281 research outputs found

    Measurements of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies with the South Pole Telescope

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    We report cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum measurements from the first 100 sq. deg. field observed by the South Pole Telescope (SPT) at 150 and 220 GHz. On angular scales where the primary CMB anisotropy is dominant, ell ~< 3000, the SPT power spectrum is consistent with the standard LambdaCDM cosmology. On smaller scales, we see strong evidence for a point source contribution, consistent with a population of dusty, star-forming galaxies. After we mask bright point sources, anisotropy power on angular scales of 3000 50 at both frequencies. We combine the 150 and 220 GHz data to remove the majority of the point source power, and use the point source subtracted spectrum to detect Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) power at 2.6 sigma. At ell=3000, the SZ power in the subtracted bandpowers is 4.2 +/- 1.5 uK^2, which is significantly lower than the power predicted by a fiducial model using WMAP5 cosmological parameters. This discrepancy may suggest that contemporary galaxy cluster models overestimate the thermal pressure of intracluster gas. Alternatively, this result can be interpreted as evidence for lower values of sigma8. When combined with an estimate of the kinetic SZ contribution, the measured SZ amplitude shifts sigma8 from the primary CMB anisotropy derived constraint of 0.794 +/- 0.028 down to 0.773 +/- 0.025. The uncertainty in the constraint on sigma8 from this analysis is dominated by uncertainties in the theoretical modeling required to predict the amplitude of the SZ power spectrum for a given set of cosmological parameters.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap

    A measurement of secondary cosmic microwave background anisotropies with two years of South Pole Telescope observations

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    We present the first three-frequency South Pole Telescope (SPT) cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectra. The band powers presented here cover angular scales 2000 < ell < 9400 in frequency bands centered at 95, 150, and 220 GHz. At these frequencies and angular scales, a combination of the primary CMB anisotropy, thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects, radio galaxies, and cosmic infrared background (CIB) contributes to the signal. We combine Planck and SPT data at 220 GHz to constrain the amplitude and shape of the CIB power spectrum and find strong evidence for non-linear clustering. We explore the SZ results using a variety of cosmological models for the CMB and CIB anisotropies and find them to be robust with one exception: allowing for spatial correlations between the thermal SZ effect and CIB significantly degrades the SZ constraints. Neglecting this potential correlation, we find the thermal SZ power at 150 GHz and ell = 3000 to be 3.65 +/- 0.69 muK^2, and set an upper limit on the kinetic SZ power to be less than 2.8 muK^2 at 95% confidence. When a correlation between the thermal SZ and CIB is allowed, we constrain a linear combination of thermal and kinetic SZ power: D_{3000}^{tSZ} + 0.5 D_{3000}^{kSZ} = 4.60 +/- 0.63 muK^2, consistent with earlier measurements. We use the measured thermal SZ power and an analytic, thermal SZ model calibrated with simulations to determine sigma8 = 0.807 +/- 0.016. Modeling uncertainties involving the astrophysics of the intracluster medium rather than the statistical uncertainty in the measured band powers are the dominant source of uncertainty on sigma8 . We also place an upper limit on the kinetic SZ power produced by patchy reionization; a companion paper uses these limits to constrain the reionization history of the Universe.Comment: 25 pages; 14 figures; Submitted to ApJ (Updated to reflect referee comments

    Sharpening the Precision of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Power Spectrum

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    Using both halo model calculations and a large sample of simulated SZ maps, we demonstrate that high-mass clusters add significant non-Gaussian variance to measurements of the SZ power spectrum amplitude. The difficulty in correctly accounting theoretically for the contribution of these objects to the uncertainty in C_l leads to a reduced sensitivity to \sigma_8. We show that a simple solution is to mask out the brightest clusters in the map before measuring the power spectrum. We demonstrate that fairly conservative masking can reduce the variance and Gaussianize the statistics significantly, thus increasing the sensitivity to cosmological parameters. Choosing which objects to mask is non-trivial; we found that using a fixed sky density produced a well-defined and well-behaved estimate that can easily be applied to real maps. For example, masking the 10 (90) brightest clusters in a 100 deg^2 SZ map will improve the sensitivity to C_l by a factor of two at l = 1000 (2000) and 1.5 at l = 2000 (4000). We show that even in the presence of astrophysical foregrounds (primary CMB and point sources) and instrument noise, one can increase the precision on measurements of \sigma_8 by masking up to 0.9 clusters/deg^2.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Extragalactic millimeter-wave sources in South Pole Telescope survey data: source counts, catalog, and statistics for an 87 square-degree field

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    We report the results of an 87 square-degree point-source survey centered at R.A. 5h30m, decl. -55 deg. taken with the South Pole Telescope (SPT) at 1.4 and 2.0 mm wavelengths with arc-minute resolution and milli-Jansky depth. Based on the ratio of flux in the two bands, we separate the detected sources into two populations, one consistent with synchrotron emission from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and one consistent with thermal emission from dust. We present source counts for each population from 11 to 640 mJy at 1.4 mm and from 4.4 to 800 mJy at 2.0 mm. The 2.0 mm counts are dominated by synchrotron-dominated sources across our reported flux range; the 1.4 mm counts are dominated by synchroton-dominated sources above ~15 mJy and by dust-dominated sources below that flux level. We detect 141 synchrotron-dominated sources and 47 dust-dominated sources at S/N > 4.5 in at least one band. All of the most significantly detected members of the synchrotron-dominated population are associated with sources in previously published radio catalogs. Some of the dust-dominated sources are associated with nearby (z << 1) galaxies whose dust emission is also detected by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS). However, most of the bright, dust-dominated sources have no counterparts in any existing catalogs. We argue that these sources represent the rarest and brightest members of the population commonly referred to as sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs). Because these sources are selected at longer wavelengths than in typical SMG surveys, they are expected to have a higher mean redshift distribution and may provide a new window on galaxy formation in the early universe.Comment: 35 emulateapj pages, 12 figures, 5 table

    Galaxy Clusters Selected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from 2008 South Pole Telescope Observations

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    We present a detection-significance-limited catalog of 21 Sunyaev-Zel'dovich selected galaxy clusters. These clusters, along with 1 unconfirmed candidate, were identified in 178 deg^2 of sky surveyed in 2008 by the South Pole Telescope to a depth of 18 uK-arcmin at 150 GHz. Optical imaging from the Blanco Cosmology Survey (BCS) and Magellan telescopes provided photometric (and in some cases spectroscopic) redshift estimates, with catalog redshifts ranging from z=0.15 to z>1, with a median z = 0.74. Of the 21 confirmed galaxy clusters, three were previously identified as Abell clusters, three were presented as SPT discoveries in Staniszewski et al, 2009, and three were first identified in a recent analysis of BCS data by Menanteau et al, 2010; the remaining 12 clusters are presented for the first time in this work. Simulated observations of the SPT fields predict the sample to be nearly 100% complete above a mass threshold of M_200 ~ 5x10^14 M_sun/h at z = 0.6. This completeness threshold pushes to lower mass with increasing redshift, dropping to ~4x10^14 M_sun/h at z=1. The size and redshift distribution of this catalog are in good agreement with expectations based on our current understanding of galaxy clusters and cosmology. In combination with other cosmological probes, we use the cluster catalog to improve estimates of cosmological parameters. Assuming a standard spatially flat wCDM cosmological model, the addition of our catalog to the WMAP 7-year analysis yields sigma_8 = 0.81 +- 0.09 and w = -1.07 +- 0.29, a ~50% improvement in precision on both parameters over WMAP7 alone.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 4 appendice

    Simulations of the Microwave Sky

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    We create realistic, full-sky, half-arcminute resolution simulations of the microwave sky matched to the most recent astrophysical observations. The primary purpose of these simulations is to test the data reduction pipeline for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) experiment; however, we have widened the frequency coverage beyond the ACT bands to make these simulations applicable to other microwave background experiments. Some of the novel features of these simulations are that the radio and infrared galaxy populations are correlated with the galaxy cluster populations, the CMB is lensed by the dark matter structure in the simulation via a ray-tracing code, the contribution to the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signals from galaxy clusters, groups, and the IGM has been included, and the gas prescription to model the SZ signals matches the most recent X-ray observations. Regarding the contamination of cluster SZ flux by radio galaxies, we find for 148 GHz (90 GHz) only 3% (4%) of halos have their SZ decrements contaminated at a level of 20% or more. We find the contamination levels higher for infrared galaxies. However, at 90 GHz, less than 20% of clusters with M_{200} > 2.5 x 10^{14} Msun and z<1.2 have their SZ decrements filled in at a level of 20% or more. At 148 GHz, less than 20% of clusters with M_{200} > 2.5 x 10^{14} Msun and z<0.8 have their SZ decrements filled in at a level of 50% or larger. Our models also suggest that a population of very high flux infrared galaxies, which are likely lensed sources, contribute most to the SZ contamination of very massive clusters at 90 and 148 GHz. These simulations are publicly available and should serve as a useful tool for microwave surveys to cross-check SZ cluster detection, power spectrum, and cross-correlation analyses.Comment: Sims are now public at http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/tb_cmbsim_ov.cfm; Expanded discussion of N-body sim and IGM; Version accepted by Ap

    Angular Power Spectra of the Millimeter Wavelength Background Light from Dusty Star-forming Galaxies with the South Pole Telescope

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    We use data from the first 100 square-degree field observed by the South Pole Telescope (SPT) in 2008 to measure the angular power spectrum of temperature anisotropies contributed by the background of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) at millimeter wavelengths. From the auto and cross-correlation of 150 and 220 GHz SPT maps, we significantly detect both Poisson distributed and, for the first time at millimeter wavelengths, clustered components of power from a background of DSFGs. The spectral indices between 150 and 220 GHz of the Poisson and clustered components are found to be 3.86 +- 0.23 and 3.8 +- 1.3 respectively, implying a steep scaling of the dust emissivity index beta ~ 2. The Poisson and clustered power detected in SPT, BLAST (at 600, 860, and 1200 GHz), and Spitzer (1900 GHz) data can be understood in the context of a simple model in which all galaxies have the same graybody spectrum with dust emissivity index of beta = 2 and dust temperature T_d = 34 K. In this model, half of the 150 GHz background light comes from redshifts greater than 3.2. We also use the SPT data to place an upper limit on the amplitude of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich power spectrum at l = 3000 of 13 uK^2 at 95% confidence.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    X-ray Properties of the First SZE-selected Galaxy Cluster Sample from the South Pole Telescope

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    We present results of X-ray observations of a sample of 15 clusters selected via their imprint on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. These clusters are a subset of the first SZ-selected cluster catalog, obtained from observations of 178 deg^2 of sky surveyed by the South Pole Telescope. Using X-ray observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton, we estimate the temperature, T_X, and mass, M_g, of the intracluster medium (ICM) within r_500 for each cluster. From these, we calculate Y_X=M_g T_X and estimate the total cluster mass using a M_500-Y_X scaling relation measured from previous X-ray studies. The integrated Comptonization, Y_SZ, is derived from the SZ measurements, using additional information from the X-ray measured gas density profiles and a universal temperature profile. We calculate scaling relations between the X-ray and SZ observables, and find results generally consistent with other measurements and the expectations from simple self-similar behavior. Specifically, we fit a Y_SZ-Y_X relation and find a normalization of 0.82 +- 0.07, marginally consistent with the predicted ratio of Y_SZ/Y_X=0.91+-0.01 that would be expected from the density and temperature models used in this work. Using the Y_X derived mass estimates, we fit a Y_SZ-M_500 relation and find a slope consistent with the self-similar expectation of Y_SZ ~ M^5/3 with a normalization consistent with predictions from other X-ray studies. We compare the X-ray mass estimates to previously published SZ mass estimates derived from cosmological simulations of the SPT survey. We find that the SZ mass estimates are lower by a factor of 0.89+-0.06, which is within the ~15% systematic uncertainty quoted for the simulation-based SZ masses.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, submitted to Ap

    Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Profiles Measured with the South Pole Telescope

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    We present Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements of 15 massive X-ray selected galaxy clusters obtained with the South Pole Telescope. The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) cluster signals are measured at 150 GHz, and concurrent 220 GHz data are used to reduce astrophysical contamination. Radial profiles are computed using a technique that takes into account the effects of the beams and filtering. In several clusters, significant SZ decrements are detected out to a substantial fraction of the virial radius. The profiles are fit to the beta model and to a generalized NFW pressure profile, and are scaled and stacked to probe their average behavior. We find model parameters that are consistent with previous studies: beta=0.86 and r_core/r_500 = 0.20 for the beta model, and (alpha, beta, gamma, c_500)=(1.0,5.5,0.5,1.0) for the generalized NFW model. Both models fit the SPT data comparably well, and both are consistent with the average SZ profile out to the virial radius. The integrated Compton-y parameter Y_SZ is computed for each cluster using both model-dependent and model-independent techniques, and the results are compared to X-ray estimates of cluster parameters. We find that Y_SZ scales with Y_X and gas mass with low scatter. Since these observables have been found to scale with total mass, our results point to a tight mass-observable relation for the SPT cluster survey.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, updated to published versio

    A CMB lensing mass map and its correlation with the cosmic infrared background

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    We use a temperature map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) obtained using the South Pole Telescope at 150 GHz to construct a map of the gravitational convergence to z ~ 1100, revealing the fluctuations in the projected mass density. This map shows individual features that are significant at the ~ 4 sigma level, providing the first image of CMB lensing convergence. We cross-correlate this map with Herschel/SPIRE maps covering 90 square degrees at wavelengths of 500, 350, and 250 microns. We show that these submillimeter-wavelength (submm) maps are strongly correlated with the lensing convergence map, with detection significances in each of the three submm bands ranging from 6.7 to 8.8 sigma. We fit the measurement of the cross power spectrum assuming a simple constant bias model and infer bias factors of b=1.3-1.8, with a statistical uncertainty of 15%, depending on the assumed model for the redshift distribution of the dusty galaxies that are contributing to the Herschel/SPIRE maps.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be submitted to ApJ
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