89 research outputs found

    Polychromatic immunophenotypic characterization of T cell profiles among HIV-infected patients experiencing immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)

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    Abstract Objective To immunophenotype CD4+ and CD8+ T cell sub-populations in HIV-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). Design Nested case-control immunological study. Methods ART-naĂŻve HIV-infected patients were prospectively observed for IRIS during the first 6 months of ART. Twenty-two IRIS cases and 22 ART-duration matched controls were sampled for T cell immunophenotyping. Results IRIS cases demonstrated significantly lower CD4 cell counts compared to controls (baseline: 79 versus 142, p = 0.02; enrollment: 183 versus 263, p = 0.05, respectively) with no differences in HIV RNA levels. Within CD4+T cells, cases exhibited more of an effector memory phenotype compared to controls (40.8 versus 27.0%, p = 0.20), while controls trended towards a central memory phenotype (43.8 versus 30.8%, p = 0.07). Within CD8+ T cells, controls exhibited more central memory (13.9 versus 7.81%, p = 0.01, respectively) and effector (13.2 versus 8.8%, p = 0.04, respectively) phenotypes compared to cases, whereas cases demonstrated more terminal effectors than controls (28.8 versus 15.1%, p = 0.05). Cases demonstrated increased activation of CD8+ T cell effector memory, terminal effector, and effector subsets than controls (p = 0.04, 0.02, and 0.02, respectively). Conclusion CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subset maturational phenotypes were heterogeneous among IRIS cases and controls. However, IRIS cases demonstrated significant increases in activation of CD8+ T cell effector subpopulations

    Cancer somatic mutations cluster in a subset of regulatory sites predicted from the ENCODE data

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    Background: Transcriptional regulation of gene expression is essential for cellular differentiation and function, and defects in the process are associated with cancer. The ENCODE project has mapped potential regulatory sites across the complete genome in many cell types, and these regions have been shown to harbour many of the somatic mutations that occur in cancer cells, suggesting that their effects may drive cancer initiation and development. The ENCODE data suggests a very large number of regulatory sites, and methods are needed to identify those that are most relevant and to connect them to the genes that they control. Methods: Predictive models of gene expression were developed by integrating the ENCODE data for regulation, including transcription factor binding and DNase1 hypersensitivity, with RNA-seq data for gene expression. A penalized regression method was used to identify the most predictive potential regulatory sites for each transcript. Known cancer somatic mutations from the COSMIC database were mapped to potential regulatory sites, and we examined differences in the mapping frequencies associated with sites chosen in regulatory models and other (rejected) sites. The effects of potential confounders, for example replication timing, were considered. Results: Cancer somatic mutations preferentially occupy those regulatory regions chosen in our models as most predictive of gene expression. Conclusion: Our methods have identified a significantly reduced set of regulatory sites that are enriched in cancer somatic mutations and are more predictive of gene expression. This has significance for the mechanistic interpretation of cancer mutations, and the understanding of genetic regulation

    Immunization with Cocktail of HIV-Derived Peptides in Montanide ISA-51 Is Immunogenic, but Causes Sterile Abscesses and Unacceptable Reactogenicity

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    BACKGROUND: A peptide vaccine was produced containing B and T cell epitopes from the V3 and C4 Envelope domains of 4 subtype B HIV-1 isolates (MN, RF, CanO, & Ev91). The peptide mixture was formulated as an emulsion in incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA). METHODS: Low-risk, healthy adult subjects were enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled dose-escalation study, and selected using criteria specifying that 50% in each study group would be HLA-B7+. Immunizations were scheduled at 0, 1, and 6 months using a total peptide dose of 1 or 4 mg. Adaptive immune responses in16 vaccine recipients and two placebo recipients after the 2nd immunization were evaluated using neutralization assays of sera, as well as ELISpot and ICS assays of cryopreserved PBMCs to assess CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses. In addition, (51)Cr release assays were performed on fresh PBMCs following 14-day stimulation with individual vaccine peptide antigens. RESULTS: 24 subjects were enrolled; 18 completed 2 injections. The study was prematurely terminated because 4 vaccinees developed prolonged pain and sterile abscess formation at the injection site-2 after dose 1, and 2 after dose 2. Two other subjects experienced severe systemic reactions consisting of headache, chills, nausea, and myalgia. Both reactions occurred after the second 4 mg dose. The immunogenicity assessments showed that 6/8 vaccinees at each dose level had detectable MN-specific neutralizing (NT) activity, and 2/7 HLA-B7+ vaccinees had classical CD8 CTL activity detected. However, using both ELISpot and ICS, 8/16 vaccinees (5/7 HLA-B7+) and 0/2 controls had detectable vaccine-specific CD8 T-cell responses. Subjects with moderate or severe systemic or local reactions tended to have more frequent T cell responses and higher antibody responses than those with mild or no reactions. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of local responses related to the formulation of these four peptides in IFA is clinically unacceptable for continued development. Both HIV-specific antibody and T cell responses were induced and the magnitude of response correlated with the severity of local and systemic reactions. If potent adjuvants are necessary for subunit vaccines to induce broad and durable immune responses, careful, incremental clinical evaluation is warranted to minimize the risk of adverse events. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00000886

    Standardization of cytokine flow cytometry assays

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    BACKGROUND: Cytokine flow cytometry (CFC) or intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) can quantitate antigen-specific T cell responses in settings such as experimental vaccination. Standardization of ICS among laboratories performing vaccine studies would provide a common platform by which to compare the immunogenicity of different vaccine candidates across multiple international organizations conducting clinical trials. As such, a study was carried out among several laboratories involved in HIV clinical trials, to define the inter-lab precision of ICS using various sample types, and using a common protocol for each experiment (see additional files online). RESULTS: Three sample types (activated, fixed, and frozen whole blood; fresh whole blood; and cryopreserved PBMC) were shipped to various sites, where ICS assays using cytomegalovirus (CMV) pp65 peptide mix or control antigens were performed in parallel in 96-well plates. For one experiment, antigens and antibody cocktails were lyophilised into 96-well plates to simplify and standardize the assay setup. Results (CD4(+)cytokine(+ )cells and CD8(+)cytokine(+ )cells) were determined by each site. Raw data were also sent to a central site for batch analysis with a dynamic gating template. Mean inter-laboratory coefficient of variation (C.V.) ranged from 17–44% depending upon the sample type and analysis method. Cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) yielded lower inter-lab C.V.'s than whole blood. Centralized analysis (using a dynamic gating template) reduced the inter-lab C.V. by 5–20%, depending upon the experiment. The inter-lab C.V. was lowest (18–24%) for samples with a mean of >0.5% IFNγ + T cells, and highest (57–82%) for samples with a mean of <0.1% IFNγ + cells. CONCLUSION: ICS assays can be performed by multiple laboratories using a common protocol with good inter-laboratory precision, which improves as the frequency of responding cells increases. Cryopreserved PBMC may yield slightly more consistent results than shipped whole blood. Analysis, particularly gating, is a significant source of variability, and can be reduced by centralized analysis and/or use of a standardized dynamic gating template. Use of pre-aliquoted lyophilized reagents for stimulation and staining can provide further standardization to these assays

    Raspodjela lindana u vodi, sedimentu i ribama iz rijeke Warri (Delta Nigera, Nigerija)

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    This paper is the first attempt to quantify the levels and the distribution pattern of lindane in the surface water, sediment and fish (Chrysichthys furcatus and Tilapia zilli). The samples were collected from three stations (Ovwian, Ekakpamre, and Ovu) of the Warri River in the western Niger Delta of Nigeria in 2006: during the dry (January-April) and wet seasons (May-August). The analysis included a total of 96 samples made up of 24 samples each for water, sediment, and fish. The pesticide levels were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography to elucidate its distribution in various environmental compartments. Residue levels in the matrices ranged from below the detection limit (BDL) to 1.37”g L-1 in water, BDL to 12.66 ”g g-1 dry weight (dw) in sediment, BDL to 16.67 ”g g-1dw in Chrysichthys furcatus, and BDL to 0.15 ”g g-1dw in Tilapia zilli .The observed values were above the ecological benchmarks (0.01 ”g L-1) recommended by the Nigerian Environmental Protection Agency and European Union. They were also relatively higher than in previous studies on the Nigerian environment, which calls for regular monitoring of the Niger Delta water bodies.IstraĆŸene su pojava i raspodjela lindana u povrĆĄinskoj vodi, sedimentu i dvije vrste riba Chrysichthys furcatus i Tilapia zilli iz rijeke Warri u zapadnom dijelu delte Nigera (Nigerija). Uzorci su skupljeni 2006. godine na tri postaje (Ovwian, Ekakpamre i Ovu) tijekom suĆĄne (siječanj - travanj) i vlaĆŸne sezone (svibanj - kolovoz). Analizirano je ukupno 96 uzoraka: po 24 uzorka vode, sedimenta i riba. Razine pesticida odre|ene su primjenom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC) te je utvr|ivana njihova raspodjela u različitim dijelovima okoliĆĄa. Koncentracije rezidua u uzorcima vode bile su u rasponu: ispod granice detekcije (BDL) do 1,37 ”g L-1, u sedimentu: BDL do 12,66 ”g g-1 suhe tvari, u ribama Chrysichthys furcatus: BDL do 16,67 ”g g-1 suhe tvari te Tilapia zilli: BDL do 0,15 ”g g-1 suhe tvari. Određene vrijednosti bile su ispod graničnih vrijednosti (0,01 ”g L-1) propisanih od Nigerijske uprave za zaĆĄtitu okoliĆĄa i Europske unije. Kako su dobivene vrijednosti bile relativno viĆĄe u odnosu na podatke iz ranijih istraĆŸivanja okoliĆĄa u Nigeriji, istaknuta je potreba trajnog monitoringa vodotoka u delti Nigera

    The first T cell response to transmitted/founder virus contributes to the control of acute viremia in HIV-1 infection

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    Identification of the transmitted/founder virus makes possible, for the first time, a genome-wide analysis of host immune responses against the infecting HIV-1 proteome. A complete dissection was made of the primary HIV-1–specific T cell response induced in three acutely infected patients. Cellular assays, together with new algorithms which identify sites of positive selection in the virus genome, showed that primary HIV-1–specific T cells rapidly select escape mutations concurrent with falling virus load in acute infection. Kinetic analysis and mathematical modeling of virus immune escape showed that the contribution of CD8 T cell–mediated killing of productively infected cells was earlier and much greater than previously recognized and that it contributed to the initial decline of plasma virus in acute infection. After virus escape, these first T cell responses often rapidly waned, leaving or being succeeded by T cell responses to epitopes which escaped more slowly or were invariant. These latter responses are likely to be important in maintaining the already established virus set point. In addition to mutations selected by T cells, there were other selected regions that accrued mutations more gradually but were not associated with a T cell response. These included clusters of mutations in envelope that were targeted by NAbs, a few isolated sites that reverted to the consensus sequence, and bystander mutations in linkage with T cell–driven escape

    Author Correction:Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function

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    Christina M. Lill, who contributed to analysis of data, was inadvertently omitted from the author list in the originally published version of this article. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article
