2,140 research outputs found

    The role of preview validity in predictability and frequency effects on eye movements in reading

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    Epub 2018 Apr 12A word’s predictability, as measured by its cloze probability, has a robust influence on the time a reader’s eyes spend on the word, with more predictable words receiving shorter fixations. However, several previous studies using the boundary paradigm have found no apparent effect of predictability on early reading time measures when the reader does not have valid parafoveal preview of the target word. The present study directly assesses this pattern in two experiments, demonstrating evidence for a null effect of predictability on first fixation and gaze duration with invalid preview, supported by Bayes factor analyses. While the effect of context independent word frequency is shown to survive with invalid preview, consistent with previous studies, the effect of predictability is eliminated with both unrelated word previews and random letter string previews. These results suggest that a word’s predictability influences early stages of orthographic processing, and does so only when perceptual evidence is equivocal, as is the case when the word is initially viewed in parafoveal vision. Word frequency may influence not only early orthographic processing, but also later processing stages. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)This work was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (BCS 1732008) to the Adrian Stau

    Validity of the CMSSM interpretation of the diphoton excess

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    It has been proposed that the observed diphoton excess at 750 GeV could be explained within the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model via resonantly produced stop bound states. We reanalyze this scenario critically and extend previous work to include the constraints from the stability of the electroweak vacuum and from the decays of the stoponium into a pair of Higgs bosons. It is shown that the interesting regions of parameter space with a light stop and Higgs of the desired mass are ruled out by these constraints. This conclusion is not affected by the presence of the bound states because the binding energy is usually very small in the regions of parameter space which can explain the Higgs mass. Thus, this also leads to strong constraints on the diphoton production cross section which is in general too small.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; v2: added Fig. 5, matches published versio

    Body Weight Perceptions and Contributing Weight Gain Factors in Scandinavian, French, and American College Students

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    Saccade launch site as a predictor of fixation durations in reading: Comments on Hand, Miellet, O’Donnell, and Sereno (2010).

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    An important question in research on eye movements in reading is whether word frequency and word predictability have additive or interactive effects on fixation durations. A fair number of studies have reported only additive effects of the frequency and predictability of a target word on reading times on that word, failing to show significant interactions. Recently, however, Hand, Miellet, O'Donnell, and Sereno (see record 2010-19099-001) reported interactive effects in a study that included the distance of the prior fixation from the target word (launch site). They reported that when the saccade into the target word was launched from very near to the word (within 3 characters), the predictability effect was larger for low frequency words, but when the saccade was launched from a medium distance (4-6 characters from the word) the predictability effect was larger for high frequency words. Hand et al. argued for the importance of including launch site in analyses of target word fixation durations. Here we describe several problems with Hand et al.'s use of analyses of variance in which launch site is divided into distinct ordinal levels. We describe a more appropriate way to analyze such data-linear mixed-effect models-and we use this method to show that launch site does not modulate the interaction between frequency and predictability in two other data sets

    Magnetic Phase Transitions in the double spin-chains compound LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2

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    We report high-resolution x-ray diffraction, muon-spin-rotation spectroscopic and specific heat measurements in the double spin-chains compound LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2. The x-ray diffraction results show that the crystal structure of LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2 ~is orthorhombic down to T=10K. Anisotropic line-broadening of the diffraction peaks is observed, indicating disorder along the spin chains. Muon spin relaxation and specific heat measurements show that LiCu2O2\rm LiCu_2O_2 \~undergoes a phase transition to a magnetic ordered state at T1∌24K\rm T_1\sim24K. The specific heat data exhibits a second λ\rm \lambda-like peak at T2∌22.5K\rm T_2\sim22.5 K, which increases with increasing magnetic field similarly way to that found in spin-ladder compounds.Comment: 6 pages, 6 fifures, to appear in Physica

    On the two-loop corrections to the Higgs mass in trilinear R-parity violation

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    We study the impact of large trilinear R-parity violating couplings on the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass in supersymmetric models. We use the publicly available computer codes SARAH and SPheno to compute the leading two-loop corrections. We use the effective potential approach. For not too heavy third generation squarks (< 1 TeV) and couplings close to the unitarity bound we find positive corrections up to a few GeV in the Higgs mass.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Therapie des femoroazetabulĂ€ren Impingements ĂŒber die chirurgische HĂŒftluxation: Technik und Ergebnisse

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    Zusammenfassung: Die chirurgische HĂŒftluxation ist eine sichere und etablierte Technik fĂŒr die Behandlung des femoroazetabulĂ€ren Impingements. Die Komplikationsrate ist niedrig und mit der korrekten Technik, welche die Blutversorgung respektiert, tritt eine Femurkopfnekrose nicht auf. Die hĂ€ufigsten Komplikationen sind milde ektope Ossifkationen und die Trochanterpseudarthrose. Die intraartikulĂ€re Chirurgie schließt sowohl die azetabulĂ€re wie auch femorale Korrektur ein. Klinisch kann in ca. 75-80% der FĂ€lle ein gutes bis sehr gutes Resultat erzielt werden. Allerdings fĂ€llt die Erfolgschance beim Vorliegen fortgeschrittener degenerativer VerĂ€nderungen, welche eine Grad-1-Arthrose nach Tönnis ĂŒberschreiten, rapide ab. Der Erhalt des Labrums hat einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das klinische Ergebnis und die radiologische Progression der Arthrose. Das Erhalten des Labrums scheint deshalb unabdingbar zu sei

    Building capacity for dissemination and implementation research: One university’s experience

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    Abstract Background While dissemination and implementation (D&I) science has grown rapidly, there is an ongoing need to understand how to build and sustain capacity in individuals and institutions conducting research. There are three inter-related domains for capacity building: people, settings, and activities. Since 2008, Washington University in St. Louis has dedicated significant attention and resources toward building D&I research capacity. This paper describes our process, challenges, and lessons with the goal of informing others who may have similar aims at their own institution. Activities An informal collaborative, the Washington University Network for Dissemination and Implementation Research (WUNDIR), began with a small group and now has 49 regular members. Attendees represent a wide variety of settings and content areas and meet every 6 weeks for half-day sessions. A logic model organizes WUNDIR inputs, activities, and outcomes. A mixed-methods evaluation showed that the network has led to new professional connections and enhanced skills (e.g., grant and publication development). As one of four, ongoing, formal programs, the Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC) was our first major component of D&I infrastructure. DIRC’s mission is to accelerate the public health impact of clinical and health services research by increasing the engagement of investigators in later stages of translational research. The aims of DIRC are to advance D&I science and to develop and equip researchers with tools for D&I research. As a second formal component, the Washington University Institute for Public Health has provided significant support for D&I research through pilot projects and a small grants program. In a third set of formal programs, two R25 training grants (one in mental health and one in cancer) support post-doctoral scholars for intensive training and mentoring in D&I science. Finally, our team coordinates closely with D&I functions within research centers across the university. We share a series of challenges and potential solutions. Conclusion Our experience in developing D&I research at Washington University in St. Louis shows how significant capacity can be built in a relatively short period of time. Many of our ideas and ingredients for success can be replicated, tailored, and improved upon by others
