328 research outputs found

    Statistical measures of distribution patterns of silicon and calcium in marine sedimentary layers

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    International audienceWe analyze electron microscope X-ray spectroscopy data of recent supratidal marine sediments. Statistical measures are used to characterize the distribution of silicon and calcium in different layers of the sediments. We also use cluster analysis and symbolic dynamics to filter measurement noise and to classify different density regions. This allows to calculate characteristic patch sizes which reflect the sizes of individual clastic grains and the corresponding pore sizes. Silicon indicates the independent processes in the sedimentation history of certain grains. Calcium is capable to monitor intrinsic early diagenetic processes of biogeochemical calcium mineralization of primary organic matter as documented in more organized distributions with higher clustering

    Multi-criterion trade-offs and synergies for spatial conservation planning

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    1. Nature conservation policies need to deliver on multiple criteria, including genetic diversity, population viability and species richness as well as ecosystem services. The challenge of integrating these may be addressed by simulation modelling. 2. We used four models (MetaConnect, SPOMSIM, a community model and InVEST) to assess a variety of spatial habitat patterns with two levels of total habitat cover and realised at two spatial scales, exploring which landscape structures performed best according to five different criteria assessed for four functional types of organisms (approximately representing trees, butterflies, small mammals and birds). 3. The results display both synergies and trade-offs: population size and pollination services generally benefitted more from fragmentation than did genetic heterozygosity, and species richness more than allelic richness, although the latter two varied considerably among the functional types. 4. No single landscape performed best across all criteria, but averaging over criteria and functional types, overall performance improved with greater levels of habitat cover and intermediate fragmentation (or less fragmentation in cases with lower habitat cover). 5. Synthesis and applications. Different conservation objectives must be traded off, and considering only a single taxon or criterion may result in sub-optimal choices when planning reserve networks. Nevertheless, heterogeneous spatial patterns of habitat can provide reasonable compromises for multiple criteria

    Magnetization plateaux of S = 1/2 two-dimensional frustrated antiferromagnet Cs2_2CuBr4_4

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    The field induced magnetic phase transitions of Cs2_2CuBr4_4 were investigated by means of magnetization process and neutron scattering experiments. This system undergoes magnetic phase transition at Ne\'{e}l temperature TN=1.4T_\mathrm{N}=1.4 K at zero field, and exhibits the magnetization plateau at approximately one third of the saturation magnetization for the field directions HbH\parallel b and HcH\parallel c. In the present study, additional symptom of the two-third magnetization plateau was found in the field derivative of the magnetization process. The magnetic structure was found to be incommensurate with the ordering vector Q=(0,0.575,0)\boldsymbol{Q}=(0, 0.575, 0) at zero field. With increasing magnetic field parallel to the c-axis, the ordering vector increases continuously and is locked at Q=(0,0.662,0)\boldsymbol{Q}=(0, 0.662, 0) in the plateau field range 13.1T<H<14.4T13.1 \mathrm{T} < H < 14.4 \mathrm{T}. This indicates that the collinear \textit{up-up-down} spin structure is stabilized by quantum fluctuation at the magnetization plateau.Comment: 6 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses iopams.sty and IOPART.CL

    Study of Field-Induced Magnetic Order in Singlet-Ground-State Magnet CsFeCl3_3

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    The field-induced magnetic order in the singlet-ground-state system CsFeCl3_3 has been studied by measuring magnetization and neutron diffraction. The field dependence of intensity for the neutron magnetic reflection has clearly demonstrated that the field-induced ordered phase is described by the order parameter . A condensate growth of magnons is investigated through the temperature dependence of MzM_z and MM_{\perp}, and this ordering is discussed in the context of a magnon Bose-Einstein condensation. Development of the coherent state and the static correlation length has been observed in the incommensurate phase in the field region of 5Hc5 H_{\rm c}, a satellite peak was found in coexistence with the commensurate peak at the phase boundary around 10 T, which indicates that the tilt of the c-axis would be less than 0.5\sim 0.5^{\circ} in the whole experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    High-repetition-rate and high-photon-flux 70 eV high-harmonic source for coincidence ion imaging of gas-phase molecules

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    Unraveling and controlling chemical dynamics requires techniques to image structural changes of molecules with femtosecond temporal and picometer spatial resolution. Ultrashort-pulse x-ray free-electron lasers have significantly advanced the field by enabling advanced pump-probe schemes. There is an increasing interest in using table-top photon sources enabled by high-harmonic generation of ultrashort-pulse lasers for such studies. We present a novel high-harmonic source driven by a 100 kHz fiber laser system, which delivers 1011^{11} photons/s in a single 1.3 eV bandwidth harmonic at 68.6 eV. The combination of record-high photon flux and high repetition rate paves the way for time-resolved studies of the dissociation dynamics of inner-shell ionized molecules in a coincidence detection scheme. First coincidence measurements on CH3_3I are shown and it is outlined how the anticipated advancement of fiber laser technology and improved sample delivery will, in the next step, allow pump-probe studies of ultrafast molecular dynamics with table-top XUV-photon sources. These table-top sources can provide significantly higher repetition rates than the currently operating free-electron lasers and they offer very high temporal resolution due to the intrinsically small timing jitter between pump and probe pulses

    A 27-year review of mergers and acquisitions research in 27 leading management journals

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    This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by providing a systematic review of over 500 academic articles across 27 management journals over a 27-year time frame. There appears to be a mixture of empirical and conceptual articles, with a larger proportion being empirical but an increasing number leaning towards a conceptual nature. Our findings show that most studies follow a quantitative approach and use large samples, mostly originating from existing databases. There is an emergence of thematic areas related to the strategic factors influencing M&As, but with the human dimension, gaining increasing attention over time.authorsversionpublishe

    More than sense of place? Exploring the emotional dimension of rural tourism experiences

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    It is widely suggested that participation in rural tourism is underpinned by a sense of rural place or “rurality”. However, although nature and the countryside have long been recognised as a source of spiritual or emotional fulfilment, few have explored the extent to which tourism, itself often claimed to be a sacred experience, offers an emotional/spiritual dimension in the rural context. This paper addresses that literature gap. Using in-depth interviews with rural tourists in the English Lake District, it explores the extent to which, within respondents’ individual understanding of spirituality, a relationship exists between sense of place and deeper, emotional experiences and, especially, whether participation in rural tourism may induce spiritual or emotional responses. The research revealed that all respondents felt a strong attachment to the Lake District; similarly, and irrespective of their openness to spirituality, engaging in rural tourism activities resulted in highly emotive experiences for all respondents, the description/interpretation of such experiences being determined by individual “beliefs”. However, sense of place was not a prerequisite to emotional or spiritual experiences. Being in and engaging with the landscape � effectively becoming part of it � especially through physical activity is fundamental to emotional responses

    Remote sensing of geomorphodiversity linked to biodiversity — part III: traits, processes and remote sensing characteristics

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    Remote sensing (RS) enables a cost-effective, extensive, continuous and standardized monitoring of traits and trait variations of geomorphology and its processes, from the local to the continental scale. To implement and better understand RS techniques and the spectral indicators derived from them in the monitoring of geomorphology, this paper presents a new perspective for the definition and recording of five characteristics of geomorphodiversity with RS, namely: geomorphic genesis diversity, geomorphic trait diversity, geomorphic structural diversity, geomorphic taxonomic diversity, and geomorphic functional diversity. In this respect, geomorphic trait diversity is the cornerstone and is essential for recording the other four characteristics using RS technologies. All five characteristics are discussed in detail in this paper and reinforced with numerous examples from various RS technologies. Methods for classifying the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using RS, as well as the constraints of monitoring the diversity of geomorphology using RS, are discussed. RS-aided techniques that can be used for monitoring geomorphodiversity in regimes with changing land-use intensity are presented. Further, new approaches of geomorphic traits that enable the monitoring of geomorphodiversity through the valorisation of RS data from multiple missions are discussed as well as the ecosystem integrity approach. Likewise, the approach of monitoring the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity recording with RS is discussed, as are existing approaches for recording spectral geomorhic traits/ trait variation approach and indicators, along with approaches for assessing geomorphodiversity. It is shown that there is no comparable approach with which to define and record the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using only RS data in the literature. Finally, the importance of the digitization process and the use of data science for research in the field of geomorphology in the 21st century is elucidated and discussed