116 research outputs found

    Hoe denken ouderen over automatische contactloze monitoring? Een systematische literatuurstudie

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    Inleiding Om te voorzien in kwaliteitsvolle en kosteneffectieve ouderenzorg wordt er in toenemende mate gebruik gemaakt van technologieën voor contactloze monitoring. Het doel van dit systematisch literatuuronderzoek is het exploreren van de attitudes en percepties van ouderen ten aanzien van contactloze monitoringsystemen. Methodologie Relevante studies zijn geïdentificeerd via een uitgebreide zoekstrategie in de gecomputeriseerde bestanden van Medline, Embase en Cinahl voor studies gepubliceerd tussen januari 1990 en 19 augustus 2012; via een referentielijst aangeboden door een groep van experts in dit onderzoeksdomein en via de referentielijsten van alle relevante studies. Resultaten Negen studies met een kwalitatief onderzoeksdesign en één studie met een gecombineerd onderzoeksdesign werden geïncludeerd. Diverse facetten van de attitudes, percepties en behoeften van ouderen als potentiële of actuele gebruikers van contactloze monitoring worden in vijf thematische clusters besproken. Hierbij gaat het om de percepties van ouderen over het potentiële nut van contactloze monitoring, over de communicatie van informatie die via monitoring verkregen wordt, diverse bezorgdheden bij het gebruik van contactloze monitoring en participatie en inspraak van de gemonitorde persoon. Al deze facetten kunnen de bereidheid van ouderen tot acceptatie van deze monitoringsystemen beïnvloeden. Conclusies Dit onderzoek kan technologieontwikkelaars en zorgaanbieders belangrijke informatie bieden om te zorgen dat monitoringsystemen tegemoetkomen aan de behoeften, bezorgdheden en wensen van hun gebruikers en aldus succesvol geïntegreerd kunnen worden in de dagelijkse praktijk. Verdere exploratie van de attitudes en percepties van ouderen ten aanzien van contactloze monitoringsystemen via kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek met een goede methodologische kwaliteit is vereist

    Combined cervicosternotomy and cervicotomy for true retrosternal goiters : a surgical cohort study

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    Objective Intrathoracic goiters are a heterogeneous group characterized by limited or extensive substernal extension. Whereas the former can be treated through cervicotomy, the latter sometimes requires a cervicosternotomy. Whether cervicosternotomy leads to more morbidity remains unclear. This study aimed to compare intra- and postoperative morbidity in patients treated by cervicotomy or cervicosternotomy for intrathoracic goiters and standard thyroidectomy. Methods In a prospectively gathered cohort undergoing thyroid surgery (2010-2019) intra- and postoperative morbidity of cervicotomy (N = 80) and cervicosternotomy (N = 15) for intrathoracic goiters was compared to each other and to a 'standard' thyroidectomy (N = 1500). Results An intrathoracic extension prior to surgery was found in 95 (6%) of all thyroidectomies. Eighty patients (84%) were operated by cervicotomy and 15 (16%) by cervicosternotomy. The risk of temporary recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy was much higher in the cervicosternotomy group (21%) compared to cervicotomy (4%) and standard thyroidectomy (3%). The risk of temporary hypocalcemia after cervicotomy (28%) was comparable to a standard thyroidectomy (32%) but higher after cervicosternotomy (20%). No cases of permanent hypocalcemia or laryngeal nerve palsy were observed in both groups with substernal extension. The need for surgical reintervention was significantly higher in the cervicotomy group (6%) compared to cervicosternotomy (0%) and standard thyroidectomy (3%). Conclusion In patients undergoing thyroid surgery for an intrathoracic goiter, cervicosternotomy was associated with more temporary laryngeal nerve palsy, but none of the interventions resulted in higher risks of permanent nerve damage, permanent hypocalcemia, or reintervention for bleeding. Reintervention was even more common after cervicotomy compared to cervicosternotomy

    A randomized phase II study comparing two schedules of the 21-day regimen of gemcitabine and carboplatin in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    Purpose: Carboplatin area under the curve (AUC) 5 ml/min on day 1 with gemcitabine 1,250 mg/m2on day 1 and day 8 is a widely used regimen in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are frequent. The aim of this study is to investigate whether toxicity of gemcitabine/carboplatin could be reduced by administering carboplatin on day 8 instead of

    Cigarette smoke exposure facilitates allergic sensitization in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Active and passive smoking are considered as risk factors for asthma development. The mechanisms involved are currently unexplained. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine if cigarette smoke exposure could facilitate primary allergic sensitization. METHODS: BALB/c mice were exposed to aerosolized ovalbumin (OVA) combined with air or tobacco smoke (4 exposures/day) daily for three weeks. Serology, lung cytopathology, cytokine profiles in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and on mediastinal lymph node cultures as well as lung function tests were performed after the last exposure. The natural history and the immune memory of allergic sensitization were studied with in vivo recall experiments. RESULTS: Exposure to OVA induced a small increase in OVA-specific serum IgE as compared with exposure to PBS (P < 0.05), while no inflammatory reaction was observed in the airways. Exposure to cigarette smoke did not induce IgE, but was characterized by a small but significant neutrophilic inflammatory reaction. Combining OVA with cigarette smoke not only induced a significant increase in OVA-specific IgE but also a distinct eosinophil and goblet cell enriched airway inflammation albeit that airway hyperresponsiveness was not evidenced. FACS analysis showed in these mice increases in dendritic cells (DC) and CD4(+ )T-lymphocytes along with a marked increase in IL-5 measured in the supernatant of lymph node cell cultures. Immune memory experiments evidenced the transient nature of these phenomena. CONCLUSION: In this study we show that mainstream cigarette smoke temporary disrupts the normal lung homeostatic tolerance to innocuous inhaled allergens, thereby inducing primary allergic sensitization. This is characterized not only by the development of persistent IgE, but also by the emergence of an eosinophil rich pulmonary inflammatory reaction

    The Leydig cell biomarker INSL3 as a predictor of age-related morbidity: Findings from the EMAS cohort

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    Background: Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is a constitutive hormone secreted in men by the mature Leydig cells of the testes. It is an accurate biomarker for Leydig cell functional capacity, reflecting their total cell number and differentiation status. Objectives: To determine the ability of INSL3 to predict hypogonadism and age-related morbidity using the EMAS cohort of older community-dwelling men. Materials & methods: Circulating INSL3 was assessed in the EMAS cohort and its cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships to hypogonadism, here defined by testosterone (T) <10.5nmol/l, and a range of age-related morbidities determined by correlation and regression analysis. Results & discussion: While INSL3 is an accurate measure of primary hypogonadism, secondary and compensated hypogonadism also indicate reduced levels of INSL3, implying that testicular hypogonadism does not improve even when LH levels are increased, and that ageing-related hypogonadism may combine both primary and secondary features. Unadjusted, serum INSL3, like calculated free testosterone (cFT), LH, or the T/LH ratio reflects hypogonadal status and is associated with reduced sexual function, bone mineral density, and physical activity, as well as increased occurrence of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Using multiple regression analysis to adjust for a range of hormonal, anthropometric, and lifestyle factors, this relationship is lost for all morbidities, except for reduced bone mineral density, implying that INSL3 and/or its specific receptor, RXFP2, may be causally involved in promoting healthy bone metabolism. Elevated INSL3 also associates with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. When unadjusted, INSL3 in phase 1 of the EMAS study was assessed for its association with morbidity in phase 2 (mean 4.3 years later); INSL3 significantly predicts 7 out of 9 morbidity categories, behaving as well as cFT in this regard. In contrast, total T was predictive in only 3 of the 9 categories. Conclusion: Together with its low within-individual variance, these findings suggest that assessing INSL3 in men could offer important insight into the later development of disease in the elderly

    Ag85B DNA vaccine suppresses airway inflammation in a murine model of asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In allergic asthma, Th2 lymphocytes are believed to play important roles in orchestrating airway eosinophilia and inflammation. Resetting the Th1/Th2 imbalance may have a therapeutic role in asthma. The mycobacterium tuberculosis 30-kilodalton major secretory protein (antigen 85B, Ag85B) can protect animals from M. tuberculosis infection by inducing a Th1-dominant response.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, the Ag85B gene was cloned into pMG plasmids to yield the pMG-Ag85B plasmid. The expression of Ag85B gene in murine bronchial epithelia cells was detected by Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining after intranasal immunization with reconstructed pMG-Ag85B plasmids. The protective effect of pMG-Ag85B plasmids immunization in airway inflammation was evaluated by histological examination and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). IL-4 and IFN-γ levels in the BAL and supernatant from splenocyte culture were determined using ELISA kits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Ag85B gene was successfully expressed in murine bronchial epithelia cells by intranasal immunization with reconstructed pMG-Ag85B plasmids. Using a murine model of asthma induced by ovalbumin (OVA), pMG-Ag85B immunization significantly inhibited cellular infiltration across the airway epithelium with a 37% decrease in the total number of cells (9.6 ± 2.6 × 10<sup>5</sup>/ml vs. 15.2 ± 3.0 × 10<sup>5</sup>/ml, p < 0.05) and a 74% decrease in the number of eosinophils (1.4 ± 0.2 × 10<sup>5</sup>/ml vs. 5.4 ± 1.1 × 10<sup>5</sup>/ml, p < 0.01) compared with the OVA-sensitized control group. There was no difference in the number of neutrophils in BAL fluid between the pMG-Ag85B group, the OVA-sensitized control group and the empty pMG group. IL-4 production was significantly decreased in the BAL fluid (32.0 ± 7.6 pg/ml vs. 130.8 ± 32.6 pg/ml, p < 0.01) and in the splenocyte supernatant (5.1 ± 1.6 pg/ml vs. 10.1 ± 2.3 pg/ml, p < 0.05) in the pMG-Ag85B group compared with the OVA-sensitized control group, while IFN-γ production was increased in the BAL fluid (137.9 ± 25.6 pg/ml vs. 68.4 ± 15.3 pg/ml, p < 0.05) and in the splenocyte supernatant (20.1 ± 5.4 pg/ml vs. 11.3 ± 3.2 pg/ml, p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In a murine model of asthma induced by OVA, intranasal immunization with pMG-Ag85B significantly reduced allergic airway inflammation with less eosinophil infiltration. This protective effect was associated with decreased IL-4 and increased IFN-γ production in the BAL fluid and in the supernatant of cultured splenocytes.</p

    Rapid KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and PIK3CA Mutation Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates from Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Allele-Specific qPCR

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    Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) and Trans-esophageal Ultrasound Scanning with Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) are important, novel techniques for the diagnosis and staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that have been incorporated into lung cancer staging guidelines. To guide and optimize treatment decisions, especially for NSCLC patients in stage III and IV, EGFR and KRAS mutation status is often required. The concordance rate of the mutation analysis between these cytological aspirates and histological samples obtained by surgical staging is unknown. Therefore, we studied the extent to which allele-specific quantitative real-time PCR with hydrolysis probes could be reliably performed on EBUS and EUS fine needle aspirates by comparing the results with histological material from the same patient. We analyzed a series of 43 NSCLC patients for whom cytological and histological material was available. We demonstrated that these standard molecular techniques can be accurately applied on fine needle cytological aspirates from NSCLC patients. Importantly, we show that all mutations detected in the histological material of primary tumor were also identified in the cytological samples. We conclude that molecular profiling can be reliably performed on fine needle cytology aspirates from NSCLC patients

    B Cell Antigen Presentation Promotes Th2 Responses and Immunopathology during Chronic Allergic Lung Disease

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    Background: The role of B cells in allergic asthma remains undefined. One mechanism by which B cells clearly contribute to allergic disease is via the production of specific immunoglobulin, and especially IgE. Cognate interactions with specific T cells result in T cell help for B cells, resulting in differentiation and immunoglobulin secretion. Proximal to (and required for) T cell-dependent immunoglobulin production, however, is antigen presentation by B cells. While interaction with T cells clearly has implications for B cell function and differentiation, this study investigated the role that B cells have in shaping the T cell response during chronic allergic lung disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: In these studies, we used a clinically relevant mouse model of chronic allergic lung disease to study the role of B cells and B cell antigen presentation in this disease. In these studies we present several novel findings: 1) Lung B cells from chronically allergen challenged mice up-regulated MHC II and costimulatory molecules CD40, CD80 and CD86. 2) Using in vitro studies, B cells from the lungs of allergen challenged mice could present antigen to T cells, as assessed by T cell proliferation and the preferential production of Th2 cytokines. 3) Following chronic allergen challenge, the levels of Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-5 in the lungs and airways were significantly attenuated in B cell 2/2 mice, relative to controls. 4) B cell driven Th2 responses and mucus hyper secretion in the lungs were dependent upon MHC II expression by B cells. Conclusions/Significance: Collectively, these results provide evidence for antigen presentation as a novel mechanism b

    Glycemia but not the Metabolic Syndrome is Associated with Cognitive Decline: Findings from the European Male Ageing Study

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    © 2017 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Objective Previous research has indicated that components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), such as hyperglycemia and hypertension, are negatively associated with cognition. However, evidence that MetS itself is related to cognitive performance has been inconsistent. This longitudinal study investigates whether MetS or its components affect cognitive decline in aging men and whether any interaction with inflammation exists. Methods Over a mean of 4.4 years (SD ± 0.3), men aged 40–79 years from the multicenter European Male Ageing Study were recruited. Cognitive functioning was assessed using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF), the Camden Topographical Recognition Memory (CTRM) task, and the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST). High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels were measured using a chemiluminescent immunometric assay. Results Overall, 1,913 participants contributed data to the ROCF analyses and 1,965 subjects contributed to the CTRM and DSST analyses. In multiple regression models the presence of baseline MetS was not associated with cognitive decline over time (p  >  0.05). However, logistic ordinal regressions indicated that high glucose levels were related to a greater risk of decline on the ROCF Copy (β = −0.42, p  <  0.05) and the DSST (β = −0.39, p  <  0.001). There was neither a main effect of hs-CRP levels nor an interaction effect of hs-CRP and MetS at baseline on cognitive decline. Conclusion No evidence was found for a relationship between MetS or inflammation and cognitive decline in this sample of aging men. However, glycemia was negatively associated with visuoconstructional abilities and processing speed

    A randomized open-label phase III trial evaluating the addition of denosumab to standard first-line treatment in advanced NSCLC : the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) SPLENDOUR trial

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    Introduction Receptor activator of NF-kB ligand stimulates NF-kB–dependent cell signaling and acts as the primary signal for bone resorption. Retrospective analysis of a large trial comparing denosumab versus zoledronic acid in bone metastatic solid tumors suggested significant overall survival (OS) advantage for patients with lung cancer with denosumab (p = 0.01). The randomized open-label phase III SPLENDOUR trial was designed to evaluate whether the addition of denosumab to standard first-line platinum-based doublet chemotherapy improved OS in advanced NSCLC. Methods Patients with stage IV NSCLC were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either chemotherapy with or without denosumab (120 mg every 3–4 wks), stratified by the presence of bone metastases (at diagnosis), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, histology, and region. To detect an OS increase from 9 to 11.25 months (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.80), 847 OS events were required. The trial closed prematurely owing to decreasing accrual rate. Results A total of 514 patients were randomized, with 509 receiving one or more doses of the assigned treatment (chemotherapy: 252, chemotherapy-denosumab: 257). The median age was 66.1 years, 71% were men, and 59% were former smokers. Bone metastases were identified in 275 patients (53%). Median OS (95% confidence interval [CI]) was 8.7 (7.6–11.0) months in the control arm versus 8.2 (7.5–10.4) months in the chemotherapy-denosumab arm (HR = 0.96; 95% CI: 0.78–1.19; one-sided p = 0.36). For patients with bone metastasis, HR was 1.02 (95% CI: 0.77–1.35), whereas for those without, HR was 0.90 (95% CI: 0.66–1.23). Adverse events grade 3 or greater were observed in 40.9%, 5.2%, 8.7% versus 45.5%, 10.9%, 10.5% of patients. Conditional power for OS benefit was less than or equal to 10%. Conclusions Denosumab was well-tolerated without unexpected safety concerns. There was no OS improvement for denosumab when added to chemotherapy in the intention-to-treat population and the subgroups with and without bone metastases. Our data do not provide evidence of a clinical benefit for denosumab in patients with NSCLC without bone metastases