16 research outputs found

    Synthesis of a Novel Type of 2,3'-BIMs via Platinum-Catalysed Reaction of Indolylallenes with Indoles

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    Optimisation, scope and mechanism of the platinum-catalysed addition of indoles to indolylallenes is reported here to give 2,3'-BIMs with a novel core structure very relevant for pharmaceutical industry. The reaction is modulated by the electronic properties of the substituents on both indoles, with the 2,3'-BIMs favoured when electron donating groups are present. Although simple at first, a complex mechanism has been uncovered that explains the different behaviour of these systems with platinum when compared with other metals (e.g. gold). Detailed labelling studies have shown Pt-catalysed 6-endo-trig cyclisation of the indollylallene as the first step of the reaction and the involvement of two cyclic vinyl-platinum intermediates in equilibrium through a platinum carbene, as the key intermediates of the catalytic cycle towards the second nucleophilic attack and formation of the BIMs

    Investigation of Alternative Ecologic Bleaching Methods for the Wool Fibers

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    The techniques of bleaching process of wool fibers are bleaching with reducing agents bleaching with oxidizing agents bleaching with oxidizing-reducing agents combination. In this study, different chemical bleaching methods have been developed as an alternative to the conventional bleaching method. For this purpose, peracetic acid (CH3COOOH, 30%), sodium borohydride (NaBH4), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 30%), potassium monopersulfate (KHSO5), sodium dichloroisocyanurate (C3Cl2N3NaO3), oxalic acid (H2C2O4), sodium perborate (NaBO3) calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) and combination of these chemicals were performed under acidic and basic conditions. Also the environmental impacts were evaluated with measuring wastewaters COD values and surface deformations were analyzed with SEM method

    Koku İçeren Mikrokapsül Uygulanmış Akrilik El Örgüsü İpliklerden Örülen Kumaşların Karakterizasyonu

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    Polimerik bir duvar maddesi içerisine mikrokapsül halinde hapsedilmiş koku içeren uçucu yağlar tekstil ürünlerine üretimin çeşitli aşamalarında ve farklı yöntemlerle aplike edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, lavanta yağı içeren poliüretan mikrokapsüller akrilik el örgüsü lif ve ipliklerine çektirme ve emdirme yöntemleri ile uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada söz konusu materyallerden üretilmiş örme kumaşlarda yıkama, kuru ve yaş sürtme işlemleri sonrası mikrokapsül miktarındaki değişim araştırılmıştır. Mikrokapsül miktarındaki değişim SEM ve FT-IR analiz yöntemleri ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca her iki yöntem ile mikrokapsül uygulama verimliliği ve maliyeti de karşılaştırılmıştır. Kumaş yapısındaki mikrokapsül miktarının beş yıkama sonrası önemli seviyede azaldığı ancak sürtme testleri sonrası mikrokapsül miktarındaki azalmanın daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Emdirme metodu ile mikrokapsül uygulama prosesinin hem verimlilik hem de maliyet açısından daha avantajlı olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Porównanie wybranych właściwości ekologicznych włókien sojowych

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    Biodegradable and sustainable products are being employed to make contributions to efforts concerning environmental protection and the reduction of oil consumption. Biodegradable fibres present a simple and notable opportunity for providing sustainable textiles. Soybean fibre is a kind of regenerated and new-generation protein plant fibre. The present work aimed to analyse the many different properties of soybean fibres. Particularly it was focused on their performance, functional, comfort and dyeing properties. In literature, there are studies regarding soybean fibres but topics mostly involved the analysis of comfort properties of the fibre. In this study, fibre structure and composition, flame and UV resistance, strength, pilling behaviour, air and water vapour permeability, water absorption, drape and dyeing properties were studied. It was indicated that soybean fibre is capable of meeting the performance, comfort and functional requirements of classical and technical textile products. The fibre has many of the good qualities of natural fibres such as tenacity, moisture regain, soft-lustrous handle, dyeability and colour fastness properties, and also has some of the functional properties of synthetic fibres such as being flame retardant and anti-ultraviolet.Produkty biodegradowalne i odnawialne są coraz powszechniej stosowane dla ochrony środowiska naturalnego i redukcji zużycia paliw. Takim problemem są włókna naturalne w tym sojowe, będące przykładem nowej generacji włókien proteinowych. W pracy przedstawiono analizę rożnych właściwości, w szczególności ich zastosowania, funkcjonalności komfortu użytkowania i wybarwialności. W literaturze znajduje się wiele publikacji związanych z komfortem produktów z włókien sojowych, natomiast w przedstawionych badaniach zwrócono uwagę na ich strukturę i skład a, także ich palność, odporność na promieniowanie UV, wytrzymałość, piling, przepuszczalność powietrza i pary wodnej, absorpcje wody, układalność i wybarwialność. Stwierdzono, że włókna sojowe mają wiele ważnych pozytywnych właściwości charakterystycznych dla innych włókien naturalnych

    Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface, spectroscopic analyses, electronic properties, NLO profile and thermochemical study of an antispasmodic agent trimebutine

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    Gokce, Halil/0000-0003-2258-859XWOS: 000492858500111Absolute molecular geometry of trimebutine was determined with single crystal X-Ray diffraction (SCXRD). The C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interactions within crystal packing were supported by Hirshfeld surface analysis. Spectral properties of trimebutine were investigated by using analysis techniques such as FT-IR, micro-Raman, NMR chemical shift and UV-Vis. spectroscopies. In order to investigate vibrational profile of the important functional groups within the compound, the detailed assignments of vibrational wavenumbers were performed by using potential energy distribution. Theoretical investigations on structural, spectroscopic, electronic, non-linear optical and thermochemical features were carried out with the DET/B3LYP method at the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The C-13 and H-1 NMR chemical shifts of each atom within the compound were studied both experimentally and theoretically. The UV-Vis. spectroscopic analysis of trimebutine was used to evaluate intra-molecular electronic transitions. The HOMOs and LUMOs analyses were done to determine the nature and origin of the pi ->pi* and n ->pi* electronic transitions. Additionally, the global reactivity descriptors were defined depending upon energy values of HOMO and LUMO. The pi ->pi* and n ->pi* hyperconjugative interactions between donor and acceptor groups were investigated by NBO analysis. According to the computed alpha(total), Delta alpha and beta(0) values in the static state of trimebutine single crystal, it exhibits an excellent non-linear optical material property. Thermochemical features were calculated and studied in the gas phase of the compound. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of Integrated Pollution Prevention Control in a textile fiber production and dyeing mill

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    Cleaner production assessment studies were conducted in a textile mill employing wool and acrylic fiber production and subsequent dyeing. A company-wide mass-balance analysis was performed. Various specific consumptions, emissions and waste generations were determined. The performance of the mill was evaluated based on BREF Documents. Water quality analysis indicated that process wastewaters from wool yarn softening, LP-VP printing machines and acrylic yarn washing could be reused in these processes, even without further treatment. Process wastewaters from wool yarn washing and softening in hank dyeing machines could be directly reused in tank washings and/or blended with process waters for direct reuse in the same or other processes. By the application of suggested BAT including wastewater reuse, machinery modifications, reuse of steam condensate, and good management practices, total water consumption may be reduced 35-65%. Substitution of 12 chemicals with more biodegradable and less toxic ones and installation of automatic chemical dosage systems may decrease COD loads about 25-50%. Furthermore, chemical and dyestuff consumptions could be reduced 31%. Energy consumption could be reduced by BAT suggestions including implementation of energy recovery systems for high temperature wastewater flows and flue gas emissions; process monitoring-control and various machinery optimization. Thus, potential reductions in total energy consumption in the mill may be up to 70%. Waste gas emissions could be reduced 25-65%. Waste generations may be decreased 5-10% with good management practices and reuse of especially textile wastes. Pay-back period of the suggested BAT options was found to be generally up to 4 years

    Sustainable textile production: cleaner production assessment/eco-efficiency analysis study in a textile mill

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    Cleaner production assessment studies were carried out according to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control and Industrial Emission Directive in a cotton/polyester fabric finishing-dyeing textile mill, located in Denizli, Turkey. Following detailed on-site process evaluation, environmental performance of the mill was evaluated. Data of the material flow and the energy consumption in all processes was collected. Mass-energy balances and specific input and output values based on the production processes were calculated. Also, a chemical inventory list was prepared and all material safety data sheets were collected. Environmental performance of the mill was benchmarked against similar textile mills in the literature. 92 Best Available Techniques options were listed. Each suggested BAT option was discussed with the mill management in terms of techno-economic applicability and implementation of 22 Best Available Techniques were decided. In the decision-making process, statistical Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods (Simple Ranking Method, Weighting Criteria Method, and Weighted Sum Method) were used. Moreover, technical and environmental performances, potential benefits and savings were determined with the implementation of identified 22 Best Available Techniques such as good management practices, water and energy consumption optimization-minimization techniques, chemical consumption optimization and substitution. These evaluations have revealed that after the implementation of suggested 22 Best Available Techniques, following reductions could be achieved if those techniques were implemented in the future: 43-51% water consumption, 11-26% energy consumption, 16-39% chemical consumption, 42-52% wastewater flowrate, 26-48% chemical oxygen demand load, 12-32% waste flue gas emissions, and 8-18% solid waste generation. Payback periods of the suggested Best Available Techniques were estimated as 1-26 months

    Minimization of water and chemical use in a cotton/polyester fabric dyeing textile mill

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    Water, wastewater and chemical minimization studies were carried out in a textile mill employing cotton-polyester weaving-knitting and subsequently dyeing-finishing. Detailed on-site investigations and analysis on production processes were performed according to Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control principles. Specific consumptions in wet processes were calculated by mass balance analyses. Water/wastewater samples were collected and various parameters were analyzed. Specific wastewater generations and pollutant loads were determined. Wastewater reuse (with or without treatment), potential chemical recovery and reuse options were evaluated. A company-wide chemical inventory study was conducted and material safety data sheets of 291 chemicals were evaluated in terms of their biodegradability and toxicological effects. It was found that 74 chemicals may be replaced with less toxic and more biodegradable counterparts. Best available techniques were determined on the basis of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control and Turkish Textile BREFs. The multi-criteria decision-making methods were employed to determine suitable best available techniques. Feasibility analysis was performed and potential benefits and savings were determined for each suggested best available technique. A total of 14 best available techniques including good management practices, water minimization and chemical minimization/substitution were suggested to the mill. After the implementation of best available techniques, the following reductions can be potentially achieved; 43-51% in water consumption, 16-39% in chemical consumption, 45-52% in combined wastewater flowrate, and 26-48% in specific chemical oxygen demand load. By the implementation of 14 BATs in the mill, operational costs for water/wastewater and chemicals may be reduced 49% and 28% (annual average), respectively. The cost analysis indicated that the estimated payback periods of BATs may range from 1 to 26 months. It was found that various wastewater streams can be segregated and directly reused without treatment in the production processes. After segregation of relatively clean wastewater streams, the remaining combined wastewater could be reused after employing advanced treatment technologies