60 research outputs found

    The portrayal of woman characters in Thomas Hardy’s novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles compared to its Estonian translation

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    Thomas Hardy is a very famous writer and he is especially known for his critical and condemning views of the societal problems that were prominent in the Victorian era. The aim of this thesis is to look at the figures of the Victorian woman and the New Woman in Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles (1892) and compare it to the Estonian translation made by Helga Kross in 1969.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5461476*es

    Varakult haridussüsteemist lahkumine: trendid, mõjurid ja meetmed Eestis

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    Varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noorte puhul on tegemist õpinguid mittejätkavate 18–24aastaste noortega, kellel on põhiharidus või sellest madalam haridustase. Kuigi nende hulk Eestis näitab viimasel kümnendil vähenemistendentsi, on varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noori jätkuvalt liiga palju. Nende osakaal Eestis on ka vähenenud aeglasemalt kui enamikus teistes Euroopa Liidu (EL) riikides. Artikli eesmärk on anda ülevaade varakult haridussüsteemist lahkumise trendidest Eestis ajavahemikul 2000–2015 ja kirjeldada haridustee katkestamise peamisi mõjureid ning ennetus-, sekkumis- ja tagasitoomismeetmeid. Andmete metaanalüüs tugineb nii Eesti ja ELi statistikaameti (Eurostati) tööjõu-uuringute andmetele kui ka Eesti hariduse infosüsteemi (EHIS) ning Eesti statistikaameti andmebaasidele. Tulemused näitavad, et Eestis on varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud isikute seas suur noormeeste osakaal ning peamisteks haridustee katkestamise riskiteguriteks võib pidada nii maa-asulas elamist kui ka muu riigi kodakondsuse omamist. Lisaks ilmneb, et põhiharidusega või sellest madalama haridusega piirdunud 18–24aastased noored elavad võrreldes oma eakaaslastega, kellel on kõrgem haridustase, suuremas sotsiaalse tõrjutuse või vaesusohus, kogevad enam suhtelist ja absoluutset vaesust ning materiaalset ilmajäetust ja osalevad vähem tööturul. Samuti selgub artiklist, et kuigi Eestis ei ole varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noorte sihtrühmale välja töötatud eriprogramme, on nii riikliku, kohaliku omavalitsuse kui ka kooli tasandil olemas üleüldisi meetmeid ja teenuseid, mida kasutatakse haridustee katkestamise ohus õpilaste aitamiseks.  Summar

    Redução electroquímica de iões de terras raras e o seu efeito na corrosão de metais

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    RESUMO: Os iões de terras raras estão entre os inibidores de corrosão de nova geração mais promissores. No entanto, foram encontradas condições onde a corrosão é acelerada na presença destes iões [1]. O caso mais relevante devido à sua importância é o aumento da corrosão do zinco no par galvânico zinco-ferro. Esse aumento está associado a uma reacção catódica adicional inesperada que é observada nas curvas de polarização obtidas experimentalmente. Esta nova redução corresponde a corrente catódica adicional que aumenta a oxidação do ânodo do par galvânico. Nesta comunicação analisa-se o impacto prático desta aceleração no par Zn-Fe e no aço galvanizado e procura-se identificar a natureza da nova reacção catódica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamic Sensing of Localized Corrosion at the Metal/Solution Interface

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    A Mach-Zehnder interferometer is employed to detect localized corrosion at the metal/solution interface in the potentiodynamic sweep of the iron electrode in solutions. During the electrochemical reactions, local variations of the electrolyte's refractive index, which correlate with the concentration of dissolved species, change the optical path length (OPL) of the object beam when the beam passes through the electrolyte. The distribution of the OPL difference was obtained to present the concentration change of the metal ions visually, which enable direct evidence of corrosion processes. The OPL difference distribution shows localized and general corrosion during the anodic dissolution of the iron electrode in solutions with and without chloride ions, respectively. This method provides an approach for dynamic detection of localized corrosion at the metal/solution interface

    Inhibitive effect of sodium (E)-4-(4-nitrobenzylidenamino) benzoate on the corrosion of some metals in sodium chloride solution

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    The inhibition performance of a novel anionic carboxylic Schiff base, sodium (E)-4-(4-nitrobenzylideneamino)benzoate (SNBB), was investigated for various metals, namely low carbon steel F111, pure iron and copper, in neutral 10 mM NaCl solution. Potentiodynamic polarization, scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), quantum chemical (QC) calculation, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation were employed. The potentiodynamic polarization data showed that SNBB acts as an effective corrosion inhibitor for both iron and F111 steel, but it is not effective for the copper. In situ spatially-resolved SVET maps evidenced a major change in surface reactivity for Fe and F111 steel immersed in 10 mM aqueous solution in the absence and in the presence of SNBB. Featureless ionic current density distributions were recorded in the presence of SNBB at both their spontaneous open circuit potential (OCP) and under mild anodic polarization conditions, while major ionic flows were monitored above the metals in the absence of SNBB. On the basis of computer simulations, it is proposed that SNBB produces a stable chelate film on iron and steel surfaces that accounts for the good corrosion inhibition efficiency observed. The different inhibition efficiencies of SNBB molecules on the iron and copper was attributed to the special chemical structure of SNBB molecule and its different chelation ability with the released metal ions on the metal surface. The QC calculations also confirmed the high corrosion inhibition efficiency of SNBB. The MD simulation indicated higher binding energy of SNBB on iron surface compared to that of copper surface. The interaction mode of SNBB on iron and F111 steel surfaces corresponds to a mixed chemical and physical adsorption, and it obeys the Langmuir isother

    The use of a different quality of silage in a dairy cattle feed formula based on the case of Sadala Piim OÜ

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    Piim on ainuke Eestis toodetavatest põllumajandussaadustest, mida toodetakse siseturu vajadusest enam, mistõttu piimatootmise taseme ja konkurentsivõime tõstmine on äärmiselt oluline. Tänapäeval on seoses täisratsioonilise segasööda söötmisviisi kasutuselevõtuga veistele aastaringselt söödetavaks põhisöödaks silo Käesoleva töö eesmärk on hinnata silo kvaliteedi mõju ettevõtte söödakulude kujunemisele. Töös analüüsitakse, kui palju on võimalik saavutada söödakulude kokkuhoidu silo erinevate kvaliteedi tasemete korral. Selleks asendati Sadala Piim OÜ 2012. aastal lüpsikarjale söödetavates söödaratsioonides kasutatavad silod kvaliteetsematega. Kvaliteedinäitajateks valiti proteiinisisaldus, % kuivaines (PR) ja metaboliseeruva energia sisaldus, MJ kuivaine kg kohta (ME). Analüüsi tulemustena selgus, et valdavalt kõikide ratsiooni asenduseks valitud silode korral on ratsiooni hind madalam kui hetkel söödetava ratsiooni maksumus, kusjuures vahe on märgatav juba esimese alternatiivi korral. Arvutuste tulemusena selgus, et aasta peale on selliseid söödaratsioonide alternatiive kasutades võimalik rahaliselt kokku hoida 33 580 – 48 180 eurot. Mis tähendab Sadala Piim OÜ 2011. aasta kogu söödakuluga võrreldes vähenemist vastavalt 3,55% ja 5,1%. Kvaliteetsema silo tootmine või ostmine piimakarjale vähendab vajaminevaid jõusöödakoguseid ning alandab ettevõtte kogu söödakulusid.Milk is the only agricultural product, which is being produced more than the internal demand of Estonia. Therefore it is essential to raise the production levels and competitivness of milk production. Dairy cattle costs stucture consist mainly of feed costs. Feed costs are the sum silage and contsentrated feed costs. Nowdays grass silage is an important ruminant feedstuff not only during winter but year-round. As silage price is a lot lower than expensive contsentrated feeds prices, for example cereal flour, it is essential for farmers to find ways how to use silages more effectively in their dairy cattle feed formulas. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the effect of silage quality on a farm feed costs based on the case of Sadala Piim OÜ. Research studies, how much is possible to achieve feed costs savings, when using different levels quality silage. To do that the silages used in Sadala Piim OÜ 2012th year dairy cattle feed formulas were replaced with silages with better quality. The contents of metabolizable energy and crude protein were chosen as quality indicators. Results of this analysis showed that in all cases when replacing Sadala Piim OÜ silages with better ones, the cost of dairy cattle daily feed formula decreases. The calculations show that annual savings which can be ahcieved by usung silages with better quality are 33 580-48 180 euros, which is 3,55-5,1% of Sadala Piim OÜ 2011th year total feed costs. It may be concluded that farmers, who produce their own silages, should invest more to grassland establishment and maintenance and also to improve the silage-making process. And farmers, who buy silage for dairy cattle, shoud buy silages with better quality, even if those silages cost more. With lower total feed costs and increase of production, both investments will pay off