On the new very early table varieties obtained by crossing different varieties of grapevine


In order to obtain new table grape varieties which ripen before or at the same time as variety Pearl of Csaba, we performed many intervarietal crossings at our experimental station, using the following parents: Pearl of Csaba, Chasselas Bouvier, Muscat Ottonel, Queen of Vineyard, Cardinal, Dattier de Beyrouth, Ribier.The Government Commission acknowledged five very early varieties, three of which have also better agrobiological and technological characteristics than the variety Pearl of Csaba.The new variety Demir Door ripens on average 6 d, the new variety Early of Belgrade 3-5 d earlier, and the new variety Grochanka ripens at the same time or 1-3 d later as the control variety Pearl of Csaba.Due to multiple regression analysis, biological characteristics as yield, cluster and berry weights and sugar content strongly depend on meteorological conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); this is valid for all the new varieties and the variety Pearl of Csaba at all locations investigated.Analysis of variance (level of 0.05 and 0.01) shows that compared to the control variety we obtained with new varieties significantly greater yields, very significant large cluster and berry weights and very significantly better uvological characteristics of berry. The average yields for all investigated locations were increased in comparison to the control variety Pearl of Csaba: Demir Door +3.004 kg/ha, Early of Belgrade +6.259 kg/ha, Grochanka +7.065 kg/ha.Organoleptic characteristics are much improved with all new varieties which is illustrated by increased indexes.All investigated varieties are acknowledged genotypes of Vitis vinifera L, and all of these new varieties exhibited better biological and technological parameters than Pearl of Csaba

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