222 research outputs found

    Quality Measurement of Hay Stored by Large Hay Packaging Systems

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    The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent large hay package storage retained the initial forage quality by measurement of seven quality parameters over an extended period. The Hesston 60 and Haybuster 1800 were used as examples of hay packaging systems for study

    Financiering van multifunctionele landbouwbedrijven : zijn er in deze sctor meer knelpunten dan in de reguliere landbouw?

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    Dit rapport is het resultaat van een verkenning naar de problematiek die agrarische ondernemers met een multifunctionele tak ondervinden met het verkrijgen van financiering in vergelijking met agrarisch ondernemers met alleen (een) agrarische tak(ken) op het landbouwbedrijf. De bevindingen zijn gebaseerd op een enquĂȘte onder multifunctionele ondernemers en interviews bij banken. Multifunctionele landbouw is nog een relatief kleine en jonge sector, maar wel een sector met potentie. In tegenstelling tot de reguliere landbouw, is de afzet bij multifunctionele landbouwtakken veelal niet gegarandeerd of is er sprake van een onbekende afzetmarkt. Banken geven aan dat het lastig is om de werkelijke inkomsten uit de nieuwe tak in te schatten. De zekerheden voor de bank van een investering in de multifunctionele tak is beperkter dan bijvoorbeeld investeringen in grond. Voor multifunctionele bedrijven zijn er meer of in ieder geval andere vergunningen en opleidingen nodig, waardoor een ondernemer ‘meer zijn best’ moet doen om zich te presenteren bij een bank. De ondernemer zal vooraf op eigen kosten mogelijk meer zelf moeten (laten) uitzoeken en op papier zetten om de financiering te krijgen Uit dit onderzoek komt niet naar voren dat ondernemers in de multifunctionele landbouw minder kansen hebben om aan een goede financiering te komen,wel dat ze er meer voor moeten doen dan hun collega’s in de reguliere landbouw

    Awareness without learning: A preliminary study exploring the effects of beachgoer's experiences on risk taking behaviours

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    Most drowning deaths on Australian beaches occur in locations not patrolled by lifeguards. At patrolled locations, where lifeguards supervise flagged areas in which beachgoers are encouraged to swim between, the incidence of drowning is reduced. To date, risk prevention practices on coasts focus on patrolled beaches, deploying warning signs at unpatrolled locations with the aim of raising public awareness of risk. What remains unexplored is the potential for learning and behaviour change that can transfer from patrolled to unpatrolled beaches through beachgoer's experiences and interactions with lifeguards. The aim of this preliminary study is to explore the risk perceptions of beachgoers at a patrolled beach to establish if and how their experiences of beach risk and interactions with lifeguards affect their behaviours. Data was collected in Gerroa, Australia by engaging 49 beachgoers using a mixed survey-interview methodology. Results show that beachgoers are aware that they should ‘swim between the flags’, but many did not know the basis for the positioning of safety flags. A key finding is that beachgoer's express a clear desire for a skills-based model of community engagement that enables learning with lifeguards. This demonstrates a reflective public that desires skill-development, which may transfer from patrolled to unpatrolled beaches to affect broader risk reduction on the Australian coast. Learning how to avoid site-specific rip hazards with lifeguards at the beach presents a promising, and previously unexplored model for beach drowning risk prevention that has the potential to affect behaviour at unpatrolled beaches, providing an empirically-supported alternative to prevailing deficit-based awareness raising methods

    Cytomolecular identification of individual wheat-wheat chromosome arm associations in wheat-rye hybrids

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    Chromosome pairing in the meiotic metaphase I of wheatrye hybrids has been characterized by sequential genomic and fluorescent in situ hybridization allowing not only the discrimination of wheat and rye chromosomes, but also the identification of the individual wheat and rye chromosome arms involved in the chromosome associations. The majority of associations (93.8%) were observed between the wheat chromosomes. The largest number of wheat-wheat chromosome associations (53%) was detected between the A and D genomes, while the frequency of B-D and A-B associations was significantly lower (32 and 8%, respectively). Among the A-D chromosome associations, pairing between the 3AL and 3DL arms was observed with the highest frequency, while the most frequent of all the chromosome associations (0.113/ cell) was found to be the 3DS-3BS. Differences in the pairing frequency of the individual chromosome arms of wheat-rye hybrids have been discussed in relation to the homoeologous relationships between the constituent genomes of hexaploid wheat

    Oral symptoms and functional outcome related to oral and oropharyngeal cancer

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    Purpose This study aimed to assess: (1) oral symptoms of patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer; (2) how patients rank the burden of oral symptoms; (3) the impact of the tumor, the treatment, and oral symptoms on functional outcome. Methods Eighty-nine patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer were asked about their oral symptoms related to mouth opening, dental status, oral sensory function, tongue mobility, salivary function, and pain. They were asked to rank these oral symptoms according to the degree of burden experienced. The Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ) was used to assess functional outcome. In a multivariate linear regression analyses, variables related to MFIQ scores (p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.10) were entered as predictors with MFIQ score as the outcome. Results Lack of saliva (52%), restricted mouth opening (48%), and restricted tongue mobility (46%) were the most frequently reported oral symptoms. Lack of saliva was most frequently (32%) ranked as the most burdensome oral symptom. For radiated patients, an inability to wear a dental prosthesis, a T3 or T4 stage, and a higher age were predictive of MFIQ scores. For non-radiated patients, a restricted mouth opening, an inability to wear a dental prosthesis, restricted tongue mobility, and surgery of the mandible were predictive of MFIQ scores. Conclusions Lack of saliva was not only the most frequently reported oral symptom after treatment for oral or oropharyngeal cancer, but also the most burdensome. Functional outcome is strongly influenced by an inability to wear a dental prosthesis in both radiated and non-radiated patients

    Digital image watermarking: its formal model, fundamental properties and possible attacks

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    While formal definitions and security proofs are well established in some fields like cryptography and steganography, they are not as evident in digital watermarking research. A systematic development of watermarking schemes is desirable, but at present their development is usually informal, ad hoc, and omits the complete realization of application scenarios. This practice not only hinders the choice and use of a suitable scheme for a watermarking application, but also leads to debate about the state-of-the-art for different watermarking applications. With a view to the systematic development of watermarking schemes, we present a formal generic model for digital image watermarking. Considering possible inputs, outputs, and component functions, the initial construction of a basic watermarking model is developed further to incorporate the use of keys. On the basis of our proposed model, fundamental watermarking properties are defined and their importance exemplified for different image applications. We also define a set of possible attacks using our model showing different winning scenarios depending on the adversary capabilities. It is envisaged that with a proper consideration of watermarking properties and adversary actions in different image applications, use of the proposed model would allow a unified treatment of all practically meaningful variants of watermarking schemes

    COVID-19-related absence among surgeons: development of an international surgical workforce prediction model

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    Background: During the initial COVID-19 outbreak up to 28.4 million elective operations were cancelled worldwide, in part owing to concerns that it would be unsustainable to maintain elective surgery capacity because of COVID-19-related surgeon absence. Although many hospitals are now recovering, surgical teams need strategies to prepare for future outbreaks. This study aimed to develop a framework to predict elective surgery capacity during future COVID-19 outbreaks. Methods: An international cross-sectional study determined real-world COVID-19-related absence rates among surgeons. COVID-19-related absences included sickness, self-isolation, shielding, and caring for family. To estimate elective surgical capacity during future outbreaks, an expert elicitation study was undertaken with senior surgeons to determine the minimum surgical staff required to provide surgical services while maintaining a range of elective surgery volumes (0, 25, 50 or 75 per cent). Results Based on data from 364 hospitals across 65 countries, the COVID-19-related absence rate during the initial 6 weeks of the outbreak ranged from 20.5 to 24.7 per cent (mean average fortnightly). In weeks 7–12, this decreased to 9.2–13.8 per cent. At all times during the COVID-19 outbreak there was predicted to be sufficient surgical staff available to maintain at least 75 per cent of regular elective surgical volume. Overall, there was predicted capacity for surgeon redeployment to support the wider hospital response to COVID-19. Conclusion: This framework will inform elective surgical service planning during future COVID-19 outbreaks. In most settings, surgeon absence is unlikely to be the factor limiting elective surgery capacity

    Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery

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