11 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    Over the past 3 decades, the diversity of ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds worldwide, particularly in countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), has led to an increase in the number of intercountry conflicts and terrorist attacks, sometimes involving chemical and biological agents. This warrants moving toward a collaborative approach to strengthening preparedness in the region. In disaster medicine, artificial intelligence techniques have been increasingly utilized to allow a thorough analysis by revealing unseen patterns. In this study, the authors used text mining and machine learning techniques to analyze open-ended feedback from multidisciplinary experts in disaster medicine regarding the MENA region's preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) risks. Open-ended feedback from 29 international experts in disaster medicine, selected based on their organizational roles and contributions to the academic field, was collected using a modified interview method between October and December 2022. Machine learning clustering algorithms, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis were used to analyze the data gathered using R language accessed through the RStudio environment. Findings revealed negative and fearful sentiments about a lack of accessibility to preparedness information, as well as positive sentiments toward CBRN preparedness concepts raised by the modified interview method. The artificial intelligence analysis techniques revealed a common consensus among experts about the importance of having accessible and effective plans and improved health sector preparedness in MENA, especially for potential chemical and biological incidents. Findings from this study can inform policymakers in the region to converge their efforts to build collaborative initiatives to strengthen CBRN preparedness capabilities in the healthcare sector


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    76th Scientific Congress of the American-Society-for-Reproductive-Medicine, ELECTR NETWORK, OCT 17-21, 2020International audienc

    Pseudotumoral Eosinophilic Cystitis

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    Eosinophilic cystitis is a rare inflammatory disease of the bladder which origin and pathogenesis are unknown. Since the first description in 1960, hundreds of cases have been reported, 20 Pseudotumor forms. We report a case of cystitis eosinophils in tumor-form, a patient of 72 years without urological or allergic history. The patient was treated with endoscopic resection alone. The outcome was favorable with disappearance symptoms and no recurrence at 1, 3 and 6 months controls. We carry a literature review of cystitis eosinophils on the different clinical manifestations, the means diagnostic and therapeutic modalities

    Discovery of Renal Tuberculosis in a Partial Nephrectomy Specimen Done for Renal Tumor

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    The association of renal cancer and renal tuberculosis is uncommon. While the incidental discovery of renal cell carcinoma in a tuberculous kidney is a classical finding, the discovery of tuberculous lesions after nephrectomy for cancer is exceptional. We report the case of a female patient aged 60 who had a partial nephrectomy for a 5 cm exophytic kidney tumor. Pathological examination concluded that renal clear cell carcinoma associated with follicular caseo tuberculosis

    Le lymphangiome kystique rétropéritonéal: à propos de 5 cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le lymphangiome kystique est une tumeur bénigne malformative rare des vaisseaux lymphatiques à localisations diverses. La localisation rétropéritonéale est moins fréquente comparée à celle mésentérique. Sa présentation clinique est polymorphe. Le diagnostic est évoqué par l'imagerie mais il nécessite une confirmation histologique. Le traitement de choix est chirurgical. Notre objectif est d'étudier les manifestations cliniques, les complications, les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de cette tumeur. Nous rapportons une série de 5 cas de lymphangiomes kystiques rétropéritonéaux (4 femmes et un homme) opérés dans notre service entre les années 2004 et 2014. Leurs dossiers ont été examinés rétrospectivement. Le suivi était basé sur l'examen clinique et l'échographie abdominale. L´âge moyen était de 45 ans. Le suivi moyen était de 32,6 mois. La symptomatologie révélatrice la plus fréquente était les douleurs et/ou une masse abdominale. Le scanner abdominal était l'examen le plus utile au diagnostic. Une exérèse complète était réalisée d'emblée chez quatre patients et elle était différée après cinq ans de surveillance par une échographie annuelle chez un. Dans un cas, on a eu recours à une néphrectomie. Aucune récidive ni complication n´ont été notées chez les 5 patients. le lymphangiome kystique à localisation rétropéritonéale est une affection rare. Sa prise en charge thérapeutique repose sur une exérèse complète, de cas de lésions symptomatiques ou de complications, pour limiter le risque de récidive. Cette dernière peut être différée chez les patients asymptomatiques.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Difficult management of posterior urethra gunshot wound combined with urethro-rectal fistula

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    Posterior urethra gunshot wounds are poorly described in the literature. They are often associated with pelvic vital lesions making difficult early repair of urethral injuries. They can be complicated by urethro-rectal fistula, which makes their management more complicated. We report a new case of posterior urethra disruption due to a gunshot wound and complicated by urethro-rectal fistula

    Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Female Urethra, Mimicking Cystocele

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    Clear cell adenocarcinoma of the urethra is an extremely rare neoplasm mainly described in women. Anterior pelvic exenteration was the treatment performed in most reported cases. It seems to have poorer prognosis than urothelial carcinomas

    Superselective embolisation of bilateral superior vesical arteries for management of intractable hematuria in context of metastatic bladder cancer

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    Hematuria due to locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer is a common condition and is often a management problem. Percutaneous embolisation is a mini-invasive option to handle this situation. We report a case of a patient with a metastatic bladder cancer and who presented with an abundant hematuria and severe anemia. After failure of endoscopic resections and “flush” of radiotherapy haemostatic and refusal of cystectomy by the patient, he was treated by superselective embolisation of bilateral superior bladder arteries with excellent immediate results. The technique is safe and effective in the short term. The long-term effectiveness requires further investigation

    Report on chronic dialysis in France in 2016

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    International audienceThe report on dialysis in France in 2016 from the French Speaking Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation (SFNDT) provides an exhaustive and documented inventory on dialysis in France. It underlines the organizations that are important in 2016 to maintain a high quality dialysis. Several measures are proposed to maintain and improve the care of dialysis in France: (I) The regulation of dialysis treatment in France must be maintained; (2) a burden of care indicator is proposed to ensure that patients requiring the most care are treated in the centers. Proposals are also made to stimulate peritoneal dialysis offers, (3) to improve the calculation of the cost of dialysis and warn against lower reimbursement rates of dialysis, (4) to reduce transport costs by minimizing transport by ambulance (5). The SFNDT recalls recent recommendations concerning access to the renal transplant waiting list, are recalled; (6) as well as recommendations that require waiting until clinical signs are present to start dialysis (7). The SFNDT makes the proposal to set up advanced renal failure units. These units are expected to develop care that is not supported today: consultation with a nurse, a dietician, a social worker or psychologist, palliative care, and coordination (8). Finally, the financial and human resources for pediatric dialysis should be maintained. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Association Societe de nephrologie