54 research outputs found

    Sleep duration and subjective psychological well-being in adolescence: a longitudinal study in Switzerland and Norway

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    Adolescents' sleep duration and subjective psychological well-being are related. However, few studies have examined the relationship between sleep duration and subjective psychological well-being longitudinally across adolescence - a time of profound biological and psychosocial change. The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate whether shorter sleep duration in adolescents is predictive of lower subjective psychological well-being 6 months and 12 months later or whether lower subjective psychological well-being is predictive of shorter sleep duration.; Adolescents (age range, 10.02-15.99 years; mean age, 13.05±1.49 years; 51.8%, female) from German-speaking Switzerland (n=886) and Norway (n=715) reported their sleep duration and subjective psychological well-being on school days using self-rating questionnaires at baseline (T1), 6 months (T2), and 12 months from baseline (T3).; Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses revealed that sleep duration decreased with age. Longer sleep duration was concurrently associated with better subjective psychological well-being. Crossed-lagged autoregressive longitudinal panel analysis showed that sleep duration prospectively predicted subjective psychological well-being while there was no evidence for the reverse relationship.; Sleep duration is predictive of subjective psychological well-being. The findings offer further support for the importance of healthy sleep patterns during adolescence

    Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults

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    Objective: The Dark Triad (DT) describes a set of three closely related personality traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Mental toughness (MT) refers to a psychological construct combining confidence, commitment, control, and challenge. High MT is related to greater physical activity (PA) and, relative to men, women have lower MT scores. The aims of the present study were 1) to investigate the association between DT, MT, and PA, and 2) to compare the DT, MT, and PA scores of men and women. Methods: A total of 341 adults (M=29 years; 51.6% women; range: 18–37 years) took part in the study. Participants completed a series of questionnaires assessing DT, MT, and PA. Results: Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy were all significantly associated with higher MT scores (rs =0.45, 0.50, and 0.20, respectively). DT traits and MT were associated with more vigorous PA. Compared to men, women participants had lower scores for DT traits (overall score and psychopathy), while no differences were found for MT or PA in both sexes. Conclusion: DT traits, high MT, and vigorous PA are interrelated. This pattern of results might explain why, for instance, successful professional athletes can at the same time be tough and ruthless

    Studi confraternali: orientamenti, problemi, testimonianze

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    Il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi italiani e stranieri miranti a offrire una panoramica di percorsi storiografici e di problematiche relativi alla storia del movimento confraternale, così come sono emersi nell'ambito di discipline storiche, sociali, giuridiche, letterarie e artistiche sviluppatesi nel corso del Novecento. I contributi si riferiscono al contesto storico dell'Europa occidentale, con più specifico riguardo per l'Italia, nel periodo compreso fra medioevo e prima età moderna. La raccolta si articola in quattro sezioni: Individui e gruppi, che sonda l'emergere di un interesse verso le comunità confraternali all'interno di ambiti di studio come la storia dei gruppi sociali, del mondo rurale, delle donne, dei giovani; L'inquadramento giuridico e istituzionale, che affronta problemi di legittimità e di assetto istituzionale; L'economia della carità, che analizza il rapporto delle confraternite con gli enti ospedalieri, le modalità amministrative dei patrimoni confraternali, le culture di governo che sottostanno a politiche assistenziali di cui le confraternite sono tramite principale; Testimonianze teatrali, musicali, artistiche, documentarie dedicata alle fonti che le confraternite hanno saputo trasmettere

    Pharmacokinetic Modeling of an Induction Regimen for In Vivo Combined Testing of Novel Drugs against Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Xenografts

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    Current regimens for induction therapy of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), or for re-induction post relapse, use a combination of vincristine (VCR), a glucocorticoid, and l-asparaginase (ASP) with or without an anthracycline. With cure rates now approximately 80%, robust pre-clinical models are necessary to prioritize active new drugs for clinical trials in relapsed/refractory patients, and the ability of these models to predict synergy/antagonism with established therapy is an essential attribute. In this study, we report optimization of an induction-type regimen by combining VCR, dexamethasone (DEX) and ASP (VXL) against ALL xenograft models established from patient biopsies in immune-deficient mice. We demonstrate that the VXL combination was synergistic in vitro against leukemia cell lines as well as in vivo against ALL xenografts. In vivo, VXL treatment caused delays in progression of individual xenografts ranging from 22 to >146 days. The median progression delay of xenografts derived from long-term surviving patients was 2-fold greater than that of xenografts derived from patients who died of their disease. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed that systemic DEX exposure in mice increased 2-fold when administered in combination with VCR and ASP, consistent with clinical findings, which may contribute to the observed synergy between the 3 drugs. Finally, as proof-of-principle we tested the in vivo efficacy of combining VXL with either the Bcl-2/Bcl-xL/Bcl-w inhibitor, ABT-737, or arsenic trioxide to provide evidence of a robust in vivo platform to prioritize new drugs for clinical trials in children with relapsed/refractory ALL

    Hybrid NOTES - Single port combined laparoscopic rectumresection via ileostomy with transvaginal specimen retrieval

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    Less is more - advantages of single port IPOM procedures

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    Gli statuti delle confraternite modenesi dal X al XVI secolo

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    La realtà delle confraternite ha accompagnato, a partire dai secoli centrali del Medioevo, la storia della Chiesa e della società europea, intrecciandosi con lo sviluppo delle città, dell'arte, dell'economia e della cultura. Fondamentali nella definizione delle regole di vita e di comportamento cui i confratelli erano chiamati ad attenersi furono gli statuti, oggetto nel corso del tempo di aggiustamenti, revisioni e riscritture. Il presente volume raccoglie le regole delle confraternite operanti a Modena con l'intento di promuoverne uno studio comparato. Dalla loro lettura e dal raffronto tra di esse è possibile cogliere le peculiarità delle singole associazioni, i forti legami che le tenevano assieme, così come la collocazione dell'universo confraternale modenese nel più vasto alveo del movimento disciplinato. Dai Flagellanti a Bernardino da Siena, molte sono le voci che si addensano nei testi normativi qui raccolti per svelare, attraverso i moduli della precettistica, la via attraverso la quale generazioni di uomini e donne cercarono di raggiungere i beni invisibili in cui speravano

    Minimized access colorectal surgery: Experience from a single center

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