5.1. Suitable cJADAS10 cut-offs are the same as JADAS10 cut-offs in oligoarticular disease. In polyarticular disease, cJADAS10 cut-offs are 0-0.7 for CID, 0.8-5.0 for LDA and > 5.0 for MDA. Conclusion I nternational consensus on JADAS cutoff values is needed, and such a cut-off for CID should preferably exclude patients with active joints in the CID group.Peer reviewe

    Pain-coping scale for children and their parents : a cross-sectional study in children with musculoskeletal pain

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    BackgroundIn a chronic pain-causing disease such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the quality of coping with pain is crucial. Parents have a substantial influence on their children's pain-coping strategies. This study aimed to develop scales for assessing parents' strategies for coping with their children's pain and a shorter improved scale for children usable in clinical practice.MethodsThe number of items in the Finnish version of the pain-coping questionnaire for children was reduced from 39 to 20. A corresponding reduced scale was created for parental use. We recruited consecutive patients from nine hospitals evenly distributed throughout Finland, aged 8-16 years who visited a paediatric rheumatology outpatient clinic and reported musculoskeletal pain during the past week. The patients and parents rated the child's pain on a visual analogue scale from 0 to 100 and completed pain-coping questionnaires and depression inventories. The selection process of pain questionnaire items was performed using factor analyses.ResultsThe average (standard deviation) age of the 130 patients was 13.0 (2.3) years; 91 (70%) were girls. Four factors were retained in the new, improved Pain-Coping Scales for children and parents. Both scales had 15 items with 2-5 items/factor. The goodness-of-fit statistics and Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients were satisfactory to good in both scaled. The criterion validity was acceptable as the demographic, disease related, and the depression and stress questionnaires correlated with the subscales.ConclusionsWe created a shorter, feasible pain-coping scale for children and a novel scale for caregivers. In clinical work, the pain coping scales may serve as a visualisation of different types of coping strategies for paediatric patients with pain and their parents and facilitate the identification of families in need of psychological support.Peer reviewe

    A transcriptional timetable of autumn senescence

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    BACKGROUND: We have developed genomic tools to allow the genus Populus (aspens and cottonwoods) to be exploited as a full-featured model for investigating fundamental aspects of tree biology. We have undertaken large-scale expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing programs and created Populus microarrays with significant gene coverage. One of the important aspects of plant biology that cannot be studied in annual plants is the gene activity involved in the induction of autumn leaf senescence. RESULTS: On the basis of 36,354 Populus ESTs, obtained from seven cDNA libraries, we have created a DNA microarray consisting of 13,490 clones, spotted in duplicate. Of these clones, 12,376 (92%) were confirmed by resequencing and all sequences were annotated and functionally classified. Here we have used the microarray to study transcript abundance in leaves of a free-growing aspen tree (Populus tremula) in northern Sweden during natural autumn senescence. Of the 13,490 spotted clones, 3,792 represented genes with significant expression in all leaf samples from the seven studied dates. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a major shift in gene expression, coinciding with massive chlorophyll degradation, that reflected a shift from photosynthetic competence to energy generation by mitochondrial respiration, oxidation of fatty acids and nutrient mobilization. Autumn senescence had much in common with senescence in annual plants; for example many proteases were induced. We also found evidence for increased transcriptional activity before the appearance of visible signs of senescence, presumably preparing the leaf for degradation of its components

    Defining new clinically derived criteria for high disease activity in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a Finnish multicentre study

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    ObjectivesTo redefine criteria for high disease activity (HDA) in JIA, to establish HDA cut-off values for the 10-joint Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS10) and clinical JADAS10 (cJADAS10) and to describe the distribution of patients’ disease activity levels based on the JADAS cut-off values in the literature.MethodsData on 305 treatment-naïve JIA patients were collected from nine paediatric units treating JIA. The median parameters of the JADAS were proposed to be the clinical criteria for HDA. The cut-off values were assessed by using two receiver operating characteristics curve–based methods. The patients were divided into disease activity levels based on currently used JADAS cut-off values.ResultsWe proposed new criteria for HDA. At least three of the following criteria must be satisfied in both disease courses: in oligoarthritis, two or more active joints, ESR above normal, physician global assessment (PGA) of disease activity ≥2 and parent/patient global assessment (PtGA) of well-being ≥2; in polyarthritis, six or more active joints, ESR above normal, PGA of overall disease activity ≥4 and PtGA of well-being ≥2. The HDA cut-off values for JADAS10 (cJADAS) were ≥6.7 (6.7) for oligoarticular and ≥15.3 (14.1) for polyarticular disease. The distribution of the disease activity levels based on the JADAS cut-off values in the literature varied markedly based on which cut-offs were used.ConclusionNew clinically derived criteria for HDA in JIA and both JADAS and cJADAS cut-off values for HDA were proposed.</div

    Validating 10-joint juvenile arthritis disease activity score cut-offs for disease activity levels in non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Objectives To validate cut-offs of the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score 10 (JADAS10) and clinical JADAS10 (cJADAS10) and to compare them with other patient cohorts.Methods In a national multicentre study, cross-sectional data on recent visits of 337 non-systemic patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) were collected from nine paediatric outpatient units. The cut-offs were tested with receiver operating characteristic curve-based methods, and too high, too low and correct classification rates (CCRs) were calculated.Results Our earlier presented JADAS10 cut-offs seemed feasible based on the CCRs, but the cut-off values between low disease activity (LDA) and moderate disease activity (MDA) were adjusted. When JADAS10 cut-offs for clinically inactive disease (CID) were increased to 1.5 for patients with oligoarticular disease and 2.7 for patients with polyarticular disease, as recently suggested in a large multinational register study, altogether 11 patients classified as CID by the cut-off had one active joint. We suggest JADAS10 cut-off values for oligoarticular/polyarticular disease to be in CID: 0.0–0.5/0.0–0.7, LDA: 0.6–3.8/0.8–5.1 and MDA: >3.8/5.1. Suitable cJADAS10 cut-offs are the same as JADAS10 cut-offs in oligoarticular disease. In polyarticular disease, cJADAS10 cut-offs are 0–0.7 for CID, 0.8–5.0 for LDA and >5.0 for MDA.Conclusion International consensus on JADAS cut-off values is needed, and such a cut-off for CID should preferably exclude patients with active joints in the CID group.</div

    Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands: Ecosystem service implications of two production forest alternatives in Sweden

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    Whereas there is evidence that mixed-species approaches to production forestry in general can provide positive outcomes relative to monocultures, it is less clear to what extent multiple benefits can be derived from specific mixed-species alternatives. To provide such insights requires evaluations of an encompassing suite of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and forest management considerations provided by specific mixtures and monocultures within a region. Here, we conduct such an assessment in Sweden by contrasting even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies)-dominated stands, with mixed-species stands of spruce and birch (Betula pendula or B. pubescens), or spruce and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). By synthesizing the available evidence, we identify positive outcomes from mixtures including increased biodiversity, water quality, esthetic and recreational values, as well as reduced stand vulnerability to pest and pathogen damage. However, some uncertainties and risks were projected to increase, highlighting the importance of conducting comprehensive interdisciplinary evaluations when assessing the pros and cons of mixtures