24 research outputs found

    Dynamic Tourism in ASEAN Countries: Do Institutional Indicators Matter?

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    Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries. Tourism is able to move the economy forward at the micro-level such as encouraging the informal sector and local potential while at the macro level it can increase currency transactions. In various countries, the tourism sector is able to increase domestic and foreign demands as well as to encourage transportation, hospitality, and manufacturing industries. This study examines the effect of institutional indicators on tourism in ASEAN countries during 2000-2018 under dynamic panel estimation. The number of observations was about 180, namely: time series from 2000-2018 and cross-section of 10 countries. ASEAN as one of the destinations in the world requires an increase in institutional quality to be able to compete and provide world-class tourism services. The six institutional indicators were employed such as voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and control of corruption. Moreover, the dynamic panel estimation was expressed by Pooled OLS and REM estimations. Interestingly, the findings show that political stability compromises the number of tourist arrivals while government effectiveness can stimulate tourist arrivals. Similarly, GDP per capita can hinder the number of tourist arrivals, while the exchange rate leads increasing of tourism arrivals. Thus, the governments in ASEAN countries can promote and cooperate together to develop tourism in the regional level. The GDP per capita of ASEAN countries should be increased, and the level of exchange rate can be maintained at a stable range. Besides, the governments should also improve the quality of institutions

    Pengembangan E-Modul dengan Pendekatan Problem Based Learning untuk Peserta Didik SMA/MA Kelas XI Materi Gejala Gelombang

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    This research aims to: (1) development of e-module with problem based learning approach, (2) obtaining the quality of e-module with problem based learning approach based on material expert, media expert and physics teacher assessment, (3) Obtaining the response from student and enforceability of e-module with problem based learning approach. This research belongs to Research and Development (R&D). Development is done by referring to the procedural model. This development research procedure is based on 4-D model which includes 4 steps, namely (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Develop, (4) Disseminate. This research is done until Development steps. The research instrument are criticism and validator suggestion sheet, e-module quality assessment sheet, student response sheet and enforceability observastion sheet. The result of this research is e-module with problem based learning approach. The e-module quality based on assessment of material expert, media expert and physics teacher has average score 3,62; 3,80; and 3,92 with a very good category. Student’s responses on small field test have average score 0,88 with agree category. Result from the enforceability of e-module on 3th and 4th problem based learning steps in e-module has not been implemented. Other steps as a whole have been well implemented on the large field test

    Pola Asuh Orang Tua dalam Menstimulasi Kemandirian Anak Usia Dini

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola asuh orang tua dalam menstimulasi kemandirian anak usia dini di Mangkujenang Dalam Simpang Pasir Palaran, Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 10 orang tua dan 10 anak. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan tringulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Tehnik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua di Mangkujenang Dalam, menggunakan pola asuh yang berbeda-beda dalam menstimulasi kemandirian anak, sebagai berikut: (1) Orang tua sangat dominan dalam mengambil keputusan dan aturan, Orang tua membuat peraturan secara sepihak tanpa melibatkan anak, Orang tua memiliki kontrol  yang ketat terhadap perilaku anak, dan Orang tua sering mengancam atau menghukum melalui lisan maupun fisik. Cara seperti ini merupakan ciri-ciri pola asuh otoriter. (2) Orang tua mendorong anak untuk membicarakan keinginan, cita-cita, dan kebutuhan anak, Orang tua berkerja sama dengan anak, Orang tua mengarahkandan membimbing anak, dan Orang tua tidak kaku terhadap kontrol anak. Cara seperti ini merupakan ciri-ciri pola asuh demokratis. (3) Orang tua memberikan kebebasan penuh pada anak dalam bertindak, Anak lebih mendominasi, Orang tua memiliki sikap bebas, Orang tua tidak membimbing dan mengarahkan anak. Cara seperti ini merupakan ciri-ciri pola asuh permisif.  Pola asuh demokratis, permisif dan otoriter bisa menstimulasi kemandirian anak. Pola asuh demokratis dan permisif lebih mendominasi dalam menstimulasi kemandirian anak dari pada pola asuh otoriter di Mangkujenang Dalam

    Threshold Levels of Poverty and Unemployment Rates on Economic Growth in Indonesia during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, poverty and unemployment rates obstruct economic growth in Indonesia. Therefore, this study examines the threshold levels of poverty and unemployment rates on economic growth for 34 provinces in Indonesia in 2020 and 2021. Cross-section threshold regression is employed. Besides, the robustness check sets a non-linear cross-section regression. The findings reveal that threshold poverty rates in 2020 and 2021 were about 13.97% and 6.38%, respectively. At the same time, threshold unemployment rates were about 3.09% and 4.71%, respectively. Poverty and unemployment rates contributed significantly under U-shape in 2021 and 2020, respectively. The local government can emphasize lower poverty and unemployment rates to enhance economic growth in the long-term.          


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    Ahmadiyah is not a new religious movement in Indonesia. This paper will focus on the conflict of the Ahmadiyya Congregation in West Nusa Tenggara which shows and explores the dynamics and resolution of the conflict that occurred. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out by interviewing via zoom meeting with informants by Prof. Suprapto (Deputy Chair of the West Nusa Tenggara Religious Harmony Forum). The secondary data in this study used the library research method. The data collected and processed comes from books, journal articles, and other sources that are credible and related to this research. The conclusion obtained is that the Ahmadiyya conflict in West Nusa Tenggara is one of the protracted conflicts. From 1998 to 2018 it took 20 years with an unpredictable conflict process that barely ended because the local government was not yet functioning in handling the Ahmadiyya case. The Pattern of Conflict Handling carried out by FKUB NTB in the Ahmadiyya case uses Conflict Management. However, it has not been developed thoughtfully, especially peace-building because the peacekeeping and peace-making stages have not produced results, so it isn't easy to encourage peace-building in West Nusa Tenggara In the context of conditions for the recovery of the social community in West Nusa Tenggara, it is best if the integration of the lives of the people of West Nusa Tenggara is made on the government's agenda in various related agencies. An agenda that is not only about religion but involves and involves various levels of society to build relations between communities.Ahmadiyah bukanlah gerakan keagamaan baru di Indonesia. Tulisan ini akan berfokus pada konflik kelompok Ahmadiyah di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat yang memperlihatkan dan menggali dinamika dan resolusi konflik yang terjadi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara secara zoom meeting dengan informan Wakil Ketua Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama Provinsi NTB. Adapun data sekunder pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Informasi yang dikumpulkan dan diolah peneliti berasal dari buku, artikel jurnal dan sumber lain yang dianggap kredibel dan relevan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan.  Adapun kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa, konflik Ahmadiyah di NTB termasuk pada konflik yang berlarut-larut. Dari mulai tahun 1998 hingga 2018 dibutuhkan lebih kurang 20 tahun dengan proses konflik yang tidak terduga bahkan nyaris tak usai karena belum optimalnya peran pemerintah daerah dalam menangani kasus Ahmadiyah tersebut. Pola Penanganan Konflik yang dilakukan FKUB NTB pada kasus Ahmadiyah dengan menggunakan Manajemen Konflik. Namun, belum dikembangkan secara serius terutama peace building dikarenakan tahap peace keeping dan peace making masih belum membuahkan hasil maka sulit untuk terdorongnya peace building di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Dalam rangka pemulihan kondisi sosial masyarakat di Nusa Tenggara Barat, sebaiknya pengintegrasian kehidupan masyarakat NTB dijadikan agenda utama pemerintah. Agenda yang tidak melulu tentang keagamaan namun merangkul dan melibatkan berbagai lapisan masyarakat guna membangun hubungan antar masyarakat


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    This study discusses about the teachers performance in optimizing learning in the Full Day school program at SMAN 22 Makassar. This research was qualitative research.  Data collection methods obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The data was analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, verifying data, and validating data (triangulation). The result of the research showed that; the first was the teacher performance at SMAN 22 Makassar has improved such as planning, implementation and evaluation. The second was Full Day school at SMAN 22 Makassar about school schedules based on school rules. The third was Effective efforts to optimize learning are carried out by teachers and schools. The teacherteach the learning to the students, gave some motivation and learning methods. The school helps teachers by school rules, teaching and learning process (PBM picket) and controlled by hand master in the school.

    Non-Gaussian Analysis of Herbarium Specimen Damage to Optimize Specimen Collection Management

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    Damage to specimen collections occurs in practically every herbarium across the world. Hence, some precautions must be taken, such as investigating the factors that cause specimen damage in their collections and evaluating their herbarium collection handling and usage policy. However, manual investigation of the causes of herbarium collection damage requires a lot of effort and time. Only a few studies have attempted to investigate the causes of herbarium collection damage. So far, the non-gaussian approach to detecting the causes of damage to herbarium specimens has not been studied before. This study attempted to explore the effect of species type, time, location, storage, and remounting status on the level of damage to herbarium specimens, especially those in the genus Excoecaria. Gaussian modeling is not good enough to model the counted data phenomenon (the amount of damage to herbarium specimens). Negative binomial regression (NBR) provides a better model when compared to generalized Poisson regression and ordinary Gaussian regression approaches. NBR detects non-uniformity in the storage process, causing damage to herbarium specimens. Natural damage to herbarium specimens is caused by differences in species and the origin of specimens

    A Note on Nilpotent Graph of Ring Integer Modulo with Order Prime Power

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    Graf nilpoten dari gelanggang bilangan bulat modulo merupakan salah satu representasi graf pada struktur aljabar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari bentuk dan sifat graf nilpoten dari gelanggang bilangan prima modulo yang kemudian digeneralisasi menjadi gelanggang bilangan bulat modulo berpangkat prima sebarang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah studi literatur. Pada gelanggang bilangan prima modulo, diperoleh bentuk graf nilpotennya adalah suatu graf bintang. Kemudian karakteristik dari graf nilpoten pada gelanggang bilangan bulat modulo berpangkat prima sebarang adalah memuat subgraf lengkap  dan memuat  buah subgraf bintang .Nilpotent graph of ring integer modulo is one of the graph representations in algebraic structures. This study aims to find out the shape and properties of a nilpotent graph of ring prime numbers modulo which is then generalized to a ring of integers modulo with arbitrary prime power. The method used in this research is a literature study. In the ring of integer modulo, we get the shape of a nilpotent graph as a star graph. Then, the characteristic of a nilpotent graph on a ring integer modulo with arbitrary prime power is that it contains a complete subgraph and contains a number of as a star subgraph


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    Ikan louhan atau Flowerhorn Cichlid merupakan spesies ikan hibrida yang dapat ditemukan di hampir semua waduk di Indonesia. Ikan ini dikenal dengan sifatnya yang invasif dan menjadi ancaman bagi ikan asli di berbagai habitat perairan. Akan tetapi, data terkait aspek biologis ikan louhan sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi ikan louhan sebagai informasi penting dalam pengelolaan populasi ikan invasif ini di Waduk P.B. Soedirman. Sampel ikan dikumpulkan dari pasar ikan tradisional di sekitar waduk pada bulan Juli dan Agustus 2023. Tipe pola pertumbuhan ikan louhan dianalisis menggunakan regresi power. Sebanyak 60 ikan terkumpul terdiri atas 27 ikan jantan dan 33 ikan betina. Panjang total ikan berkisar antara 9.10-19.00 cm. pola pertumbuhan ikan pada bulan Juli adalah isometrik (W=0.0345L2.81). Akan tetapi, pola pertumbuhan pada bulan Agustus menunjukkan pola alometrik negatif (W=0.0666L2.55). Hasil analisis faktor kondisi menunjukkan bahwa ikan berada pada kondisi yang baik pada kedua bulan