1,143 research outputs found

    Modelling and Control of Freeway Traffic

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    This paper presents the most recent developments of the Simulator of Intelligent Transportation Systems (SITS). The SITS is based on a microscopic simulation approach to reproduce real traffic conditions in an urban or non-urban network. In order to analyse the quality of the microscopic traffic simulator SITS a benchmark test was performed. A dynamical analysis of several traffic phenomena, applying a new modelling formalism based on the embedding of statistics and Laplace transform, is then addressed. The paper presents also a new traffic control concept applied to a freeway traffic system

    The African hind's (Cephalopholis taeniops, serranidae) use of artificial reefs off Sal Island (Cape Verde): a preliminary study based on acoustic telemetry

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    The African hind Cephalopholis taeniops (Valenciennes, 1828) is one of the most important commercial demersal species caught in the Cape Verde archipelago. The species is closely associated with hard substrate and is one of the main attractions for SCUBA divers. In January 2006 a former Soviet fishing vessel - the Kwarcit - was sunk off Santa Maria Bay (Sal Island). Young C. taeniops are commonly observed in this artificial reef (AR). In order to investigate the species' use of the AR, 4 specimens were captured and surgically implanted underwater with Vemco brand acoustic transmitters. The fish were monitored daily with an active telemetry receiver for one week after release. Simultaneously, an array of 3 passive VR2 / VR2W receivers was set for 63 days, registering data that allowed an analysis of spatial, daily and short term temporal activity patterns. The results showed site fidelity to the AR, with no migrations to the nearby natural reef. The method used allowed to register a consistent higher activity during daytime and a preference for the area opposite the dominant current

    Combining Animal Welfare With Experimental Rigor to Improve Reproducibility in Behavioral Neuroscience

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    Grants of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) to CLi. CML was recipient of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) research fellowship through the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Translacional em Medicina (INCT-TM), Brazil. FM was supported by Post-doctoral fellowship grant #2018/25857-5, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil. KD was supported by Fellow BIPD/FCT Proj2020/i3S/26040705/2021, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001

    Validação de um método para detecção e quantificação de soja culticance tolerante a herbicidas imidazolinonas por PCR convencional e quantitativo.

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    Fuzzy adaptive cognitive stimulation therapy generation for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Towards a pervasive dementia care monitoring platform

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    In this paper, we present a novel system for cognitive stimulation therapy to progressively assess cognitive impairment and emotional well-being of dementia patients in social care settings. The system assesses patients interactions and computes performance scores for different areas of cognitive stimulation. Patient interactions are initially classified into predefined performance categories through clustering of a sampled population. New personalized stimulation plans tailored to match the patient’s changing level of impairment are generated automatically through a set of fuzzy rule based systems using quantitative attributes and the overall scores of patients interactions. Therapists can redefine, evaluate and adjust the rules governing difficulty and activity levels for different stimulation areas to fine tune generated activity plans. The system can also be combined with an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled patient dialogue system for determining the affective state of participants during therapy sessions that could be used as a pervasive condition monitoring platform. Experiments consisting of therapy sessions of patients interacting with the system were performed in which the activity plans were automatically generated. Initial results showed that the system outputs were in agreement with the therapists own assessment in most of the stimulation areas. Simulation experiments were also conducted to analyse the system performance over multiple sessions. The results suggest that the system is able to adapt therapy plans overtime in response to changing levels of impairment/performance while supporting therapists to tune and evaluate therapy plans more effectively

    Catch composition, catch rates and size selectivity of three long-line methods in the Algarve (southern Portugal)

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    Three long-line methods have been studied in the Algarve: 1) small-hook long-line for inshore (less than 30 m) ‘white' sea breams (Sparidae); 2) small-hook long-line for deeper water (40-60 m) ‘red' sea breams; and 3) deep water (500-700 m) semi-pelagic long-line for hake Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758). Selectivity studies were carried out with three hook sizes in the first two cases: Mustad round-bent Quality 2369 hooks, numbers 15, 13, and 11, baited with a standardsized razor-shell Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758). Four hook sizes (numbers 10, 9, 7, and 5) of Stell round-bent, eyed hooks were used in the semi-pelagic long-line selectivity study, baited with a half of a standard-sized sardine. Some factors affecting catch composition and catch rates of the small hook long-lines were also evaluated: bait, gangion length, setting time, fishing ground, and depth. Species diversity was relatively high, with 40, 36 and 27 species, respectively, in the three studies. However, the catches were dominated by a limited number of species. Catch rates (number of fish per 100 hooks) were variable ( 5 %; 20 %), with a general decrease in catch rate with increasing hook size in all the studies. In general, the catch size distributions for the different hook sizes for each species were highly overlapping, with little or no evidence of differences in size selectivity. Hooks caught a wide size-range for each species, with few or no illegal-sized fish, in most cases. Some implications of these results for the management of multi-species, multi-gear fisheries are discussed.Tres artes de palangre han sido estudiados en Algarve: 1) palangre de anzuelo pequeño para espáridos de aguas costeras (menos de 30 m); 2) palangre de anzuelo pequeño para espáridos rojos de aguas mas profundas (40-60 m); y 3) palangre semipelágico de profundidad para merluza Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758). En los dos primeros casos, los estudios de selectividad han utilizado anzuelos de tres tamaños: round bent marca Mustad modelo 2369 (números 15, 13 y 11), utilizando como cebo pedazos de navajas Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758) de la misma talla. En el estudio de selectividad con el palangre semipelágico se han utilizado cuatro tamaños de anzuelo (números 10, 9, 7 y 5) round hook de la marca Stell, con media sardina como cebo. Se evalúan, también, otros factores que afectan a la composición y a la tasa de captura de los palangres equipados con anzuelo pequeño: cebo, longitud de la puntera, hora de largada del aparejo, área de pesca y profundidad. La diversidad de especies en los tres estudios ha sido relativamente elevada: 40, 36 y 27 especies, respectivamente. Sin embargo, las capturas han sido dominadas por un número reducido de especies. Las tasas de captura (número de peces por 100 anzuelos) han variado ( 5 %; 20 %), observándose en los tres estudios un descenso general de las tasas de captura con el aumento del tamaño del anzuelo. De forma general, se ha observado una fuerte sobreposición de las distribuciones de las capturas con los diferentes tamaños de anzuelo para cada especie, con poca o ninguna evidencia de diferencias en la selectividad por talla. Los tamaños de anzuelo probados han capturado un rango de tallas amplio para cada especie, con escasa o ninguna captura de peces de talla ilegal en la mayoría de los casos. Se discuten algunas implicaciones de estos resultados en la gestión de pesquerías incluyendo varias especies y varios artes de pesca.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Evaluation of ADAM-12 as a diagnostic biomarker of ectopic pregnancy in women with a pregnancy of unknown location

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    Ectopic pregnancy (EP) remains the most life-threatening acute condition in modern gynaecology. It remains difficult to diagnose early and accurately. Women often present at emergency departments in early pregnancy with a 'pregnancy of unknown location' (PUL) and diagnosis/exclusion of EP is challenging due to a lack of reliable biomarkers. Recent studies suggest that serum levels of a disintegrin and metalloprotease protein-12 (ADAM-12) can be used differentiate EP from viable intrauterine pregnancy (VIUP). Here we describe a prospective study evaluating the performance of ADAM-12 in differentiating EP from the full spectrum of alternative PUL outcomes in an independent patient cohort.Sera were collected from 120 patients at their first clinical presentation with a PUL and assayed for ADAM-12 by ELISA. Patients were categorized according to final pregnancy outcomes. Serum ADAM-12 concentrations were increased in women with histologically-confirmed EP (median 442 pg/mL; 25%-75% percentile 232-783 pg/mL) compared to women with VIUP (256 pg/mL; 168-442 pg/mL) or miscarriage (192 pg/mL; 133-476 pg/mL). Serum ADAM-12 did not differentiate histologically-confirmed EP from spontaneously resolving PUL (srPUL) (416 pg/mL; 154-608 pg/mL). The diagnostic potential of ADAM-12 was only significant when 'ambiguous' PUL outcomes were excluded from the analysis (AROC = 0.6633; P = 0.03901).When measured in isolation, ADAM-12 levels had limited value as a diagnostic biomarker for EP in our patient cohort. The development of a reliable serum biomarker-based test for EP remains an ongoing challenge

    Competition between static gear of the small-scale fisheries in Algarve waters (southern Portugal)

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    Parallel fishing trials with 0.30 mm diameter monofilament gill nets and longlines using small hooks were carried out in the Algarve (southern Portugal) over a one-year period, 1997-1998, with the objective of comparing species composition, catch rates, discards and size ranges. Four hook sizes of 'Mustad' brand, round bent, flatted sea hooks (numbers 15, 13, 12 and 11) and four mesh sizes of 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm (nominal bar length) of gill nets were used in the trials. Overall, 84 species were caught, with gill nets taking 71 species and longlines 54 species and with 41 species caught by both gears. The amount of discarding was higher for gill nets than for longlines. The catch species composition differed between the two gears, with the commercially valuable sea breams dominating the longline catches whereas small pelagics were relatively more important in the gill nets. Multivariate analysis showed a clear separation between the different sizes of the two gears both in terms of numbers and weights per species. Algarve gill netters and longliners fish the same species assemblage on the same fishing grounds, but have clearly different impacts in terms of catch species composition, catch rates and sizes. This information will be useful for the improved management of these small-scale, multi-species, multi-gear fisheries, where different gears compete for scarce resources. In particular this study provides a basis for a more rational allocation of licenses and control of fishing effort

    Non-AIDS-related comorbidities in people living with HIV-1 aged 50 years and older: The AGING POSITIVE study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the profile of non-AIDS-related comorbidities (NARC) in the older HIV-1-infected population and to explore the factors associated with multiple NARC. METHODS: This was a multicentre, cross-sectional study including HIV-1-infected patients aged ≥50 years, who were virologically suppressed and had been on a stable antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen for at least 6 months. A multiple regression model explored the association between demographic and clinical variables and the number of NARC. RESULTS: Overall, 401 patients were enrolled. The mean age of the patients was 59.3 years and 72.6% were male. The mean duration of HIV-1 infection was 12.0 years and the median exposure to ART was 10.0 years. The mean number of NARC was 2.1, and 34.7% of patients had three or more NARC. Hypercholesterolemia was the most frequent NARC (60.8%), followed by arterial hypertension (39.7%) and chronic depression/anxiety (23.9%). Arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus were the most frequently treated NARC (95.6% and 92.6% of cases, respectively). The linear regression analysis showed a positive relationship between age and NARC (B=0.032, 95% confidence interval 0.015-0.049; p=0.0003) and between the duration of HIV-1 infection and NARC (B=0.039, 95% confidence interval 0.017-0.059; p=0.0005). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of NARC was found, the most common being metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychological conditions. NARC rates were similar to those reported for the general population, suggesting a larger societal problem beyond HIV infection. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to reduce the burden of complex multi-morbid conditions in the HIV-1-infected population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Competition between static gear of the small-scale fisheries in Algarve waters (southern Portugal)

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    Parallel fishing trials with 0.30 mm diameter monofilament gill nets and longlines using small hooks were carried out in the Algarve (southern Portugal) over a one-year period, 1997-1998, with the objective of comparing species composition, catch rates, discards and size ranges. Four hook sizes of MUSTAD brand, round bent, flatted sea hooks (numbers 15, 13, 12 and 11) and four mesh sizes of 50, 60, 70, and 80 (stretched mesh) (nominal bar length) of gill nets were used in the trials. Overall, 84 species were caught, with gill nets taking 71 species and longlines 54 species and with 41 species caught by both gear types. The amount of discarding was higher for gill nets than for longlines. The catch species composition differed between the two gear types, with the commercially valuable sea breams dominating the longline catches whereas small pelagics were relatively more important in the gill nets. Multivariate analysis showed a clear separation between the different sizes of the two gear types both in terms of numbers and weights per species. Algarve gill netters and longliners fish the same species assemblage on the same fishing grounds, but have clearly different impacts in terms of catch species composition, catch rates and sizes. This information will be useful for the improved management of these small-scale, multi-species, multi-gear fisheries, where different gear types compete for scarce resources. In particular this study provides a basis for a more rational allocation of licenses and control of fishing effort
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