61 research outputs found

    Paying Attention to Dreams in Early Medieval Normative Sources (400–900) : Countering Non-Christian Practices or Negotiating Christian Dreaming?

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    Early medieval Christian cultures found important roles for dreams and visions, while at the same time perpetuating learned traditions advising suspicion of dreams and warning of the dangers of the wrong kinds of dreams. This article examines prohibitions against the heeding or interpretation of dreams and the transmission of these prohibitions in early medieval normative sources (canonical collections, penitentials, and royal and episcopal capitularies). It argues that such prohibitions were less likely related to any non-Christian practices involving dreams than they were motivated by a need to define conceptual places for Christian dreaming. On the one side lay concerns about dreams arising from patristic writings, chiefly those of Gregory the Great; on the other was the importance of dreams in Christian cult and thought.Peer reviewe

    Methods of early medieval intellectual history

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    Eight-Century Anglo-Latin Ecclesiastical Attitudes to Dreams and Visions

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    Collagen processing and cuticle formation is catalysed by the astacin metalloprotease DPY-31 in free-living and parasitic nematodes

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    The exoskeleton or cuticle performs many key roles in the development and survival of all nematodes. This structure is predominantly collagenous in nature and requires numerous enzymes to properly fold, modify, process and cross-link these essential structural proteins. The cuticle structure and its collagen components are conserved throughout the nematode phylum but differ from the collagenous matrices found in vertebrates. This structure, its formation and the enzymology of nematode cuticle collagen biogenesis have been elucidated in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The dpy-31 gene in C. elegans encodes a procollagen C-terminal processing enzyme of the astacin metalloprotease or bone morphogenetic protein class that, when mutated, results in a temperature-sensitive lethal phenotype associated with cuticle defects. In this study, orthologues of this essential gene have been identified in the phylogenetically diverse parasitic nematodes Haemonchus contortus and Brugia malayi. The DPY-31 protein is expressed in the gut and secretory system of C. elegans, a location also confirmed when a B. malayi transcriptional dpy-31 promoter-reporter gene fusion was expressed in C. elegans. Functional conservation between the nematode enzymes was supported by the fact that heterologous expression of the H. contortus dpy-31 orthologue in a C. elegans dpy-31 mutant resulted in the full rescue of the mutant body form. This interspecies conservation was further established when the recombinant nematode enzymes were found to have a similar range of inhibitable protease activities. In addition, the recombinant DPY-31 enzymes from both H. contortus and B. malayi were shown to efficiently process the C. elegans cuticle collagen SQT-3 at the correct C-terminal procollagen processing site

    Differences in collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase assembly between two Caenorhabditis nematode species despite high amino acid sequence identity of the enzyme subunits

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    The collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) are essential for proper extracellular matrix formation in multicellular organisms. The vertebrate enzymes are α2β2 tetramers, in which the β subunits are identical to protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). Unique P4H forms have been shown to assemble from the <i>Caenorhabditis</i> <i>elegans</i> catalytic α subunit isoforms PHY-1 and PHY-2 and the β subunit PDI-2. A mixed PHY-1/PHY-2/(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub> tetramer is the major form, while PHY-1/PDI- 2 and PHY-2/PDI-2 dimers are also assembled but less efficiently. Cloning and characterization of the orthologous subunits from the closely related nematode <i>Caenorhabditis</i> <i>briggsae</i> revealed distinct differences in the assembly of active P4H forms in spite of the extremely high amino acid sequence identity (92-97%) between the <i>C. briggsae</i> and <i>C. elegans</i> subunits. In addition to a PHY-1/PHY-2(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub> tetramer and a PHY-1/PDI-2 dimer, an active (PHY- 2)<sub>2</sub>(PDI-2)<sub>2</sub> tetramer was formed in <i>C. briggsae</i> instead of a PHY-2/PDI-2 dimer. Site-directed mutagenesis studies and generation of inter-species hybrid polypeptides showed that the N-terminal halves of the <i>Caenorhabditis</i> PHY-2 polypeptides determine their assembly properties. Genetic disruption of <i>C. briggsae phy-1</i> (<i>Cb-dpy-18</i>) via a <i>Mos1</i> insertion resulted a small (short) phenotype that is less severe than the dumpy (short and fat) phenotype of the corresponding <i>C. elegans</i> mutants (<i>Ce-dpy-18</i>). <i>C. briggsae</i> <i>phy-2</i> RNA interference produced no visible phenotype in the wild type nematodes but produced a severe dumpy phenotype and larval arrest in <i>phy-1</i> mutants. Genetic complementation of the <i>C. briggsae</i> and <i>C. elegans</i> <i>phy-1</i> mutants was achieved by injection of a wild type <i>phy-1</i> gene from either species

    Markkinointitutkimus ATV-koulutuksen tarpeesta

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko Suomessa tarvetta atv- eli mönkijäkoulutukselle. Mönkijäharrastajien määrä on viime vuosina kasvanut jyrkästi, joten myöskin onnettomuudet ovat lisääntyneet. Mönkijät ovat tekemässä tuloaan myös safarikäyttöön. Työssä pyritään ottamaan huomioon tarpeet tahoille, jotka käyttävät mönkijöitä työssään. Tällaisia ovat sähköyhtiöt, rajavartiolaitos, safariyrittäjät, kelkkatehdas sekä jälleenmyyjät. Myös yksityiset kuluttajat otetaan huomioon. Tutkimusosiossa on käytetty kvantitiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Pohjatiedot on haettu alan kirjallisuudesta, haastatteluista sekä internet-lähteistä. Tutkimus tehtiin internet-kyselynä. Saimme kiitettävän määrän vastauksia tutkimuksen kohderyhmät huomioon ottaen. Opinnäytetyössä käytettiin paljon teoriapohjaista kirjallisuutta sekä omakohtaisia kokemuksia sekä näkemyksiä. Käsittelemme markkinointitutkimuksen lisäksi tuotteistamista, markkinointia sekä asiakasprofilointia. Teimme myös konseptin mahdollisesta koulutuksesta ja sen läpiviennistä. Tulosten mukaan koulutukselle voisi olla kysyntää ainakin Suomessa, eikä kilpailijoita nykyään juurikaan ole. Avainsanat: asiakkaiden profilointi, atv, markkinointitutkimus, tuotteistaminenThis thesis examines marketing research for ATV training. There is many percent growth of the users of the ATV vehicles in the last few years, so also the amount of accidents has increased. ATVs are becoming also for safari use. In this thesis was tried to take account of persons, who use ATVs in their work. They are employees of electric companies, safaris, BRP, dealers and The Finnish Border Guard. We also pay attention to consumers. In the research part of the thesis we used the quantative research method. The basic information for the thesis found from books and internet sources. This research was made as internet inquiry. We got lot of replies considering the target group of the research. In this thesis was used a lot of theory-based information, but also our own experience and opinions. According to this study, there are markets for this product in Finland, there are not many competitors in this area of the business at the moment. Final decision was left to BRP Finland Oy. Key words: marketing research, ATV, training

    Kirkollinen ajattelu unista ja näyistä varhaiskeskiajan Länsi-Euroopassa

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