1,069 research outputs found

    Spectrum formation in superluminous supernovae (Type I)

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    The near-maximum spectra of most superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) that are not dominated by interaction with a H-rich circum-stellar medium (SLSN-I) are characterized by a blue spectral peak and a series of absorption lines which have been identified as O II. SN 2011kl, associated with the ultra-long gamma-ray burst GRB111209A, also had a blue peak but a featureless optical/ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. Radiation transport methods are used to show that the spectra (not including SN 2007bi, which has a redder spectrum at peak, like ordinary SNe Ic) can be explained by a rather steep density distribution of the ejecta, whose composition appears to be typical of carbon–oxygen cores of massive stars which can have low metal content. If the photospheric velocity is ∼10 000–15 000 km s−1, several lines form in the UV. O II lines, however, arise from very highly excited lower levels, which require significant departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium to be populated. These SLSNe are not thought to be powered primarily by 56Ni decay. An appealing scenario is that they are energized by X-rays from the shock driven by a magnetar wind into the SN ejecta. The apparent lack of evolution of line velocity with time that characterizes SLSNe up to about maximum is another argument in favour of the magnetar scenario. The smooth UV continuum of SN 2011kl requires higher ejecta velocities (∼20 000 km s−1): line blanketing leads to an almost featureless spectrum. Helium is observed in some SLSNe after maximum. The high-ionization near-maximum implies that both He and H may be present but not observed at early times. The spectroscopic classification of SLSNe should probably reflect that of SNe Ib/c. Extensive time coverage is required for an accurate classification

    Differential spot-size focus servo

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    We describe performance of a differential spot-size (wax-wane) focus servo. Crosstalk from the tracks are analyzed in the single detector and differential focus circuits. Magnitude of the crosstalk is reduced by a factor of three in the differential circuit. A false focus-error signal (FES) is present when the spot crosses sector marks at an angle

    Tricarbonyliron(0) complexes of bio-derived η4 cyclohexadiene ligands: An approach to analogues of oseltamivir

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    We have prepared novel [η4] and [η5]+ tricarbonyliron complexes from an unusual enantiopure cyclohexadiene ligand that possesses a quaternary stereocentre; this in turn is prepared through biotransformation of an aromatic ring. The cyclohexadiene ligand initially possessed two hydroxyl groups, both of which could be substituted with other functionality by means of an overall [η4] → [η5]+ → [η4] → [η5]+ → [η4] sequence. From six novel tricarbonyliron complexes which have been prepared, three have been characterised by x-ray crystallography. The reaction sequence we describe is potentially of relevance to the synthesis of analogues of the anti-influenza drug oseltamivir. In addition, the failure of an attempted addition of a bulky nitrogen nucleophile to an [η5]+ complex sheds light on the limits of reactivity for such additions. Thus, two bulky nucleophiles which are each known to add successfully to unencumbered [η5]+ complexes seemingly cannot be added sequentially to adjacent positions on the cyclohexadiene ligand

    Another short-burst host galaxy with an optically obscured high star formation rate: The case of GRB 071227

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    We report on radio continuum observations of the host galaxy of the short gamma-ray burst 071227 (z=0.381) with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We detect the galaxy in the 5.5 GHz band with an integrated flux density of Fnu = 43 +/- 11 microJy, corresponding to an unobscured star-formation rate (SFR) of about 24 Msun/yr, forty times higher than what was found from optical emission lines. Among the ~30 well-identified and studied host galaxies of short bursts this is the third case where the host is found to undergo an episode of intense star formation. This suggests that a fraction of all short-burst progenitors hosted in star-forming galaxies could be physically related to recent star formation activity, implying a relatively short merger time scale.Comment: 6 pages, ApJ, accepted for publicatio

    The Mammalian Cell Cycle Regulates Parvovirus Nuclear Capsid Assembly.

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    It is unknown whether the mammalian cell cycle could impact the assembly of viruses maturing in the nucleus. We addressed this question using MVM, a reference member of the icosahedral ssDNA nuclear parvoviruses, which requires cell proliferation to infect by mechanisms partly understood. Constitutively expressed MVM capsid subunits (VPs) accumulated in the cytoplasm of mouse and human fibroblasts synchronized at G0, G1, and G1/S transition. Upon arrest release, VPs translocated to the nucleus as cells entered S phase, at efficiencies relying on cell origin and arrest method, and immediately assembled into capsids. In synchronously infected cells, the consecutive virus life cycle steps (gene expression, proteins nuclear translocation, capsid assembly, genome replication and encapsidation) proceeded tightly coupled to cell cycle progression from G0/G1 through S into G2 phase. However, a DNA synthesis stress caused by thymidine irreversibly disrupted virus life cycle, as VPs became increasingly retained in the cytoplasm hours post-stress, forming empty capsids in mouse fibroblasts, thereby impairing encapsidation of the nuclear viral DNA replicative intermediates. Synchronously infected cells subjected to density-arrest signals while traversing early S phase also blocked VPs transport, resulting in a similar misplaced cytoplasmic capsid assembly in mouse fibroblasts. In contrast, thymidine and density arrest signals deregulating virus assembly neither perturbed nuclear translocation of the NS1 protein nor viral genome replication occurring under S/G2 cycle arrest. An underlying mechanism of cell cycle control was identified in the nuclear translocation of phosphorylated VPs trimeric assembly intermediates, which accessed a non-conserved route distinct from the importin α2/β1 and transportin pathways. The exquisite cell cycle-dependence of parvovirus nuclear capsid assembly conforms a novel paradigm of time and functional coupling between cellular and virus life cycles. This junction may determine the characteristic parvovirus tropism for proliferative and cancer cells, and its disturbance could critically contribute to persistence in host tissues

    GRB 130427A Afterglow: A Test for GRB Models

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    Gamma-ray Burst 130427A had the largest fluence for almost 30 years. With an isotropic energy output of 8.5×1053 erg and redshift of 0.34, it combined a very high energy release with a relative proximity to Earth in an unprecedented fashion. Sensitive X-ray facilities such as {\it XMM-Newton} and {\it Chandra} detected the afterglow of this event for a record-breaking baseline of 90 Ms. We show the X-ray light curve of GRB 130427A of this event over such an interval. The light curve shows an unbroken power law decay with a slope of α=1.31 over more than three decades in time. In this presentation, we investigate the consequences of this result for the scenarios proposed to interpret GRB 130427A and the implications in the context of the forward shock model (jet opening angle, energetics, surrounding medium). We also remark the chance of extending GRB afterglow observations for several hundreds of Ms with {\it Athena}

    BL Lacertae objects beyond redshift 1.3 - UV-to-NIR photometry and photometric redshift for Fermi/LAT blazars

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    Observations of the gamma-ray sky with Fermi led to significant advances towards understanding blazars, the most extreme class of Active Galactic Nuclei. A large fraction of the population detected by Fermi is formed by BL Lacertae (BL Lac) objects, whose sample has always suffered from a severe redshift incompleteness due to the quasi-featureless optical spectra. Our goal is to provide a significant increase of the number of confirmed high-redshift BL Lac objects contained in the 2 LAC Fermi/LAT catalog. For 103 Fermi/LAT blazars, photometric redshifts using spectral energy distribution fitting have been obtained. The photometry includes 13 broad-band filters from the far ultraviolet to the near-IR observed with Swift/UVOT and the multi-channel imager GROND at the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope. Data have been taken quasi-simultaneously and the remaining source-intrinsic variability has been corrected for. We release the UV-to-near-IR 13-band photometry for all 103 sources and provide redshift constraints for 75 sources without previously known redshift. Out of those, eight have reliable photometric redshifts at z>1.3, while for the other 67 sources we provide upper limits. Six of the former eight are BL Lac objects, which quadruples the sample of confirmed high-redshift BL Lac. This includes three sources with redshifts higher than the previous record for BL Lac, including CRATES J0402-2615 with the best-fit solution at z~1.9.Comment: Uploaded correct Fig 4. Changed counterpart name for 2FGLJ0537.7-5716 from PKS 0541-834 (different source) to SUMSS J053748-57182

    Test of Lorentz Invariance in Electrodynamics Using Rotating Cryogenic Sapphire Microwave Oscillators

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    We present the first results from a rotating Michelson-Morley experiment that uses two orthogonally orientated cryogenic sapphire resonator-oscillators operating in whispering gallery modes near 10 GHz. The experiment is used to test for violations of Lorentz Invariance in the frame-work of the photon sector of the Standard Model Extension (SME), as well as the isotropy term of the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl (RMS) framework. In the SME we set a new bound on the previously unmeasured κ~e−ZZ\tilde{\kappa}_{e-}^{ZZ} component of 2.1(5.7)×10−142.1(5.7)\times10^{-14}, and set more stringent bounds by up to a factor of 7 on seven other components. In the RMS a more stringent bound of −0.9(2.0)×10−10-0.9(2.0)\times 10^{-10} on the isotropy parameter, PMM=δ−β+1/2P_{MM}=\delta - \beta + {1/2} is set, which is more than a factor of 7 improvement. More detailed description of the experiment and calculations can be found in: hep-ph/0506200Comment: Final published version, 4 pages, references adde

    Afterglow rebrightenings as a signature of a long-lasting central engine activity? The emblematic case of GRB 100814A

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    In the past few years the number of well-sampled optical to NIR light curves of long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) has greatly increased particularly due to simultaneous multi-band imagers such as GROND. Combining these densely sampled ground-based data sets with the Swift UVOT and XRT space observations unveils a much more complex afterglow evolution than what was predicted by the most commonly invoked theoretical models. GRB 100814A represents a remarkable example of these interesting well-sampled events, showing a prominent late-time rebrightening in the optical to NIR bands and a complex spectral evolution. This represents a unique laboratory to test the different afterglow emission models. Here we study the nature of the complex afterglow emission of GRB 100814A in the framework of different theoretical models. Moreover, we compare the late-time chromatic rebrightening with those observed in other well-sampled long GRBs. We analysed the optical and NIR observations obtained with the seven-channel Gamma-Ray burst Optical and Near-infrared Detector at the 2.2 m MPG/ESO telescope together with the X-ray and UV data detected by the instruments onboard the Swift observatory. The broad-band afterglow evolution, achieved by constructing multi-instrument light curves and spectral energy distributions, will be discussed in the framework of different theoretical models. We find that the standard models that describe the broad-band afterglow emission within the external shock scenario fail to describe the complex evolution of GRB 100814A, and therefore more complex scenarios must be invoked. [abridged]Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Multiwavelength analysis of three SNe associated with GRBs observed by GROND

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    After the discovery of the first connection between GRBs and SNe almost two decades ago, tens of SN-like rebrightenings have been discovered and about seven solid associations have been spectroscopically confirmed to date. Using GROND optical/NIR data and Swift X-ray/UV data, we estimate the intrinsic extinction, luminosity, and evolution of three SN rebrightenings in GRB afterglow light curves at z~0.5. The SNe 2008hw, 2009nz, and 2010ma exhibit 0.80, 1.15, and 1.78 times the optical (r band) luminosity of SN 1998bw, respectively. While SN 2009nz evolves similarly to SN 1998bw, SNe 2008hw and 2010ma show earlier peak times. The quasi-bolometric light curves were corrected for the contribution of the NIR bands using data available in the literature and blackbody fits. The large luminosity of SN 2010ma (1.4x10^43 erg/s) is confirmed, while SNe 2008hw and 2009nz reached a peak luminosity closer to SN 1998bw. Physical parameters of the SN explosions, such as synthesised nickel mass, ejecta mass, and kinetic energy, are estimated using Arnett's analytic approach, which resulted in nickel masses of around 0.4-0.5 Msun. By means of the a very comprehensive data set, we found that the luminosity and the nickel mass of SNe 2008hw, 2009nz, and 2010ma resembles those of other known GRB-associated SNe. This findings strengthens previous claims of GRB-SNe being brighter than type-Ic SNe unaccompanied by GRBs.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, abstract abridge
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