11 research outputs found

    Otpornost bakterija Escherichia coli i Pseudomonas aeruginosa na karbapenem u antilope (Antilope cervicapra) i leoparda (Panthera pardus) iz zatočeništva u Indiji

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    The study aimed to investigate the occurrence of carbapenem resistant E. coli and P. aeruginosa in apparently healthy, captive blackbucks and leopards of India. Faecal samples of blackbucks (n = 7) and leopards (n = 7) were processed to isolate carbapenem resistant E. coli (CRE) and P. aeruginosa (CRP). Forty (leopards n = 26; blackbuck n = 14) E. coli and two P. aeruginosa (blackbuck n = 2) samples were isolated from the faecal samples (n = 14). Eleven carbapenem resistant isolates were recovered, of which 10 were CRE and one was CRP. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for meropenem for carbapenem resistant isolates and was between 8 and 64 μg/mL. All the CRE and CRP were phenotypically multidrug resistant, and six CRE were extended-spectrum beta- lactamases (ESBL) producers. On genotypic screening, seven CRE and one CRP were positive for the blaNDM carbapenemase gene. Efflux pump-mediated carbapenem resistance was noticed in four CRE isolates (36.4%, 4/11). Of the six ESBL producing CRE, four isolates carried blaCTX-M-1 genes. The CRE isolates also harbored blaTEM-1, blaAmpC, qnrA, qnrB, qnrS, tetA, tetB and sul1 resistance genes. On Shiga toxin virulence screening, Stx1, Stx2 genes were detected in two and one isolates, respectively. Plasmid typing of CRE revealed that the blaNDM genes were carried on an Incl1 plasmid. The plasmid multilocus sequence typing (pMLST) of the isolates showed the Sequence Type (ST) 297. The occurrence of carbapenem resistance bacteria in captive wildlife should be a major public health priority.Cilj rada bio je istražiti slučajeve otpornosti bakterija E. coli i P. aeruginosa na karbapenem u zdravih antilopa i leoparda iz zatočeništva u Indiji. Uzorci izmeta antilopa (n = 7) i leoparda (n = 7) obrađeni su kako bi se izolirale bakterije E. coli (CRE) i P. aeruginosa (CRP) otporne na karbapenem. Iz uzoraka izmeta (n = 14) dobiveno je 40 izolata (leopard n = 26, antilopa n = 14) E. coli i 2 izolata P. aeruginosa (antilopa n = 2). Pronađeno je 11 izolata otpornih na karbapenem, od kojih je 10 E. coli i 1 P. aeruginosa. Određena je minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIK) za meropenem za izolate otporne na karbapenem, od 8 za E. coli i 64 μg/mL za P. aeruginosa. Svi izolati E. coli i P. aeruginosa fenotipski su bili otporni na širok spektar lijekova, a 6 izolata E. coli proizvodilo je beta- laktamaze širokog spektra (ESBL). Genotipskim probirom 7 izolata E. coli i 1 izolat P. aeruginosa bili su pozitivni na karbapenemaza gen blaNDM. Otpornost na karbapenem putem efluks pumpe zabilježena je u 4 izolata E. coli (36,4 %, 4/11). Od 6 ESBL producirajućih CRE, 4 izolata nosila su gen blaCTX-M-1. Izolati E. coli također su sadržavali blaTEM-1, blaAmpC, qnrA, qnrB, qnrS, tetA, tetB i sul1 gene otpornosti. Pretragom na šiga-toksin, Stx1 i Stx2 geni utvrđeni su u dva odnosno jednom izolatu. Tipiziranje plazmida CRE otkrilo je prisutnost blaNDM gena na Incl1 plazmidu. Multilokusno tipiziranje sekvencija plazmida (pMLST) izolata otkrilo je sekvenciju tipa (ST) 297. Pojava otpornosti bakterija na karbapenem u divljih životinja iz zatočeništva trebala bi biti javnozdravstveni prioritet


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    Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of ultrasound with Maitland mobilization over Short wave diathermy with Maitland mobilization in improving the functional performance of patients with Periarthritis of shoulder Design: A simple randomized controlled clinical trail Setting: The study was conducted in the department of physiotherapy in Ganga Hospital Coimbatore (India), Vinayaka Mission Hospital Salem (India). Subjects: 30 patients were selected randomly from the population using simple random sampling procedure (Lottery Method) and were divided into two equal groups. Intervention : The experimental group (n=15) were given Ultrasound with Maitland mobilization with 1 MHz in frequency, continuous mode and 1.5 W/cm 2 of intensity with 5cm 2 sized transducer for 10 minutes of treatment duration .The control group (n=15) were given Short wave diathermy with Maitland mobilization for period of 15 min with contra planar technique. Outcome measures: The functional performance was measured using Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) scale. Results: In Group-A (Experimental Group ) and Group-B (Control Group), all data was expressed as mean ± , SD and was statistically analysed using paired 't' test and independent 't' test to determine the statistical difference among the parameters at 0.5% level of significance. Statistical data of SPADI showed that, Group-A is significantly different from Group-B with p<0.05; i.e 95% of significance. Conclusion: The post ultrasound Maitland mobilization is found more effective and beneficial than post SWD Maitland mobilization on shoulder functions in periarthritis. KEYWORDS: Maitland mobilizations, Short wave diathermy, Ultrasound, Periarthritis, Glides. Quick Response cod

    Performance Analysis of CuO2Nanoparticles Addition with Neochloris Oleoabundans Algae Biodiesel on CI Engine

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    802-805An experimental research is performed to determine the performance qualities of a variable compression engine at constant speed using copper oxide nanoparticles as being fuel-borne additives in diesel–biodiesel blend. In this research, the effects of adding CuO2 nanoparticles to neochloris oleoabundans methyl ester-diesel blended (B20) fuel on compression-ignition engine had been experimentally investigated. The B20 with 25, 50, 75, and 100ppm dosage of CuO2 nanoparticles were examined at various engine loads and constant engine speed. The fuel blends were labelled as B20, B20+25ppm, B20+50ppm, B20+75ppm and B20+100ppm. Moreover, even without the any engine alterations, the performance properties of those fuel blend samples were investigated through the experimentally measured standards like viscosity, density, cloud point, calorific value and pour point while the engine performance has also been examined through the factors like EGT, BSFC, and BTE. The experimental outcomes show that the use of biodiesel blend along with CuO2 nano particles in diesel fuelled engine has revealed good improvement in performance

    Recent advances in using nanofluids in renewable energy systems and the environmental implications of their uptake

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    It has been more than two decades since the discovery of ‘nanofluids’ – mixtures of common liquids and solid nanoparticles with at least one dimension below 100 nm in size. While colloidal suspensions of particles (which include larger particles) have been studied for several decades, the term ‘nanofluids’ designates fluid systems that have enhanced thermal and optical properties. Although barriers to their commercial adoption remain, the field of nanofluids has continued to grow. Many studies have considered the effects of adding nanoparticles on the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of renewable energy systems particularly solar systems, however, few have investigated their potential for emission reductions. Critically, since renewable energy technologies aim to reduce the environmental impact of energy systems, this review focuses on whether nanofluids provide a net environmental benefit. Thus, in addition to providing a comprehensive overview of this body of literature from an environmental perspective, this review also highlights areas for future work that could help ensure that nanofluids have a net positive environmental impact in renewable energy systems going forward