2,095 research outputs found

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    Carboxylic Acids Under Vibrational Scrutiny: Experimental Reference Data to Benchmark Quantum Chemical Calculations

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    Spatial coverage in routing and path planning problems

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    Routing and path planning problems that involve spatial coverage have received increasing attention in recent years in different application areas. Spatial coverage refers to the possibility of considering nodes that are not directly served by a vehicle as visited for the purpose of the objective function or constraints. Despite similarities between the underlying problems, solution approaches have been developed in different disciplines independently, leading to different terminologies and solution techniques. This paper proposes a unified view of the approaches: Based on a formal introduction of the concept of spatial coverage in vehicle routing, it presents a classification scheme for core problem features and summarizes problem variants and solution concepts developed in the domains of operations research and robotics. The connections between these related problem classes offer insights into common underlying structures and open possibilities for developing new applications and algorithms

    Physical activity in the second half of life—current situation in Switzerland

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    Over the past several decades, there has been a gradually growing awareness among health care professionals and policy makers of the impact of physical activity (PA) in the second half of life. Implementation of PA recommendations among the most inactive members in the community aged 50+ has been the subject of considerable discussion in Switzerland. A vital step towards promoting good exercise habits in populations is to describe the current PA behavior of both the sedentary and physically active. According to previous findings about PA behavior (sports, exercise, habitual PA) in the Swiss population aged 50+ and associated sociodemographic variables, health status, and health orientation, habitual PA seems to have the greatest potential for increasing overall guideline-compliant activity levels. The findings suggest a behavioral/cognitive and political/environmental approach to improving PA. Nevertheless, since the findings were obtained from cross-sectional analyses, the information provided has to be considered with reservation. PA promotion campaigns targeting the 50+ age groups can be rendered more effective if relevant information (such as current and previous lifestyles that also have impact on PA behavior in the second half of life) can be gathered through data-differentiated multi-item cross-sectional studies and/or cohort studie

    30 Prozent - ein realistisches Etappenziel?

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    Im neuen Bayerischen Naturschutzgesetz ist das Ziel für den Ausbau des Ökolandbaus im Freistaat klar formuliert: 30 Prozent bis zum Jahr 2030. Doch ist das realistisch? Eine Machbarkeitsanalyse zeigt: In Bezug auf Fläche und Erzeugung ist dies möglich. Um ausreichend Marktnachfrage zu schaffen, müssen aber noch einige Hebel in Bewegung gesetzt werden

    COVID-19: fighting the foe with Virchow

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    Midwives’ engagement in smoking- and alcohol-prevention in prenatal care before and after the introduction of practice guidelines in Switzerland : comparison of survey findings from 2008 and 2018

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    Background: Evidence suggests that cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy negatively impacts fetal health. Health agencies across countries have developed specific guidelines for health professionals in perinatal care to strengthen their role in smoking and alcohol use prevention. One such example is the “Guideline on Screening and Counselling for prevention of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption before, during, and after pregnancy” introduced by the Swiss Midwives Association in 2011. The current study assesses the changes in midwives’ engagement in smoking and alcohol use prevention before (2008) and after the introduction of the Guideline (2018). Further, the current study examines differences across regions (German vs. French speaking regions), graduation years (before and after the introduction of the Guideline) and different work settings (hospital vs. self-employed). Methods: Survey data were collected in 2008 (n = 366) and in 2018 (n = 459). Differences in how midwives engaged in smoking and alcohol use prevention between 2008 and 2018 were assessed with chi-square tests, as were differences across German and French speaking regions, graduation years (before and after the introduction of the Guideline) and across different work settings (working in hospitals or as self-employed). Results: An increase in midwives’ awareness of the risks of consuming even small quantities of cigarettes and alcohol for the unborn child between 2008 and 2018 is evident. Explaining the risks to pregnant women who smoke or use alcohol remained the most frequently reported prevention strategy. However, engagement with more extensive smoking and alcohol use preventive strategies across the whole course of pregnancy, such as assisting women in the elaboration of a plan to stop smoking/alcohol use, remained limited. Conclusions: Seven years after its introduction, the effectiveness of the Guideline in increasing midwives’ engagement in smoking and alcohol use prevention appears limited despite midwives’ increased awareness

    Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Arbeitszeit am Beispiel eines Transportunternehmens

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich inhaltlich in drei Teile: Der erste, allgemeine Teil beinhaltet eine Einführung in die Thematik der Nacht- und Schichtarbeit und ihre Auswirkung auf den einzelnen Menschen so wie auf das Unternehmen. Weiters werden rechtliche Möglichkeiten der Arbeitszeitplanung beleuchtet. Der zweite Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Vorgehen bei der Arbeitszeitgestaltung. Basierend auf verschiedenen Vorgehensmodellen werden wichtige Schritte (Bedarfsplanung, Bruttobetriebszeit, Planstrukturen,..) beschrieben. Im dritten, empirischen Teil wird die Problemstellung praktisch anhand eines Transportunternehmens im Bereich Express Service behandelt

    Long-term effects of non-surgical therapy for obesity on cardiovascular risk management: a weighted empirical review

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    Weight loss affects cardiovascular risk profiles in obese patients. Surgery is not a plausible or viable response to the public health problem of obesity, given that more than 30% of adults are obese in some countries. However, most studies investigating the effects of weight loss on the cardiovascular risk profile are focussed on weight loss and limited to short-term effects. Since newer data show a rebound of cardiovascular risks in studies that complete a short-term follow-up, the question arises whether, and to what extent, long-term treatments offer a more sustained cardiovascular benefit beside the extensive or less marked weight loss. Aims The purpose of this article is to critically review existing data on the long-term cardiovascular effects of weight loss in obese and overweight patients treated with dietary interventions, physical activity programmes, behavioural therapy and pharmacological treatments and their combination. Method Inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed, randomized controlled trials (RCT) in the English language which presented data on cardiovascular effects at a follow-up of at least 18months during or after weight reduction interventions. The search was limited to adults and the publication years between 1990 and 2007. Studies of patients with diagnoses such as coronary heart disease and cancer, and medically treated diabetes and hypertension were excluded. Results Twenty-three studies measured cardiovascular risk factors after 18months or more. Mean BMI was 33.9kg/m2 including 13,733 patients. Mean duration of the studies was 37months with a dropout rate of 16.1% on average. Regardless of the absolute amount of weight loss a positive effect on cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, lipids and glucose tolerance was foun
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