1,388 research outputs found


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    Amazon forests could be globally significant sinks or sources for atmospheric carbon dioxide, but carbon balance of these forests remains poorly quantified. We surveyed 19.75 ha along four 1‐km transects of well‐drained old‐growth upland forest in the Tapajós National Forest near Santarém, Pará, Brazil (2°51′ S, 54°58′ W) in order to assess carbon pool sizes, fluxes, and climatic controls on carbon balance. In 1999 there were, on average, 470 live trees per hectare with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥10 cm. The mean (and 95% ci) aboveground live biomass was 143.7 ± 5.4 Mg C/ha, with an additional 48.0 ± 5.2 Mg C/ha of coarse woody debris (CWD). The increase of live wood biomass after two years was 1.40 ± 0.62 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1, the net result of growth (3.18 ± 0.20 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1 from mean bole increment of 0.36 cm/yr), recruitment of new trees (0.63 ± 0.09 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1, reflecting a notably high stem recruitment rate of 4.8 ± 0.9%), and mortality (−2.41 ± 0.53 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1 from stem death of 1.7% yr−1). The gain in live wood biomass was exceeded by respiration losses from CWD, resulting in an overall estimated net loss from total aboveground biomass of 1.9 ± 1.0 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1. The presence of large CWD pools, high recruitment rate, and net accumulation of small‐tree biomass, suggest that a period of high mortality preceded the initiation of this study, possibly triggered by the strong El Niño Southern Oscillation events of the 1990s. Transfer of carbon between live and dead biomass pools appears to have led to substantial increases in the pool of CWD, causing the observed net carbon release. The data show that biometric studies of tropical forests neglecting CWD are unlikely to accurately determine carbon balance. Furthermore, the hypothesized sequestration flux from CO2 fertilization (\u3c0.5 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1) would be comparatively small and masked for considerable periods by climate‐driven shifts in forest structure and associated carbon balance in tropical forests

    Chemical compositions at Mars landing sites subject to Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer constraints

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    The Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) is the first instrument suite to return elemental abundances throughout the midlatitudes of Mars. Concentrations of Cl, Fe, H, K, Si, and Th have been determined to tens of centimeter depths as mass fractions with reasonable confidence. Comparing such data with, or normalizing them to, in situ compositional data is difficult due to issues such as dramatic differences in spatial resolution; difficulties in convolving densities, abundances, and compositions of different regolith components; and a limited number of elements observed in common. We address these concerns in the context of the GRS, using Si at Pathfinder to normalize remote data. In addition, we determine representative in situ compositions for Spirit (both with and without Columbia Hills rocks), Opportunity, and Viking 1 landing sites using GRS-derived H content to hydrate the soil component. Our estimate of the Si mass fraction at Pathfinder, with 13% areal fraction of rocks, is 21%. The composition of major elements, such as Si and Fe, is similar across the four landing sites, while minor elements show significant variability. Areal dominance of soil at all four landing sites causes representative compositions to be driven by the soil component, while proportionally large uncertainties of bulk densities dominate the net uncertainties. GRS compositional determinations compare favorably with the in situ estimates for Cl and K, and for Si by virtue of the normalization. However, the GRS-determined Fe content at each landing site is consistently higher than the in situ value. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union

    Observation of an oxygen isotope effect in YBa\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eCu\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3eO\u3csub\u3e7\u3c/sub\u3e

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    A small decrease in Tc of 0.3 K to 0.5 K is observed when as much as 90% of the 16O in YBa2Cu3O7 is substituted with18O. This result is consistent with our observation that there is an oxygen isotope effect in La1.85Sr0.15CuO4, but in contrast with previous reports that there is no isotope effect for YBa2Cu3O7. This new result suggests that phonons play an important role in the electron-pairing mechanism in YBa2Cu3O7

    The Lantern Vol. 16, No. 3, Spring 1948

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    • Not So Light • Babba\u27s Luck • Winter Night • God Hath Wrought • Less Than Trivia • What is Progress? • Betrayal • The Key • Journey From a Star • War and Peace • Experiment in Prose Poetry • Dawn • Eternal Question • My Gift • Jazz Fantasy • M.W. Witmerhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1045/thumbnail.jp

    A Memetic Analysis of a Phrase by Beethoven: Calvinian Perspectives on Similarity and Lexicon-Abstraction

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    This article discusses some general issues arising from the study of similarity in music, both human-conducted and computer-aided, and then progresses to a consideration of similarity relationships between patterns in a phrase by Beethoven, from the first movement of the Piano Sonata in A flat major op. 110 (1821), and various potential memetic precursors. This analysis is followed by a consideration of how the kinds of similarity identified in the Beethoven phrase might be understood in psychological/conceptual and then neurobiological terms, the latter by means of William Calvin’s Hexagonal Cloning Theory. This theory offers a mechanism for the operation of David Cope’s concept of the lexicon, conceived here as a museme allele-class. I conclude by attempting to correlate and map the various spaces within which memetic replication occurs

    Observation of an Isotope Shift in the Superconducting Transition Temperature of La\u3csub\u3e1.85\u3c/sub\u3eSr\u3csub\u3e0.15\u3c/sub\u3eCuO\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e

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    An oxygen isotope shift is observed in superconducting La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 when 18O is substituted partially for 16O; the superconducting transition temperature Tc is lowered by 0.3 to 1.0 K in different samples. We examine these results using conventioanl phonon-mediated BCS theory and conclude that, for La1.85Sr0.15CuO4, phonons play an important role in the pairing mechanism

    Proposal For A Quantum Hall Pump

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    A device is proposed that is similar in spirit to the electron turnstile except that it operates within a quantum Hall fluid. In the integer quantum Hall regime, this device pumps an integer number of electrons per cycle. In the fractional regime, it pumps an integer number of fractionally charged quasiparticles per cycle. It is proposed that such a device can make an accurate measurement of the charge of the quantum Hall effect quasiparticles.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures include

    Patent Politics: Intellectual Property, the Railroad Industry, and the Problem of Monopoly

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    As winter descended on Washington in December 1878, the Forty-fifth Congress gathered for what promised to be a hectic third and final session. At this critical juncture in American politics, the Senate found itself embroiled in a long and complex discussion of the virtues and deficiencies of the patent system. Patent policy resonated with powerfully felt ideologies and tapped into strongly felt beliefs. Patents were exclusive privileges that the federal government granted to certain individuals for a limited period of time, and, like all monopoly grants, their regulation raised some of the most fundamental questions of the age. The monopoly issue confronted every branch of nineteenth-century American government as well as every jurisdiction: federal, state, and local. In essence, the issue boiled down to two interrelated questions: Did the government have the authority to regulate the monopolies it had created? And, if so, how? The ramifications of the patent issue were practical as well as ideological. At its core, it posed a special challenge for two groups of economic actors, namely, farmers and railroads, who were often at odds not only with Congress but also with each other

    Invited Article: First Flight in Space of a Wide-Field-of-View Soft X-Ray Imager Using Lobster-Eye Optics: Instrument Description and Initial Flight Results

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    We describe the development, launch into space, and initial results from a prototype wide eld-of-view (FOV) soft X-ray imager that employs Lobster-eye optics and targets heliophysics, planetary, and astrophysics science. The Sheath Transport Observer for the Redistribution of Mass (STORM) is the rst instrument using this type of optics launched into space and provides proof-of-concept for future ight instruments capable of imaging structures such as the terrestrial cusp, the entire dayside magnetosheath from outside the magnetosphere, comets, the moon, and the solar wind interaction with planetary bodies like Venus and Mars