54 research outputs found

    Vaade inimese Y kromosoomile – fülogenees, populatsiooni dünaamika ja asutajasündmused

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneRahvastikusündmused on jätnud oma jälje iga inimese genoomi. Täna suudame neid ’lugeda’ nii praegu elavate kui juba ammu surnud inimeste geneetilisest materjalist. Y-kromosoom on eriline genoomi osa, mis pärandub edasi vaid mööda isaliini, kõikide maailma isaliinide omavahlelist sugulust näitab nende ‘sugupuu’. Täna saame ka Y-kromosoomilt ohtralt DNA-lugemeid, mis võimaldavad võrratult täpsemalt hinnata inimese isaliinide mitmekesisust ning harude lahknemisaegu isaliinide puul. Doktoritöös uuriti mineviku rahvastikusündmusi peamiselt inimese Y-kromosoomi andmeid analüüsides. Töö tulemused näitasid, et inimese kõikide teadaolevate isaliinide viimane ühine eellane elas Aafrikas umbes 250 tuhat aastat tagasi, paljude liinide arvukuse kasv toimus aga viimase 15 tuhande aasta sees. Üllatuslikult leidsime ka, et 4–8 tuhat aastat tagasi kahanes järsult järglasi saavate meeste suhteline arv, samas kui naistel see arv ei muutunud. Kuna sigivate meeste arvukus vähenes samal ajal, kui muutusid inimeste eluviisid – mindi üle küttimiselt ja koriluselt põlluharimisele, võisid need kultuurilised muutused mõjutada meeste reproduktiivkäitumist. Lisaks näitasime, et Lõuna-Siberist pärit Baikali-äärse 24 000 aasta vanuse ülempaleoliitilise Malta kultuuri esindaja ema- ja isaliin ei ole tüüpilised tänased seal piirkonnas levinud Ida-Euraasia liinid, näidates geneetilise pärandi olulist muutumist läbi aja. Asutajasündmused, mil uus rahvakild tekib mingi algse grupi väikesest alamhulgast, jätavad uue grupi geneetilisse pärandisse iseloomuliku jälje. Neid analüüsisime Euroopa romi ja aškenaasi leviidi meeste seas. Lõuna-Aasia päritolu H1a1-M82 tüüpi isaliin on levinud ka Euroopa romide seas, viidates nende algkodule. Romide liinidele kõige sarnasemad on Loode- ja Põhja-India meeste seas levinud variandid, viidates võimalikule Romide päritolupiirkonnale. Tüüpiline aškenaasi leviitide isaliin R1a-Y2619 on kõige tõenäolisemalt pärit Lähis-Idast. Näitasime, et see kuulus aškenaasi leviitide asutajaliinide hulka, kuid selle levik oli seotud pigem aškenaasi juutide populatsiooni üldise laienemisega.Demographic processes have left their traces into every human genome. Today we can ‘read’ them from the genetic material of people living now and those passed away long ago. Mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome (chrY) are parts of the genome that pass on through maternal and paternal lines. The relationships of all these lineages in the world are captured in a global ‘family tree’ of maternal or paternal lineages. Just recently it became possible to attain high numbers of sequencing reads also from chrY. This enables to assess the variation of human paternal lineages and date their splits on the tree with unmatched precision. This thesis investigates the past demographic events mainly by analysing the sequencing datasets of human chrY. We showed that the most common ancestor of all known paternal lineages lived in Africa about 250 thousand years ago (kya) and many of the now widespread lineages started to expand 15 kya. Then, 4–8 kya the relative number of males who had offspring (Nm) decreased drastically, while in females it did not change. Since the decrease of Nm coincided with the changes of lifestyle from hunting and gathering to farming, the decrease in the number of breeding males could have been caused by cultural forces that influence the reproductive behaviour of men. The maternal and paternal lineages of a southern Siberian 24,000 years-old Upper Palaeolithic individual from near Lake Baikal are not typical East Eurasian lineages found in the area today. This testifies for population changes affecting the genetic make-up of the people living in that region. Founder events during which a new population forms as a small subset of an initial group, leave distinct traces into the genomic legacy of the newly formed group. We analysed these traces in the paternal gene pool of European Roma and Ashkenazi Levites. H1a1a-M82 is a paternal lineage carried by 12% of South Asian men. The same lineage is spread among European Roma whose variants have closest relations to men from north western and northern India, pointing to their potential place of origin. The main lineage among Ashkenazi Levites, R1a-Y2619, originates in the Near East and it was probably carried by the first founders of the Ashkenazi Levites. The increase in numbers of carriers of this lineage was not an event specific to Levites, but part of the general Ashkenazi Jewish expansion

    A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture.

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    It is commonly thought that human genetic diversity in non-African populations was shaped primarily by an out-of-Africa\ud dispersal 50–100 thousand yr ago (kya). Here, we present a study of 456 geographically diverse high-coverage Y chromosome\ud sequences, including 299 newly reported samples. Applying ancient DNA calibration, we date the Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) in Africa at 254 (95% CI 192–307) kya and detect a cluster of major non-African\ud founder haplogroups in a narrow time interval at 47–52 kya, consistent with a rapid initial colonization model of Eurasia and Oceania after the out-of-Africa bottleneck. In contrast to demographic reconstructions based on mtDNA, we infer a second strong bottleneck in Y-chromosome lineages dating to the last 10 ky. We hypothesize that this bottleneck is caused by cultural changes affecting variance of reproductive success among males

    The genetic structure of south Asian populations as revealed by 650 000 SNPs

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    The analyses of dense marker sets covering the whole genome has revolutionised the field of (human) population genetics. Driven largely by the needs of biomedical research, these new data are helping to unveil our demographic past, exemplified by the study of mtDNA and Y-chromosome variation during the past ∼20 years. We have analysed (Illumina 650K SNPs) over 320 new samples from South and Central Asia and the Caucasus, together with the publicly available databases (HGDP panel and our published data set of ∼600 Eurasian samples) and illustrated the power of full genome analyses by addressing two specific questions. (i) What is the nature of genetic continuity and discontinuity between South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia? (ii) What are the genetic origins of the Munda speakers of India? We use principal component and structure-like analyses to reveal the structure in the genome wide SNP data. The most striking feature of the genetic structure of South Asian populations is the clear separation of the Indus valley and southern India populations. The genetic component prevalent in the latter region is marginal in the former and absent outside South Asia. By contrast, the component ubiquitous to Indus valley is also present (∼30-40 %) among Indo-European speakers from Ganges valley and Dravidic speakers in southern India. Furthermore, this component can also be found in Central Asia and the Caucasus as well as in Middle East. We explored possibilities to identify the source region for this genetic component. Alternative models put the origins of Munda languages speakers either in South Asia (the Munda speakers sport exclusively autochthonous South Asian mtDNA variants) or in Southeast Asia, where the other Austro Asiatic languages have spread. Y-chromosome variation supports the latter model through sharing of hg O2a in both regions. We show that in addition to the dominant ancestry component being shared between the Indian Dravidic and Munda speakers, up to 30% of Munda speakers retain an ancestry component otherwise prevalent in East Asia. There is no widespread sign of South Asian ancestry component in Southeast Asia. This provides genomic support to the model by which Indian Austro-Asiatic populations derive from dispersal from Southeast/East Asia, followed by an extensive admixture with local Indian populations

    Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in South and Southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans

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    BACKGROUND:Recent advances in the understanding of the maternal and paternal heritage of south and southwest Asian populations have highlighted their role in the colonization of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans. Further understanding requires a deeper insight into the topology of the branches of the Indian mtDNA phylogenetic tree, which should be contextualized within the phylogeography of the neighboring regional mtDNA variation. Accordingly, we have analyzed mtDNA control and coding region variation in 796 Indian (including both tribal and caste populations from different parts of India) and 436 Iranian mtDNAs. The results were integrated and analyzed together with published data from South, Southeast Asia and West Eurasia.RESULTS:Four new Indian-specific haplogroup M sub-clades were defined. These, in combination with two previously described haplogroups, encompass approximately one third of the haplogroup M mtDNAs in India. Their phylogeography and spread among different linguistic phyla and social strata was investigated in detail. Furthermore, the analysis of the Iranian mtDNA pool revealed patterns of limited reciprocal gene flow between Iran and the Indian sub-continent and allowed the identification of different assemblies of shared mtDNA sub-clades.CONCLUSIONS:Since the initial peopling of South and West Asia by anatomically modern humans, when this region may well have provided the initial settlers who colonized much of the rest of Eurasia, the gene flow in and out of India of the maternally transmitted mtDNA has been surprisingly limited. Specifically, our analysis of the mtDNA haplogroups, which are shared between Indian and Iranian populations and exhibit coalescence ages corresponding to around the early Upper Paleolithic, indicates that they are present in India largely as Indian-specific sub-lineages. In contrast, other ancient Indian-specific variants of M and R are very rare outside the sub-continent.This item is part of the UA Faculty Publications collection. For more information this item or other items in the UA Campus Repository, contact the University of Arizona Libraries at [email protected]

    Mitochondrial DNA signals of late glacial recolonization of Europe from near Eastern refugia

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    Human populations, along with those of many other species, are thought to have contracted into a number of refuge areas at the height of the last Ice Age. European populations are believed to be, to a large extent, the descendants of the inhabitants of these refugia, and some extant mtDNA lineages can be traced to refugia in Franco-Cantabria (haplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5a). Parts of the Near East, such as the Levant, were also continuously inhabited throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, but unlike western and eastern Europe, no archaeological or genetic evidence for Late Glacial expansions into Europe from the Near East has hitherto been discovered. Here we report, on the basis of an enlarged whole-genome mitochondrial database, that a substantial, perhaps predominant, signal from mitochondrial haplogroups J and T, previously thought to have spread primarily from the Near East into Europe with the Neolithic population, may in fact reflect dispersals during the Late Glacial period, ?19–12 thousand years (ka) ago.<br/

    "Like sugar in milk": reconstructing the genetic history of the Parsi population.

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    BACKGROUND: The Parsis are one of the smallest religious communities in the world. To understand the population structure and demographic history of this group in detail, we analyzed Indian and Pakistani Parsi populations using high-resolution genetic variation data on autosomal and uniparental loci (Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA). Additionally, we also assayed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms among ancient Parsi DNA samples excavated from Sanjan, in present day Gujarat, the place of their original settlement in India. RESULTS: Among present-day populations, the Parsis are genetically closest to Iranian and the Caucasus populations rather than their South Asian neighbors. They also share the highest number of haplotypes with present-day Iranians and we estimate that the admixture of the Parsis with Indian populations occurred ~1,200 years ago. Enriched homozygosity in the Parsi reflects their recent isolation and inbreeding. We also observed 48% South-Asian-specific mitochondrial lineages among the ancient samples, which might have resulted from the assimilation of local females during the initial settlement. Finally, we show that Parsis are genetically closer to Neolithic Iranians than to modern Iranians, who have witnessed a more recent wave of admixture from the Near East. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are consistent with the historically-recorded migration of the Parsi populations to South Asia in the 7th century and in agreement with their assimilation into the Indian sub-continent's population and cultural milieu "like sugar in milk". Moreover, in a wider context our results support a major demographic transition in West Asia due to the Islamic conquest

    Phylogeography of mtDNA haplogroup R7 in the Indian peninsula.

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    BACKGROUND: Human genetic diversity observed in Indian subcontinent is second only to that of Africa. This implies an early settlement and demographic growth soon after the first 'Out-of-Africa' dispersal of anatomically modern humans in Late Pleistocene. In contrast to this perspective, linguistic diversity in India has been thought to derive from more recent population movements and episodes of contact. With the exception of Dravidian, which origin and relatedness to other language phyla is obscure, all the language families in India can be linked to language families spoken in different regions of Eurasia. Mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome evidence has supported largely local evolution of the genetic lineages of the majority of Dravidian and Indo-European speaking populations, but there is no consensus yet on the question of whether the Munda (Austro-Asiatic) speaking populations originated in India or derive from a relatively recent migration from further East. RESULTS: Here, we report the analysis of 35 novel complete mtDNA sequences from India which refine the structure of Indian-specific varieties of haplogroup R. Detailed analysis of haplogroup R7, coupled with a survey of approximately 12,000 mtDNAs from caste and tribal groups over the entire Indian subcontinent, reveals that one of its more recently derived branches (R7a1), is particularly frequent among Munda-speaking tribal groups. This branch is nested within diverse R7 lineages found among Dravidian and Indo-European speakers of India. We have inferred from this that a subset of Munda-speaking groups have acquired R7 relatively recently. Furthermore, we find that the distribution of R7a1 within the Munda-speakers is largely restricted to one of the sub-branches (Kherwari) of northern Munda languages. This evidence does not support the hypothesis that the Austro-Asiatic speakers are the primary source of the R7 variation. Statistical analyses suggest a significant correlation between genetic variation and geography, rather than between genes and languages. CONCLUSION: Our high-resolution phylogeographic study, involving diverse linguistic groups in India, suggests that the high frequency of mtDNA haplogroup R7 among Munda speaking populations of India can be explained best by gene flow from linguistically different populations of Indian subcontinent. The conclusion is based on the observation that among Indo-Europeans, and particularly in Dravidians, the haplogroup is, despite its lower frequency, phylogenetically more divergent, while among the Munda speakers only one sub-clade of R7, i.e. R7a1, can be observed. It is noteworthy that though R7 is autochthonous to India, and arises from the root of hg R, its distribution and phylogeography in India is not uniform. This suggests the more ancient establishment of an autochthonous matrilineal genetic structure, and that isolation in the Pleistocene, lineage loss through drift, and endogamy of prehistoric and historic groups have greatly inhibited genetic homogenization and geographical uniformity.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Phylogenetic history of patrilineages rare in northern and eastern Europe from large-scale re-sequencing of human Y-chromosomes

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    The most frequent Y-chromosomal (chrY) haplogroups in northern and eastern Europe (NEE) are well-known and thoroughly characterised. Yet a considerable number of men in every population carry rare paternal lineages with estimated frequencies around 5%. So far, limited sample-sizes and insufficient resolution of genotyping have obstructed a truly comprehensive look into the variety of rare paternal lineages segregating within populations and potential signals of population history that such lineages might convey. Here we harness the power of massive re-sequencing of human Y chromosomes to identify previously unknown population-specific clusters among rare paternal lineages in NEE. We construct dated phylogenies for haplogroups E2-M215, J2-M172, G-M201 and Q-M242 on the basis of 421 (of them 282 novel) high-coverage chrY sequences collected from large-scale databases focusing on populations of NEE. Within these otherwise rare haplogroups we disclose lineages that began to radiate similar to 1-3 thousand years ago in Estonia and Sweden and reveal male phylogenetic patterns testifying of comparatively recent local demographic expansions. Conversely, haplogroup Q lineages bear evidence of ancient Siberian influence lingering in the modern paternal gene pool of northern Europe. We assess the possible direction of influx of ancestral carriers for some of these male lineages. In addition, we demonstrate the congruency of paternal haplogroup composition of our dataset with two independent population-based cohorts from Estonia and Sweden

    Origin and spread of human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U7

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    Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U is among the initial maternal founders in Southwest Asia and Europe and one that best indicates matrilineal genetic continuity between late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer groups and present-day populations of Europe. While most haplogroup U subclades are older than 30 thousand years, the comparatively recent coalescence time of the extant variation of haplogroup U7 (~16–19 thousand years ago) suggests that its current distribution is the consequence of more recent dispersal events, despite its wide geographical range across Europe, the Near East and South Asia. Here we report 267 new U7 mitogenomes that – analysed alongside 100 published ones – enable us to discern at least two distinct temporal phases of dispersal, both of which most likely emanated from the Near East. The earlier one began prior to the Holocene (~11.5 thousand years ago) towards South Asia, while the later dispersal took place more recently towards Mediterranean Europe during the Neolithic (~8 thousand years ago). These findings imply that the carriers of haplogroup U7 spread to South Asia and Europe before the suggested Bronze Age expansion of Indo-European languages from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe region
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