1,013 research outputs found

    Precise numerical results for limit cycles in the quantum three-body problem

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    The study of the three-body problem with short-range attractive two-body forces has a rich history going back to the 1930's. Recent applications of effective field theory methods to atomic and nuclear physics have produced a much improved understanding of this problem, and we elucidate some of the issues using renormalization group ideas applied to precise nonperturbative calculations. These calculations provide 11-12 digits of precision for the binding energies in the infinite cutoff limit. The method starts with this limit as an approximation to an effective theory and allows cutoff dependence to be systematically computed as an expansion in powers of inverse cutoffs and logarithms of the cutoff. Renormalization of three-body bound states requires a short range three-body interaction, with a coupling that is governed by a precisely mapped limit cycle of the renormalization group. Additional three-body irrelevant interactions must be determined to control subleading dependence on the cutoff and this control is essential for an effective field theory since the continuum limit is not likely to match physical systems ({\it e.g.}, few-nucleon bound and scattering states at low energy). Leading order calculations precise to 11-12 digits allow clear identification of subleading corrections, but these corrections have not been computed.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX, uses graphic

    Perturbative Effective Field Theory at Finite Density

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    An accurate description of nuclear matter starting from free-space nuclear forces has been an elusive goal. The complexity of the system makes approximations inevitable, so the challenge is to find a consistent truncation scheme with controlled errors. Nonperturbative effective field theories could be well suited for the task. Perturbative matching in a model calculation is used to explore some of the issues encountered in extending effective field theory techniques to many-body calculations.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Middle pleistocene glaciation in Patagonia dated by cosmogenic-nuclide measurements on outwash gravels

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    The well-preserved glacial record in Argentine Patagonia offers a ~ 1 Ma archive of terrestrial climate extremes in southern South America. These glacial deposits remain largely undated beyond the range of radiocarbon dating at ca. 40 ka. Dating old glacial deposits (> several 105 a) by cosmogenic surface exposure methods is problematic because of the uncertainty in moraine degradation and boulder erosion rates. Here, we show that cobbles on outwash terraces can reliably date ‘old’ glacial deposits in the Lago Pueyrredón valley, 47.5° S, Argentina. Favorable environmental conditions (e.g., aridity and strong winds) have enabled continuous surface exposure of cobbles and preservation of outwash terraces. The data demonstrate that nuclide inheritance is negligible and we therefore use the oldest surface cobbles to date the deposit. 10Be concentrations in outwash cobbles reveal a major glacial advance at ca. 260 ka, concurrent with Marine Isotope Stage 8 (MIS 8) and dust peaks in Antarctic ice cores. A 10Be concentration depth-profile in the outwash terrace supports the age and suggests a low terrace erosion rate of ca. 0.5 mm ka− 1. We compare these data to exposure ages obtained from associated moraines and find that surface boulders underestimate the age of the glaciation by ~ 100 ka; thus the oldest boulders in this area do not date closely moraine deposition. The 10Be concentration in moraine cobbles help to constrain moraine degradation rates. These data together with constraints from measured 26Al/10Be ratios suggest that all moraine boulders were likely exhumed after original deposition. We determine the local Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) occurred at ~ 27–25 ka, consistent with the maximum LGM in other parts of Patagonia

    Chiral Dynamics of Low-Energy Kaon-Baryon Interactions with Explicit Resonance

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    The processes involving low energy KˉN\bar{K}N and YπY\pi interactions (where Y=ÎŁY= \Sigma or Λ\Lambda) are studied in the framework of heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory with the Λ\Lambda(1405) resonance appearing as an independent field. The leading and next-to-leading terms in the chiral expansion are taken into account. We show that an approach which explicitly includes the Λ\Lambda(1405) resonance as an elementary quantum field gives reasonable descriptions of both the threshold branching ratios and the energy dependence of total cross sections.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Decoupling heavy particles simultaneously

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    The renormalization group is extended to cases where several heavy particles are decoupled at the same time. This involves large logarithms which are scale-invariant and so cannot be eliminated by a change of renormalization scheme. A set of scale-invariant running couplings, one for each heavy particle, is constructed without reference to intermediate thresholds. The entire heavy-quark correction to the axial charge of the weak neutral current is derived to next-to-leading order, and checked in leading order by evaluating diagrams explicitly. The mechanism for cancelling contributions from the top and bottom quarks in the equal-mass limit is surprisingly non-trivial.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Talk presented at the "QCD Down Under" Workshop, Barossa Valley and Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004, with ref 8 now linked to hep-ph/050727

    Running couplings for the simultaneous decoupling of heavy quarks

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    Scale-invariant running couplings are constructed for several quarks being decoupled together, without reference to intermediate thresholds. Large-momentum scales can also be included. The result is a multi-scale generalization of the renormalization group applicable to any order. Inconsistencies in the usual decoupling procedure with a single running coupling can then be avoided, e.g. when cancelling anomalous corrections from t,b quarks to the axial charge of the proton.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in PLB. Pages 8-11 and Fig. 1 are new, with consequent changes to the abstract, page 2, and the references. We show that our multi-scale renormalization group is needed to achieve anomaly cancellation in t,b decoupling from the weak neutral current, and extend it to include large moment

    Relativistic Point-Coupling Models as Effective Theories of Nuclei

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    Recent studies have shown that concepts of effective field theory such as naturalness can be profitably applied to relativistic mean-field models of nuclei. Here the analysis by Friar, Madland, and Lynn of naturalness in a relativistic point-coupling model is extended. Fits to experimental nuclear data support naive dimensional analysis as a useful principle and imply a mean-field expansion analogous to that found for mean-field meson models.Comment: 26 pages, REVTeX 3.0 with epsf.sty, plus 5 figure

    Coupled-channel effective field theory and proton-7^7Li scattering

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    We apply the renormalisation group (RG) to analyse scattering by short-range forces in systems with coupled channels. For two S-wave channels, we find three fixed points, corresponding to systems with zero, one or two bound or virtual states at threshold. We use the RG to determine the power countings for the resulting effective field theories. In the case of a single low-energy state, the resulting theory takes the form of an effective-range expansion in the strongly interacting channel. We also extend the analysis to include the effects of the Coulomb interaction between charged particles. The approach is then applied to the coupled p+7p+{^7}Li and n+7n+{^7}Be channels which couple to a JP=2−J^P=2^- state of 8^8Be very close to the n+7n+{^7}Be threshold. At next-to-leading order, we are able to get a good description of the p+7p+{^7}Li phase shift and the 7{^7}Be(n,p)7{^7}Li cross section using four parameters. Fits at one order higher are similarly good but the available data are not sufficient to determine all five parameters uniquely.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4, typos corrected, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Effective Field Theory for Dilute Fermions with Pairing

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    Effective field theory (EFT) methods for a uniform system of fermions with short-range, natural interactions are extended to include pairing correlations, as part of a program to develop a systematic Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) for medium and heavy nuclei. An effective action formalism for local composite operators leads to a free-energy functional that includes pairing by applying an inversion method order by order in the EFT expansion. A consistent renormalization scheme is demonstrated for the uniform system through next-to-leading order, which includes induced-interaction corrections to pairing.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, affiliation updated, paper unchange

    The Strong CP Problem and Axions

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    I describe how the QCD vacuum structure, necessary to resolve the U(1)AU(1)_A problem, predicts the presence of a P, T and CP violating term proportional to the vacuum angle ξˉ\bar{\theta}. To agree with experimental bounds, however, this parameter must be very small (Ξˉ≀10−9(\bar{\theta} \leq 10^{-9}). After briefly discussing some possible other solutions to this, so-called, strong CP problem, I concentrate on the chiral solution proposed by Peccei and Quinn which has associated with it a light pseudoscalar particle, the axion. I discuss in detail the properties and dynamics of axions, focusing particularly on invisible axion models where axions are very light, very weakly coupled and very long-lived. Astrophysical and cosmological bounds on invisible axions are also briefly touched upon.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in the Lecture Notes in Physics volume on Axions, (Springer Verlag
