431 research outputs found

    On the new very early table varieties obtained by crossing different varieties of grapevine

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    In order to obtain new table grape varieties which ripen before or at the same time as variety Pearl of Csaba, we performed many intervarietal crossings at our experimental station, using the following parents: Pearl of Csaba, Chasselas Bouvier, Muscat Ottonel, Queen of Vineyard, Cardinal, Dattier de Beyrouth, Ribier.The Government Commission acknowledged five very early varieties, three of which have also better agrobiological and technological characteristics than the variety Pearl of Csaba.The new variety Demir Door ripens on average 6 d, the new variety Early of Belgrade 3-5 d earlier, and the new variety Grochanka ripens at the same time or 1-3 d later as the control variety Pearl of Csaba.Due to multiple regression analysis, biological characteristics as yield, cluster and berry weights and sugar content strongly depend on meteorological conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); this is valid for all the new varieties and the variety Pearl of Csaba at all locations investigated.Analysis of variance (level of 0.05 and 0.01) shows that compared to the control variety we obtained with new varieties significantly greater yields, very significant large cluster and berry weights and very significantly better uvological characteristics of berry. The average yields for all investigated locations were increased in comparison to the control variety Pearl of Csaba: Demir Door +3.004 kg/ha, Early of Belgrade +6.259 kg/ha, Grochanka +7.065 kg/ha.Organoleptic characteristics are much improved with all new varieties which is illustrated by increased indexes.All investigated varieties are acknowledged genotypes of Vitis vinifera L, and all of these new varieties exhibited better biological and technological parameters than Pearl of Csaba

    Chemical composition of the brown alga Padina pavonia (L.) Gaill. from the adriatic sea

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    The chemical composition of the brown alga Padina pavonia (L.) Gaill. from the southern Adriatic Sea was investigated. Twelve sterols were identified in the sterol fraction, the main ones being cholesterol and fucosterol. The main fatty acids in the lipids were also identified.The most abundant fatty acid was palmitic acid, followed by oleic and myristic acids.The concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids was unusually low for a marine alga. By GC/MS analysis of the volatile and polar fractions, 40 compounds were identified. Some of them probably possess defensive functions. In the volatile fraction free fatty acids, aromatic esters, benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde predominated. Low concentrations of terpenoids, phenols and sulfur containing compounds were also identified.The nbutanol extract contained mainly fatty acids and polyols. Some of the extracts had an antibacterial activity

    Development and Evaluation of a 9K SNP Addition to the Peach Ipsc 9K SNP Array v1

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    The IPSC 9K peach SNP array released by the international community has been a valuable tool in research and application. Even though majority of SNPs (84%) were polymorphic in the evaluation panels there were many genomic regions with low coverage, including those important for breeding. The existing peach array has been updated with 9K additional SNPs covering previously identified gaps and including recently identified SNPs important for breeding. SNPs (1,808,996) identified by sequencing 49 genomes of additional peach accessions were used as the main source of additional SNPs. Focal point strategy was used to select 8,971 SNPs within 40kb window from the 2,821 focal points distributed across the genome. Additional 129 SNPs were chosen to saturate either regions important for breeding or close the gaps larger than 100kb. The array was validated with 1,770 peach and 26 Prunus accessions (almond, plum, apricot, wild relatives). The add-on contained 7,862 SNPs evenly spread across 8 peach pseudo-molecules with only one SNP positioned on scaffold 13 covering 224.99Mbp of peach genome. The 9K add-on improved the 9K peach array by increasing the total number of usable SNPs by 7,206. The number of SNPs per chromosome increased on average by 50% with only on average 0.18% increase in total physical coverage. Number of gaps larger than 0.3 Mbp was reduced to 2 one on each chromosome 3 and 8. Overall genotyping efficiency in all material was >90% except in almond, 82%. Number of informative markers, assessed by ASSIsT software, were highest in peach 64% and lowest in almond 10%, with 61% of markers being informative in wild Prunus (12) and 35% in apricot (4) and 2 - 33% in Japanese and European plum, respectively. Among 36.2% discarded markers 33% were monomorphic and 30% shifted homozygous in material used. Those markers could be informative in different background raising total number of informative markers. Ann addition of new SNPs to array improved the density and usefulness of the array in Prunus species. The practical applications of new 16K Illumina SNP peach array will be discussed. Specified Source(s) of Funding: USDA-NIFA-SCRI-Ros- BREED (2014-51181-22378

    Evorus: A Crowd-powered Conversational Assistant Built to Automate Itself Over Time

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    Crowd-powered conversational assistants have been shown to be more robust than automated systems, but do so at the cost of higher response latency and monetary costs. A promising direction is to combine the two approaches for high quality, low latency, and low cost solutions. In this paper, we introduce Evorus, a crowd-powered conversational assistant built to automate itself over time by (i) allowing new chatbots to be easily integrated to automate more scenarios, (ii) reusing prior crowd answers, and (iii) learning to automatically approve response candidates. Our 5-month-long deployment with 80 participants and 281 conversations shows that Evorus can automate itself without compromising conversation quality. Crowd-AI architectures have long been proposed as a way to reduce cost and latency for crowd-powered systems; Evorus demonstrates how automation can be introduced successfully in a deployed system. Its architecture allows future researchers to make further innovation on the underlying automated components in the context of a deployed open domain dialog system.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2018 (CHI'18


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    The peach is the third most produced temperate tree fruit species behind apple and pear. This diploid species, Prunus persica, is naturally self-pollinating unlike most of the other cultivated Prunus species. Its center of diversity is in China, where it was domesticated. Starting about 3,000 years ago, the peach was moved from China to all temperate and subtropical climates within the Asian continent and then, more than 2,000 years ago, spread to Persia (present day Iran) via the Silk Road and from there throughout Europe. From Europe it was taken by the Spanish and Portuguese explorers to the Americas. It has an extensive history of breeding that has resulted in scion cultivars with adaptability from cold temperate to tropical zones, a ripening season extending for 6\u20138 months, and a wide range of fruit and tree characteristics. Peach has also been crossed with species in the Amygdalus and Prunophora subgenera to produce interspecific rootstocks tolerant to soil and disease problems to which P. persica has limited or no resistance. It is the best known temperate fruit species from a genetics perspective and as a model plant has a large array of genomics tools that are beginning to have an impact on the development of new cultivars

    High-density multi-population consensus genetic linkage map for peach

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    Highly saturated genetic linkage maps are extremely helpful to breeders and are an essential prerequisite for many biological applications such as the identification of marker-trait associations, mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL), candidate gene identification, development of molecular markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS) and comparative genetic studies. Several high-density genetic maps, constructed using the 9K SNP peach array, are available for peach. However, each of these maps is based on a single mapping population and has limited use for QTL discovery and comparative studies. A consensus genetic linkage map developed from multiple populations provides not only a higher marker density and a greater genome coverage when compared to the individual maps, but also serves as a valuable tool for estimating genetic positions of unmapped markers. In this study, a previously developed linkage map from the cross between two peach cultivars 'Zin Dai' and 'Crimson Lady' (ZC2) was improved by genotyping additional progenies. In addition, a peach consensus map was developed based on the combination of the improved ZC2 genetic linkage map with three existing high-density genetic maps of peach and a reference map of Prunus. A total of 1,476 SNPs representing 351 unique marker positions were mapped across eight linkage groups on the ZC2 genetic map. The ZC2 linkage map spans 483.3 cM with an average distance between markers of 1.38 cM/marker. The MergeMap and LPmerge tools were used for the construction of a consensus map based on markers shared across five genetic linkage maps. The consensus linkage map contains a total of 3,092 molecular markers, consisting of 2,975 SNPs, 116 SSRs and 1 morphological marker associated with slow ripening in peach (SR). The consensus map provides valuable information on marker order and genetic position for QTL identification in peach and other genetic studies within Prunus and Rosaceae

    Modulation of adipocyte G-protein expression in cancer cachexia by a lipid-mobilizing factor (LMF)

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    Adipocytes isolated from cachectic mice bearing the MAC 16 tumour showed over a 3-fold increase in lipolytic response to both low concentrations of isoprenaline and a tumour-derived lipid mobilizing factor (LMF). This was reflected by an enhanced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in plasma membrane fractions of adipocytes in the presence of both factors. There was no up-regulation of adenylate cyclase in response to forskolin, suggesting that the effect arose from a change in receptor number or G-protein expression. Immunoblotting of adipocyte membranes from mice bearing the MAC16 tumour showed an increased expression of Gαs up to 10% weight loss and a reciprocal decrease in Gα. There was also an increased expression of Gαs and a decrease in Gα in adipose tissue from a patient with cancer-associated weight loss compared with a non-cachectic cancer patient. The changes in G-protein expression were also seen in adipose tissue of normal mice administered pure LMF as well as in 3T3L1 adipocytes in vitro. The changes in G-protein expression induced by LMF were attenuated by the polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). This suggests that this tumour-derived lipolytic factor acts to sensitize adipose tissue to lipolytic stimuli, and that this effect is attenuated by EPA, which is known to preserve adipose tissue in cancer cachexia. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaig