18 research outputs found

    Physical 2D Morphware and Power Reduction Methods for Everyone

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    Dynamic and partial reconfiguration discovers more and more the focus in academic and industrial research. Modern systems in e.g. avionic and automotive applications exploit the parallelism of hardware in order to reduce power consumption and to increase performance. State of the art reconfigurable FPGA devices allows reconfiguring parts of their architecture while the other configured architecture stays undisturbed in operation. This dynamic and partial reconfiguration allows therefore adapting the architecture to the requirements of the application while run-time. The difference to the traditional term of software and its related sequential architecture is the possibility to change the paradigm of brining the data to the respective processing elements. Dynamic and partial reconfiguration enables to bring the processing elements to the data and is therefore a new paradigm. The shift from the traditional microprocessor approaches with sequential processing of data to parallel processing reconfigurable architectures forces to introduce new paradigms with the focus on computing in time and space

    Direkt skatt och fri rörlighet för kapital mellan EU och tredje land

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    Det finns inte nĂ„gra utryckliga bestĂ€mmelser i EG-fördraget om harmonisering eller samordning av den direkta beskattningen inom unionen. Eftersom en mindre förmĂ„nlig skatterĂ€ttslig behandling kan verka hĂ€mmande pĂ„ viljan att utföra grĂ€nsöverskridande transaktioner, kan nationella direkta skatteregler dock i praktiken utgöra hinder för gemenskapens mĂ„lsĂ€ttning att upprĂ€tta en öppen och effektiv inre marknad. I avsikt att avvĂ€rja begrĂ€nsningar för den fria rörligheten inom unionen driver EG-domstolen den gemenskapsrĂ€ttsliga utvecklingen pĂ„ omrĂ„det framĂ„t genom en pragmatisk tillĂ€mpning av de grundÂŹlĂ€ggande friheterna. MedlemsÂŹstaterna har i stort sett accepterat domstolens ingripanden, trots att den direkta beskattningen Ă€r ett omrĂ„de dĂ€r medlemmarna mer Ă€n annars vill vĂ€rna om sin rĂ€tt till sjĂ€lvbestĂ€mmande. FrĂ„gan Ă€r dock mer kontroversiell för medlemsstaterna nĂ€r det gĂ€ller tillĂ€mpningen av den fria rörligheten för kapital i enlighet med artikel 56.1 EGF, vilken Ă€r den enda fördragsfrihet som Ă€r tillĂ€mplig Ă€ven i förhĂ„llande till tredje land. PĂ„ grund av de potentiella effekter som en fullstĂ€ndig liberalisering av kapitalrörelser till och frĂ„n tredje land kan fĂ„ för medlemsstaternas möjlighet att sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt anta lagstiftning Ă€r frĂ„gan sĂ€rskilt kontroversiell nĂ€r den avser den direkta beskattningen. PĂ„ grund av Ă„siktsskillnader om hur bestĂ€mmelsen skall tolkas föreligger Ă€nnu stor osĂ€kerhet om hur tillĂ€mpningen skall se ut. Uppenbart Ă€r dock att man inte per automatik kan utgĂ„ frĂ„n att den praxis som finns avseende fria kapitalrörelser inom unionen Ă€r direkt tillĂ€mplig Ă€ven vid tredjelandsrelationer. Av praxis kan man se att EG-domstolen – kanske med den heta rĂ€ttspolitiska debatten i Ă„tanke – har varit avvaktande i sin hĂ„llning. Hittills har inte nĂ„gon nationell direkt skatteregel underkĂ€nts med motiveringen att den utgjort hinder för fria kapitalrörelser till och frĂ„n lĂ€nder utanför unionen. Domstolen har istĂ€llet genom praxis vĂ€sentligt begrĂ€nsat möjligheten att överhuvudtaget tillĂ€mpa artikel 56.1 EGF i tredjelandsrelationer. Under de senare Ă„ren har man sett en markant ökning av antalet avgöranden pĂ„ omrĂ„det. Detta tyder pĂ„ att det finns en önskan om större klarhet i frĂ„gan och det Ă€r troligt att mer praxis kommer inom en snar framtid

    The dogs role in a school for all

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    Syftet med den hÀr studien Àr att undersöka speciallÀrares uppfattningar om samt hur hunden kan anvÀndas som specialpedagogisk resurs i den svenska skolan som tar sitt avstamp i en skola för alla. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ semistrukturerad internetbaserad intervjustudie med nio speciallÀrare frÄn olika delar av Sverige. Fem speciallÀrare arbetar med hund och fyra speciallÀrare har ingen erfarenhet av att arbeta med hund i skolan. VÄrt teoretiska perspektiv Àr anknytningsteori (Bowlby, 1988) samt kÀnslan av sammanhang (KASAM) (Vinje et al., 2022). VÄrt resultat visar att samtliga speciallÀrare Àr positiva till hunden som specialpedagogisk resurs vid bland annat lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter. SpeciallÀrare beskriver hur hunden kan vara en nyckel till eleverna och vara en hjÀlp för bÄde vÀlmÄende och lÀrande. Hundens förmÄga att stödja elever för att genomföra och fÄ en god utbildning kom fram som den frÀmsta orsaken till att hunden har en roll i en skola för alla. Trots speciallÀrarnas positiva instÀllning finns det utmaningar med att ta in hunden i skolan. Viss tveksamhet finns frÄn Skolverket (Bilaga 1) och kritik frÄn astma och allergiförbundet (Cederlöf, 2019) dock behöver det inte vara ett hinder vilket flera av speciallÀrarna berÀttar eftersom hundarna inte befinner sig i hela skolan. Dessutom följs noggranna hygienrutiner enligt Jordbruksverket (SJVFS 2021:5) för de elever som Àr i kontakt med hunden. SpeciallÀrare i vÄr studie lyfter att hunden Àr en del av samhÀllet dÀr den gör stor nytta inom mÄnga omrÄden och dÀrför kan hunden Àven ha en plats i skolan

    Unga kvinnors upplevelser av abort

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    Background: How a young woman approaches an abortion and how she handles its emotional impact is influenced by many factors. Mixed emotions about terminating a pregnancy are common to women of all backgrounds and circumstances. Aim: To illuminate young women®s experiences of abortions. Method: The study was based on literature from online databases and printed materials and involved the analysis of ten articles and one thesis. Result: Women contemplating abortion experience mixed emotions before, during, and after an abortion. Despite mixed or conflicting feelings of guilt, grief, and shame, in addition to relief, most women do not regret having an abortion. A woman’s ability to accept the experience, and her feelings about it, is affected by the support and understanding of her family, friends and health care staff. Conclusion: Further studies in this field are requested in order to gain additional knowledge and increase nurses understanding on how to treat women who have an abortion

    Registered nurses experiences of managing depressive symptoms at care centres for older people : a qualitative descriptive study

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    Background Depressive symptoms and/or depression are commonly experienced by older people. Both are underdiagnosed, undertreated and regularly overlooked by healthcare professionals. Healthcare facilities for people aged >= 75 years have been in place in Sweden since 2015. The aim of these care centres, which are managed by registered nurses (RNs), is to offer care adjusted to cater to the complex needs and health problems of older people. Although the mental health of older people is prioritised in these centres, research into the experience of RNs of depressive symptoms and/or depression in older people in this setting is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to illuminate RNs, working at care centres for older people, experience of identifying and intervening in cases of depressive symptoms. Methods The data for this qualitative descriptive study were collected through interviews (n = 10) with RNs working at 10 care centres for older people in southern Sweden. The transcribed texts were analysed using inductive content analysis. Results The participants' experiences could be understood from four predominant themes: (1) challenging to identify, (2) described interventions, (3) prerequisites for identification, and (4) contextual influences. Key findings were that it was difficult to identify depression as it often manifested as physical symptoms; evidence-based nursing interventions were generally not the first-line treatment used; trust, continuity and the ability of RNs to think laterally; and the context influenced the ability of RNs to manage older people's depressive symptoms and/or depression. Conclusions The process of identifying depressive symptoms and performing an appropriate intervention was found to be complex, especially as older people were reluctant to present at the centres and provided obscure reasons for doing so. A nurse-patient relationship that was built on trust and was characterised by continuity of care was identified as a necessary prerequisite. Appropriate nursing interventions-afforded the same status as pharmacological treatment-are warranted as the first-line treatment of depression. Further research is also needed into efficacious nursing interventions targeting depressive symptoms and/or depression

    Registered nurse’s working at elderly care centers experience of depressive symptoms among older people : a qualitative descriptive study

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    Background: Depressive symptoms and/or depression are commonly experienced by older people. Both are underdiagnosed, undertreated and regularly overlooked by healthcare professionals. Healthcare facilities for people aged ≄ 75 years have been in place in Sweden since 2015. The aim of these care centres, which are managed by registered nurses (RNs), is to offer care adjusted to cater to the complex needs and health problems of older people. Although the mental health of older people is prioritised in these centres, research into the experience of RNs of depressive symptoms and/or depression in older people in this setting is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to illuminate RNs, working at care centres for older people, experience of identifying and intervening in cases of depressive symptoms.Methods: The data for this qualitative descriptive study were collected through interviews (n = 10) with RNs working at 10 care centres for older people in southern Sweden. The transcribed texts were analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: The participants’ experiences could be understood from four predominant themes: (1) challenging to identify, (2) described interventions, (3) prerequisites for identification, and (4) contextual influences. Key findings were that it was difficult to identify depression as it often manifested as physical symptoms; evidence-based nursing interventions were generally not the first-line treatment used; trust, continuity and the ability of RNs to think laterally; and the context influenced the ability of RNs to manage older people’s depressive symptoms and/or depression. Conclusions: The process of identifying depressive symptoms and performing an appropriate intervention was found to be complex, especially as older people were reluctant to present at the centres and provided obscure reasons for doing so. A nurse-patient relationship that was built on trust and was characterised by continuity of care was identified as a necessary prerequisite. Appropriate nursing interventions—afforded the same status as pharmacological treatment—are warranted as the first-line treatment of depression. Further research is also needed into efficacious nursing interventions targeting depressive symptoms and/or depression

    Registered nurse’s working at elderly care centers experience of depressive symptoms among older people : a qualitative descriptive study

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    Background: Depressive symptoms and/or depression are commonly experienced by older people. Both are underdiagnosed, undertreated and regularly overlooked by healthcare professionals. Healthcare facilities for people aged ≄ 75 years have been in place in Sweden since 2015. The aim of these care centres, which are managed by registered nurses (RNs), is to offer care adjusted to cater to the complex needs and health problems of older people. Although the mental health of older people is prioritised in these centres, research into the experience of RNs of depressive symptoms and/or depression in older people in this setting is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to illuminate RNs, working at care centres for older people, experience of identifying and intervening in cases of depressive symptoms. Methods: The data for this qualitative descriptive study were collected through interviews (n = 10) with RNs working at 10 care centres for older people in southern Sweden. The transcribed texts were analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: The participants’ experiences could be understood from four predominant themes: (1) challenging to identify, (2) described interventions, (3) prerequisites for identification, and (4) contextual influences. Key findings were that it was difficult to identify depression as it often manifested as physical symptoms; evidence-based nursing interventions were generally not the first-line treatment used; trust, continuity and the ability of RNs to think laterally; and the context influenced the ability of RNs to manage older people’s depressive symptoms and/or depression. Conclusions: The process of identifying depressive symptoms and performing an appropriate intervention was found to be complex, especially as older people were reluctant to present at the centres and provided obscure reasons for doing so. A nurse-patient relationship that was built on trust and was characterised by continuity of care was identified as a necessary prerequisite. Appropriate nursing interventions—afforded the same status as pharmacological treatment—are warranted as the first-line treatment of depression. Further research is also needed into efficacious nursing interventions targeting depressive symptoms and/or depression

    Chemical and biochemical bleaching of oat hulls: The effect of hydrogen peroxide, laccase, xylanase and sonication on optical properties and chemical composition

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    Oat hulls are an excellent dietary fibre source for food supplements due to their rich lignocellulose composition as well as their great abundance as low-value agricultural side stream. For the production of white fibre supplements, a mild, but effective bleaching of the hulls is required. Chemical bleaching with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide was here found to be a suitable method increasing the CIE L* value (corresponds to a lightness value) above 85. The developed method is mild, retaining the hull’s chemical composition. Only a minor decrease in coniferaldehyde structures upon bleaching was detected. Colour and chemical variabilities of oat hulls from different growth seasons did not influence the required bleaching conditions to achieve the desired optical properties. The inclusion of biochemical bleaching steps utilizing the xylanase Pentopan Mono BG, the laccase NS51003 and sonication was industrially not feasible as they could not reduce the required amount of subsequently applied bleaching chemicals significantly