51 research outputs found

    Ideologija ir stabmeldystė

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    A series of articles has already been published in recent years by the author on the notion of cosmogony as implied by Lithuanian term for it, sutvėrimas. This polysemous term has at least three gross branches of meanings: not only the most usual ‘fencing (in, off, around)’ but also ‘coagulation, solidifying, hardening’ and ‘catching, clenching (by hand)’, and all of these meanings are reflected in traditional views of creation. However, both the very cosmogony and still more various processes of smaller scale corresponding to different meanings of sutvėrimas (and the verb sutverti) may have also negative sense, that of stagnation, hardening, stiffness, stop of the life flow. Hence the notion of freedom, conversely, as softening, thawing, melting and free flow. Therefore, human being either stays in this definitively hardened world which has become a prison to his soul or begins to loosen his grip on it and to thaw gradually himself. On the cosmic scale, this hope and objective is eschatological, and on the personal scale, soteriological, that is, aimed at deliverance and freedom which in this sense is the opposite of cosmogony. The very ‘createdness’ in its different hues then is conceived negatively, as ‘madeness’ and artificiality, as antithesis of freedom and obstacle to it. And its principal manifestations in the inner world, then, are ideology and idolatry, the two aspects of one and the same phenomenon looked at from slightly different angles. That is exactly the subject of this article (which continues two previous, “Without ground, without support” (Razauskas 2022a) and “Ideas, Ideals, and Ideologies” (Razauskas 2022b)).Per pastaruosius kelerius ar net jau keliolika metų autoriaus paskelbta ištisa eilė straipsnių, tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai kalbančių apie pasaulio sutvėrimą ir paties šio žodžio pagrįstumą šiuo atžvilgiu: sutverti reiškia ne tik ‘pastatyti tvorą, apsupti tvora’ ar pan., bet ir ‘sutirštinti, sustandinti, sukietinti, sutvirtinti’, ir ‘pagauti, suimti, sugniaužti ranka’, ir visos šios reikšmių atšakos su atitinkamais mitiniais vaizdiniais sudaro tradicinį pasaulio sutvėrimo vaizdyną. Tačiau tiek pats pasaulio sutvėrimas, tiek mažesnio masto veiksmai bei vyksmai, nusakomi įvairiomis veiksmažodžio sutverti reikšmėmis, turi ir neigiamą pusę – mena sąstingį, sustabarėjimą, užkietėjimą, su(si)kaustymą, gyvybinės tėkmės stabdymą bei tvenkimą. Tokiu atveju tai, kas tapo pernelyg su-tverta, pasidaro būtina iš-tverti. Naglio Kardelio žodžiais tariant, pasaulį „žmogus gali iš-tverti dvejopai: pasitelkęs kalambūrą, pasakyčiau, kad žmogus pasaulį arba iš-tveria, t. y. iškenčia, pakelia, tiesiog išbūva kantriai atlaikydamas jo svorį, arba iš-tveria, t. y. išardo, suskaldo, papildamas į šipulius tai, ką Dievas buvo su-tvėręs“ (Kardelis 1998: 40; išskyrimai N. K.), arba veikiau ką pats buvo su-tvėręs Dievo vardu. Taigi žmogus arba pasilieka apibrėžtame tvariame pasaulyje, kartu įkalinęs jame savo sielą, arba nebeapsikentęs pagaliau paleidžia gniaužtus ir nubunda į nestveriantį sąmoningumą, nebestingstančią gyvą sąmonę, grįžta į pirmapradę nesutvertąją būtį. Tokia mąstymo ir vilties kryptis pasaulio atžvilgiu yra eschatologiška, t. y. nutaikyta į pasaulio pabaigą, o asmens atžvilgiu – soteriologiška, t. y. nutaikyta į išsilaisvinimą, į laisvę, kuri šia prasme yra tiesioginė sutvėrimo priešybė. Pats sutvėrimas ir sutvertumas įvairiais atžvilgiais tokiu atveju suprantamas neigiamai – kaip laisvės priešprieša ir išsilaisvinimo kliūtis. Esminės jo apraiškos vidiniame pasaulyje – ideologija ir stabmeldystė. Straipsnis tiesiogiai tęsia du ankstesnius – „Be pagrindo, be atramos. Dvasiniai su-tvėrimo ir iš-tvėrimo kontekstai“ (Razauskas 2022a) ir „Idėjos, idealai ir ideologijos“ (Razauskas 2022b)

    Konteksto įtaka raidžių suvokimui

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    The study confirms Reicher's findings that performance on letter identification in words is better than the performance on a single letter. An effect of word facilitation is independent of the number of possible responses. Otherwise the context affects the letter perception in reading task. The subjects made more errors on letter identification in correctly spelled rather than on misspelled words. A letter was perceived worst at all „in contexts with a strongly constraining meaning. Our results are consistent with the principles of an interaction activation model proposed by McClelland and Rumelhart.Šis tyrimas patvirtina Reicher rezultatus, kad raidžių suvokimas žodžiuose yra geresnis, nei pavienių raidžių. Žodžių facilitacijos efektas nepriklauso nuo galimų atsakų skaičiaus. Kitais atvejais kontekstas veikia raidžių suvokimą skaitant. Tiriamieji padarė daugiau klaidų, identifikuodami raides teisingai ištartuose žodžiuose,  ne neteisingai. Rezultatai atitinka McClelland ir Rumelhart sąveikos aktyvacijos modelį

    Infection rates and prevalence of metazoan parasites of the non-native round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the Baltic Sea

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    Studies in the Baltic Sea have identified over 30 parasite taxa infecting the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814). In this study, we aimed at comparing parasite assemblages and infection rates (prevalence and intensity) in different populations across the invasive range in the Baltic Sea (Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland). Infection rates were 56-60% across all locations except Lithuania (28%). However, the parasite assemblages in the sampled populations were dissimilar, each location having unique parasites. In addition, many of the parasites were generalists commonly infecting native fish species. Based on the results of this study and those previously conducted in the Baltic Sea, the round goby has not retained parasites from its area of origin, but instead has been successively colonized by native generalist parasites. Although variable, overall parasite richness is still quite low around the Baltic compared to the native areas (34 vs 71 taxa, respectively). Also, prevalence and mean infection intensities in the Baltic Sea are significantly lower than in the native areas. Therefore, the invasion success of the round goby in the Baltic Sea can at least partly be attributed to enemy release, in this case shedding a significant proportion of their native parasite load.Peer reviewe


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    The article focuses on the vertical oil storage is presented. The assessment carried out by the supporting structures, the behavior ofthe ability to work metal borders. Modeled on the structure of the tank, taking into account the parallel constructions used in practice.STAAD Pro and Plaxis 3D foundation by means of a calculation package drawn up in reservoir numerical model. Reservoirevaluations of the long-term performance of the calculated loads are taken into account in the operation of the most unfavorablecombination of loads. The main tasks of the study related to the construction of the life tense-deformable analysis, examined thebottom of the sidewalls and the connection node of the optimal variants. Using a model of the design, the construction of verticalstorage tank calculations carried out in accordance with EN 14015 elements of the standard. The conclusions and recommendationsabout safety of work of oil storage are submitted.KEY WORDS: reservoir, construction, load, bending moment, normal, tangential stresses, the strength limit, yield point, the sidesand bottom nodes, the strength, EN 14015 standard

    Žygimanto Augusto laikų patrankų įrašai epigrafinės kultūros aspektu

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    Any object marked with epigraphic writing becomes unique in the totality of the same objects and acquires the status of a monument. In the 16th century, cannons were also marked with inscriptions (texts and images): some were created for warfare, others – to commemorate a certain event. During the reign of Sigismund Augustus, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania created the necessary infrastructure for cannon casting, which allowed it to produce large numbers of cannons to prepare for its war with the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The article attempts to reconstruct inscriptions on cannons using original and published archival sources stored in memory institutions in foreign countries (Poland, Sweden). An appendix covering 67 cannon records made it possible to perceive the structure of such inscriptions. Meanwhile, with the help of the ego-documentary legacy of the last Jagiellonian ruler, it was possible to study the functionality of cannon recordings in the context of epigraphic culture, paying special attention to the stages of the record’s emergence. This has so far been little studied at all. The collected data allowed to reach the conclusion that it was the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania who directly influenced the form, names, and content of the inscriptions on cannons.Bet koks daiktas, pažymėtas epigrafiniu raštu, tampa išskirtinis tokių pačių daiktų visumoje, įgyja paminklo statusą. O XVI a. įrašais (tekstais ir vaizdais) buvo ženklinamos ir patrankos: vienos kurtos karybai, kitos – tam tikram įvykiui įamžinti. Žygimanto Augusto valdymo laikais Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje (LDK) buvo sukurta patrankoms lieti reikalinga infrastruktūra, kuri leido gausiai gaminti pabūklus ir ruoštis karui su Maskvos Didžiąja Kunigaikštyste. Straipsnyje pasitelkus originalius bei publikuotus archyvinius šaltinius, saugomus užsienio šalių (Lenkijos, Švedijos) atminties institucijose, bandyta rekonstruoti patrankų įrašus. Sudarytas 67 tiriamojo laikotarpio patrankų įrašus apimantis priedas leido struktūruoti ant pabūklų buvusius epigrafinius įrašus. Pasitelkus paskutiniojo Jogailaičio egodokumentinį palikimą straipsnyje ištirtas patrankų įrašų funkcionalumas epigrafinės kultūros kontekste, atkreipiant ypatingą dėmesį į įrašo atsiradimo aplinkybes. Tai iki šiol istoriografijoje buvo menkai tyrinėta. Sukaupti ir išanalizuoti duomenys leido prieiti išvadą, kad būtent pats LDK valdovas tiesiogiai darė įtaką patrankų formai, pavadinimams bei įrašų turiniui

    Lietuvos gyventojų pajamų nelygybės įvertinimai

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    In Lithuania the main data source for the research in the field of incomes is sampling of household data. At this moment in Lithuania are examined 1500 families in which are 4100 members of the families. For a long period of time in Lithuania was used an interval method for grouping the research data, but recently the decile method came into use. In our researches we evaluated the conformity of interval distribution of one family’ member’s income rate with log-normality law, and also the possibilities of forecasting based on possible mean numbers of incomes and the rate of dispersion in the long-term period.The researches of income’s distribution showed that asymmetry is not basic. Lorenz’s curve Gini coefficient gave the possibility to evaluate the inequality of income’s

    Integrable hierarchies in the Lax/zero-curvature formalism

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    This thesis focusses on the development of (1+1)-dimensional integrable hierarchies in both the classical and quantum settings via the Lax/zero-curvature picture, where the underlying Poisson structure is found through the use of a classical or quantum R-matrix. After setting the scene by using the non-linear Schrodinger and isotropic Landau-Lifshitz models as examples of the standard approach to constructing hierarchies in this picture, the focus shifts to two more recent developments: equal-space Poisson structures (and the resulting spatially conserved quantities and Lax pairs); and quantum Lax pairs, where previously only the quantum Lax matrix (the spatial component) was considered. The non-linear Schrodinger and isotropic Landau-Lifshitz models (or analogous quantum spin chains) are then used as examples for these recent developments to compare against the familiar results

    Kūdikių namų vaikų sakytinės kalbos ypatumai: fonetika ir morfologija

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    When talking about the importance of education, M.  Lukšienė emphasizes that in order to understand and master the process of education educators must be familiar with laws that dominate the world of an individual and his environment. The article presents the results of a spoken language analysis of children who grow in infants’ homes, in a specific environment of care and educational institutions for young children. It highlights some of the pragmatic, semantic, phonological and morphological characteristics of the children’s language. The article moreover presents linguistic self-expression levels and peculiarities of young children identified during the analysis of the corpus of language of children from specific environments and the possibilities of comprehending language elements and functions. Object of the research: expression of spoken language of children from infants’ home. The aim of the research is to analyze peculiarities of spoken language of children from infants’ home. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature on the peculiarities of children’s language use at an early age, empirical observation of a child, analysis of the peculiarities of spoken language (understanding and use), comparative empirical analysis, that allow for presenting educational statements relevant to the language of young children. Subjects of the research: 157 pupils from infants’ home. Research results: this research was an attempt to analyze spoken language data of young children from the Lithuanian infants’ homes obtained by means of observation only. The research of peculiarities of the speech of children from the infants’ homes on a phonological level revealed that the overall ability of young children to articulate sounds in the Lithuanian language is to be considered only satisfactory, inasmuch as only 4 out of 30 young children are able to pronounce nearly all the sounds and the speech of most of the children is distinguished by an abundance of phonemic errors: this means replacement of difficult – to - pronounce sounds with other sounds, omission, shortening of words, confusing sounds with similar articulation, extension, incorrect pronunciation of soft and hard phonemes, failure to pronounce and replacing vowels, monophthongization of diphthongs and diphthongization of a long mid vowel “ė”, errors in shifting from one sound to another, distortion of sound / syllabic word structure, etc. The research of grammar (morphology) of speech of children from the infants’ homes led to the conclusion that children from the infants’ homes do not know or confuse generalizing terms, do not know their individual names. Thy moreover have little knowledge of colors. These children use one verb to identify similar actions. Nouns in the speech of children from the infants’ homes usually are names of clothing, body parts and performers of actions. Children communicate using words with a constant meaning, understand some of the grammatical forms; however, they sometimes fail to identify the quantity of nouns and prefer singular form. There are almost no adjectives in an independent speech. Children make errors when using verb forms, for example, use infinitive form instead of one of the other forms. In addition to names of objects, actions and properties, uninflected parts of speech occur: prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, etc. Children also differentiate between interrogatives. Children from the infants’ homes are already able to answer questions, while looking at pictures. However, they do not understand consistent patterns of direct control and intensely confuse declensional forms with each other. They skip, interchange prepositions and pronounce them inaccurately.M. Lukšienė (1985), kalbėdama apie ugdymo svarbą, pabrėžia, kad norint suvokti ir įvaldyti ugdymo procesą, reikia išmanyti individo ir jo aplinkos dėsnius. Straipsnyje pateikiami vaikų, kurie auga kūdikių namuose, savitoje mažų vaikų globos ir ugdymo institucijos aplinkoje, sakytinės kalbos tyrimo rezultatai. Išryškinamos vaikų kalbos kai kurios pragmatinės, semantinės, fonologinės bei morfologinės charakteristikos. Pristatomi ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų kalbinės saviraiškos lygiai ir ypatumai, kurie nustatyti tiriant specifinės aplinkos vaikų kalbos tekstyną, aiškinantis kalbos reikšmių ir funkcijų perpratimo galimybes