49 research outputs found

    Trajectories and models of individual growth

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    Social Workers’ Digital Competencies as a Prerequisite of their Readyness for Education of Elderly People

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness of social workers to teach digital technologies to the elderly in universities of the third age, which operate based on territorial centres of social services. The study was conducted in the Poltava region from June 2020 - October 2020. The sample was social workers who provide educational services to students of the University of the Third Age. The total number of respondents was 73 people. The digital literacy analysis of social workers providing geronto-education services was conducted according to five main parameters: information literacy, computer literacy, communication and media literacy, and technology literacy. The results of the digital literacy assessment show that two-thirds of social worker-teachers have enough knowledge, skills and follow the right attitudes. At the same time, digital skills received an average of 3.2 points (3.4 urban and 3.0 rural) out of 5 possible. The majority of social workers (66 people, 90%) have been actively using digital technologies in the geronto-educational process of the Third Age University for less than ten years. The study found out that 96% of social workers-gerorogists desire to move to online learning in the current situation, of which 78% expressed a desire to undergo professional retraining in online learning. As the main obstacles to mastering and developing gerorogical technologies-innovations, social workers named: insufficient awareness of digital innovations, lack of scientific and methodological literature on social technologies for teaching elderly people; lack of logistics for the application of gerorogical digital innovations; lack of material incentives. The results of the study indicate the need to develop social workers-gerorogists: knowledge in the field of modern computer technology and software, as well as the principles of their work; skills of using modern technologies (gadgets and applications); installations in the field of verification of information from the Internet and mass media; attitudes about the benefits of modern gadgets for the daily life of a professional

    Californian worms biomass growth and its zinc accumulation under different concentrations of the metal in the nutrient medium

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    The ability of worms to accumulate biotic metals in their body creates the preconditions for obtaining a protein-mineral supplement containing metals in the organic compounds. Experimental studies on the worms reproduction, their mass increase and zinc organic forms accumulation in their body, depending on the content of this metal in the nutrient medium were carried out. Zinc content in the nutrient medium for worms was regulated by adding various doses of this metal salt (ZnSO4 • 7H2O). Worms were grown for 110 days on a nutrient medium with a different content of zinc. It has been established that adding Zinc at a dose of 160 mg/kg of nutrient medium provides increase in the worms number and weight by 1.5–1.9 and 1.55–1.96 times, respectively, as compared to the worms  grown on a nutrient medium without zinc addition. The negative impact of zinc at a dose of 640 mg/kg of nutrient medium on the worms mass increase was established. Vermiculture mass was 12.9% lower than the control under high dose of the metal. Additional application of zinc at doses of 40 mg/kg, 80, 160, 320 and 640 mg/kg in growing worms on a nutrient medium provided increase in the content of this element in vermiculture dry mass, respectively, by 20.4%, 31.7, 50.0% or by 2.7 and 3.0 times

    One-step reforming of CO₂ and CH₄ to high-value liquid chemicals and fuels at room temperature via plasma-driven catalysis

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    Conversion of CO₂ with CH₄ into liquid fuels and chemicals in a single-step catalytic process bypassing the production of syngas remains a challenge. In this study, one-step synthesis of liquid fuels and chemicals (e.g. acetic acid, methanol, ethanol and formaldehyde) from CO₂ and CH₄ has been achieved at room temperature (30°C) and atmospheric pressure for the first time using a novel plasma reactor with a water electrode. The total selectivity to oxygenates was ca. 50-60%, with acetic acid the major component at 40.2% selectivity, the highest value reported for acetic acid so far. Interestingly, direct plasma synthesis of acetic acid from CH₄ and CO₂ is an ideal reaction with a 100% atom economy, but it is almost impossible via thermal catalysis due to the significant thermodynamic barrier. The combination of plasma and catalyst in this process shows great potential for manipulating the distribution of different liquid chemicals

    Моделюючий вплив Селену на організм курчат-бройлерів

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    In recent years, based on new scientific data, many countries worldwide have been revising the existing standards for introducing trace elements in mixed feed for highly productive broiler chicken crosses. This also applies to selenium, which is recognized as an indispensable biotic ultramicroelement with a wide range of biological action according to modern classification. However, some aspects of the selenium effects on poultry have not been elucidated yet. We have conducted comprehensive research to deepen and expand modern ideas about the biological role of selenium, its impact on the interior and productive qualities of broiler chickens in the post-embryonic period of ontogenesis. One of the tasks was to study the causal relationship between the level of selenium consumption by broiler chickens and the studied indicators. The research was conducted on broiler chickens of the Cobb 500 cross. During the rearing period, the feeding of broiler chickens of all groups was carried out with dry full-fledged mixed feeds following the existing norms. The poultry of the first control group did not receive selenium supplementation. The poultry of the second experimental group was additionally injected with Selenium at the rate of 0.2 mg/kg, the third of 0.3, and the fourth of 0.4 mg/kg. When conducting a correlation analysis of the obtained experimental data, it was found that there are different levels and directions of relationship between internal and economically valuable features included in the study, which may vary depending on the selenium content in mixed feed for broiler chickens. A scheme of modeling the effect of selenium on broiler chickens’ bodies is proposed.Останніми роками у багатьох країнах світу переглядаються, із урахуванням нових наукових даних уже існуючі норми введення мікроелементів у комбікорми для високопродуктивних кросів курчат-бройлерів. Це стосується і Селену, який, згідно з сучасною класифікацією, визнаний незамінним біотичним ультрамікроелементом з широким спектром біологічної дії. Проте деякі аспекти впливу Селену на організм птиці ще остаточно не з’ясовані. З метою поглиблення і розширення сучасних уявлень про біологічну роль Селену, його вплив на інтер’єр та продуктивні якості курчат-бройлерів у постембріональний період онтогенезу нами були проведені комплексні наукові дослідження. Одним із завдань було вивчення причинно-наслідкового взаємозв’язку між рівнем споживання курчатами-бройлерами Селену та досліджуваними показниками. Дослідження проводилися на курчатах-бройлерах кросу СОВВ 500. Годівля курчат-бройлерів усіх груп упродовж періоду вирощування здійснювалася сухими повнораціонними комбікормами відповідно до існуючих норм. Птиця першої контрольної групи добавку селену не одержували. Птиці другої дослідної групи у комбікорми додатково вводили Селен із розрахунку 0,2 мг/кг, третьої – 0,3 та четвертої – 0,4 мг/кг. При проведенні кореляційного аналізу одержаних експериментальних даних встановлено, що між інтер’єрними та господарсько корисними ознаками, що входили в аналіз, мають місце різні рівні й напрями взаємозв’язку, які можуть змінюватися залежно від вмісту Селену в комбікормах для курчат-бройлерів. Запропоновано схему моделюючого впливу селену на організм курчат-бройлерів

    Trajectories and models of individual growth

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    It has long been recognized that the patterns of growth play an important role in the evolution of age trajectories of fertility and mortality (Williams, 1957). Life history studies would benefit from a better understanding of strategies and mechanisms of growth, but still no comparative research on individual growth strategies has been conducted. Growth patterns and methods have been shaped by evolution and a great variety of them are observed. Two distinct patterns - determinate and indeterminate growth - are of a special interest for these studies since they present qualitatively different outcomes of evolution. We attempt to draw together studies covering growth in plant and animal species across a wide range of phyla focusing primarily on the noted qualitative features. We also review mathematical descriptions of growth, namely empirical growth curves and growth models, and discuss the directions of future research

    Coordination Among law Enforcement Agencies of the Member States of the European Union.

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    У статті розглянуто питання координаційної діяльності правоохоронних органів держав – членів Європейського Союзу. При цьому головну увагу приділено таким органам, як Європол і Євроюст. Під час аналізу їхньої діяльності звернуто увагу на їх виникнення й роль у координаційній діяльності національних правоохоронних органів країн – членів Європейського Союзу. The article deals with the key questions of co-ordinating activity of lawenforcement authorities of European Union states-members. It concentrates largely on such international bodies as Europol Еurojust. The author pays attention to their origin and role in co-ordinating activity of national law enforcement authorities of countries-members of European Union and Ukraine. The questions of establishing of such new all-European body, as public prosecutor European officear are investigated. The creation of such body is provided by the European Union constitution. The research of these positions has the special value for the decision of question about bringing a national legislation over in accordance with the legislation of EuropeanUnion