97 research outputs found

    Studying of Medium Manifestations Aspects in Relation to Some Recent Earthquakes

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    In June 1991 on the International Conference on Induced Seismicity in Baku and in August 1991, at International Congress of Geophysics and Geodesics in Vienna we introduced materials about strongest changes of microseisms starting from January, 15, 1991 on the territory of Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan) which were connected with military activity in Iraq at the distance as far as 1000 km. In Turkey, Caucasus, Iran and other countries from January to June 1991 in comparison with previous 5 years frequency of earthquakes considerably increased. It is possible to say that exactly the same situation appears after April, 20, 1999 when started the operations in Yugoslavia. The microseisms registered at the distances of 1200 km, 3000 km and 5000 km evidently witnesses of the considerable disturbances in their behavior. What is more, these results say that if such disturbances appear at so big distances they can be distributed and influence everywhere. As a result of uncontrolled human activity the world Ecosystem has become exclusively sensitive and today even small impact has its response practically at any distances and all spheres. On the basis of previous research and data received we can suppose that many seismic events that happened in last year may have an induced character: they may have been sufficiently increased in intensity and quicken in time of occurrence. Increased sensitiveness of the medium and intensity of uncontrollable influence on it requires the creation of world induced effects control system

    Фармакогностичне дослідження надземної маси Prangos ferulacea lindl. в стадії початку вегетації

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    Aim. To study the coumarin composition of salted Prangos ferulacea herb collected at the stage of vegetation and compare it with the coumarin composition of the freshly collected raw material.Materials and methods. The analysis was performed using Agilent 5977 GC and 7890B MS devices. The carrier gas was helium with a constant flow of 1 ml/min. The data of NIST library of standard mass-spectra were used to identify compounds.Results and discussion. The results of the study of coumarin derivatives in the food additive prepared from Prangos ferulacea herb collected at the beginning of the vegetation period are presented. The anatomical structure of the aerial part of Prangos ferulacea has been studied, and the diagnostic features of the plant raw material have been identified.Conclusions. The composition of coumarin derivatives in the food additive and in the freshly collected aerial part is identical. The diagnostic features of the structure of the plant raw material of Prangos ferulacea have been identified.Цель работы – изучить кумариновый состав засоленной травы Prangos ferulacea, заготовленной в стадии вегетации, и сравнить его с кумариновым составом свежезаготовленного сырья.Материалы и методы. Анализ проведен на Agilent 5977 GC и масс-спектрометре газовой хроматографии 7890B MS. Газ-носитель – гелий с постоянным потоком 1 мл/мин. Для идентификации соединений использованы данные библиотеки стандартных масс-спектров NIST.Результаты и их обсуждение. Приведены результаты изучения производных кумарина в пищевом продукте, приготовленном из травы Prangos ferulacea, заготовленной в начале вегетационного периода. Изучено анатомическое строение надземной части Prangos ferulacea, установлены диагностические признаки растительного сырья.Выводы. Состав производных кумарина в диетической добавке и свежезаготовленной надземной массе идентичны. Установлены диагностические признаки строения сырья Prangos ferulacea.Мета роботи – вивчити кумариновий склад засоленої трави Prangos ferulacea, заготовленої у стадії вегетації, і порівняти його з кумариновим складом свіжозаготовленої сировини.Матеріали та методи. Аналіз проводили на Agilent 5977 GC і мас-спектрометрі газової хроматографії 7890B MS. Газ-носій – гелій з постійним потоком 1,0 мл/хв. Для ідентифікації сполук використовували дані бібліотеки стандартних мас-спектрів NIST.Результати та їх обговорення. Наведені результати вивчення похідних кумарину в харчовому продукті, виготовленому з трави Prangos ferulacea, заготовленої на початку вегетаційного періоду. Вивчено анатомічну будову надземної частини Prangos ferulacea і встановлені діагностичні ознаки будови рослинної сировини.Висновки. Склад похідних кумарину в дієтичній добавці і свіжозаготовленій надземній масі ідентичний. Встановлені діагностичні ознаки будови сировини Prangos ferulacea

    Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field

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    The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, νe+np+e\nu _{e} + n \to p + e ^{-}, in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde

    Изменения баланса массы ледника Гарабаши (Эльбрус) на рубеже XX–XXI вв.

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    Long-term series of observations on the glacier of the southern slope of Elbrus manifest the change of two climatic periods in the highlands of the Caucasus. During the first one, relatively cold and snowy period of 1982–1997 with a small positive mass balance, the Garabashi Glacier accumulated a layer of 0.8 m.e. The second period (1998–2017) is characterized by rising summer air temperatures and increasing precipitation in the first decade, and catastrophic melting in 2010–2017. The mass balance of the glacier averaged −0.63 m w.e. yr−1, and in some years it reached −1.00 ÷ −1.50 m w.e. yr−1. In the last ten years, frequency of vast anticyclones covering the southern part of the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus increased. Summer temperatures in the Elbrus region rose to almost the level of the 1950s that was the hottest decade of the XX century. Duration of the summer season on the glaciers increased. Active melting resulted in elevation of the equilibrium line of the Garabashy Glacier by 200 m. In the main part of the glacier alimentation area, i.e. at heights of 3800–4000 m, the large parts of the firn area had disappeared, but open ice of the ablation zone had appeared. The former areas of the "warm" firn zone, where up to 35% of melt water retained within the 20‑meter firn thickness, were replaced by the firn-ice zone, and the ice discharge increased. The glacier alimentation is decreased, and its tongue retreats with increasing velocity. Rocks and entire lava ridges release from ice at different levels of the glacier. The inter-annual variations of the glacier mass balance are controlled by intensity of ablation. In the second period, the correlation coefficient of these values reached 0.97 compared to 0.82 in the first one. In total over 36 years of observations, reduction of the glacier mass during the second period resulted in loss of volume (0.05 km3 or 14%), area (0.51 km2 or 11.4%), and of ice layer (11.4 m).На основе 36‑летнего ряда ежегодных наблюдений за балансом массы и состоянием ледника Гарабаши на Эльбрусе выделены два периода: 1982–1997 и 1998–2017 гг. В первом периоде отмечен небольшой положительный баланс массы (+0,8 м в.э.), а во втором летние температуры в Приэльбрусье повысились на 1 °С, граница питания поднялась на 200 м. За все годы наблюдений ледник потерял 14% своего объёма и 11,4% площади

    Novel Bound States Treatment of the Two Dimensional Schrodinger Equation with Pseudocentral Plus Multiparameter Noncentral Potential

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    By converting the rectangular basis potential V(x,y) into the form as V(r)+V(r, phi) described by the pseudo central plus noncentral potential, particular solutions of the two dimensional Schrodinger equation in plane-polar coordinates have been carried out through the analytic approaching technique of the Nikiforov and Uvarov (NUT). Both the exact bound state energy spectra and the corresponding bound state wavefunctions of the complete system are determined explicitly and in closed forms. Our presented results are identical to those of the previous works and they may also be useful for investigation and analysis of structural characteristics in a variety of quantum systemsComment: Published, 16 page

    Центральная или дистальная резекция при новообразованиях поджелудочной железы: анализ и оценка непосредственных результатов

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    Objective: to compare short-term and long-term postoperative complications between patients who have undergone central pancreatectomy (CP) and distal pancreatectomy (DP).Materials and methods. This retrospective study included patients who had CP for benign pancreatic tumors and tumors of low malignant potential (cases) and patients who had DP for similar reasons (controls). The controls were randomly selected and matched cases for tumor size, presence of diabetes mellitus (Dm), and ASA physical status. we evaluated the incidence of grade ≥III complications (Clavien–Dindo classification), clinically significant pancreatic fistulas, Dm, and impaired exocrine pancreatic function in the late postoperative period.Results. There were 25 cases and 25 controls. Both groups were matched for the main clinical characteristics. Surgeries were significantly longer in the CP groups compared to the DP group (230 min vs 180 min, р < 0.0001). There was no difference in the overall incidence of postoperative complications (9 (36 %) vs 14 (56 %), р = 0.26); there was a trend towards a higher incidence of postoperative complications in the CP group. Two patients after CP (8 %) required repeated surgeries. none of the study participants died. Clinically significant (B and C) pancreatic fistulas were registered in 8 (32 %) and 11 (44 %) patients, respectively (p = 0.56). Two patients in the DP group (8 %) developed impairments of exocrine pancreatic function that required pharmacotherapy. none of the patients developed Dm postoperatively.Conclusion. Despite the fact that CP and DP outcomes were comparable in terms of the main parameters evaluated, severe post-CP complications indicate that there is a need for careful selection of patients for such interventions and further accumulation of experience. Our findings can be used in the subsequent analysis of the experience of different clinics.Цель исследования – сравнительная оценка ранних и поздних послеоперационных осложнений центральной резекции поджелудочной железы (ЦРПЖЖ) и дистальной субтотальной резекции поджелудочной железы (дсРПЖЖ).Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное исследование включали пациентов, которым выполняли ЦРПЖЖ по поводу доброкачественных новообразований тела поджелудочной железы (ПЖЖ) и новообразований с низким потенциалом злокачественности. В контрольную группу включали пациентов, которым выполняли дсРПЖЖ по схожим показаниям; к каждому случаю в исследуемой группе случайным образом подбирали случай в контрольной группе с сопоставлением по следующим критериям: размер опухоли, наличие сахарного диабета, статус по шкале ASA. Основными оцениваемыми параметрами были частота осложнений III степени и выше по Clavien–Dindo, частота развития клинически значимых панкреатических свищей, частота развития сахарного диабета и нарушения экзокринной функции ПЖЖ в позднем послеоперационном периоде.Результаты. В исследуемую и контрольную группу было включено по 25 пациентов. группы были сопоставимы по всем основным клиническим характеристикам. Продолжительность операции была достоверно выше в группе ЦРПЖЖ (180 и 230 мин, р <0,0001). Общая частота осложнений достоверно не различалась между группами (9 (36 %) и 14 (56 %) случаев, р = 0,26), тенденция к более высокому числу осложнений отмечена в группе ЦРПЖЖ. Также только в этой группе были выполнены повторные операции по поводу осложнений – у 2 (8 %) пациентов. Послеоперационной летальности не было. частота развития клинически значимых (В и с) панкреатических свищей составила 8 (32 %) и 11 (44 %) случаев соответственно (р = 0,56). В группе дсРПЖЖ у 2 (8 %) пациентов отмечено нарушение экзокринной функции ПЖЖ, потребовавшее назначения лекарственной терапии. случаев развития сахарного диабета после операции не отмечено.Выводы. Несмотря на то, что результаты дсРПЖЖ и ЦРПЖЖ были сопоставимы по основным оцениваемым параметрам, отмеченные в группе ЦРПЖЖ тяжелые послеоперационные осложнения говорят о необходимости тщательной селекции пациентов для подобных вмешательств и дальнейшего накопления опыта. Полученные нами данные могут служить для последующего обобщенного анализа опыта различных клиник

    Результаты лечения рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей. Собственный 15-летний опыт

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    Background. Despite significount successes in treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma of urogenital system in children there are unresolved questions of choise of optimal chemotherapys combinations, intensity of chemotherapy, volumes and terms of radiotherapy, tactics of treatment residual tumors in last 3 decades.The objective: show 15 years experience of treatment local and locally prevalent rhabdomyosarcoma urogenital system in children. The prognosis for children and adolescents with rhabdomyosarcoma has improved with refinements in multi-modal therapy.Materials and methods. In reseach are included 86 patients with a median age of 8.4 (0.7–17) with a local genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma, treated in N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Centre of Oncology from 2000 to 2016. All patients were treated in different riskadopted clinical protocol included chemotherapy and radiotherapy (IRS, SIOP, CWS and local protocol DORMS-6).Results. A 10-year overall survival and disease-free survival rates were 76 and 72 % in the entire group rhabdomyosarcoma patients, respectively.Conclusion. The effectiveness of the risk-adopted strategy in the genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma treatment as well as the need of new approaches and in the cases of residual viable tumor after induction chemotherapy was demonstrated. Введение. Несмотря на существенные успехи в лечении рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей, в последние 3 десятилетия нерешенными остаются вопросы выбора оптимальных комбинаций химиопрепаратов, интенсивности химиотерапии, объемов и сроков проведения лучевой терапии, тактики в отношении резидуальных опухолей.Цель исследования – представить 15‑летний опыт лечения локализованной и местно-распространенной рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 86 пациентов (средний возраст 8,4 года (0,7–17 лет)) с эмбриональной рабдомиосаркомой мочеполовой системы, получавших лечение в НМИЦ онкологии им. Н. Н. Блохина в период с 2000 по 2016 г. Лечение проводили согласно риск-адаптированным клиническим протоколам (IRS, SIOP, CWS-10, ДОРМС-6) на базе критериев TNM, IRSG и COG.Результаты. Десятилетняя общая выживаемость и безрецидивная выживаемость в общей группе составила 76 и 72 % соответственно. Заключение. Показаны эффективность риск-адаптированной терапии рабдомиосаркомы мочеполовой системы у детей, необходимость поиска новых подходов для пациентов с нерадикально удаленными и резидуальными опухолями

    The great tit HapMap project: a continental‐scale analysis of genomic variation in a songbird

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    A major aim of evolutionary biology is to understand why patterns of genomic diversity vary within taxa and space. Large-scale genomic studies of widespread species are useful for studying how environment and demography shape patterns of genomic divergence. Here, we describe one of the most geographically comprehensive surveys of genomic variation in a wild vertebrate to date; the great tit (Parus major) HapMap project. We screened ca 500,000 SNP markers across 647 individuals from 29 populations, spanning ~30 degrees of latitude and 40 degrees of longitude – almost the entire geographical range of the European subspecies. Genome-wide variation was consistent with a recent colonisation across Europe from a South-East European refugium, with bottlenecks and reduced genetic diversity in island populations. Differentiation across the genome was highly heterogeneous, with clear ‘islands of differentiation’, even among populations with very low levels of genome-wide differentiation. Low local recombination rates were a strong predictor of high local genomic differentiation (FST), especially in island and peripheral mainland populations, suggesting that the interplay between genetic drift and recombination causes highly heterogeneous differentiation landscapes. We also detected genomic outlier regions that were confined to one or more peripheral great tit populations, probably as a result of recent directional selection at the species' range edges. Haplotype-based measures of selection were related to recombination rate, albeit less strongly, and highlighted population-specific sweeps that likely resulted from positive selection. Our study highlights how comprehensive screens of genomic variation in wild organisms can provide unique insights into spatio-temporal evolutionary dynamics

    Changes of the mass balance of the Garabashy Glacier, Mount Elbrus, at the turn of 20th and 21st centuries

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    Long-term series of observations on the glacier of the southern slope of Elbrus manifest the change of two climatic periods in the highlands of the Caucasus. During the first one, relatively cold and snowy period of 1982–1997 with a small positive mass balance, the Garabashi Glacier accumulated a layer of 0.8 m.e. The second period (1998–2017) is characterized by rising summer air temperatures and increasing precipitation in the first decade, and catastrophic melting in 2010–2017. The mass balance of the glacier averaged −0.63 m w.e. yr−1, and in some years it reached −1.00 ÷ −1.50 m w.e. yr−1. In the last ten years, frequency of vast anticyclones covering the southern part of the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus increased. Summer temperatures in the Elbrus region rose to almost the level of the 1950s that was the hottest decade of the XX century. Duration of the summer season on the glaciers increased. Active melting resulted in elevation of the equilibrium line of the Garabashy Glacier by 200 m. In the main part of the glacier alimentation area, i.e. at heights of 3800–4000 m, the large parts of the firn area had disappeared, but open ice of the ablation zone had appeared. The former areas of the "warm" firn zone, where up to 35% of melt water retained within the 20‑meter firn thickness, were replaced by the firn-ice zone, and the ice discharge increased. The glacier alimentation is decreased, and its tongue retreats with increasing velocity. Rocks and entire lava ridges release from ice at different levels of the glacier. The inter-annual variations of the glacier mass balance are controlled by intensity of ablation. In the second period, the correlation coefficient of these values reached 0.97 compared to 0.82 in the first one. In total over 36 years of observations, reduction of the glacier mass during the second period resulted in loss of volume (0.05 km3 or 14%), area (0.51 km2 or 11.4%), and of ice layer (11.4 m)