104 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical study on roe deer haemal nodes

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the immunohistochemical characteristics of the haemal nodes located in the abdominal and thoracic cavities in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Materials and methods: In this study, 2 adult male and 2 adult female roe deers in addition to 2 roe deer foetuses at the late foetal stages were used. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique was applied to anti-CD3, anti-CD79acy, anti­-macrophage, anti-S100 primary antibodies. Results: Positive results were gained for all the antibodies used. Many CD3 positive T-lymphocytes were seen in the lymphoid tissue areas of the foetal haemal nodes, in the germinal centre of the lymph follicles of the adult haemal nodes and in their lymphatic cords. CD79acy positive cells were less in number while S-100 protein was positive in both lymph follicles and in sinuses of the adult haemal nodes. In foetal haemal nodes, cells positive for S-100 protein were more prevalent in the sinuses. For the MAC387 primary antibody, there were positive macrophages seen in the capsule and trabeculae of the haemal nodes, located denser in males. Macrophage cells in the lymphoid structures and granulocytes in the sinuses of the haemal nodes of both adults and foetuses were positive for MAC387. Conclusions: This study is the first one to define the detailed structural features immunohistochemically in the haemal nodes of the roe deer. Even it’s concluded that the results were similar with the other ruminants, it’s also pointed out that there are certain differences among the foetal, adult male and female haemal nodes of the roe deer. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 2: 266–271

    1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy in first episode and chronic schizophrenia patients

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    Background/aim: The aim of this study was to compare metabolite levels of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG), thalamus, and hippocampus in patients with chronic schizophrenia (CSPs) and first psychotic episode patients (FEPs) by the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Materials and methods: Thirty CSPs, 20 FEPs, and 30 healthy subjects participated in this study. N-Acetylaspartate (NAA), creatine, choline (Cho), and myoinositol levels of the DLPFC, ACG, thalamus, and hippocampus were measured by 1H-MRS. Results: It was determined that the NAA/Cho ratio was lower in both the FEPs and CSPs than the healthy controls in the DLPFC. DLPFC Cho levels were also higher in CSPs than healthy controls. NAA levels in CSPs were significantly lower than in the control group in the hippocampus. There was no significant difference in neurometabolite levels and ratios in the ACG and thalamus between the groups. Conclusion: This study supports neuronal dysfunction or loss of neuronal integrity in the DLPFC and hippocampus in CSPs. FEPs showed less neuronal dysfunction in the DLPFC, but not in the hippocampus. Our results suggest that schizophrenic patients show brain metabolic changes with the onset of the disorder in the DLPFC; these changes could be more apparent in the hippocampus as the disease progresses to chronic stages. © TÜBİTAK

    Use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) to Manage Extensive Sheep Farming and Pasture Land

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    The terrestrial climate is not sufficient to produce enough food to meet the roughage needs of the animals benefiting from the pasture lands because of excessive and early grazing of those areas. Plant growth is adversely affected in pastures that are not uniformly grazed. Tracking animals using the Global Positioning System (GPS) is a very important factor in determining the uniform distribution of grazing animals in a pasture, increasing the utilization rate of the pasture, and saving costs and time. With GPS tracking systems, establishing more effective pasture-use systems by monitoring the feeding regimes of small animals, the status of feed in the pasture, and the grazing behavior of the animals would be possible. The present study aimed to investigate the use of GPS for pasture and herd management in Turkey in addition to using the traditional techniques.In the present study conducted in the village of Köseyusuflu in Yozgat Province in May 2017, 2018, and 2019, grazing benefits that were determined from the pasture containing two Akkaraman sheep herds were recorded using GPS tracking devices. The results suggested that the area covered with vegetation along the sheep’s spring grazing routes varied between 43.6 and 62.9%, the ratio of legumes in the pasture grass in the low grazing areas was between 0.50 and 4.10%, and the grass species were between 12.75 and 44.50%. We determined that the sheep in herd A traveled between 7.6 and 9.9 km, while the sheep in herd B traveled between 4.7 and 5.7 km daily, and the two herds grazed an average of between 122 and 254 daa

    The morphological investigations on the heart and some vessels of bovine foetus between the 15th and 25th weeks of gestation

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    Background: The aim of this study was to define the morphological and morphometric development of the foetus heart obtained from the domestic cattle in the gestation period of 15–25 weeks. Materials and methods: For this purpose, a total of 30 hearts belonging to cattle foetuses (15 males, 15 females) were used. The ages of foetuses were calculated according to the forehead-to-tail length and examined in three different groups. After dissection; biometric, macroanatomic, morphometric and histological findings were obtained from the foetal hearts according to the groups. In addition, mean values of the morphometric findings were determined. Results: As a result of the study, it was found that with the advancing age the convexity of margo ventricularis dexter increased and margo ventricularis sinister transformed from a convex-concave shape to a flat shape. The heart-to-body weight ratio was determined as 0.08% for Group II female foetuses and 0.09% for all other groups. The heart heights for Groups I, II, and III females were identified as 26.21, 41.00, and 46.27 mm, respectively, and for the males 26.45, 34.89, and 47.15 mm, respectively. In the statistical analysis, it was determined that all the morphometric values measured from the heart correlated significantly with the forehead-to-tail length. Conclusions: The data obtained as a result of the study is thought to help understand the morphological and morphometrical development of the heart, pioneer the attempts to create a foetal cattle heart model, and thus help in the diagnosis of the foetal heart pathologies.acieleck

    New dinuclear cyanido complexes with amine alcohol ligand: synthesis, characterization and biotechnological application potential

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    In this study, the cyanido complexes given by the formula [Ni(Abut)Ni(CN)4]·8H2O (C1), [Cu(Abut)2Ni(CN)4]·7H2O (C2), [Zn(Abut)Ni(CN)4]·8H2O (C3) and [Cd(Abut)Ni(CN)4]·7H2O (C4) were obtained by microwave synthesis method. The powder forms of the complexes were characterized by elemental, FT-IR spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. And also antibacterial, antibiofilm and anticancer activities were investigated. The splitting stretching bands of cyanido groups in the FT-IR spectra of C1-C4 indicated the assets of terminal and end cyanido groups. The antibacterial activities of C1-C4 were tested with nine Gram negative and six Gram positive bacteria. The most efficient antibacterial activity of complexes was observed at 1000 µg/ml-1 concentration. Anticancer activity was tested using HeLa cell line and MTT test. The studied cyanide complexes have been shown to decrease the viability of HeLa cells with IC50 values 14.86, 6.5, 7.2 and 19.2 µg/ml for C1, C2, C3 and C4 complex, respectively

    Standardizing the classification of skin tears: validity and reliability testing of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel Classification System in 44 countries

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    Background: Skin tears are acute wounds that are frequently misdiagnosed and under‐reported. A standardized and globally adopted skin tear classification system with supporting evidence for diagnostic validity and reliability is required to allow assessment and reporting in a consistent way. Objectives:To measure the validity and reliability of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) Classification System internationally. Methods: A multicountry study was set up to validate the content of the ISTAP Classification System through expert consultation in a two‐round Delphi procedure involving 17 experts from 11 countries. An online survey including 24 skin tear photographs was conducted in a convenience sample of 1601 healthcare professionals from 44 countries to measure diagnostic accuracy, agreement, inter‐rater reliability and intrarater reliability of the instrument. Results:A definition for the concept of a ‘skin flap’ in the area of skin tears was developed and added to the initial ISTAP Classification System consisting of three skin tear types. The overall agreement with the reference standard was 0·79 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0·79–0·80] and sensitivity ranged from 0·74 (95% CI 0·73–0·75) to 0·88 (95% CI 0·87–0·88). The inter‐rater reliability was 0·57 (95% CI 0·57–0·57). The Cohen's Kappa measuring intrarater reliability was 0·74 (95% CI 0·73–0·75). Conclusions: The ISTAP Classification System is supported by evidence for validity and reliability. The ISTAP Classification System should be used for systematic assessment and reporting of skin tears in clinical practice and research globally.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distributive politics and regional development: assessing the territorial distribution of Turkey’s public investment

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    Turkey is often perceived as a country with low bureaucratic capacity and prone to political manipulation and ‘pork-barrel’. This article tests whether this is the case, by analysing the extent to which politics, rather than equity and efficiency criteria, have determined the geographical allocation of public investment across the 81 provinces of Turkey between 2005 and 2012. The results show that although the Turkish government has indeed channelled public expenditures to reward its core constituencies, socioeconomic factors remained the most relevant predictors of investment. Moreover, in contrast to official regional development policy principles, we uncover the concentration of public investment in areas with comparatively higher levels of development. We interpret this as the state bureaucracy’s intentional strategy of focussing on efficiency by concentrating resources on ‘the better off among the most in need’

    The development of the Turkish Craving for Internet Gaming Scale (CIGS): a validation study

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    As the use of digital technology has increased, abuse and addiction to technology have been identified among a minority of users. In the mid-1990s, the concept of internet addiction was first used. Today, almost every digital technology use has been claimed to have a minority of disordered users. One key aspect of addictive substance behaviors is craving. Craving is also an important component of behavioral addictions including digital technology disorders such as Internet Gaming Disorder. The aim of the present study was to develop the Turkish version of the Craving for Internet Gaming Scale (CIGS) via an adaptation of the Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS). The present study comprised 368 adolescents from four different samples. The measures used included the Craving for Internet Gaming Scale, Digital Game Addiction Scale, and Brief Self-Control Scale. The structural validity of CIGS was investigated with Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and criterion validity. The reliability of CIGS was evaluated using Cronbach α internal consistency reliability coefficient and corrected item total correlation coefficients. As a result of EFA, it was found that the five-item CIGS had a single-factor structure. The unidimensional CIGS obtained as a result of EFA was tested with CFA. As a result of CFA, the unidimensional structure of CIGS was confirmed in two different samples. Criterion validity of CIGS was assessed via digital gaming addiction, self-discipline, impulsiveness, daily internet gaming duration, and internet gaming history. As a result of criterion analysis, CIGS was associated with these variables in the expected direction. Finally, according to reliability analysis, the CIGS was found to be a reliable scale. When validity and reliability analysis of the CIGS are considered as a whole, it is concluded that the CIGS is a valid and reliable scale that assesses craving for internet gaming